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I have just read in the  Maily Dail that Thomas the Tank engine is to receive 14 new engines in an attempt to revitalize his series.


To say nothing of the extra revenue generated by producing the associated merchandise related to a new engine in every episode!

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Morning all from a bright and sunny Estuary-Land. Made a closer inspection of the garden shed this morning, not helped by having to remove the remains of the neighbours fence. The neighbour in question is a lady in her 90's currently in a home and very likely to stay there. Her relatives do check the house out now and then so I will have to leave a note through the door. We may not have heard from Jock but he's been about rating posts. Ian, I hope Alisons problem is not as serious as it sounds and she'll be back soon.


I do have extra large hands and you know what they say about men with large hands? Yep. Big feet.


Best, Pete.

And you know what they say about men with big feet, well mine are size 12.

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Greetings from Utrecht. We are just lounging about after breakfast. Quite showery here. We don't need to check out until noon. We are packed. We don't need to set off to he airport until late afternoon so we will leave our cases in reception and have another wander round Utrecht.


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Interested to read about the latest additions to the Thomas the Tank Engine fleet. I have to say that this is nothing new. My daughter is quite a Thomas fan and I have seen the number of new characters which have been added over the course of previous series or film productions. Amongst the recent new characters have been a purple liveried N2 tank called "Ryan", a vertical boilered engine called "Phillip" and various diesel engines that do not immediately spring to mind.

 In previous years we have also seen the introduction of the American "logging" locos Bash, Dash and Ferdinand and the streamlined Connor and Caitlin which also seem to be of some foreign origin.

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To say nothing of the extra revenue generated by producing the associated merchandise related to a new engine in every episode!


So, a Chinese factory is making a Chinese character to sell a British story to Chinese people living in Britain.   :senile:

I wonder if the Chinese people living in Britain that like the Chinese character made in China will think their Chinese relatives living in China will like the Chinese-made, Chinese character set in a British story and will buy it at a shop in Britain and send the Chinese-made Chinese character back to their relatives in China.  :scratchhead:


Cinders and Ashes, i'm confused now! :jester:  

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Morning all, bright and sunny here, but cold.

I wish we'd had central heating put in when the place was modernised!


Ian - well done. It may be not much - Julie had the same scenario a few years ago and it turned out to be a virus. Life-altering, nonetheless. Good job you and Sherry were there to handle the situation.


We're off to Avranches in a bit, where there is a model shop - Jouet Club - which used to sell materials such as Plastruct and Humbrol, but I think may have gone over completely to toys. I'll have a look. There's also one of those sheds which the French specialise in which are filled with cheap stuff just off the container ship from China, which Julie uses as stock to be decoupaged or painted. I bought some cheap plastic storage boxes last time we were there, but they haven't lasted... I also bought an A3 cutting mat and a witches' hat.


So have a good day, even if it is Tuesday.

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Morning all from the boring borough. Katie was an annoyance around these parts. Crane damaged in Greenwich, Woolwich line blocked, several others in Kent blocked. For our part we suffered the loss of one of our recycle bin lids. Neighbour's wheelie bin was found in the middle of the road. That was about it. Even in the boring borough during a major storm, nothing happens. Everything exciting went on in Greenwich borough, oops the Royal borough of Greenwich.


Home today and off work as my knee has really given up the ghost. Going to try to get to the quack again. (queue the usual farcical process to get back to the specialist.)


Have a great day everyone.

Edited by AndrewC
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  • RMweb Gold

I have just read in the  Maily Dail that Thomas the Tank engine is to receive 14 new engines in an attempt to revitalize his series.


These include engines from Brazil, India and China, and attempt to introduce diversity and multi culturalism.



I think they should just stick to home grown talent.

I'm sure everyone would appreciate someone like  Robbie Coal Train.

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Morning, after torrential rain the sun is now shining, the rain however means no  lawnmowing today. So plan B and off to source/order a new back door.


The big hands scenario reminds me of the recent Donald Trump/Marco Rubio clash I saw on tv in the states recently. Pure comedy and scary to think that these individuals think they are fit to reside in the Whitehouse though Marco has since crashed and burned as they say.



Enjoy your day folks



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Mornin' all. Tigger's just been sick on the kitchen floor. Nothing to worry about though, the aftermath of a grass eating session. Trust him to come back inside first. I think he was slightly put out by the plumber who's just been to replace two dripping taps and disturbed his kip. No he wasn't asleep in the bathroom but being a cat, had to see what was going on.


Katie passed through noisily, taking out a few trees around the city and turning the garden table over; never had that before; it doesn't take much of a gust to flip the chairs though.


