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  • RMweb Gold

Burner's lit and TV's on for the Ryder Cup. That's me set for the next three days....:)


I just need to get of the couch for food, beer and comfort breaks...


Jackie? Garden hose for the other bit.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning All, Can't see the oktas for the rain! Don't think I'll be straying outside today.


I thought you had got yourself organised Gordon. What's all this about having to get up off the sofa for comfort breaks?


Have a good one all.




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If it makes you feel any better we've had a dreadful last 24 hours in the Tri-State area. Some places have received over 6 inches of rain and high wind (up to 60mph). Still raining now but fairly lightly - I was awoken at 3:30am by the sound of rain on my roof (I hate cathedral ceilings). Weekend looking better but all this crap will be heading across the Atlantic today - so you'll probably see it on Tuesday next.


Best, Pete.

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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon all!


Well, I now have a definite list of courses I'll need to take for the teaching certificate :) . Next thing I'll need to do in late October will be to sign up for the mandatory interim internship which will be in autumn next year.


We'll be out for dinner as it is Mum's birthday :) .

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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon All


Didn't logon this morning, as I was awaiting an ambulance to get me to the trauma clinic. The news was good, and I've been given the OK to go partially weight bearing, and have been given some small crutches and ten minutes of training in how to use them on steps, stairs and on the level, and yippee, they've also said I can go out for short walks now, getting longer after a week or so. They still won't let me drive, though.


Weather here is dreadful, it's blowing hard, and from a strange direction, and it's also chucking down. When I was getting out of the clinic, the ambulance crew suggested that I put my coat on, as it was so bad and I'd probably get soaked just between the hospital door, and the vehicle. I've got to say, though, that the patient transport is pretty good, once you get into the system as a patient who needs transporting. They've been on time for my clinics every time, and also been back to get me afterwards within half an hour, so I'm not out all day.


Stove will be lit when Mrs 45156 gets home from art group, so that we're nice and cosy here.

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Fancy it raining in Wales!

Totally unexpected.

There's a new British invention called a raincoat for those golfers of a dry disposition.


They have those DD. The problem is that the course is saturated and it's the standing water that's the real issue. There's only so much that the drainage will take across a wide expanse of land. Next inspection at 2.00pm, but my hunch is that it will now go through to Monday.

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  • RMweb Gold

Fancy it raining in Wales!

Totally unexpected.

There's a new British invention called a raincoat for those golfers of a dry disposition.


Better tell the Yanks then - apparently their snazzy raingear doesn't keep out rain and so they are in the merchandising tents buying new (I assume British, by which I mean carefully made in China)) raingear.

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  • RMweb Gold

I'm glad I got most of the organisation for Matthew done yesterday. He was checking the netbook he uses instead of a pen and paper and noticed his anti virus had expired. The netbook refused to recognise the external DVD drive so I couldn't install the software. It took me all afternoon to get the DVD drive (recognised by my identical netbook) working. Anyway all is now OK.



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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all,


grey and rainy outside, so I'm glad I'm warm and comfy here :) . Dinner last night was good and today Mum will invite several friends for dinner at home. There'll definitely not be any shortage of food this weekend!


Have a nice day all... :)

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all


Blue skies this morning after yesterday's downpour. Plenty of standing water though.

Barnes-Wallis wouldn't have been put off his golf by a bit of standing water.

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  • RMweb Gold

Barnes-Wallis wouldn't have been put off his golf by a bit of standing water.


He played with big balls though.....


Morning all, cold one here. Bodge City baseboards beckon this morning so must crack on. Tell you some more when I've got a bit done.

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Perhaps it was a Sunday?

Very good! It was a Friday night, however. They just totally ignored me as if I were invisible - they served my brother, however.........


Have you heard the story of Jimi Hendrix and Noel Redding having the same trouble in a Pub in Swansea in the sixties? The Landlord told Jimi that they don't serve "his sort". When Jimi remonstrated about racial prejudice the Landlord advised him it was nothing to do with his colour but that they don't serve "Clowns, from the Circus"" as he had had a lot of trouble with them in the recent past. .......the mind boggles at this!



Best, Pete.




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