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  • RMweb Premium

I remember the first few on the Crewe test train up the S & C, 19 coaches all in maroon.



Saw them all past my house, mostly double heading on trains diverted via the S&C for the WCML electrification works.


I've always lived near the same railway line, from growing up. Then buying my first house and again when I got married. Each time getting closer. Now i have a full size railway next to my back garden.





EDIT: spelling mistake - Ta Ian OD

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Manual could be an exaggeration. It is in fact a 27 page booklet but is all in English. There is a CD as well.



For Fuji, if you google, you'll find the manuals. I've downloaded them all to my iPad rather then have printed copies. They then accompany me  and I can make them whatever size I like.

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  • RMweb Gold

I am sure I speak for others, Mick, when I say we don't think you are a git.


At least it's not just me that make Typo mistakes!!


Makes me feel so much better...or is it the beer.

Edited by roundhouse
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I had one of those really frustrating days today where I've been to 2 jobs which couldn't be completed thanks to pure incompetance on the part of others.


Gordon - The photo of Emilly has improved my day no end.


Richard - That's why I tend not to stray from ER's and a few informative and friendly threads.


I must remember to dig out my passport for my journey to Glasgow tomorrow. It seems a bit bizarre to travel all that way to carry out a 2 hour service on Friday morning before driving home.


BTW, any decent r**lway model shops in Glasgow?

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  • RMweb Premium

At least it's not just me that make Typo mistakes!!


Makes me feel so much better...or is it the beer.


No - using the tablet whilst having a well-earned soak in the bath..... (TMI, I know)

and maybe a celebratory drink at the bath-side as I've had two test passes today, making it four out of four since last Friday.


The second pass today was the final nearest family member, one of my nieces with a first time pass.. So that's 8 niece/nephew/daughter passes over the last few years, with 6 of them making it first time.


I know Mike SM is after my services, but it may be a long way to go for an hour's lesson...... although at the rate I'm going, I may be running out of customers so needs must.............





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Morning all




Now regular readers of my drivel ...


Returning to what to do when asked for a contribution by a homeless person with/without a dog: A friend of ours (a vet) has a stock response when approached and asked for money "for something to eat" (a common tactic), she asks "can I get you and sandwich?" Those who truly are hungry say yes, whilst those just soliciting money for tobacco or alcohol refuse. OK it takes a few minutes more than throwing down a few coins, but does more good.




p.s. I have just reread the post and realise it's quite "heavy" for Tuesday morning. Still, it's food for thought!


Heavy, but thorough, as always. You see the guy and his dog on the street and you immediately judge the book by its cover. I like the 'sandwich' response!


Well I've been fiddling with unmentionables as well and am even going to post an illicit photo - so there!


APT-E and new cassette




Is the illicit bit the Gaugemaster Prodigy handset in the background?


Still waiting for my APT-E.


There is talk of running mine (when it arrives) and some one elses on a particular layout at the same time :sungum:


Is there a prototype for this?


At least it's not just me that make Typo mistakes!!


Makes me feel so much better...or is it the beer.


Tippex ain't much use on a computer! (Typo mistakes, or, simply Typos?)


Best Wishes all round


Good night!

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  • RMweb Gold

I nearly typed a comment about yellow bathwater, but no..................




I have done it in the shower but not the bath :nono:




A very good evening in our local then Wethers but I think the Windsor and Eton Conqueror was the wrong pump clip as the ale should be a black IPA not an amber colour. However, it was a very nice pint what ever it was

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  • RMweb Premium

Saw them all past my house, mostly double heading on trains diverted via the S&C for the WCML electrification works.


I've always lived near the same railway line, from growing up. Then buying my first house and again when I got married. Each time getting closer. Now i have a full size railway next to my back garden.





EDIT: spelling mistake - Ta Ian OD


Yes I saw most of them on the S& C, they made a nice contrast to the 40's and peaks.  The diversions lasted a long time including 68 when they were running when the 15 Guinea special ran.  Only they were still single headed then and from my trackside vantage point the double headed Black 5's were going faster than the 50 hauled trains.  Mind you the 50's didn't set every banking along Wild Boar Fell on fire.


