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  • RMweb Gold

Tell him it's green.

He'll never know.


For some reason he doesn't totally trust me if it means I can avoid IKEA! He really can't distinguish grey, lime green, and pink unless they are right next to each other and well illuminated. He has no problem with bright red and green.






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  • RMweb Gold

Oh dear.

My mum wants me to arrange her phone and broadband for her new flat and wants to return to BT. Is the hub generally a problem?


Mine hasn't been much of a problem. Mine is the Mark 1.5 and a couple of times a year might need a reset but it is easy. The first Mark 2 Homehub allegedly had a few problems but apparently the upgrade solved that. BT have always replaced stuff without a quibble. With BT supplying ADSL and phone they can't argue about it being someone else's problem!






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  • RMweb Premium

Oh dear.

My mum wants me to arrange her phone and broadband for her new flat and wants to return to BT. Is the hub generally a problem?

I've got the hub Mk1 and it drives my Broadband and also my BT Vision TV - I have personally had few issues with that version . However, with the 1.0 I can have problems with getting everything to resynch after a power interruption - I've had two such (one of mine, and one thnks to United Utilities) in the last three weeks, and on both occasions I had to reset the router, and also the Vision box, as when I tried to get the TV back, it just showed a Please Wait screen. On that occasion, I had to power everything off, and disconnect all the leads, then had to repower in the order of router, then Vision box, and that was why I made my comment, as last time, I had to do all this three times before everything rebooted correctly - also I am told that having a BT Hub too near a source of electromagnetic radiation, such as the TV set, can cause a problem with the hub going out of synch - and I've had that occasionally where the TV kept working and the Broadband was giving a not connected message. If it's just for the Internet, then as long as a hub is put in a sensible place, it should be fine.

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  • RMweb Gold

Thanks folks.


It will be used purely for broadband and sited well away from possible interference. Mum is currently on Tiscali (now talk talk) but has never been totally happy with it. Dad set it up when he was still with us so she thought moving house would be an excuse to revert to BT.



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BT gets my vote BoD. Each time I renew my contract they send me a new router, so I now have three of the things. Never really had a problem with any of them. The latest is a black one (Home Hub 2.0), the first two white. My reasoning with staying with BT is there is only one company to deal with.


None of this, the equipment is fine, it's the line (talk to BT) or the line is fine, it's the equipment (talk to your provider)......

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  • RMweb Gold

BoD, We are just under a mile from the BT exchange and on their up to 20MBit tariff get 15.5 Mbit download. I've had a couple of terse discussions with the call centre but once you have got transferred to the right person everything happens very efficiently. If your mother makes any international phone calls the broadband voice phone option enables really cheap calls (especially to the US) to be made.



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  • RMweb Premium

Oh, the famous BT Homehub :angry:


Wretched things should come with a box of paperclips :tongueclear:


The Wikipedia article about the Home Hub says something about the thing resetting when uploading files via a WLAN connection and about limited compatibility between hubs and phones from different releases - are these the issues you're all referring to here?


Speaking of routers - we replaced that Telekom thing we'd been using for a long time with an AVM FritzBox several weeks ago as the Telekom router's WLAN signal would decrease massively with increasing distance from the device. I think this must have been due to it not having external antennas, of which the FritzBox has three. Signal strength is now excellent, so I believe those FritzBoxes do, in fact, earn the good marks they're usually given :) .

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all...


It's been raining over night and daylight is only just coming up very slowly. Why is it that I'm hungry immediately upon getting up? :blink:


It's "Hump Day" today, is it not? If so, I wish you all a pleasant one! :D

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Morning All,


Another pretty grey morning here - but I guess that goes with the time of the year. It is just starting to get light.


My parents have got a home hub, and it has proved to be a bit of a pain. It seems to require resetting on a regular basis or it looses sync and cannot regain it. BT have checked the line and pronounced it to be Ok. I maintain it is the hub, but BT say that is Ok too. All in all, it is a rather drawn out and long story!


Happy hump day everyone...

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  • RMweb Gold



It isn't raining here but it is forecast to do so later.

I don't think I've got to go shopping today. We went to IKEA yesterday and I said I'd assemble the flat pack table lamp for Matthew. He decided he liked IKEA but having lunch there may have influenced him.



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  • RMweb Premium

Morning All, Full set of grey oktas in place. I have the joys of retrieving daughters bike from some officeblock in the centre of Southampton this morning after she decided it was best to leave it there rather than bring it home on the train after getting a puncture! Also need to pick up some odds and ends on route for various jobs. Then I guess I'll have to run on over to chez PhilH for a cup of tea. Don't think I can call this a working at home day. Just as well I have 36 days of leave left and only 26 weeks of employment in which to use them!


Have a good one all.




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