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Evening all,

Not really a post, but I couldn't let tonight pass without wishing Flávio all the best for tomorrow, and as little pain as you deserve my friend, both Joanna and I will certainly be thinking of you!

I am really weary now and so will stick my nose in at some time in the morning,

Kind regards,


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Evening all from Estuary-Land. Just 'won' a plastic model kit on E-bay, its for a WW1 FWD lorry in 1/72 scale. These lorries formed the basis of the Hardy Rail Tractor built during the 20's and 30's so I will be looking to see if a conversion is possible. Its now getting late so goodnight all.

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And so we come to the end of another day . 


I had my test track out this evening. . a large oval of Kato N track (other brands are available), which I picked up cheap at a toy fair some months ago. I needed to test the WD I bought on Saturday. . . . Then I continued to give my other locos 10 minutes in each direction. . . .That wasted an hour or three. . . . The motor on a B1 is getting "rather warm". . . have to look at that. 


Good to see a posting or 2 from Jock and from Debs.


Thoughts with all on the sick/recovery list.



Goodnight everyone  . . . Sleep well.




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G'night awl.


For those unable to sleep it's been another frustrating and warm sticky day.  You know something is amiss when you arrive at the station around 5.30am to find a queue of cars waiting to get out.  The overnight heat had fried the panel at a nearby location meaning not only were the signals displaying no aspect but the trains asleep in the berthing roads were unable to be woken for service.  After half an hour or so one train was allowed to leave under verbal caution orders, with instructions to stop, whistle and trip past all signals for the first several kilometres until past the problem, and I duly arrived at the Palace a mere 70 minutes later than intended.


Best wishes to iD and to those declaring "mal du jour" - sickness of the day - in what ever form.  May things improve swiftly for you all.  I'm off to Sandown sand down a piece of wood required for purposes which cannot be mentioned in the presence of Our Lady of the Collies ;)

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Morning all. It's definitely persisting down as forecast.


Andy - I hope that you can get over the lurgy fairly quickly.


Flavio - Good luck with the procedure.


Have a good day everyone

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Good morning one and all, after less sleep than I would have wished!  


I was in bed by 00.20 after the gig in London, which was excellent though sparsely attended - "intimate" might be a good word.  For those who like to put music into pigeon holes, don't try it with 4square.  They are described as "Manchester's ferocious folk foursome" but, as always, it depends what you mean by folk.  At this time of the morning the lid is best kept on that can of worms.


The quiz yesterday afternoon could have gone better but at  least we do not have to pay to have the trophy engraved.  The quizmaster and his chief techie need to take more care with the graphics, projected on to a screen, as they positively oozed spelling and punctuation errors, but it was all good-natured and those taking part could have wished nothing else.


Today I am visiting Poorly Pal and will be cooking pineapple chicken for us.  Much of the preparatory work was done yesterday so I must remember to take it out of the fridge!


Best wishes to Flavio and all others in receipt of works attention



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Morning All,


It is another chilly morning here.  The temperature was down to -1°C, but the sky is blue and the sun will be shining (once it comes up properly!)


I may have some testing to do today.


Good luck to Flavio and best wishes to all who are either under the weather or recovering.


Have a good day everyone...

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Just when the garden was drying out ....more rain. Humph! But the birds seem to enjoy having a wash. Rick how about a swap. Some of my rain for some of your sun?

Hope all goes well for those with ailments.


Today I have been detailed to go with her indoors to a lighting emporium in between her visiting schools to teach the pupils how to play tunes on a variety of instruments. We need to replace a standard lamp which fused itself last week. The switches had shorted. Hopefully this will be a painless exercise.


Enjoy the day everyone.



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Mornin' all,


All the best to those that ail


An outing to the S&D gala at the West Somerset Railway today & tomorrow. Coffee in Ironbridge, the Wye valley, suspension bridges around Avonmouth and the picturesque A39 from Bridgewater to Williton should make for an interesting journey. All cameras loaded so I'll add some pics on Friday. I'm taking dad....who initially had grave misgivings about the expense of a night out and felt that it could all be done in one day by getting up at ridiculous o clock and spending many hours on the road in each direction....perhaps when I was 30 but not at 50 with him in his seventies.


