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  • RMweb Premium

Over lunch today, my BiL said something and I thought he was talking nonsense.


Shocked tonight to find out what he said was absolutely true. Stopped in my tracks......


Consensual ###### is legal in Spain.......


What, what , we need to know!!!!!  What is ###### !!!!!

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  • RMweb Gold

Over lunch today, my BiL said something and I thought he was talking nonsense.

Shocked tonight to find out what he said was absolutely true. Stopped me in my tracks.....

So much for EU law.

Consensual 1ncest is legal in Spain......

Apologies for the spelling. The censor got me....

Not sure it is anything to with EU. The degree of legality varies in other European countries too. I blame Napoleon.

Over lunch today, my BiL said something and I thought he was talking nonsense.

Shocked tonight to find out what he said was absolutely true. Stopped me in my tracks.....

So much for EU law.

Consensual 1ncest is legal in Spain......

Apologies for the spelling. The censor got me....

Not sure it is anything to with EU. The degree of legality varies in other European countries too. I blame Napoleon.
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  • RMweb Gold

Worried readers will be relieved to know that all the 7/8ths stuff ended up checked into the grey shed.


The batteries were put on charge and the soldering job completed successfully.


Garden implements and PH's tree surgery tools were put into the green shed.


I converted the elderly Vax carpet cleaner into a vacuum cleaner, and used it to clean the grey shed floor.


The garage is full of everything I couldn't fit into the grey and green sheds.


No bars of chocolate were harmed during this process, although I also managed to make a loaf of seeded bread and take Elsa for a walk.


Tomorrow morning I'll sort out my toolkit for the live steamers and make sure I have sufficient gas water and oil for Saturday's fun and games.

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  • RMweb Premium

Didn't expect the censor to blot out 1ncest.....


Really shocked to find out what he said was true in this day and age.


ah, the Foxdale problem.  You have to live here for that one!  NO it's not legal here..........

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  • RMweb Gold

Wow! And I say again Wow! I am returned from the railway room after deciding to bite the bullet and escalate things to DEFCON1. 

After following the instructions to the letter I did struggle to make the first connection but got there eventually. After that it became plain sailing and no.39 was soon up and running. Boy is it loud so will have to adjust the volume tomorrow. The great thing is that it runs smoothly at all speeds and (just) misses the wall on the one part of the layout I thought might cause a problem. This means that at long last I can get on with ballasting and building the new platforms. Incidentally Tony my carriage lights stay on all the time as well.







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Afternoon again,


All organised and awaiting Mrs iD and the Wolfpack. In the interim I have been listening to various versions of the latest "earworm" to take residence: Towne Van Zandt's "Pancho and Lefty" Some tasters:





Interestingly enough, I think that Towne Van Zandt's interpretation of his own song the weakest. But there again there are a number of singer-songerwriters whose songs are better covered by others (e.g. Bob Dylan). The nice thing about this song is that there is no definitive interpretation (although the Willie Nelson Merle Haggard version comes pretty close). Once the bandage is off my thumb (don't ask...) I'll be adding this song to my (very, very limited) repertoire...


And now I really must go, the Wolfpack (and Mrs iD) are back.


Have a great POETS day



Another version for you to listen to, iD - https://youtu.be/l3LQeRqTBK4 .While there may be discussion over who sings the song best, I don't think there would be any disagreement over who looks best while singing it. Edited by pH
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  • RMweb Gold

Didn't expect the censor to blot out 1ncest.....


Really shocked to find out what he said was true in this day and age.


Ah, so that explains that old Spanish ditty:


Vice is nice but !ncest is best.

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  • RMweb Premium

Ah, so that explains that old Spanish ditty:


Vice is nice but !ncest is best.


As they use to say about certain communities in my area it's a game that all the family can play.



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Wales has been sunny today.


Discovered that our destination was St Fagans museum - been there before - they're now expanding and redeveloping the visitor areas under cover. However it was the school holidays and as usual there were kids in the charge of uncontrolled parents.


Tomorrow it will be Caerphilly Castle - the stone one, not 4073. 

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  • RMweb Premium

Flavio's posts and the others about country music have reminded me of how I got into it.  I once watched a documentary about Hobo's riding the trains in the US.


At about 1.26:57 the closing sequence showed the main subject riding down the West side of the Cascades towards Seattle first of all following US2 then south alongside Puget Sound.  The soundtrack was identified as 'Silver Stallion by The Highwaymen.  As we'd driven up US2 on our honeymoon and I'd ridden Amtrak alongside Puget sound the year before it struck a chord with me and the track fitted the pictures perfectly.   I then managed to get a copy of the track and when YouTube became available listened to much more.

