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As I got just past junction 34 the was the remains of a very bad accident between 2 articulated trucks and a few cars on the south bound carriage way. It took me over 2 hours to travel about 11 miles. My journey home was quite interesting, as the M6 was shut southbound, from junction 36 to 34. Most traffic seemed to be heading south down the A6, so I took the A6070 via Burton-in-Kendal, Borwick and Nether Kellet, a very picturesque route which turned out to very quiet. However, today I ended up spending a total of 6 1/2 hours behind the wheel today, something I hope not to repeat to soon.



I probably passed over you when I went into Lancaster yesterday morning.  I opted to go by car on the back roads, as the last time there was a problem on the M6 the A683 was jamed solid.  Oddly, the traffic in town was nowhere near as bad as I'd expected.


The back way to Kendal (A6070) is a pretty good one, as it runs parallel with the M6 for most of its distance, but then you need to know what you're doing to go cross country.  You probably got pretty close to 45156 towers using that diversion, and if you extend it, you can go via Bailrigg to get back on the M6 at 33.

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Watching this evening's episode of Murdoch Mysteries (set in Canada in the early 1900s for those not familiar with it) I was somewhat taken aback by the sudden appearance of an Ivatt 4MT 2-6-0 (presumably 43106)with a train of maroon coaches.  

Never let historical accuracy get in the way of a good story. 

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Yes, I lived there for many years; air-commuting daily in my homebuilt `plane, down to my day job, in Mojave.......`happy days! :tender:


attachicon.gifDebsEz Tehachapi.jpg

Cap that, anyone? No, I thought not. Nor any other RMwebber, I bet.


That sentence encapsulates all that justifies my belief that society should encourage women to pursue a chosen career. The sky is truly their limit, too.


And nursey has just confirmed I may go home!

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Aviatrix Debs,


Nice Long Eze! (Before anyone else asks, that is not a reference to probiscis!)


Two questions:


1. What is the procedure for getting the nose wheel into the take off position?


2.  Did you carry the milling machine in the front or the back seat (a c of g interest)?

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Morning All


Good to hear that many of the ailing are on the mend.  I'm pleased to say that I finished the third course of antibiotics and the swelling on my leg appears to have abated now.  Also, I feel a lot less tired, so the iron must also be working.


Greetings to our new ERs, and I hope that you enjoy the intelligent and erudite contributions gossip and drivel which we offer here. 


Generic greetings, as I need to go to Morecambe this morning and am off out as soon as the washing machine finishes - it went on at 7 this morning, and is just on the final spin now.  I'd leave it ti its own devices, but with its way of not liking some unbalanced loads, I could come back hours later, and it's still trying to get the spin cycle into gear.


Back later ?

Regards to All


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Mornin' awl.


First job of the day is to hand in my notice. 

Some days you just have to say it's all FUBAR and walk away!  


Second job of the day: work notice whilst boiling kettle.


Third job of the day:  onwards and upwards; look for a better job! :) 

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Morning all,

A brief visit again today, but I fell asleep last night, and just managed to catch up! I am, to say the least, flabbergasted by all the kindness sent in my direction although I do really feel that most of you would choose to fight, rather than lie down and cry - the cantankerous bit of 'Scotsman' to be found in me I think?

I am terribly sorry to read that several of our regulars have been in the wars, and to hear that Ian(OD) is incarcerated as he it was who pointed out to me, when I first appeared on the site, just how much support he had received from the assembled company over the loss of his first wife. AndyP was also very helpful at the same time, and a 'biker' to boot! So sorry to hear that 'Is' has skin discomfort from the radiotherapy - I found that the Acqueous Cream BP 500g Tub that I had from my first sessions back in 2013 has worked for me,, along with using 'Simple Soap' as recommended. I hope that she quickly recovers, and as others have said, more lovely pics from Dave.

Welcoming PeterBB is marvellous as you may not know that he has been sending me PMs for a considerable time now, thanks to AndyP again causing us to meet digitally - truly one of lives gentlemen who will enhance the company.

Debs, how lovely to see your posts, after some pretty bad times over the last few months. You've been keeping the flying escapades quiet, but in the dim and distant recesses of my memory, I seem to recall an image somewhere of you manouvering a Class37 diesel? Added to your obvious engineering skills, that makes you very special in my book!

Gordon, I've yet to catch up with what troubled you, but I'll try to find out later.

To everybody else, I'm awaiting a carer to visit shortly, and this afternoon my doctor and friend is due to make a house call. Not sure if I will get back on later, but I shall try and a great big THANK YOU to everyone for the warmth and kindness that Joanna and I feel for the many wishes and comments, along with a beg for forgiveness if I've missed anything as I expect to be weary for some time to come, oh and the good news is that I'm on a stronger dose of the new chemo drug as of last week, with fortnightly reviews.

Kind regards to all,


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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


HH that delectable flying machine of Debs' looks more like a Vari-Eze to me - no doubt Debs will sort us out and I seem to recall from somewhere that she at one time worked with the remarkable Mr Rutan.