Yesterday was a dead day, mainly waiting for Mrs mole to deliver some stuff from her mobile home for storage, which turned out to be not much, thankfully. Then had to go and take some interior shots of it empty. Of course the assorted detritus left by a clear-out had to be tidied away first. "Just half an hour", hmmm.


Anybody in the Southampton/Eastleigh area in the market for a mobile home?


Today some revision will be administered, no doubt to protests.


I hope Alison's affliction isn't serious, she's lucky to have good neighbours.


Hopefully we'll hear from Jock later; best wishes to you anyway.


The eleventh hour approaches, time to put the kettle on. Have a good day.



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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


I started a thread about the Thomas TTE nonsense before arriving here this morning -




Good to hear that OD and Sherry are being such helpful neighbours in trying circumstances and I hope Alison's problems turn out to be not too serious.  Seems Katie let us off lightly doing no more than bending a few daffodils although I haven't yet ventured as far as the big shed at the bottom of the garden but it appears not to garlanded with half a tree (as happened to it in one previous windy event).


Weather looks to be on the verge of rain which is a bit of a nuisance as a pair of living room curtains are in thh wash after one of them served duty for a cat to carp on (they are very long) which in his case makes it a hat trick over about 18 months - guess who is well and truly banned from the living room?


Have a good day everybody.

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Just bashed my head looking for it in the cupboard under the stairs! 

Might I suggest you wear a scrum cap.


Put it on in the morning when you get up and only take it off when you go to bed (or take a shower etc).


But do not, under any circumstances, keep your teeth in it overnight, as you will bite yourself when putting it on in the morning.

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That hasn't been my experience when having my car searched. And, at 9" the blade would be illegal in the UK if found in my car. Especially in the present climate.

Whereas in France it's legal and I can display it, which is what I said I was going to do.

Whilst it seems illegal to carry a knife in the UK I think your thinking is slightly wrong.

There are many shops where you can legally buy knives. Kitchen shops, hardware shops, country craft shops etc. You can buy sharp kitchen knives, hunting knives and craft knives for example and once purchased you would have to either walk home or drive home with them.

I think there would surely be a consideration by police that you were carrying it with intent to use it.

There are certain groups of people that can carry knives in the street I.e. chefs going to work and I believe seamen.

Back in the 90's I bought a lock knife in Skiathos from a knife shop there. It came back with me on the plane and I didnt think about the posible security problems. However there werent any. But I now believe its illegal to have one in the UK.

If the knife was in your tool kit in the car or your packed lugagge it couldnt really be suggested that you were tooled up with intent.

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  • RMweb Gold

Might I suggest you wear a scrum cap.


Put it on in the morning when you get up and only take it off when you go to bed (or take a shower etc).


But do not, under any circumstances, keep your teeth in it overnight, as you will bite yourself when putting it on in the morning.


I'm still lucky enough to have teeth that can't be removed (without a lot of force that is) However this does mean that I often bite my tongue!

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And the good news is that Chris's employers have agreed to compromise. This means that instead of starting an hour and a half earlier at 4.00 she can start at 5.00  As we're up in time for this anyway it doesn't cause us a problem. They've also agreed to reduce her hours which she's actually wanted to do for a while.

Happiness is Chris shaped at the moment.  :yes:



Doh - just realised that she'll be spending more time at home.....with me......wanting "us" to do things....together!!!

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It's illegal to sell a lock knife in UK and to carry one in public. At home in a tool box or display case it's probably ok. I keep two and a 6" bowie that get occasional use in the garden. I originally bought the bowie for work, for cutting points on wooden grid pegs, back when the law was less strict.


Good news about Chris's hours.



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Morning all,

Just read about the bad news surrounding 'Alison's' health, bringing a scare to her and Ian and Sherry alike. Let's hope that the final outcome is a good one as they are truly an example of how good neighbours can work together!

Someone mentioned the legal requirement to micro-chip dogs later this year, which I have wholeheartedly supported since we had Archie 'done' soon after we bought him as a pedigree little bundle of fur! We suffer quite badly from anonymous dogs in this area, very often of the 'bull terrier' type and there are records of maulings and the like, but very little chance of catching the owner with the anonymity!

Guy Martin has just managed to post another 2wheel World Record, this time on the 'Wall of Death'- he really does not know the word 'fear' and we should be really be proud of his exploits in my opinion.

We got off fairly lightly with storm damage this time, unlike the visible damage elsewhere, even in our own street. We had a couple of large columnar Bay bushes which had their pots cracked or smashed, but luckily, two smaller ones that were being swamped so we simply donated the large ones to Son in law, and will get two suitable pots for the replacement ones. Physically, one of the bottom panes of glass was smashed in the greenhouse, but this isn't really a big issue as there is a glaziers around the corner that sells the standard sizes of pane, and I have plenty of fitting clips and the like so it sounds like another task for number one grandson!

