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 My minimal amount of of ambidextrosity is by no means sufficient to allow me to do most things, even inadequately (but I have been able to find a "work around" for opening Single Malt Whiskey bottles, important that).



​I became extremely dexterous whenever confronted with having to open a malt whisk(e)y bottle.


Hands, feet, teeth, tail................ one one memorable occasion I drilled through the stopper and extracted the contents via a drinking straw.


Nowadays, it either sits in the decanter, or I get my batman to serve me as required.


I am currently investigating whether one can acquire malt whisky on draught.


However, my bottle of Penderyn 'Grandslam' will have to remain unmolested for at least another twelve months. 


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Evening All,


Consultant reports all went well, I now have a ceramic/ceramic left hip and, as far as I can tell, the residual pain is from the digging around.


Spinal anaesthetic almost worn off, sandwich and cup of tea consumed.


Generally a happy bunny for now.


Thanks for all your best wishes, now it's my turn to remember others with ailments.


Look after yourselves :)


May check in later, if not g'night all!

Great news Andy.


Well done.

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Good to see Leopards op went ok.

Beach walk never materialised today even though the weather was great.

I see from the BBC website that president Putin (I prefer President Putain myself) has ordered a withdrawal of his armed forces from Syria.  If nobody is posting as an ER tomorrow morning I will know where he has sent his armed forces especially after recent incursions by Soviet bombers.

Da svedanya.

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  • RMweb Premium

Although predominantly right handed, I can do a few things with my left, such as use a soldering iron, hand and power tools and write, very slowly but it is legible. Sheila however in clumbidextrous, that is she is clumsy with both hands.

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  • RMweb Premium

Good to hear from you Andy and pleased all went well. I assume you are in the Royal Derby - I thought about you as I drove past about 6.00pm on my way home to Mickleover and wondered if I might see you trying to escape . . !





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I'm right-handed but play two-handed sports - golf (and cricket), left-handed.


If it's good enough for Phil Mickelson, then it's good enough for me.......




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I'm ambidextrous after having dislocated my shoulder many years ago. In fact I can now write better with my left hand.


I've just spent a relaxing evening teaching myself more about how to use autocad in preparation for a job that's coming up. So far I'm finding it easy.


John (CB) - You're as normal as any of us on here.


Andy - Here's hoping that the full recovery is quick.


Night all

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I got offered a job once whilst fishing in Greensboro, NC. Complete stranger leaning over a bridge talking to me for ten minutes.

Unfortunately he couldn’t afford me.


G’night Jock, etc.


Best, Pete.

Edited by trisonic
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Evening all. Glad to hear the op went well Andy. I hope the recovery continues well and you get released at the expected time to head off to that planned modelling table you have prepared.

Back to work did not go as well as I had hoped. The day had a difficult start as I was held up thanks to number three cat deciding to have a call of nature over the hall floor. After cleaning things up I arrived at work later than intended. I walked in to a staff notice board littered with extra jobs, all with deadlines throughout this week. Looks like sleep will be at a premium this week.

The teaching itself went well. My new student started today. She seems ok, a bit quiet, but it was her first day. I hope she will have less personal dramas than the student in the other class. On the subject of that blonde bombshell. Her placement finished last week whilst I was off. She left a nice gift of a bottle of JD as a thank you for the support and help I had given her. Sarah and I enjoyed a shot each this evening.

This evening I got through some of the outstanding marking but still loads of jobs to do.


Best wishes to you all.

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  • RMweb Premium

Sleep well everyone. Just think it's nearly morning tea up time for Rick.


Hope you get some sleep Leopard.





Thank you Baz


Morning coffee here as it's around 10.30am.  Had to be an ER today in order to get SWMBO off to a more distant location than normal for her daily grind.  Also have the National Bored-band Not-work (NBN) people coming today and of course they can't give us a time only "between 7.30am and 4pm".  In a fit of something-or-other Australia's then Prime Minister Nuisance decided we had to rip out all the copper cable and optic fibre that's been working perfectly and replace it with a "high speed" national network.  We have no choice.  The copper service gets switched off in a few weeks. We can choose our service provider though that wasn't a given until someone pointed out to said PM that to force everyone to use NBN would contravene his own monopoly legislation!


So I'm stuck home and hoping sooner rather than later will be the case as the milk's running low and a shop visit is required.  Opinions are divided on whether there's any improvement in service speed via NBN.  Currently we are on a cable modem and have decent speeds almost all the time. I dislike change for change's sake particularly when it's forced upon me.


Blowing a hoolie here for no obvious reason.  Cool with it at around 23C.  I know that's a decent summer's day for most of us.  Best wishes to all especially those under various medical treatment regimes.  Next time I look in I may be entirely wire-less.

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Evening all from Estuary-Land. Just got a 00 road/rail Unimog from e-bay. Its one of the Atlas ones and a really nice model. The fact that I got it for £15 which is the standard Atlas price is a bonus as they usually go at a premium, well chuffed. Glad to hear that Andy's op was successful. My dad was ambidextrous, he was normally left handed but when he was at school in the 20/30's it was common practice to force left handed kids to use their right hand. When they tried to do the same with my brother who is also left handed my dad went ballistic and the school backed off, when I joined the school the following year they seemed relieved to find that I was right handed. In fact I'm Clumsidextrous like Mrs. BSW. Now for a soak in the bath and then bed, goodnight all.

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Jock - Karelia as writ is a superb piece though I can often enjoy more modern interpretations of such works.  Other examples include the Isao Tomita renderings of Snowflakes Are Dancing and Pictures From An Exhibition.  Swan of Tuonela is on the same disc as Karelia so will also be enjoyed in due course once the wait for this alleged person is over.


Interviews - been both sides of the table here.  It really is an eye-opener to be on the "asking" side.  Can't say it troubled me at all - it has always been just another challenge that I have risen to when required and a part of the required job role.  I must have interviewed dozens of would-be new entrants to the railway catering division in London.  Possibly hundreds.  80% failed the fairly simple aptitude tests which were really only designed to ensure they knew how to perform basic arithmetic (cash-handling required) and comprehend English (as she is spoke / writ) in order to communicate.


One poor girl was having what appeared to be an apopletic fit when confronted with the English assessment.  I gently asked if she needed any help.  She asked me, in very broken English, if we had a Mandarin interpreter .........


In my property management days I wasn't bound by corporate structure and the "Recruitment Package" so had a freer hand to ask what I wanted and to extemporise within reasonable bounds and while maintaining a level pitch for all.  It produced some good results.  I recruited my staff team who proved strong, loyal and motivated.  So different to corporate recruitment where if you were lucky you retained enough of last month's candidates long enough that you didn't need to recruit again this month.

Edited by Gwiwer
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Evening all,

Had a visit from Son Stuart on his way back from his week in the West Country. All of the family who could came to visit him and We had a lovely lunch prepared by Joanna. Nett result is a Jock who is completely drained and so I intend to play catch - up in the morning and then post something meaningful! Apologies if I've missed anything important and I hope Andy the leopard got through his op without drama. I will be back in the morning and so it is goodnight for now,

Kind regards,


G'night Pete! G'night everyone else still awake!

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Morning all. After yesterdays late start and early finish, it's back to normal although I wasn't pleased when the alarm went off.


Lots of coffee required today thanks to it being a lot of driving and not a lot of actual work day.


Have a good day everyone

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