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 Got my hand stamped on a few times, but hey, I held Greg Lake's wah-wah pedal...


And gosh, he was beautiful.


Next time I get mine out you’re welcome to come over and hold it...............I guess...........


Best, Pete.

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Since poor old Keith’s untimely death I’ve been trolling through my memories. The thing is about these old bands were that if you went to see them you heard live basically what you heard on record - but more so! They could sing too.


This old song became important to me in 1983 (ten years after it’s release):


Wishbone Ash “Throw down the Sword” 




Ash’s secret were good harmonies on both vocals and guitars.


Best, Pete.

Edited by trisonic
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Ian A - Although the screen and modelling are curtailed at the moment, I hope that you haven't bled on the floor or keyboard.

That wouldn't have been a "problem" as the keyboard and floor adjacent (my office) are my domain, I could have bled to death here without anyone getting annoyed with me.

The REAL FEAR <shudder> was that I'd bleed on the carpet of the porch where I was repairing the screen - there'd have been hell to pay if that happened, fortunately I avoided that :jester:


Achievements so far - almost time to knock off for the day(wait a minute, I'm not really "working" anyway!!);


1) MiL taxes successfully completed - feather in cap from Mrs, so the chopped up thumb came in for less ridicule - result :)


2) Successfully attacked my 4-CEP and got the bloody thing running smoothly again. The pickup design on the power bogie, whereby two brass "fingers" protrude upward through a PCB and make a friction contact with partner brass tabs is ABISMAL. When adjusted correctly there is a billionth of a mm gap between the brass tab and the METAL motor mount/weight. Net result, it shorts easily going round corners or the slightest unsmooth track especially after some continued use and is a pain in the behind to get right! Solved THAT by putting electrical tape on the TOP of the tabs so even if they are inclined to push up against the weight they NOW won't short out! Apparently designed by the same failed-design school cockwombles who design the placement of impossible to reach/maintain car components. :butcher:  They all deserve to be hired by Donald Trumpffffff to keep his hair rug in place!


Sleep well all you Euro-ERs...

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Evening all,

I'm afraid the deep weariness is now washing over me and so it won't be long before I crash out, hopefully not to wake at silly o'clock in the morning - at least I will have someone nice to talk to! Lovely to hear the memories of gigs that people have attended in the past, although I tend to remember my classical events more readily, the visit to the Town Hall at Bow Flyover stands out with the Blues Breakers - EC breaking a string, and John McVie helping to fix it while John Mayall gave an amazing rendition of 'Parchman Farm', one hand on the Organ, the other playing and vamping the Harmonica whilst bursting in to song at intervals - damned clever!

Hope Sunday pans out to be a good day for us all, (Bob, just don't touch anything mate!) health wise and that those that visited shows today and tomorrow thoroughly enjoy themselves. Health wise too, it would be nice to see some improvements once more.

Kind regards,


G'night Pete! G'night everybody else!

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2) Successfully attacked my 4-CEP and got the bloody thing running smoothly again. The pickup design on the power bogie, whereby two brass "fingers" protrude upward through a PCB and make a friction contact with partner brass tabs is ABISMAL. When adjusted correctly there is a billionth of a mm gap between the brass tab and the METAL motor mount/weight. Net result, it shorts easily going round corners or the slightest unsmooth track especially after some continued use and is a pain in the behind to get right! Solved THAT by putting electrical tape on the TOP of the tabs so even if they are inclined to push up against the weight they NOW won't short out!


 Sounds like a similar arrangement to the same manufacturer's Class 150. I've sent you a pic via PM that's a much more permanent fix.




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Tax. I had a letter today. My tax is more correct than it was but needs another alteration. They seem reluctant to remove a source of income that stopped in 2014. I am sure they will sort it out.


Bleeding. I tore a lump of finger nail off today. It didn't hurt until I noticed it after I got down from the ladder. I didn't drip blood on the carpet when I went into the lounge to check that there was a signal getting to the TV. If I had though Robbie would have licked it up.


Good deed for the day. I thoroughly cleaned out the bird feeders.