No sun today but still a frostyish start - off to see the good Count's daughter shortly and today we're going mob-handed as Mrs Stationmaster is also lined up for leaving the garlic at home.


Have a good day everybody and may those who are recovering continue to do so.


PS - totally agree with Bill about the money pit programme last night although one or two interesting bits but the 'glossing over' of various things did not impress me; hot box, what hot box?

Edited by The Stationmaster
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Morning world.


Interesting posts as usual, with more than a smattering of good news within also, which is super.  News here is positive too, feeling a lot better this morning, with some energy returning although the hip is going crazy still.  I will venture out for a small walk later, to get things moving in the hip which is likely the problem now, as a week seems to have been stolen from my life.


I distantly recall researching one of those 'airplanes' previously, so it may well be I was aware Debs had one but had subsequently forgotten.  No surprise there!  Tehachapi though - wow.  I could have easily slipped into modelling that area of the Santa Fe when I 'went American' 25 years ago, but my beat mate 'across' does so and it would have seemed a bit 'me too'.  Still the finest diesel paint scheme ever, though.  Well, other than McGinnins NH of course!


Still trying to resolve issues with my SPROG, or maybe it's SPROG's issue with me, which would be no shock.

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I've just seen another unbelievable site this morning, a woman eating a bowl of food whilst driving North on the M61, WTF!

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Morning all from Estuary-Land. Sun is shining, were hearing from Jock and Ian is being let out so a good day so far. I'm expecting some more parcels in the next few days so I'm not venturing out until lunchtime. One item is a much sought after item from the Atlas 'World of Stobart' series which I managed to obtain at a comparatively bargain price, I say comparatively as I had to pay more than I would have if Atlas Editions had sent me one instead of vague promises but only a fraction of the £225 that someone forked out for one on e-bay. Thats enough of my drivel for now, be back later.

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Always good to hear from Jock.  Thank you Sir.  A post from Clacton cheers my day.


Tonight's beach jaunt has been canned.  It's almost half past 21 o'clock and still a mere 37C.  It has been declared too hot, on a school night, to venture beyond the air-conditioned confines after spending much of the day at our respective places of Attendance outdoors in the heat.  Sleep will be difficult and patchy.  Even the overnight weather forecast suggests it will be "oppressive and very humid".  Oddly the overnight minimum forecast temperature of 28C exceeds tomorrow's forecast maximum of 25C.  I'll let the clever among us figure that one out!


Difficult day at the Palace as the morning peak was a grump-fest in the hot and sticky conditions, staff included.  Two persons struck by trains during the day (one of which has been declared a crime scene therefore I can't discuss what actually happened) and the expected crop of track, signal and train failures in the heat.  But it's all in a day's work and tomorrow will dawn anew.  No doubt with its own special challenges.


I'll have a smile about me and I can feel better knowing Jock is among us.

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I probably passed over you when I went into Lancaster yesterday morning.  I opted to go by car on the back roads, as the last time there was a problem on the M6 the A683 was jamed solid.  Oddly, the traffic in town was nowhere near as bad as I'd expected.


The back way to Kendal (A6070) is a pretty good one, as it runs parallel with the M6 for most of its distance, but then you need to know what you're doing to go cross country.  You probably got pretty close to 45156 towers using that diversion, and if you extend it, you can go via Bailrigg to get back on the M6 at 33.

45156. Most of the time spent behind the wheel was travelling North. The journey home, via the A6070 only took about 2 hours, about average for that time of day, but quicker than some I'd guess. The last couple of times that I've driven through Lancaster city centre, it's been pleasantly quiet.

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Evening everyone. I hope I don't have another day like today. It started out as a sunny if slightly frosty day. So I set off for Millom in Cumbria at just gone 8:00, the trip was going well until I'd just got past the M55 junction for Blackpool at about 8:45. At that point the traffic slowed down to a crawl and by 11:00 I hadn't even got as far as the South Lancaster junction (33) on the M6. So at that point I changed my plans and went to Ulverston instead, where I could complete the 4 jobs that I'd plan to do in the area, Millom will have to wait for another day. As I got just past junction 34 the was the remains of a very bad accident between 2 articulated trucks and a few cars on the south bound carriage way. It took me over 2 hours to travel about 11 miles. My journey home was quite interesting, as the M6 was shut southbound, from junction 36 to 34. Most traffic seemed to be heading south down the A6, so I took the A6070 via Burton-in-Kendal, Borwick and Nether Kellet, a very picturesque route which turned out to very quiet. However, today I ended up spending a total of 6 1/2 hours behind the wheel today, something I hope not to repeat to soon.

Millom - has been referred to, even in Cumbria, as World's End! There is just a different breed of people there, and I should know as I married one! At our wedding, one of the guests said to me that I was unique in Millom, as I was marrying a girl from the town and we weren't planning to live there! My mother in law once told a tale when she was walking in Millom, and was asked by some visitors if she could tell them how to find the town centre. Her reply was " You are in it!".


Dull here this morning, so I haven't ventured out yet - maybe this afternoon.

