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Early Risers.


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Yes, BoD.

Forecast on the back of Trisonic Pete's Hurricanes blink.gif.


Ha! Nice and peaceful here this very early morning (must get to bed soon...), yesterday we were under a Tornado Watch for 6 hours but nothing (thankfully) happened and tomorrow we have Tropical Storm Warnings from tropical depression #16 which is working its way up the Eastern Seaboard - so I may cut the grass later today!

We have a huge rainfull deficit - so another 1-2 inches welcomed. I could do without the wind though (couldn't we all) as I have about 8 100' plus trees on my property.


We'll see - meteorologists are such drama queens.


Best, Pete




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Would that be the Welsh monsoon season?

And the Scottish monsoon season.


Yep, absolutely widdling down here in Edinburgh this morning. Couldn't get to sleep last night for quite a while, so I'm up a little later than usual this morning to compensate. I did dream that I was playing Tears In Heaven to the same standard as Clapton. I know that must be a dream...!

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all, grey yet again. First cuppa is drunk, second definitely needed then prepare for today's royal visit by Dave (as in fill the kettle up)


Not a lot more to report apart from starting on my 36th modelling blind alley. I'm sorting out all sorts of wood, ply et. as I've worked out how to get the US shunting plank into my modelling suite without having to bail out the accumulated junk already in there. I like starting things!


Just wish I could finish something.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning All


I see that the Broadband options and services has reared its head again - there's been stacks and stacks of debate about this over the years on here, and I really don't think there is any true answer, as everybody's experience is diferent, and if you have a spat with your provider, it doesn't really matter what name's on the tin - it leaves your impressions tarnished. Broadband ADSL technology is very complex, and the router is at the sharp end - and as these are virtually all made in China and churned out wholesale, then there's going to be duffers in all makes. I think you pays your money.....


Now then, back to the daily drivel informed debate.


Monsoon has started in Lancashire too - wet smelly dog this morning as a result, and Mrs 45156 trying to get to the bus stop between showers. Chucked it down all night and up to about an hour ago.


Happy hump day to those for whom it matters.




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  • RMweb Gold

I really haven't done much so far. I did assemble the IKEA lamp, I've still got the printer to unpack. I haven't taken Robbie out yet, I thought I'd wait until it stopped raining but it looks as if we are going anyway! I was reading the grumpy thread and thought about suggesting that it was unfair that bicycles aren't allowed on motorways but someone may have taken a silly suggestion seriously.



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I see that the Broadband options and services has reared its head again - there's been stacks and stacks of debate about this over the years on here, and I really don't think there is any true answer, as everybody's experience is diferent, and if you have a spat with your provider, it doesn't really matter what name's on the tin - it leaves your impressions tarnished. Broadband ADSL technology is very complex, and the router is at the sharp end - and as these are virtually all made in China and churned out wholesale, then there's going to be duffers in all makes. I think you pays your money.....


Absolutely true! My parents are so far out in the sticks that the argument is moot anyway. BT are the only provider :lol:


Despite the frustrations with the router, they are pleased to get a 512k connection - it's far better than the 56k dial-up they had before.

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Guest Max Stafford

Oh dear, it's awful wet up here! One last 12 hour shift to do tonight ten it's off until Monday. No bed in the morning, I'll be straight into the shed I think to catch up on some modelling mayhem! :)



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  • RMweb Gold

I had to re-read an article in the newspaper this morning. It appeared at first that the Telegraph was reporting the end of WW1. However it was reporting that this Sunday Germany will pay the last instalment of the money agreed as reparations at the Treaty of Versailles (1919).

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Guest Max Stafford

Extraordinary, I thought that had been taken care of a long time ago. I wonder if Germany has repaid the Marshall Plan money yet.

Strange legacies of a vanished age...



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  • RMweb Gold

...are we still paying the USA for the second world war?



Strange night - look out of the front window and it is grey, miserable and raining heavily. Go to the back of the house and it is dry and there is a beautiful sunset.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all,


pitch black outside and I'll need a cuppa coffee very soon. I'll be doing a cake for Mum's birthday tomorrow as well :) .


As for the reparations thing - interesting, I didn't even know this myself :blink: . We did, of course, cover the two world wars in school, but I don't think it was ever mentioned that reparations were still being paid in our time!


Have a nice day all...

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Morning All,


I wonder what the German government are going to do with the extra money they will have as a result of not having to pay?!?


The other news story today is the positive dope test of Alberto Contador. I am a bit annoyed about this :angry: - just as cycling is getting back on its feet another doping scandal comes along. Having said that, I think we have to give Contador the benefit of the doubt. Apparantly the amount of clenbuterol was miniscule, and he tested negative for the rest of the tour. However, if this does prove to be illegal doping as opposed to some sort of contamination then he should be banned for life. End of story :angry:


The weather around here this morning is a bit on the damp side. There was a very light drizzle when I got to work - it hasn't got light enough to indicate what sort of a day it is going to be!


Have a good one everybody...

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Guest Max Stafford

The night sky is paling into a cloudless blue morning as a robin starts his dawn song and a six wagon oil train rumbles slowly by, threading its way across the Border City. So begins another day and Max Stafford's weekend off. Hope you all have a good day folks.



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Summer, where have you gone?

Wind blown leaves, and chilly Autumn wind,

Raindrops playing a syncopated symphony on the window pane,

Summer has waved its last goodbye,

as the trees turn red and golden as if in sympathy with the loss.

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  • RMweb Premium

The following monologue from Babylon 5 - final episode of season 4, to be exact - is going round and round in my head these days...



This is how the world ends, swallowed in fire... but not in darkness.


You will live on – the voice of all our ancestors, the voice of our fathers and our mothers, to the last generation.


We created the world we think you would have wished for us.


And now we leave the cradle for the last time.



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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all - looks like it could be a bright day once the mist / fog lifts. A bit of cake making and baseboard building is planned today.


I don't know how I'm going to fit working for a living into my hectic life.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning All


Forecast was for a dry night with a sunny start and we had heavy rain about 3 am and it is followed now by a dull but dry start. Tomorrow sounds fun - heavy rain and strong winds - just what I need for my first trip over the door for four weeks as I go for my X-rays and consultation with the trauma clinic.


Dave - have a good weekend off.


Phil - sounds like you're having a foretaste of retirement. As you are so unsure about getting back to work, is there no prospect of early retirement then you could get on with some serious modelling and playing.


Not a great deal more to report here at the mo.




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