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Sandbags out again here, BoD.

They offered to bring them to the village on Monday initially!

The stream at the bottom of the garden is within 6" of the top.

I'll know if the worst has happened if I step out of bed into a pool of water in the morning.

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  • RMweb Gold

It seems to have finally stopped raining here but it is getting very windy. I've just retrieved garden furniture (plastic not metal) from around the garden and stacked it so I hope it is still there tomorrow.

I was hoping for a quiet evening but I've had to solve a computer problem for my wife. I finally did but it took longer as I'm not that familiar with where Vista and Word 2007 hide things. I suppose it is good to exercise the brain occasionally though.



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  • RMweb Premium



Got a slightly sore throat <_< ...did I mention I do not like colds? But on the plus side, my girlfriend is back :) . Slept a lot better, too!


Other than that, I figure the prime item on the agenda today will be more learning. Only thirteen days until the last exam... :unsure:

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Morning All,


It looks a bit gloomy out this morning - but it hasn't got light properly yet, so maybe it will look better once the sun is up. At least there is broken cloud today, so there is potential for something other than battleship grey.


I'm off to Ikea later on with a friend - she's got some stuff to return and I want some of their cork place mats for lining the baseboard ;) I will then be doing salmon and spinach lasagne for dinner.


Have a good day everyone :icon_wave:

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All water still outside this morning.

Rain has eased and stream level has dropped.

More carrying of sandbags this morning - we can't get out at the back otherwise.


I am very pleased to hear that Test Match cricket may be restored to my TV.

I refuse to pay extra on top of the License.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all


Clear blue skies this morning.

My weekend paper has started running a series on films/books/etc that 'defined' the decade. Is it really ten years since all that fuss over the new millenium?


I am very pleased to hear that Test Match cricket may be restored to my TV.

2017 is the planned date I believe. Let's hope we are still around to watch it.

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Morning all,


Just had sheet rain here, couldn't see across the garden!


All water still outside this morning.

Rain has eased and stream level has dropped.

Certainly good news, DD

I am very pleased to hear that Test Match cricket may be restored to my TV.

I refuse to pay extra on top of the License.

You and me both. Nearly ??150 for a piece of paper which says I can watch television. Then you read that several BBC chiefs are paid more than the PM!

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Nearly ??150 for a piece of paper which says I can watch television. Then you read that several BBC chiefs are paid more than the PM!


Considering that the license fee funds the BBC - that's actually quite reasonable. Although I do agree about the chiefs being paid too much.


Here in Germany, the license fee is 54?‚¬ a quarter and you have to have a license for radio and TV! They sent me an application form when I bought my first car, because the car had a radio in it :O That's around 200 quid a year for the absolute rot that is German TV - and there aren't even any advert free channels! I say thank goodness for the BBC :lol:

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I say thank goodness for the BBC :lol:


Thanks for putting a different perspective on things, Robert.


I still agree with DD that I am not paying the likes of Sky, Virgin or any other provider extra above the basic license fee when the five 'standard' channels and Freeview seem to offer more than I want to watch already.

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  • RMweb Gold

Good Morning.


The weather isn't too bad here at the moment but it is supposed to get worse later. I'll take Robbie out for his walk early today before I go to play trains. Matthew would take the dog out but he has hurt his little finger and that apparently makes it difficult to control a Cocker Spaniel. Matthew doesn't complain too much about aches and pains so I'll believe him.

Like Dominik I too hate colds. I also dislike toothache but at least I haven't had a cold recently. I'm probably don't meet enough people to become sneezed on.


I've got Sky Sports channel (and ESPN, as Matthew likes US sports). There is lots more cricket (domestic and international)to watch on it other than just the home Test Matches so even if the 5 games in the UK summer are free I'd probably still keep up the subscription.



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Got a bit of the nerves about those exams right now :unsure: . Still ten and thirteen days to go respectively, but somehow this seems awfully short by now, even though I already have about half the stuff through...

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Morning all...


After all the wind and rain last night, my internet connection is playing up once again and keeps dropping out, so don't be surprised if I'm absent for a while. Glad to hear you stayed dry last night DD. You seem to have had your fair share over the years.

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I need my hair cut today but I certainly won't be asking for a Beckham...


Pleased about the Test Matches too. I do miss watching live cricket as I don't have Virgin or Sky either. I have my freeview boxes which are good enough for me. Though I do sometimes wish I could see things like Stargate Universe which are only on Sky...

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Into work today, so not worried what the weather is doing because I won't be able to see it!


Just going to fly fast jets around the countryside at low level. (It's in a simulator, so I make my own weathersmile.gif )




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It's rather windy here in Bristol

Pushing the little one in his pushchair I got stopped dead in my tracks while crossing the road, might as well have had a sail attached to me.


Not a good morning - my card was denied at the ATM so couldn't get any money out, rang up the Halifax to find out why and they've had a major power cut, all their systems are down even the helpline!

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Blimey. It aint half gone dark. Allthe bright blue skies of this morning have disappeared.

I'm sitting marking some exam papers and have had to turn the main light on just to see.cool.gif




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Guest Max Stafford

And it's hoying down here again. The River Eden is once again at bursting point in Rickerby Park and I have just a small number of Claytons to re-fit now before I start on my own! :)


What an absolute sod of a shift I had last night. It mostly involved trying to make the best of other people's balls-ups, getting all the flak and abuse for them (from people who are supposed to be on our side), lots of waiting around and being let down by dodgy equipment. I was supposed to finish at 3am too, but with all the carry on I didn't get off until 5. To add insult to injury, I don't get paid for the first half hour of this as the job classes it as casual overtime. <_<


I hate to wish my life away, but the day when I can throw my cards in from this game with a decent settlement really cannot come soon enough now. I have truly had enough, but I'll need to stick it out at least another five years if it doesn't put me in a box or a padded cell first! :wacko:



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  • RMweb Gold

It is rather windy here. Apparently while I was out playing trains a tornado blew through part of Benfleet. The BBC local website shows lots of downed fences and (former) shed roofing and a damp rabbit.

On the drive home a large lump of tree leapt out at my car. It only hit the door mirror but it was hard enough to knock the glass out of the frame. Fortunately it is a heated mirror so the cables stopped it falling to the ground. It all went back together and seems to work.



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