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  • RMweb Gold

Talking of aeroplane hijacking, how did the guy in Egypt manage? I was under the impression that the cockpit doors were all firmly locked from within after 9/11 to prevent precisely this sort of thing.




Presumably it was as easy to get that part done as it was to get his dummy explosive belt or whatever onto the aircraft in the first place?  (BTW did he actually get into the cockpit?)

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Talking of aeroplane hijacking, how did the guy in Egypt manage? I was under the impression that the cockpit doors were all firmly locked from within after 9/11 to prevent precisely this sort of thing.



Ed, he didn't gain access to the cockpit, he was at the rear of the plane threatening to blow it up.


As you correctly state the doors are firmly locked and very difficult to penetrate - one demonstration I've seen took a couple of burly firefighters with large fire-fighting axes about two hours to compromise the door of an Airbus A-320 (I think it was).


They can't be opened directly from the cabin area, only from the cockpit via a release, hence the FAA requirement for two people (one of the cabin crew takes the place of a pilot if a flight crew member needs to use the lav) to be on the flight deck at all times in flight, so that there isn't a single person in control of the cockpit access. I think the CAA/EU authorities implemented a similar policy/requirement after the Germanwings deliberate crash into the Alps.

Edited by Ian Abel
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Evening all,

Short tale from NYC, after Pete (trisonic) - my late naturalised US citizen brother, I think to impress more than anything, flew us in to NYC using Teterboro, explaining that some school kids went that way. Our complete trip finished in a limo to visit the various sites such as 'Mama Leone's' and Rumplemiors. He obviously paid himself way too much, although sadly it isn't much good to him now. Sadly his life stayed as one big show event and I am not sure I would ever like to live that kind of lifestyle!

Hope everyone is keeping fit and well,trying to look in tomorrow for an update. Collar check first, followed by Chemo check!

Kind regards to all later,

Kind regards,


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  • RMweb Premium



Bad train day on Fraggle Rock - one of the Snaefell Mountain Railway cars (3) decided to go on a joy ride from the summit with no crew.  It made it almost all the way to the half way point at The Bungalow when it left the rails and is completely destroyed.  The gradient is 1 in 12.....with no-one on the brakes.  At least no-one is hurt, although it is only about 200 yards from crossing the main road - that we use in our commute - which would have possibly had grave consequences.

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  • RMweb Gold



Money can't buy everything including good health, although I am sure it helps to some extent.


This week we should have been a lot healthier than last weekend but oath my other half likely to be late out of park we made a decision to meet in the Rake.


Only had three halves of US craft brews but two of them are over 7% including one of our favourite Brewers from Portland (Gigantic).



Tomorrow will be straight home as we need at least one evening in before a busy weekend.

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  • RMweb Gold

Talking of aeroplane hijacking, how did the guy in Egypt manage? I was under the impression that the cockpit doors were all firmly locked from within after 9/11 to prevent precisely this sort of thing.



I was in Cyprus in 1978 when an Egyptian airliner was hijacked there and landed at Larnaca.


Our sneaky beaky team was deployed as close as we could get without looking too nosy.


There the airliner stood on the tarmac surrounded by various Greek Cypriot police and military types whilst all sorts of demands were made.


Then an Egyptian C130 arrived and taxied off the runway and started to unload it's elite anti hijack team.


Unfortunately they did not have the correct diplomatic clearance, so at that point all hell broke loose with the Greek Cypriots opening fire on the Egyptians, including some form of big bang which destroyed the C130.


Some form of A/T missile or shell through the open rear doors which impacted on the bulkhead behind the crew compartment.


Sadly, the Egyptians took very heavy casualties.


When order was finally restored, the hijackers couldn't wait to surrender!


After that, no one ever hijacked an aircraft to Cyprus:  Until yesterday.

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Bad train day on Fraggle Rock - one of the Snaefell Mountain Railway cars (3) decided to go on a joy ride from the summit with no crew.  It made it almost all the way to the half way point at The Bungalow when it left the rails and is completely destroyed.  The gradient is 1 in 12.....with no-one on the brakes.  At least no-one is hurt, although it is only about 200 yards from crossing the main road - that we use in our commute - which would have possibly had grave consequences.


Dear me! At least no one was hurt. Did a strong wind start it rolling?

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  • RMweb Premium

Dear me! At least no one was hurt. Did a strong wind start it rolling?


No, it's not windy today.  We have to presume some form of brake wasn't applied, or became ineffective for whatever reason - not the time to speculate though.

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Agreed, sadly since we (all the consultants at the company I work for) are spread across the US, it's seldom that I'm travelling other than alone to a given client. Occasionally there may be one other person from Minneapolis or at best two <sigh>. Next time I win the lottery I'll take a private jet to Teterboro just to say I did :jester:


If you win the lottery you can buy the plane, Hire daughter as pilot and fly to Hawaii........................Hmmmm, which island, though?


Best, Pete.