Today's excitement. We were just to to set off to the park when I noticed a couple of cars heading along the road very quickly. We live in a cul de sac, but it is unsigned. The leading car a black Range Rover, gets to the end and starts to do a turn in the wide bit at the end. I notice this while I am turning outside my house. The people in the following car , a silver BMW, get out and start kicking the Range Rover and follow along the road. The Range Rover then has me in the way while trying to make a getaway. Neighbours told me later that one of the chasers from the BMW collapsed in the road and vomited into a drain. Very classy. I didn't notice the number plates but I am sure they couldn't be local!

Edited by Tony_S
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Jock - if you want to hear of a musical moment to make you smile -


c1970, Newcastle City Hall, either ELP or The Nice.


Newcastle City Hall has a full-blown church organ, at the back of the orchestra area, up a flight of steps. An organ about which they are very twitchy...


Keith Emerson is low down, beating up his Hammond Organ, sticking knives in the keyboard, all the usual stuff - then he stops, looks upward, as if seeing the church organ for the first time - runs up the steps, sits, cracks his knuckles and gives us a stirring rendition of:


I do like to be beside the seaside...


Many hippies explode in helpless laughter.


Have a good night.

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Evening all. Just thought I would check in after another very enjoyable meal at home with Sarah this evening. Neither of us are in the best football related moods - Forest lost 3-0 at home whilst Derby contrived to throw away a 3-0 lead to draw 3-3 away. At least we understand each other's moods - until next week that is when we have to go through the twice a season purgatory of playing each other. The Derby v Forest matches are games to be endured rather than enjoyed.

Amber missed ballet this morning and stated that she did not want to stay at MiL's. When we got there to drop Sarah off Amber duely changed her mind. As a result I did make it to Nottingham after all.

I quite enjoyed the show and bumped into fellow ER Andy "leopard". Was good to see him again and I wished him well for his operation on Monday - a wish I will repeat right now.

The show seemed quiet compared to my previous visits there. It was an enjoyable event with many decent layouts. I have written my thoughts in my usual blog. I went with a shopping list for the new project and found none of what was on it. Perhaps that, and the lack of a real outstanding steam era layout, coupled with the fact I started to feel rotten again contributed to s feeling of being underwhelmed when I left. Can't really put my finger on why because it was a good show and I did come away with an impulse buy of a Hornby J50.


Anyway best wishes to you all. Sleep well Jock.

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Evenin' All.


Best wishes/greetings/commiserations as required.


Friday's POE wasn't too good as I lost my golf match with some abysmal putting. Made worse by the team losing 3-2. Saturday was a completely different affair with our season opening "Captain's Drive-in". I was paired with my BiL and we are normally fierce rivals at golf, but all that was put aside today as we swept to a fine win in the first competition of the year. Today, it seemed like that I couldn't miss a putt.


My ears are still whistling gently from their audible assault last night watching "Livewire", an AC/DC tribute band. Really quite impressed as they have two singers to portray the different styles of Bon Scott and Brian Johnson. I went with my nephew and his mate and quite a few beverages were consumed before, during and after the performance. Maybe that's the way to improve my golf?


The train home saw no sign of the guard to purchase a ticket - although they were quite adept at announcing the station stops. Apparently it's endemic within the traincrew  (and management) of my local TOC that they don't come collecting fares after a particular time at night because it's too much hassle with potentially inebriated passengers.


Driving work tomorrow, including dropping off Junior NB at Preston for her to return to Colchester. Then it's off to watch the ice hockey (with the same nephew who is slowly losing faith in Blackburn Rovers footy) and the Hawks close in on the league title - looks like it'll go down to the wire.


Have a good Sunday folks.




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Since poor old Keith’s untimely death I’ve been trolling through my memories. The thing is about these old bands were that if you went to see them you heard live basically what you heard on record - but more so! They could sing too.


This old song became important to me in 1983 (ten years after it’s release):


Wishbone Ash “Throw down the Sword” 




Ash’s secret were good harmonies on both vocals and guitars.


Best, Pete.


