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  • RMweb Premium

Amazing what you find hidden away in cupboards. 


My eldest set herself the challenge of tidying our understairs cupboard today. Loads of toys discovered that hadn't been seen in "years". DVDs now filed according to genre etc. 


Apart from that she routed out a 1980 bottle of Barbeito Verdelho 1980 Madeira that I was given as a wedding present; apparently only 760 bottles produced. Also a bottle of Chateau Figeac which appears to sell for about £170 a bottle. Streuth. Now, the tricky question. What food to pair with that someday. Hmmmm.  :scratchhead:

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Amazing what you find hidden away in cupboards. 


My eldest set herself the challenge of tidying our understairs cupboard today. Loads of toys discovered that hadn't been seen in "years". DVDs now filed according to genre etc. 


Apart from that she routed out a 1980 bottle of Barbeito Verdelho 1980 Madeira that I was given as a wedding present; apparently only 760 bottles produced. Also a bottle of Chateau Figeac which appears to sell for about £170 a bottle. Streuth. Now, the tricky question. What food to pair with that someday. Hmmmm.  :scratchhead:


Or just flog it and let someone else take the risk?

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A great start to a short week. I had a puncture on my way to site this morning, which, as is my usual practice, I replaced both. It was then pointed out to me that the rear ones were starting to degrade as well. So, four tyres and not cheap.


Ian (OD) - It seems to be good news about and for Alison. As you say, at least you don't have to contact the ex. Lets hope that the Thursday release date happens.


Richard - I read exactly the same about Thomas. I believe that it's more intervention by the PC brigade because of 'racial stereotypes'.


andyram - It shows how out of touch I am with the Thomas characters. I don't know any of the ones that you mentioned.


Bob - Good news that Chris has managed to get a compromise. The only question is, how will you cope? :jester:


Jock - Great to see you posting. The Guy Martin programme was amazing and achieving a speed od 78.150 mph on the wall of death is impressive. However, I was more impressed with the cyclist that managed the wall.


Ian A - What I would give to have a railway room that size.

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  • RMweb Gold

Train this morning and tonight were pretty much on time, this evenings one being under five minutes late is probably the first this year.


However more problems for Virgin East Coast today with some one getting in the way of a train near Peterborough.


At Mums tonight making sure that she is OK after being knocked over by brothers dog on Saturday. A bit bruised but brother took her ot the hospital where she had a full check over scan etc.


Nameplates arrived for a couple of Bulleid light pacifics but not had chance to fit them yet.


Another very wet evening but at least its not as windy.


I hope Ian A doesnt waste too much modelling time on the exercise machine - could extend the layout where it is :sungum:

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  • RMweb Premium



I hope Ian A doesnt waste too much modelling time on the exercise machine - could extend the layout where it is :sungum:


If it's like the exercise machines that have been in this house it will just become a dust magnet and trip hazard.


That Railway room needs some clutter to look like  a real railway room.



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Well, as expected we were late in to JFK last night. 70 minute ground hold due to "wind", getting me to the hotel close to midnight <yawn> I really, REALLY, have to be flying into somewhere other than the NYC area - no offense Pete.




None taken - I avoid JFK at all costs but there is a couple of good flights from there.....and I’ve been on Lawn Gyland precisely once in 25 years......

Teterboro is quite nice.....but pricey.


Best, Pete.

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  • RMweb Gold

Bob - Good news that Chris has managed to get a compromise. The only question is, how will you cope? :jester:


Not sure yet.  :dontknow:  I could try just pretending she's not there but she's probably wise to that one by now.    :blind: I need some sort of cunning plan. :senile:  :scratchhead:  

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  • RMweb Gold

Some fairy tales take a little longer to come true. Alison is still in dock, in a cardio room to herself, with large monitors alongside, and pads and cables here and there. Apparently, after an event, the heart generates an enzyme which cardiologists use as a bit of a tell-tale. Sadly Alison has distinct traces of this, and so on Thursday afternoon she will have some sort of test. I was shown an information video of this but only vaguely got it. Not my sort of thing, really. By some margin. Graphics of heart problems are less than appetising, thanks, however eminent the presenter.


