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Early Risers.


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Greetings all, a flying visit.


I've been busy doing not a lot, although keen readers of the garden birds thread will note I've mowed the lawn.


Early departure today for Younger Lurker's parents' evening.


Late in tomorrow for a visit to the hospital for my eye to be checked out - or at least the optic nerve. The 20 past 8 test still holds true.



And then I'm off until April, during which time we'll have paid our final mortgage payment!


Have a good day, and get better those who are ailing!

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Mrs G is not a happy bunny today. She has been wound up by a local window cleaning company who decided to park their van in our drive while cleaning windows further down our lane. When she challenged them, the bloke was apparently just unpleasant to her. He eventually promised to move, but only then did so after they had finished their cleaning. If they reappear again, I will no doubt be summoned to remove them!


Dull day here today, but work done outside to clear the garage in preparation for getting a new door fitted tomorrow. An issue with living near the sea is the salt corrosion of items like metal garage doors.

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Afternoon all. Hope everyone is well? if not, speedy recovery.


Feeling somewhat wiped out today, so a lazy rest day I suspect. But tea should revive me enough hopefully to almost function for most of the day. Still suffering with this blasted cold, but it is slowly shifting at least, though the cough is very irritating.


Looking forward to tomorrow, when I get to see my other half Richard again (after his current block of nights has finished) and taking Natalie back home after an extended visit, where some research did at least manage to get done despite us both suffering with colds etc.

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Mrs G is not a happy bunny today. She has been wound up by a local window cleaning company who decided to park their van in our drive while cleaning windows further down our lane. When she challenged them, the bloke was apparently just unpleasant to her. He eventually promised to move, but only then did so after they had finished their cleaning. If they reappear again, I will no doubt be summoned to remove them!

Dull day here today, but work done outside to clear the garage in preparation for getting a new door fitted tomorrow. An issue with living near the sea is the salt corrosion of items like metal garage doors.

Citizens wheel clamp them, let 2 tyres down! :D

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  • RMweb Gold

Robbie had been left at the kennels. He does seem keen to get in when we get there. No reluctance whatsoever!

I stopped off on the way back to buy some trousers and lightweight fleece tops. Some of my clothes are only suitable for the park or garden now (allegedly).

I know yesterday that some Brussels flights were diverted to Schipol so I have checked that there are no changes to our flight tomorrow but everything seems ok, though it said allow longer for enhanced security.


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Rubbish idea, you want rid of them, not have them stuck there longer!! :D


Also liable to be costly and a stern ticking off from the boys in blue.


Better to block access to the driveway with something you have control of movement of.

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Citizens wheel clamp them, let 2 tyres down! :D


Rubbish idea, you want rid of them, not have them stuck there longer!! :D


Also liable to be costly and a stern ticking off from the boys in blue.


Better to block access to the driveway with something you have control of movement of.

Joke people, joke! :jester:


Couldn't work out how to get emoticons on mobile device before, but I've now found the text (between colons) for at least some I'll be better equipped.

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Not sure of the veracity of this but the story goes that a gent became tired of people parking in his drive. This was a rear alleyway similar to what we have. (no this wasn't me) Long story short, he phoned the council about fly tipping of an abandoned vehicle, got the usual story about since it was private property tough luck. His responsibility to have it removed bla bla bla. He requested that in writing. Next time someone parked there he called a mate who ran a scrap merchant. I think you can guess the rest.

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Here we go again. Train before I ours from LBG cancelled (12 car) due to no staff. Our train wedged but now sitting at East Croydon awaiting a driver as we now don't have one.


That's three nights out of three we have been delayed. At least tomorrow night we won't be using Southern but do hope Virgin have enough drivers etc.


Oh well, we will be late for dinner round Mums tonight.



After nearly ten minutes we were on the moved again but then stopped at South Croydon for 5 minutes more now to let a Stopping Tattenham Corner train do a scheduled stop here which will also stop at Purley Oaks, go in front of us delaying us even more. If they had signalled us through then we wouldn't have delayed that service.


Complete mess up.

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Joke people, joke! :jester:


Couldn't work out how to get emoticons on mobile device before, but I've now found the text (between colons) for at least some I'll be better equipped.

Don't worry, taken in good humour on my part (as I hope was my reply)! Maybe next time put a £20/hour parking charge notice up!


Talking of unwanted vehicles though... When I was at Mum and Dad's over the weekend about half a dozen Roma/gypsy/traveller caravans arrived on the former caravan park about 300 yards along the road from Mum and Dad's house. That's now swelled to about a dozen. The police have been to visit them 3 times in the last 24 hours, once for a fight.


I've been in touch with the County Council today and they were already aware but as it's private land it'll require the owner or leaseholder to get a court order to remove them. In the meantime they're leaving faeces and toilet paper in the lane behind the site. There's no running water or sanitation available (it was last used as a caravan park in the 70s or 80s!).

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  • RMweb Gold

Here we go again. Train before I ours from LBG cancelled (12 car) due to no staff. Our train wedged but now sitting at East Croydon awaiting a driver as we now don't have one.

That's three nights out of three we have been delayed. At least tomorrow night we won't be using Southern but do hope Virgin have enough drivers etc.

Oh well, we will be late for dinner round Mums tonight.


After nearly ten minutes we were on the moved again but then stopped at South Croydon for 5 minutes more now to let a Stopping Tattenham Corner train do a scheduled stop here which will also stop at Purley Oaks, go in front of us delaying us even more. If they had signalled us through then we wouldn't have delayed that service.

Complete mess up.