Enjoy what you do



Edited by Torr Giffard LSWR 1951-71
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Morning all


Back home, and struggling to make up for several days' tea deficit. I was only offered 1 coffee per day, although that could be supplemented if I went to the cafe with Sherry. I think I drank something over 12 litres of bottled water in just over 4 days after the op.


Good luck to Flavio today.


Disgusting morning with high winds and a lot of rain. Alison continues to feed our horses for a day or two, so we offer coffee, as well as a few euros. She will have been putting eldest son Rowan on the skool bus to La Ferté Bernard at 7.15 when it was chucking it down.


Hope midweek finds you coping.

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Morning all (alternate spelling used as I feel quite relaxed, actually!) Belated best wishes for Flavio – that bit of surgery very much sounds like it can be painful just from reading your descriptive…





In the early hours yesterday, I was stood at Schkeuditz with the set of 2168-937. Later running as a Line 11E turn, these short turn formations do run the full length of Line 11 in the early mornings and late evenings when the transition from and to the 15-minute interval occurs and specific turns are taken out of circulation and back to the depots.






Later on Line 10 with 1129 "Friedrich Arnold Brockhaus", I needed to drive a diversion on one up round due to a car parked almost unbelievably stupidly illegally on the regular path. I had, in fact, passed said spot on the down round to Lößnig, and in hindsight found myself wondering if, while having done so, it might have been worthwhile to make an announcement to the passengers, like: "If you look left now, you can see a prime example for what happens if someone parks their car like a jerk." Perhaps next time…

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Evenin' all,


Fresh in from parents evening and the opportunity to show progress with the new school sign....the central design on the new school colours panels is the childrens painting which won the new school logo competition....


....the sign as it is now and then as it will be once completed & the new facias are secured on top of the original design....





....probably a month or so away from being able to get the new work bolted into place.




At least they managed to spell it right. The place I went to was strong on grammar, but lousy at spelling. I know now why I couldn't spell for toffee.



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Morning all, just popped in for a quick look around before disappearing into the Potting Shed until coffee time.


All the very best to those infirmed and recovering, I wish you all well.



Edited by Andrew P
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Morning all, it's wet here, grey clouds just sitting which means the earlier wind must have died down.


Best wishes to Flavio today. Does understanding in detail what is being done to you help with the pain management? Or is it harder because you won't have the "vague hope" that one will be all right that those of less well informed can use as a placebo?


Good to see Jock managing to post - and as usual find time to think about others.


And now, on with the day!

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Morning all.

Raining here.

No hospital visits or blood tests today. I haven't been totally released by the endocrinologist but nothing to worry about. Take the vitamin tablets, come back in six months.

I suspect my main task today will be subjecting Robbie to a though grooming so he looks tidy while we have a visitor (the Proust lecturer) staying overnight.

Matthew will be travelling from Sevilla to Utrecht today. The flight is from Madrid to Schipol. There are trains all night from Schipol to Utrecht but he will probably be too late for the last bus to the university campus. He thinks he has fully recovered from the concussion injury now and also has no back and shoulder pain. He still sounds tired though.


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Morning All

from a dull North Lancashire.


I've been a while in catching up, but am pleased to see that Jock has managed a post or two, and long may it continue. 


Also pleased that Doctor Jones of this parish is also posting.  Now that she's posting pics of HER toys, can we now do so?  Seriously Debs, that's a lovely way to commute to work, and no traffic jams to worry about.  I'm guessing that you've got a PPL, but are you still current, and do you fly now?  I've never placed any store in whether a job was suitable for a man or a woman, and have always believed that if you can do the job, then just do it.  I knew a couple of lady airframe fitters, and also I met quite a few lady pilots and first officers during my involvement with aviation as a hobby and as a means of transport.  Horses for  courses, say I.

Ian - pleased that you're home.

Flavio - good luck with the procedure on your hand, and get back typing these helpful and informative posts soon.

Andy - hope the hip replacement goes well, and that the info that we all sent and posted was useful, and didn't put you off.  I wish I'd had mine done years ago.

Dave - what news on Is's final session of radiotherapy?