Among the 947 other stresses in her life, Alison fears that if the ex realises she's had a heart event, he will claim she is not fit to look after their offspring, and simply keep them in Wales. Few mothers would relish that as a nightmare. Sheesh.


Tomorrow Sherry and I will deliver the youngest boys to skool, and collect them 3 hours later. All being well we will take them to Le Mans to see mummy during the afternoon, when they have their half-day.

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I hope Ian A doesnt waste too much modelling time on the exercise machine - could extend the layout where it is :sungum:



If it's like the exercise machines that have been in this house it will just become a dust magnet and trip hazard.


That Railway room needs some clutter to look like  a real railway room.



Lamentably, the facts are;

1) The exercise machine is the Mrs territory, and only place in the house to put it - a concession to allowing me the rest of the basement area for :senile: also the reason the "roundy-round" portion doesn't follow ALL the walls and give me an unrestricted 24' x 11' run (I WISH!!). The line was "drawn" at what you see - still rather enjoyable amount of space. Now if I can just get the time to get the scenery in place so it doesn't look too much like a train set!

2) It did have the appropriate clutter, until I was given the "...clean it up for the family party..." ultimatum!  :jester:


Pete - I'm flying at clients' expense, they're cheap, so DEFINATELY wouldn't spring for the private jet service into Teterboro! :O

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  • RMweb Premium

Train this morning and tonight were pretty much on time, this evenings one being under five minutes late is probably the first this year.


Must be a new policy initiative; "Shock and Ore".    :stinker:


Coat on and running for the door! 

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Evening All,


just passing through. I was at the Holiday Hovel with the Wolfpack and Mrs iD over Easter and returned very late last night, so I have just been dipping in and out of the ERs thread. Mrs iD has remained in the HH with the Wolfpack.


Good to see Jock posting. Whilst his brevity is perfectly understandable, I do miss his detailed and thoughtful posts. BTW, I most wholeheartedly agree with the idea of chipping dogs, not only does it help identify "bad owners" (I don't believe that there are any "bad dogs", but certainly there are many bad owners - from those who indulge in a dog's every whim to those who abuse and mistreat the animal), but also helps reunite lost pets with their owners. In fact, in addition to insisting dogs be chipped, I would go as far as to insist that all dogs - unless owned by a registered breeder - be neutered. Both Schotty and Lucy have been neutered and they are pretty much as they were before the op: Schotty, a sweet dog who can be a loud mouthed hooligan when he gets the strop and Lucy: a sometimes scared little dog who meets adversity with courage (by charging at what scares her...). And for those who think that it "interferes with normal sexual function"... well it does: up to a point. Schotty still expresses an interest in bitches in heat (and frequently takes the opportunity to roll over onto his back, paws folded over his chest, "waving his willy at the world"!). Mind you, his interest is purely academic, like most young males when it comes to the opposite sex he is pretty clueless...


Regarding the Thomas The Tank Engine farce, I wonder whether or not Rev W Audry's family ever regret signing over the rights to Thomas and Sodor? Much as the thinking behind such absurdities can (with a degree of generosity) be perceived as well intended, surely even the most "right on" "Media Studies" PC ideologue must realise that we are dealing with fiction here. Undoubtedly, it is good for children's literature to have positive role models, but is really necessary to rewrite the classics to make them "unoffensive" and "relevant"? It is a modern form of Bowdlerism. Whatever next? The Merchant of Venice without Shylock the Jewish Money Lender and without the casual Venetian racism? I would argue that truly great literature stands the test of time, ethnicity and location, as Gregory Doran of the RSC explains.


Interestingly enough Shakespeare wrote these fantastic (and timeless) plays to put "bums on seats", entertain and to make money. Compare that to the desperately "right on" so-called "artistes" who excuse their mediocrity by saying "we don't understand their "art"".