I bet Virgin have plenty of drivers, because they pay well, and the job isn't too bad, either. The chimney-pot TOCs have always struggled to keep drivers, because some of the work is incredibly boring, and involves very unsocial hours. In BR days there were always vacancies at depots like Selhurst and Slade Green because there were always drivers transferring back to Polmadie or wherever. Now the market in drivers means you take a job where you can, get your competence, then apply for a creamy job like Virgin or similar InterCity TOC, leaving the Southerns etc to train someone else. And that's before we get to any management issues that may arise from the need to make more money and pay less in wages........
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Another day that went according to plan including finishing at the planned time. I now have a lie in tomorrow as I'm working from home starting to compile a report from the last 2 weeks surveying. The other good thing about working from home is not having to deal with cockwomble drivers who either don't know the highway code or have never taken a driving lesson.


My wireless modem is showing its age. I'm having to reboot it at least once a day. I've just ordered a new one which is a far better specification for under £40 and it should arrive tomorrow. How did we survive before internet shopping?


Andy - Recovery is always tiring and is always a good excuse to do what you want to rather than what you need to. Seriously though, please don't try to rush things, that's when it tends to go wrong.


Ian A - Q1's, I'd happily have a whole fleet of them.


Tony - Enjoy the trip.

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  • RMweb Premium



My wireless modem is showing its age. I'm having to reboot it at least once a day. I've just ordered a new one which is a far better specification for under £40 and it should arrive tomorrow. How did we survive before internet shopping?




Which begs the question.


How would you do internet shopping without the router....?


Have a good day tomorrow.




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Grey and overcast - and so's the weather.


Today is is the in vacatIon catch up session for those who have fallen behind in my module and want to catch up - at last count 10% of the cohort have signed up - wonder how many of them will turn up.


Don't know how the 50% I'm concerned about will fare in the exam (May) who aren't there. Such is life. It's not rocket science - just analysis on Excel - and before anyone has a thought that maybe we're teaching for teaching's sake - these are accountants.



So today:

  • Of the fifteen who booked to come this morning four turned up
  • Of the twenty six who booked this afternoon ten turned up - and three of those also turned up this morning.
  • Five of those who came this afternoon left half way through.

Horse - water - drink.


I'd expected as much, or as little.

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I am looking forward to the trip. The last trip to Utrecht was OK but I got through it with a lot of medication. I wasn't well and Matthew was still having some problems following his concussion. We are both well now so it should be fun. Although I wasn't well last time it didn't stop me eating and drinking but I can appreciate it more now. We will meet Matthew in what he described as a burger and wine place tomorrow evening. He went there recently with all the students (except one) on his course. He organised the social event. Normally the Chinese students won't go but they did, although they made 330 ml of beer or coke last all evening and left at 10pm. Matthew said the person who didnt come is the course member most likely to become a serial killer.

It would appear that if the academic geography career doesn't work Matthew could be an event organiser. His experience of that in Melbourne was limited to organising portaloos and wine glasses! On that occasion he left the country before the event.


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Should have just put loads of bird seed on the car roof, boot and bonnet.

I might just try that! My other idea was to place some breeze blocks in the drive to block the van in, and challenge them to move away my property from my land!

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  • RMweb Gold

When I was young my parents acquired a tiny plot of land next to their house. It had originally been intended for a substation with access but that never happened. Dad had prepared the holes for a fence on a Saturday and had placed some of the poles in place. On the Sunday he found a small van parked on the plot. After being given a rather surly response to Dad's friendly request for it to be moved and an offer to move it for its owner who seemed to have a hangover, Dad started the fence construction at the end where the van was. A few minutes later the person came running down the road to recover the vehicle.


Edited by Tony_S
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Evening all from Estuary-Land. Living as I do only a short walk from the local station the area locally used to be full of commuters cars before a residents parking scheme was introduced. On one occasion a young guy parked his BMW across a neighbours drive, when she went to ask him to move it because it was blocking access to her drive he just arrogantly tossed her the keys and told her to move it herself if she needed to and then just walked off in the direction of the station. As the lady herself didn't drive I offered to move the car for her. That evening he came knocking on my door asking where I had left his car. Despite the fact that I had found him a parking space right outside the station he still seemed annoyed even though the parking space had those nice double yellow lines. :whistle: This was before they had installed speed cameras, just imagine the fun I could have had. :devil:

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So we had 14 attendees on our introduction to scoring course tonight. I am now a tad tired so I am off for a sleep.


One locomotive delivered, 3 coaches and 63 wagons all delivered having been regauged/rewheeled/scale couplings fitted and weathered by me!


First up tomorrow ....moreasons, the tidy up house, sort out a parcel and then drive to Robin Hoods Bay.

Sleep well everyone



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Shopping again this afternoon, still looking for some plain sweat shirts - no slogans, silly patterns - can't seem to find anything to suit. Daughter Helen had suggested the big ASDA at Darnall; come over Wednesday afternoon and we'll go over there to have a look. So, I got the 10.30 H1 bus as usual.A few minutes later, I had a phone call from Helen.

"Where are you? I've been ringing your home number."

"At Firvale, waiting for a number three bus, I'll be there in fifteen minutes. Why?"

"You weren't supposed to be here until one o'clock!"

Oh. Another G K Chesterton moment - GKC famously once wired his wife: “Am at Market Harborough. Where ought I to be?”.

ASDA was a washout as far as sweatshirts were concerned, though I did stock up on comfort top socks and eccles cakes.

Think I'll go over to "Rails" tomorrow, then check out the Moor market stalls.

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