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 Still the finest diesel paint scheme ever, though.  Well, other than McGinnins NH of course!


Still trying to resolve issues with my SPROG, or maybe it's SPROG's issue with me, which would be no shock.



no the C& O have the best colour scheme

 SPROG problems - you are not alone - since going Windows 10 I get some strange feedback when reading CVs - as in they just look strange! And if you change them they don't always seem to stick. May be the windows10 driver carp?



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I've just seen another unbelievable site this morning, a woman eating a bowl of food whilst driving North on the M61, WTF!

Lucky you didnt see her a few miles earlier whilst she was cooking it on her oven plugged into the cigar lighter!

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Morning all, slightly later than normal from the village.  Delays due to a morning spent furniture shifting, connected with a trip to France in April.  We are taking a large trailer load of furniture over to make the place habitable until we move permanently.  Various fruiends are donating unwanted items and I'v enow rented a storage unit to centrlise everything ready for loading into the trailer in due course.  Today was a 3 seater recliner setee from the brother n laws, that was two trips, now there's half a bed base in the back ready for trip 3.


Anyway it's great to see more posts from Jock and I love Debs post.  Supersonic of this parish was a test pilot and did some flying in that area, in places that we mere mortals wouldn't be allowed to go.


Mal, I hope that Is recovers quickly from the radiotherapy.


Anyway It's time to get on and find the house contents insurance certificate for the storage people.   After that some baseboard moving this afternoon ready for loading for Nottingham on Friday then an evening at the clubrooms doing various things on the layout.


Regards to all



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no the C& O have the best colour scheme

 SPROG problems - you are not alone - since going Windows 10 I get some strange feedback when reading CVs - as in they just look strange! And if you change them they don't always seem to stick. May be the windows10 driver carp?




Sorry but your both wrong, Armour Yellow with Grey and red, now I believe the longest lasting diesel livery ever.   Still looks superb, but as they say beauty is in the eye of the beholder and the boss constantly tells me I've no colour sense.



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As part of the automation process of my railway modelling in my declining years I bought a Silhouette Curio cutting machine.


I could not have justified this purely for railway modelling, but fortunately the Obergrumpenfuhrer also has an interest in all sorts of crafting applications, generally connected with her Girlguiding activities.


So far the Curio has been used for a number of these projects, that in the past would have resulted in lots of cutting with a knife and a pair of scissors.  


This means I am earning 'brownie points'.  Railway activity has so far not been started/attempted, although I have been following the cutter thread elsewhere on the forum.


However, I am finding the dedicated software somewhat of a trial.  Why can it not set up the likes of arrays and  make parallel lines?  And as for not doing things in metric dimensions! (Well, at least I haven't found out whether I can change the dimensioning over yet.)


Fortunately I can import files from my CAD package, and once the Obergrumpenfuhere has departed later this morning to visit her mother, I will experiment, to see if the files I already have saved will export and print/cut.


Whenever I see a Rutan Eze of what ever variant, I am reminded of John Denver singing 'Leaving on a Jet Plane', although that might be a sub conscious thought about his demise.

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BSW01 talking about someone eating whilst driving reminded me of some lorry drivers on the ferries. We used to have some foreign lorry drivers that once on the ferry would attempt to start cooking. The Hungarian drivers were the worst for this. Their Hungarocamion wagons often had stoves built into their undersides.

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Mornin' to all,

I'm pleased to see continuing progress from the ailing ones, "chuffed" to see Jock keeping up the good work and enjoy a happy return home Ian OD!

Debs, you built (& flew) that 'plane, wow! That's stunning!

Re: Tehachapi Loop,

C'mon guys! It was built by the Southern Pacific (Santa Fe had trackage rights!) so the best schemes were "Daylight" colours along with "Black Widow" and even "Bloody Nose" was really nice - if clean!!! I will agree that the Santa Fe's various "Warbonnet" schemes were wonderful, especially silver and red but can't go along with anything else, sorry!

I'll shut up about railroads now, tee hee!



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Morning all, slightly later than normal from the village.  Delays due to a morning spent furniture shifting, connected with a trip to France in April.  We are taking a large trailer load of furniture over to make the place habitable until we move permanently.  Various fruiends are donating unwanted items and I'v enow rented a storage unit to centrlise everything ready for loading into the trailer in due course.  Today was a 3 seater recliner setee from the brother n laws, that was two trips, now there's half a bed base in the back ready for trip 3.


Anyway it's great to see more posts from Jock and I love Debs post.  Supersonic of this parish was a test pilot and did some flying in that area, in places that we mere mortals wouldn't be allowed to go.


Mal, I hope that Is recovers quickly from the radiotherapy.


Anyway It's time to get on and find the house contents insurance certificate for the storage people.   After that some baseboard moving this afternoon ready for loading for Nottingham on Friday then an evening at the clubrooms doing various things on the layout.


Regards to all




.....thanks Jamie.....but you may have meant to say "Dave, I hope Is recovers quickly from the radiotherapy".



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