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Evening all,

Short tale from NYC, after Pete (trisonic) - my late naturalised US citizen brother, I think to impress more than anything, flew us in to NYC using Teterboro, explaining that some school kids went that way. Our complete trip finished in a limo to visit the various sites such as 'Mama Leone's' and Rumplemiors. He obviously paid himself way too much, although sadly it isn't much good to him now. Sadly his life stayed as one big show event and I am not sure I would ever like to live that kind of lifestyle!

Hope everyone is keeping fit and well,trying to look in tomorrow for an update. Collar check first, followed by Chemo check!

Kind regards to all later,

Kind regards,



Daft. Frankly I’d move to Barbados - and never visit New York ever again... I love that place (it also has a terrific Jazz Club in Bridgetown with musicians flying in from NYC).


Best, Pete.

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A tidy shed, wont be for long!

That is so British!

Americans dream of a huge basement with headroom.

I’ve got one but I’m too lazy to do anything with it, railway wise.


Best, Pete.

Edited by trisonic
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I've just got in after the day from hell. One of these days a project manager is going to find out all the systems that are effected by major shut downs. I'm not holding my breath though.


Bob - Glad to see you haven't let us down on the accident front.


Tony - Some people just don't know how to behave and should be forced to live in the middle of nowhere.


Jock - Excellent to see you posting. I hope that the checks went to plan.


Neil - Although it's not good news, at least no one was hurt.

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One of the joys of country living is a periodic visit from a septic sucking service.


Today the domestic authorities announced that said service had been instructed to show up between eight and ten tomorrow and "you better get that tank cover exposed PDQ laddie". I spent a pleasant half-hour finding the thing then another hour removing a foot of wet clay from the cover, but I didn't dare remove it. Not that my sh!t stinks of course, but some members of the family have been known to cause sudden evacuations of public buildings.

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  • RMweb Premium

Evening all from Estuary-Land. Neil, the Snaefell car looks a right mess but they rebuilt # 5 after it was burnt out so hopefully they can do the same with this one. Andy, glad to hear that Amber was able to go to the party after all. Best wishes for tomorrow Jock hope everything is OK. Pete, I like Barbados, I visited there before it was on the tourist trail that was nearly 40 years ago, hopefully it hasn't changed too much. Thats it for tonight, goodnight all.

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  • RMweb Premium

Good evening everyone. What a lovely sunny day it's been today, although we had a frost over night and I had to defrost my car before I could move it so that the boiler man could park his van outside our house, it makes it so much easier when he's in and out to it so frequently. He arrived pretty much on time, just a little after 8:00 am, and now the boiler is serviced and ready for another year.


This morning I ended up painting the frames that Sheila started on Monday, because in her words, "you're so much quicker than me", she'll never get the hang of it if I keep doing them for her, but no hum. To be fare though, I'd rubbed them all down before 10:00 and given them all another coat before 11:00, so she might have a point. It's really odd using a paint that has been designed to show up the brush stokes, I'm used to trying to eliminate them!


Anyway, after the frames were done, I finally got around to starting to clear away the bookcase. I've taken 3 boxes of books to Oxfam, and 4 boxes have been taken upstairs for storage until the room is finished. There's still more to do but that will be a job for tomorrow I think.


My electronics order arrived today, and everything has been unpacked and put away, so maybe over the weekend I can finally get around to build myself several 1A 12v and 5v regulated DC supplies, and maybe one or two other things too.


There's been no work activity at all today, on the large(ish) hole that was dug by the water company yesterday, God knows when thats going to be completed.


Sheila and I were just chatting earlier this evening, about what we now perceive as young age, I think that young is 20's, whereas she thinks 30's, as WE are now over 60, I said steady on girl, some of us aren't there yet! He he ;-)


45156. I never have my blood taken at our surgery, the staff there are all very nice, but have no idea how to take blood. Both Sheila and I have come away with bruises on our arms, from failed attempts. Whereas the staff in the phlebotomy department at our local hospital KNOW what they are doing, and barely leave a mark!


N H Neil. A very lucky escape indeed, unfortunate for the railway car that though!


Jock. Nice to see you posting again, and good luck tomorrow.



Goodnight all!

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Brilliant weather at the moment, so my son and I went skiing - probably the last time this season. He was trying the panorama feature on his ffoen.




I wonder who the smooth dude in the fetching red jacket is?

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  • RMweb Gold

I think I may be painting cupboards with streaky paint later this year. I think Aditi would quite like the kitchen units replacing. The limed oak door and drawer fronts are in need of some care and we don't really want to subject a new kitchen to the weathering techniques that Robbie provides. So renovation/ disguise will be our decorating method. The state of the units has been noticed today as I have been removing the dishwasher. It failed to a state of uneconomic repair this morning. I went off to the dishwasher shop with a list of possibles and asked which of them they had in stock for asap delivery. It will arrive tomorrow. Aditi informs me that she likes washing up. I think the novelty would soon wear off.

I haven't done anything to the parcel contents from Locomotion. I have read the instruction book. I may wait for the video.


Edited by Tony_S
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Today I have failed miserably in trying to muck out tidy my playroom spare room. . . . I mean. . . .You just know that a week after you've junked something, that you're going to wish you hadn't.



Hope for good news tomorrow, Jock,  and thoughts for all other sufferers.



Goodnight Everyone  . . Sleep well.





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