I am looking forward to meeting bbishop in Brig. The aim of the meet-up (apart from much enjoyable discussion and quaffing) is to visit the huge HO model of the BLS North and South Lötschberg Tunnel Ramps located in a hotel in Brig, a goal missed by the iD-ChrisF-JohnDMJ expedition of 2015! If all goes well, photos will be posted here.


I couldn't agree more about JFK, an airport that is certainly more than showing its age. Of all the US airports I have gone through, none of them come close to matching the splendor of Singapore's Changi, Hong Kong's Chep Lap Kok or KL's KLIA. Having said that, I have had fairly good experiences at Chicago O'Hare and Boston's Logan Airport. The less said about LHR or LGW the better (Birmingham [bHX] isn't too bad for European flights). If I absolutely have to fly into JFK, then I prefer to fly on BA001 (LCY-JFK). Ian Abel laments that his clients won't fork out for a private jet. I've never had that experience (although I have had a number of private aircraft flights), but the company I worked for did fork out for a chopper transfer from Malmö Harbour Heliport to Copenhagen Airport. Great fun!


Anyway, time to hit the sheets.


Have a great evening



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Evening all. My thoughts are with Ian and Sherry and especially their friend Alison right now. I do hope things work out positively - I can only imagine what she is going through right now. She really is very lucky to have you there to help her.

Today has been a mixed day. I caught up on some work this morning before the planned shopping trip. This evening my brother and niece visited for tea. It was nice to catch up and chat. He has had such a tough time of late with the break up of his marriage. At least he opened up a little today.

Later, whilst putting Amber to bed, we found three suspicious spots on her body. As chicken pox is going around her nursery it seems certain that she has caught it. She was due at a birthday party tomorrow - something tells me that she may not make it now. I hope she will be ok.

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Evening all. My thoughts are with Ian and Sherry and especially their friend Alison right now. I do hope things work out positively - I can only imagine what she is going through right now. She really is very lucky to have you there to help her.

Today has been a mixed day. I caught up on some work this morning before the planned shopping trip. This evening my brother and niece visited for tea. It was nice to catch up and chat. He has had such a tough time of late with the break up of his marriage. At least he opened up a little today.

Later, whilst putting Amber to bed, we found three suspicious spots on her body. As chicken pox is going around her nursery it seems certain that she has caught it. She was due at a birthday party tomorrow - something tells me that she may not make it now. I hope she will be ok.

Andy - scarlet fever's also around - colleague's kid has it. Just another thing to watch out for

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  • RMweb Premium

Good evening everyone. I've just about caught up with all of today's posts, there seems to be more and more each day now.


The day started out so nice, some sunshine with the odd bit of cloud, but by mid-afternoon it was miserable and wet.


This morning I went to No 2 sons house where I investigated the reason why his bathroom extractor fan has stopped working. After a few tests is was apparent that the unit was dead, so a quick trip to B&Q, saw him lighter by tune £30.00, but with a new fan which now has a run on timer, to show for it. Within 40 minutes of our return the new one was up and running. I also gave him another shelf unit that originally came from my cellar too, so that another thing less down there. On my return home I found that the water company have dug a large hole outside our house where they are hopefully going to repair the leak that has manifest itself over the last couple of weeks. Luckily I can park up, but our neighbour is out of luck though.


Whilst at my sons, the ultrasonic cleaner I ordered the other day arrived, I've unpacked and checked it but not yet had time to try it out yet. ER tomorrow as we are having our boiler serviced and the engineer us due here about 8:00am.


Baz. We really enjoy travelling on the NYMR, lovely scenery too!


OD and Sherry. I hope all goes well with Alison and she is back home soon.


Andy. Hope Amber gets well soon, it's not great when little ones are ill.


Jock. Nice to see you back.


Goodnight all.

Edited by BSW01
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Pete - I'm flying at clients' expense, they're cheap, so DEFINATELY wouldn't spring for the private jet service into Teterboro! :O


It’s worth looking into if you have say eight to ten people traveling together...


Best, Pete.

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