I remember going to see them In a pub at Dagenham just before they went on a tour to the US.  I spent the afternoon listening to Heads Hands and Feet, Humble Pie and Grand Funk railroad in Hyde Park then me and my mat took the tube out to Dagenham and had a great evening.  Then back to the bedsit in Hounslow. That would be summe 1971.



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Evening everyone. Today was supposed to be a quiet - let's do what WE want to do day, but our eldest son has announced that he wasn't working overtime today and that he's coming round to see us with his wife and daughter instead. So we arranged for our other 2 granddaughters to be dropped off so that all 3 granddaughters can play together, as they really get on well together. And we'd also hand a long standing meal arranged with our youngest son and his fiancée for this evening. Best laid plans of mice and men eh?


Pete. Sorry for your friends loss, like others have said, they are never JUST pets. I saw Wishbone Ash a couple of times in the 70's, the last time I saw them the support act was The Motors just after they'd had there first hit single "dancing the night away", from ther on to an all night party, that was a really good night. Your so right about both the vocal and guitar harmonies, but I always admired Steve Upton's drumming too, (well I would do being an ex drummer myself), him and Martin Turner were always a tight team. Funnily enough I was listening to Argus the other day, really takes me back. I was never really into ELP either, but some of my mates were, and we all used to listen to each other's records and I didn't mind the odd track now and then.


Andrew P. Hope your water situation is sorted out sooner rather than later.


Ian. Ouch, we've recently been discussing injures, wasn't hoping someone would try getting one. I've often commented to the guys (& gals) that I work with, designers never have to maintain any of the equipment they design, if they did, they'd never design it the way they do.


Nice to see Jock leaving some bigger posts, I hope that it indicates that he is getting back to his usual self.


Goodnight all.

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Hey up!


Ben operating but ERs visiting Nottingham Show did not say hello.... We don't bite! Me being and myself went for a walk into town and visited the Lincolnshire Poacher... Pints of Stout, Porter and mild have been sampled.


May see some ERs tomorrow at the show pleases say hello if you see Grantham.


ELP.... Had heard about oh I do like to be beside the seaside but thought it was folk lore.


ELP definitely part of my youth.


Sleep well!


Rick, hope Sunday goes well.



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Thoughts with those on the sick/recovery lists.



ELP city hall. . .Oh yes! It happened . . I was there . . . I think. . A couple of Proper Broon Ales, when it was still brewed in the Toon, some . . .err well, . .  I was a student at the time...  memory fades with time.


City Hall was a great venue. . I saw Dire Straits there at the end of the Brothers In Arms Tour.'86ish  . . And Gary Moore about 10 years ago. I also saw Gary with Jack Bruce in a small club in South Shields mid '90s. . . .That was a bit special.



Anyways. . Time for bed. "Jarra" show the morn. so. . . 


Goodnight Everyone  . . Sleep well




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Last night's shift wasn't the best I've ever had.  I'm not in shot but I'm under the dome just behind the ranks of Police.  We had gang violence take over a family event in a way we haven't seen here before.  Staff and passengers were intimidated and abused and some vandalism occurred.  Not nice.  Back tonight and already advised of heightened state of alert.


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Mawnin' awl. Throat still aching, getting neither worse nor better, it seems. I suppose I can manage today and tomorrow, though.


Yesterday was spent on Stretch Limousines, if you will…





…first, 1220 "Thessaloniki", followed by…





…1218 "Kraków". One item to also take note of is that at present, the remainder of the NGT12 fleet not already rebuilt is undergoing a refit where the fold-out wheelchair ramps on Door 2 will be removed and all of the double doors outfitted with gap bridging door sills, enabling accessible entry on all of these doors. You can see these sills in this image, which are a conversion designed in cooperation with local handicap support associations and therefore validated by independent parties. The NGT6 and NGT8 cars as well as the NB4 trailers have all been converted already. The goal is that once all stops will have been converted to raised platform edges, accessible entry will be possible across the network. Actually, the ramps originally provided could also be utilised only at raised platforms but not at street level stops in any case.





With 1218, I eventually returned to Angerbrücke after night had fallen.


Enjoy your Sunday, and very best wishes for everyone under the weather!

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