That also lead me to another of my favourite tracks.


I also first heard that track on the soundtrack of a long ago Money Programme about American Railroads.  The Highwaymen did it bit I liked Willie's verson.




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  • RMweb Premium

Funnily enough !ncest was only made a crime in the UK in IIRC the 1860's along with other similar offences.   At that time the age of consent was 13.   However the first laws against animal cruelty go back a lot further to IIRC The Knackers Act in the 1700's.   Strange set of priorities.



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And consensual adult is legal in a number of European countries - France, Spain, Portugal, the Benelux countries, Turkey and in some circumstances Italy. But incestuous marriage is usually illegal. Go figure.


Forgot to mention that earlier we were treated to the sight of two Mirage jets curvetting about over the Sélune valley doing low-flying exercises. They do it every Thursday. Once they had a vintage jet that went so low the pilot waved to us...

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Not sure it is anything to with EU. The degree of legality varies in other European countries too. I blame Napoleon.

Not sure it is anything to with EU. The degree of legality varies in other European countries too. I blame Napoleon.

Why should it be an EU thing.  It seems to happen in a few counties in this country.

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Evening all. Pleased to hear positive news about Alison. Also nice to see yet more cracking images from Dave TG. I have noticed reference to the Peco bullhead rail thread. I have not been on there for a while. The jester in me is tempted to pay it a visit and post something along the lines of "I don't care, I use set track".

Thanks to those people who posted good wishes regarding Amber. The spot count has risen through the day to about 20. At present she is still in good spirits, and it certainly has not slowed her down. Mother in law came for a visit today, so I was allowed out to play. Left home at 8am, arrived back about 12 hours later after a day on the Severn Valley Railway. Heaven! Good weather, five engines in steam, two full line return trips, 64 miles of steam haulage, lunch in the engine house, some bargain model railway purchases, a new DVD added to the collection, a nice pint of real ale on the final train from Kidderminster - Bridgnorth. It definitely did me good, I knew it would and so did Sarah - bless her. I almost felt the work stress flow out of me the moment I got out of the car at Bridgnorth. I will take her out for lunch tomorrow as a thank you (providing Amber is OK of course).

I did take some photos so will try to post them tomorrow when back on the computer.


Finally - a belated good luck to Jock.

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  • RMweb Premium

Good evening everyone. We've had another beautiful sunny day today. Whilst Sheila was at Zumba this morning I managed to buff up the 6 picture frames that I top coated yesterday after which I continued to clear the bookcase, it's now empty, and I've 2 more boxes ready to go to a charity shop.


Mid-morning I had a call from Graham at ZTC and I've been given a date for my 511 to be upgraded to a 611, which will be next week! So finally I'll be able to use all the functions on my loco's that are fitted with sound chips, yippee!


Our eldest grandson are for tea tonight, as he does most Thursday's, spaghetti bolognese was tonight's menu. We also had a surprise visit from No 2 son earlier this afternoon, he called whilst on his way to up his fiancé from work.


The hole outside our house is still there, and no more work been done on it today either!




Although I'm not retired (yet), I'm very much looking forward to it, and in light of my recent health scares, it's been discussed between us both quite a lot over the recent months. The big decision will come in the middle of next year when the proposed take over / sale of the sector that I work for is finalised. If early retirement / severance is offered I'll definitely be taking them up. If not I've got a couple of dates in mind, but what happens after the sale / takeover will dictate which of them I'll take. Watch this space.


Dave. Yet more stunning photos, thank you.


Richard (HH). That not that 7.25 gauge shed is not too far away from where we live!


OD. That's great news about Alison, if only we could bottle the power of ER's. I think we could be onto a winner there!


Goodnight all.

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  • RMweb Gold

Evening all,


John (CB) I don't know if it will still be there but there used to be an excellent chippy just across the road from the castle at Caerfilthy - just along from the station.  (Also used to be a very nice little railway works not far away but its remains are now called something totally uninspiring like 'The Harold Wilson Industrial estate (maybe its named after a different politician now, if it was in France it would be renamed after every election).


G'night all

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  • RMweb Gold

Our smoke alarm went off bang on midnight. Must be an APril fools.


Its quite a clever system as it tells you which location that its been triggered.


However the garage one is positioned way out of reach and after no sign of smoke I had to get the ladder out to pull it off the wall as silencing it only worked for a minute or two before it gave another warning and went off again.


Maybe its not so smart after all. :scratchhead:


All quiet now at the moment.


Just hope I can get back to sleep

Edited by roundhouse
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