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Morning all. Nearly time for the drive north of the border but I have to stop in the Midlands for a meeting on the way. It looks like there will be plenty of stops on the way to top up the caffeine levels.


Thinking of the absent, sick and recovering


Have a good day everyone.

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Morning All,


The weather is rather grey again this morning, but apart from a few drops of occasional rain in the wind, it appears to be dry.  The weather forecast seemed to suggest that it would be a typical April day today.


Wishing you all a pleasant day!

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pH, on 06 Apr 2016 - 22:39, said:

Andrew, it isn't (quite) as bad as you've made out. The guarantor no longer needs to have a specified professional qualification. It actually appears you could be the guarantor for your son. Here's the relevant information - scroll down to 'Guarantor Requirements if you are applying outside Canada'.




And you can get 10-year passports now, so he won't have to re-apply and go through the process again as often.

pH, that info is different than what is still on the UK consulate site. Thanks very much. It won't help now but will save me the £24 in the autumn when I do mine.


I notice the link you sent was updated in Feb of this year. That will make mine easier to do as he will be able to guarantor my application. However, I still can't guarantor him as I don't have a current valid Canadian passport. Catch 22, Argh.


Morning all. Thursday is the new Friday, is it bollards!.


Little to say apart from 21 days until the MiL arrives. Still need to finish digging the moat around my shed.


Have a good one.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all and assume one too.


Slept well after a few pints last night.


No more beer till Saturday night now.


More work today. tonight I need to finish sorting out our late friends modelling bits then shuffle things around the garage to get acces to the TT layout so it can be loaded tomorrow night.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all.


Off to have my eyes photographed at Leeds General Infirmary this morning. Will then return home in my sun glasses and do very little till the eye drops wear off.


May get some extra inside of eyelid inspection time in.


The two Herbert's are away today so the house should be quiet.

Have a nice day.


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Good morning one and all


It has rained overnight again so the soil in my garden, being largely clay, will not be conducive to gardening.  That's my story and I'm sticking to it.  The weeding needs doing badly and if you want it doing badly I'm your man.  As there is more than a trace of blue sky I may venture outside later.  Who knows?  Probably, who cares?


The roofing work opposite looks finished and maybe it is for the barricade of wheelie bins has gone and cars are parked in the space thus freed.  It will be fun if the lorry turns up today to take away the scaffolding once dismantled.   More than once of late there have been delivery lorries which could not be put near the kerb, leaving the driver to unload from the middle of the road and growing an impatient queue of cars in the process.  How could today's traffic and lifestyle have been predicted when the street was built in the 1880s?


Looking forward to the weekend, I've half a mind to visit the Corsham show on Saturday.  Maybe I will be able to print the map I require from Google Maps as opposed to what it thinks I need.  On Sunday I plan to attend a concert in St Albans featuring young folk musicians.  if it is  half as good as last year's the day will not be wasted - unless, of course, it is warm and sunny, in which case I might be riddled with guilt at not ripping out dock leaves etc from the garden.  Ooh, the anguish.


I hear my breakfast calling.  Don't be silly, Chris, cornflakes are inarticulate and so are bacon and eggs.  Be that as it may, it is time I sent heartfelt good wishes to the ailing, recovering, supporting and grieving.  To quote W H Auden: men long for news.  He didn't have Jock in mind when he wrote that though.



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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

Sunshine at the moment but more rain forecast with chance of hail and thunder.

Today's main task will be shopping. If I stay sane then I may return later.

That is all.


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Morning all, the sky is grey and threatening here, the wind is cold. The cricket season is upon us.


Tonight is the night of the work pub quiz. Rather surprisingly we won it last time out, and have the core of last year's team again. Well, we have Carlos who knew all the film music and loads more besides, so we have a chance...


Other than that not too much to report, so have a good day all

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from the village on the Southern Upland of Leeds.   It's a bit damp outside.   The ironing basket is overflowing so before I set off for the chapel it needs sorting.


The message got interrupted and the ironing is now done and other orders are being posted.  However the flow of orders has ceased temporarily as No 2 son has arrived and is making himself a breakfast so she is otherwise engaged.


Anyway another day working on the layout beckons and it should be good. day as two other team members are coming over for the day.


Regards to all and hope for some news from Clacton.



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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from Estuary-Land. I had to wait in yesterday morning for the hire car to be delivered only for them not to turn up until gone 1 o'clock leaving me little time to get other things done, it meant I was in however for a parcel to be delivered. Now I have to wait in this morning for my car to be collected for repair. The hire car, a Renault Twingo feels very strange to drive, largly due to the weird horseshoe shaped steering wheel. Which brings me to another point, its a glaring metallic red colour. I suppose thats because the car hire companies take the less popular colours because the dealers cant shift them. Also there is a lot of light grey and white plastic inside which I can't help thinking would be a right mess after a week of the school run. I have to wait in again this morning for my car to be collected but as two more parcels are due for delivery today as well perhaps the morning isn't completely wasted.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all, I need to attend for the back of my eyes photographed today that doesn't worry me it is the fact that MIL is doing the driving. We took two children back to uni last weekend here they are coming back for the weekend... Good news I have secured a pass out for Scalefour north but they have put it on before payday again so purchases will be small. Thinking of the sick and ailing but I hope the hale and hearty have a day free of c0ckwombles.

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My eyes seem to have adopted a predictive reading mode. . . .Looking thtrough TV listings before switching the bl00dy thing off, one listing was "Totally Bonker". . . 