Now then, I'll not be here until the weekend, as we're  having a few days away for R&R, now that I'm feeling a bit better.  Hotels booked, Lily booked, and car all fuelled up for a real ER start tomorrow, to get past Thelwall before 7, as it gets pretty bad around Warrington on the M6 then - once we're on the A49. ot gets a whole lot better.


Back next Monday, as I'm not taking the laptop with me.


Regards to All


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Good morning all,

It was chucking it down earlier when I took Chris to work so I did the sensible thing when I returned home and went back to bed. Further rain (possibly heavy) is forecast.

Joe and Gemma visited after school yesterday so that livened up proceedings considerably. My assistance with homework was not required which is probably just as well.

Managed to play with the trains for a while as well. I'm not doing any more work on the track (ballasting and anything lineside) until the new purchase arrives because of the clearances required. I've left a larger than normal gap anyway between the running lines and hope that I won't have to re-lay anything. Purists may scoff at my efforts but at least things run smoothly. (Apart from some of the smaller locos stuttering/stalling at slow speed on the scissors crossing- I know - should have used Electrofrog) The jury is still out as to whether I change that.

Have a good one,


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Morning all,

Just had a look in whilst consuming the 19 medications so far today, only three more at around 9.30am!

Lovely to see that Ian has finally escaped into the arms of his beautiful wife, hopefully that will now mark the end of his troubles, and I can now hope for some of his superb photography from along the way at Le Mans when it all starts up again!

I now await the visit of this morning's carer, who will get me washed and ready for the day as Joanna still has impaired ability since she damaged her shoulder some eighteen months ago in a bad fall. The after care package the hospital arranged for me really is superb, especially the air-bed, although it is strange that I've still got a catheter in place with a tap to give me time to get to the loo! (Comes with a night bag!). I suppose that getting you home like this releases a bed in the hospital for someone who needs more critical care, as I have already seen the district nurse a couple of times as well as my GP and friend visiting yesterday. Everyone is so kind, it really chokes me!

Dave(TG), that sounds like a lovely treat for Dad, can I take it that 'Is' feels up to the journey? I certainly look forward to your images - we took our son for a lovely ride, steam one way, DMU return, whilst he was attending the public school (thanks to the kind financial assistance of his maternal grandfather) known as Grenville College, in Bideford, North Devon! We had a bit of excitement when the driver let Stuart join him in the cab, and a large buzzard dropped from atop a telegraph pole, trying to outfly the train whilst looking back over it's shoulder, an incident Stuart remembers well to this day. Safe journey both ways.

AndyiD, the spelling wasn't an issue at Kilmarnock, as Stewart and I attended the Academy there, albeit at different times! I recall that they beat the spelling etc. in to us using the threat of the leather tawse or belt! Thank you for the lovely image which was nice to go to sleep with.

Good to see Dom producing his usual superb images of trams in Liepzig, like others, I am most impressed by the general cleanliness of the city.

Rick, it seems like business as usual at work, and I would find it too hot to be honest. Strange how it seems to fray tempers? I really do admire the way that you cope.

I hope to check in during the day, carers etc. permitting, meanwhile best wishes to our poorly members, on which note I haven't caught up with how Amal is doing at the moment?

Kind regards,


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Awful joke from Radio Lincolnshire this morning:-


'Hope you all enjoy 90s music today 'cos it's Wet, Wet, Wet ...'


Groan !


Actually the sun is very warm....okay so you can't see it  :senile:

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Hi Guys,


On another topic that has been triggered - Wimbledon FC became the first non-league side to beat a top division side away in the cup (1965) at the first time of asking.  There were no TV cameras present because it was assumed that they would be well beaten by a club who I will not name.



Cheers Guys, Peter BB



Hi Peter, as an avid football fan, I'm a bit confused re the Wimbledon match.  Do you have the right team/date?


Looking at Wimbledon cup results, I can't find a record of them beating a top team around that time.


Not trying to catch you out, just curious as I'm interested in footballing facts....


Their FA cup results are in the right hand column.  The only R3 match was against Middlesborough in 76-77 and they lost 1-0.


Maybe the Wikipedia entry is wrong.



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