With best wishes for good health offered to all, and continued improvement,

Kind regards,


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  • RMweb Gold

It's illegal to sell a lock knife in UK and to carry one in public. At home in a tool box or display case it's probably ok. I keep two and a 6" bowie that get occasional use in the garden. I originally bought the bowie for work, for cutting points on wooden grid pegs, back when the law was less strict.


Good news about Chris's hours.





Lock knives can be bought and sold in the UK, and they can be carried in public 'providing you have good reason'.


I have a combined knife, shackle spanner and marlin spike which out of necessity has to be locked when in use.


I have never had an issue with carrying it in public. However, the point of law which some find difficult, is intepreting the definition of carrying in public with good reason.


Clipped to my buoyancy aid when wearing my sailing gear on Llandudno promenade is OK, but having it on it's lanyard when I'm off to a formal dinner and hanging it off my cummerbund is not. Yet clipped to my belt when I am working on the range is perfectly acceptable.


Two of the three are legally acceptable as a justified carry, the other would get me arrested.

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  • RMweb Premium

I have just read in the  Maily Dail that Thomas the Tank engine is to receive 14 new engines in an attempt to revitalize his series.


These include engines from Brazil, India and China, and attempt to introduce diversity and multi culturalism.


........., and all become really useful engines so as not to foster anti immigrant feelings



Riccardo the Rusty Refugee Engine?


Best wishes to Ian, Sherry and all those around them as things develop and hopefully don't become a full-blown crisis.


Excellent to see Jock posting.  


Finished the run of Attendance.  Home for five days.  Nothing says "Welcome" like a purring cat and a plate of assorted cheeses washed down with a glass of a quite respectable French red.


It must be about lunchtime topside.  Happy lunch to all.

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There is something very 2016 about a patient in A&E texting while awaiting a specialist to arrive from Le Mans, but so it is this morning. Alison is bored and very thirsty, being nil by mouth right now. Feels much better. Is wired up, apparently. Has texted both the skools to explain that the boys will not be in, too. At least I don't have to contact the vile ex to tell him the kids are all his now. But I do have strict instructions about contacting the French amour!


Sherry and I got a couple of hours more sleep, so will be somewhat zombified today.


Hope your working week sets sail in a more dignified fashion!


Poor Alison. She really ought to be put on some kind of drip (but presumable would need a Dr. to approve it - for the thirst problem). Would she stick to a strict diet if they gave her one?


Best, Pete.

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A short power cut this morning while I was out. Arrived back to find no central heating/hot water a scrambled display on the timer and an irate SWMBO. Installer left wrong user manual for said device and it has no identifying number visible. I flipped a coin to decide between crawling the inerwebs for a manual or going to the toolbox and getting the 4lb #2 computer fixing hammer. The coin was las seen rolling under the washing machine. I may now be considered to be in 'Grandad Bob' mode.


I may be back later...

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OD/Sherry, what nice neighbors, but then who'd have expected anything less from you two :)

Hope Alison is diagnosed with nothing serious and is returned home safe and sound and soon.




Well, as expected we were late in to JFK last night. 70 minute ground hold due to "wind", getting me to the hotel close to midnight <yawn> I really, REALLY, have to be flying into somewhere other than the NYC area - no offense Pete.


Here's some hastily taken, and therefore not particularly sharp, pictures of the railway room after it's "renovation" to make it suitable for visitors :senile:  










and the newly liberated/acquired workbench space




Note that ALL the tools, boxes, clutter and junk on the workbench and the shelf above it, were strewn around the railway room on various temporary work surfaces, prior to the clean up, that being the reason FOR the clean up, of course. :jester: Also note it's unlikely to remain looking that way for long!


7 and sunny driving to the Long Island dungeon, expecting 11 for a high.


Back to work now, hope those starting their 4-day week today can struggle through the challenge, the rest of you, well, carry on skiving off relaxing. :declare:



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To her consternation, an apparently-recovering Alison found she was to be transferred to Le Mans, where the Centre Hospitalier is well-equipped compared with her local place at La Ferté Bernard. She was sedated, has had blood tests and a scan which appeared to show nothing untoward. But is still awaiting clearance for take-off via Sherry's taxi! If not today, she says it may be Thursday, which will be tough on her bambini. We dropped in to see them with bread supplies, and sensed they were all being rather brave.


Fingers crossed - and thanks for all the generous comments about our good-neighbourliness. I guarantee you would all do the same. It's called being civilised.

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