Anyway just got back in from a good day at the chapel playing trains.  It's great to have long trains running reliably.   I'm about to load some photos to the layout thread and am having a glass of Scottish Medicine and hoping that Jock is on the mend.



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  • RMweb Premium

I have done it in the shower but not the bath :nono:




A very good evening in our local then Wethers but I think the Windsor and Eton Conqueror was the wrong pump clip as the ale should be a black IPA not an amber colour. However, it was a very nice pint what ever it was


Is amber a shade of yellow...........?




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Morning all.


Interesting that the topic has turned to passports. Canada has just introduced the eTA. That means UK citizens have to apply for one. Similar to travelling to the US. However, dual citizens now MUST enter Canada on a Canadian passport. The offspring like the other 35k Canadians living in the UK now have to get a new Canadian passport. If you thought the UK process is a pain in the bum..... First he needs a guarantor. The rules around that keep changing so a guarantor now has to be a Canadian citizen. Try finding one in London that meets the professional qualifications and that you've known for 2 years. But wait.... if you can't get one you can fill in a form and get it witnessed at the consular services office. Great. How do I get one, you may ask. Call Ottawa and get one in the post. (20 days if you are lucky) Or send an email to the London office and they may or may not send you a PDF in return. Once you've done that you need the photos. But wait...... Canadian passport photos are of a non-standard size. There are only a few places in the UK that will do them to the required specification. So once offspring manages to find one of these places, and get the right photos done, and get the guarantor form, and get the rest of the flaming hoops jumped through he will have to queue up at the consular office, pay £24 just for a signature, then queue up again in another part of the same building to process his application. £125 for that plus another £6 if you want it posted or come back in 6 (yes 6) weeks and queue up again during the brief 1 hour collection time (15:00-16:00) Since every Canadian outside of Canada is now having to do this the waiting time has jumped from 20 to 30+ working days. The phrase bunglec***s comes to mind. SO by the time he gets a new passport in his hot little hands it will have cost him around £160. That's more than double the cost of a UK one.


I get to do the same thing in a couple of months. Wot joy. At least SWMBO still has 4 years left on hers.


Andrew, it isn't (quite) as bad as you've made out. The guarantor no longer needs to have a specified professional qualification. It actually appears you could be the guarantor for your son. Here's the relevant information - scroll down to 'Guarantor Requirements if you are applying outside Canada'.




And you can get 10-year passports now, so he won't have to re-apply and go through the process again as often.

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  • RMweb Premium

Good evening everyone. Well what a miserable day it's been today, the weather hasn't helped my mood either, hale, rain, gusting winds. On top of that the courier who was supposed to pickup my package some time between 09:00 and 17:00, finally turned up nearly 2 late, so I've sat around all day twiddling my thumbs for nowt, wasting a bloody days holiday to boot, I'm not best pleased I can tell you. Granted it's not the fault of ZTC, it's down to the courier (non)service that they've chosen, but it doesn't reflect well on them either!


I rang ZTC around 17:30 to let them know it hadn't been collected and low and behold, the guy turns up 75 minutes later, not even a f***ing apology from the driver. Anyway I then sent an email voicing my displeasure at the whole procedure, I hope I get a reply back from them.


Goodnight all.

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Left home at 10.20 arrived Venice Lido 19.45 CET. A good run throughout. Had a nice meal of squid and then a beer on the main drag.

(mental note to self) dont bother trying to engage Aussies in conversation. I asked a group of six whether the food was good. Yes!

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Left home at 10.20 arrived Venice Lido 19.45 CET. A good run throughout. Had a nice meal of squid and then a beer on the main drag.

(mental note to self) dont bother trying to engage Aussies in conversation. I asked a group of six whether the food was good. Yes!


I still afraid of going to Venice. Never quite recovered from "Don't Look Now".

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Trouble is I don't feel too sociable, so as ever, just a quick hello and thoughts logged for the ill, ailing, recovering and missing in action amongst us here at ERs.


May lurk around for a while, maybe even post more drivel later.

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