I read it as "Totally B0ll0cks" . . . .I think I was probably right.



Sunny but chilly here at the moment. . . . . More weather promised for later.




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  • RMweb Premium

Good morning all. Another wet miserable start to the day, but the sun is now shining which makes for a better day in my book.


Today my first visit was a remote CP unit next to the car park of a church just outside Wrightington, not far from the hospital, whilst there I had to do a quick wiring layout drawing for the installation in the cubicle. This was followed by a visit to our site in Standish, where I'm currently having a brew before starting work. It's a hard life.


The site is next to the main line and every few minutes or so a train goes past, plenty of Virgin trains, but they are travelling far to fast to get a decent shot of them!

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


Today being faux Friday we'll be off to Waitrose at some stage and no doubt the Tilehurst establishment so I might get to see a train (I do think grubby Class 70s look rather fetching).  Had an interesting afternoon yesterday engaged in further car shopping (not for me) duly road testing a Corsa which rode somewhat roughly but was otherwise in fair nick so in order to compare the ride the bloke gave us a Fiesta to go round the same route even tho' it was well out of price range - definitely better at smoothing the bumps.  It could be amusing if the AA inspection finds the shock absorbers on the Corsa to be in need of TLC renewal: wonder if the prospective buyer will get an offer to have another try?  (excellent little sales site - long established and the bloke in charge has been there for 12 years, makes a change in my experience of the motor trade).


In the meanwhile the catering dept has decided to make some soup so the return from shopping should be to a suitable nosh (leek & potato I think judging by various ingredients appearing in the kitchen).


Have good day one & all.

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  • RMweb Gold

Back from first shopping trip and I now own a new whistle although some alteration in the waistband department is required as the dieting has not been completely successful.

Am having a coffee before venturing forth unto Sainsbury's and meeting The Boss for more shopping. Then I will be fullfilled and my life complete.  :banghead:

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My Garden needs weeding :O


I do wish Weeds and Flowers would label themselves, :no:


I always seem to pull up the WRONG ONES. :nono:  :nono:


:stinker:  :stinker:



A sure way to tell the difference is that Weeds survive the weedkiller...........


Best, Pete.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all.


Pay Day has dawned.


Pay this bill, that bill and all the other bills.  Anything left is mine.  I sometimes find a small silver coin as the change ;)


Happy days.

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A sure way to tell the difference is that Weeds survive the weedkiller...........


Best, Pete.

Yep I think I mentioned last year that I used weedkiller on a number of plants rather than the bug spray.


Well the Honeysuckle is definitely dead now and my other half has bought a replacement for me to plant in the next few weeks.


However the weeds are still there.

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  • RMweb Premium

Most 'weeds' in my garden are just native wild flowers. I let them be. Good for bees, while we still have some. Stray clumps of grass tend to get transplanted into the bald patches in the 'lawn'.


A bit chilly this morning, not helped by having a window open due to the lingering miasma due to Tigger using his litter tray overnight. He usually goes out late evening but had slept through the available time slot before I went to bed. Don't you just love 'em?


A trip to town is required later to buy new shoes for Martyn, and to pick up another copy of Railway Magazine; I got one yesterday but managed to leave it somewhere, possibly the pub or a bus.


Have a good day.



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  • RMweb Gold

I am awake.


I had breakfast.


I now need coffee.


It is wet cold and grey outside.


I need to paint a skirting board.


I have no masking tape.


Well I do, but it has 'gone off' so will no longer unroll in nice strips.


I also need to do some shopping, but cannot until the Obergrumpenfuhrer's couriered parcel has arrived.


What a shame!


I'll have to idle my time away reshaping the stock on one of the airguns I teach children to shoot with.


The one fitted is too fat, so BSA kindly gave me (for free) a pair of wooden stocks which failed the cosmetic QC.


I'll reshape the first, (basically using a bandsaw and various sanders) reseal the timber and trial it.  If it works, we'll do the same to the second, and then return one of them to BSA.


They will then send the stock to be laser scanned and cast in plastic, and can then be offered as part of their range of options.


The stock will probably also go to Minelli in Italy, so that a CNC'd wooden option can be created.


As I have written this, a message has come through from the courier, telling me the delivery time.


So change of plan........................I'm going shopping!


But not till I've had my coffee.

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  • RMweb Premium

Mick B - hope your eye photography went as well as mine did (at least time wise) Bus into town at 8 am  Appointment at 8:50, on bus at 09:28 home by 9:38. Ain't it great when the schools are on holiday!


As for the eye drops ... can now just about see normally! Photos looked OK but the lady taking them said the doctors will have a look at them.


Enjoy the rest of the day!



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  • RMweb Premium

Here's a couple of shots of the Virgin Trains I mentioned earlier.


It was heading south so was travelling right to left.



And travelling away from me.



Have a good one!

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  • RMweb Gold

Shopping done.  railway apparently on stop between Scours Lane and Tilehurst with an immobile 180 and nothing else passing until after we'd done the shopping - turned out to be a fatality.  Presumably the 180 had been immobilised by the incident to have been left there that long?

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Two trips into the local metropolis of Whitehaven today. The first was for routine shopping and to get a couple of digital photos printed off. When we got home, there was a green streak through one photo,mane the second seemed to have over-enhanced blue colours, hence the second trip to get them reprinted. As I went back to the print shop, I walked past a florist and saw this:




This customer clearly didn't read the Closed sign on the door! He must have assumed that it was open as the door was open.

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