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Morning all.....:)


Won't be quite wall to wall sport for me, though no doubt once I sit down for the GP little else may get done...


Thanks for your help on drilling Mr H. Did one hole in both pieces of metal in the 4 jaw chuck as you suggested. Drilled to 8.5mm and then reamed out to 9mm. Perfect! Can't do the second pair of holes the same way as the bar hangs over the chuck and clouts the lathe bed, so checking out the miller again, just in case it was out of true.


Why didn't you tell me to buy a bigger lathe?......:D


Glad to hear you had a good day at Scaleforum, Mick. It's always a good 'un.


Fair old trek for you though.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning All


Not a lot happening today, as usual, but I may have to supervise Mrs 45156 as she wants to hang a new bathroom shelf and only one of the screws of the old one is in the right position - might be interesting... hmmmmm


Cloudy but bright here at the mo - could go either way.


Mick - glad you enjoyed Scaleforum yesterday - well done on resisting the temptations....




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  • RMweb Premium

Morning Afternoon All, Just got back from Scaleforum. There when the doors opened at 10 and spent a few hours perusing. For some rason I din't get back home till after 4, must have been the extended discusion session in the pub on the way! Good show. As I've only just got home there doesn't seem to be any point in starting on the list.


12BA brass washers liberated.




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  • RMweb Gold
12BA brass washers liberated.


Good man - can I only have the 5% I actually use please. You can keep the 95% I lose.


Feels decidedly wintry today but I'm determined the heating is not going on till October


That's gone out the window....

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  • RMweb Gold

Wood burner is going as I type. Bloomin' chilly tonight up here...


You soft wimps from darn sarf ..... it's still shorts weather!!!



12BA brass washers liberated.


Good man - can I only have the 5% I actually use please


You have the holes then - let Dave keep the rest.

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  • RMweb Premium

Wood burner is going as I type. Bloomin' chilly tonight up here...

Mine too - been going for a couple of days now, as it's turned decidedly dank in the evenings the main supply of wood this year is beech and ash, well seasoned and over a year old, burning beautifully and churning out a lot of heat as well - AND the heating's set for an hour in the morning, more to make sure we get a warm towel and just to get the edge off the air. And I'm no Southern softie either.

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  • RMweb Gold

Evening all.


I've had a really nice weekend. I met one of my cousins (actually my only cousin!) at my mother's funeral. Prior to that I seen her about 40 years ago and before that at her first birthday on the day Kennedy was assassinated. Our parents were not part of one of those families that visit much. My cousin and I agreed we should meet more and she and her husband came down for the weekend. Lots of fun swapping stories about different family scandals of the past and still loads to go for another weekend soon. We all went for a walk in the rain on the seafront in Southend and just ate and talked a lot. I'm not doing much this evening though, even my wife is just going to sit down and watch television with me.



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Morning All,


It is still dark here at the moment, and decidedly chilly. However, I have resisted the temptation to put the heating on as of yet. If I had a woodburner then it would probably be a different story - but unfortunately, I lack a second chinmey, and so until I can afford to build the chinmey, I have to make do with just gas central heating.


I seem to be the first in the office this morning - which surprises me because I had trouble getting out of bed! Still, I had quite a quiet weekend, so can't complain too much.


Time for some coffee I think.


Have a good day everyone...

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all...


So, this is another new week... Far as I can see, the list calls for cleaning out the rabbit enclosure and for a trip to the supermarket later today. And Mum's birthday will be on Friday.


Have a nice day all - far as this is even possible on a Monday! :lol:

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Guest Max Stafford

All this talk of woodburners has me wondering if it be possible to fit one in my cardboard flatpack 1997 semi. Does the design of the house prevent such an idea, I wonder?



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All this talk of woodburners has me wondering if it be possible to fit one in my cardboard flatpack 1997 semi. Does the design of the house prevent such an idea, I wonder?


I wouldn't have thought so Dave, after all, many log cabins have an open fire!


If you don't have a chimney for the wood burner, then you can get a stainless steel sectional chimney fitted to the outside of the house. I don't see why it wouldn't work.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all we survived the reptile show but it was everything scaleforum was not,disorganised, shambolic,poor planning, electrical leads taped down across the aisles and overcrowded. Fortunately I didn't have to pay for the experience Mrs B did. Weather today looks gloomy but I have not put the heating on ,it will be on when I get home.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning All


I too was thinking about ERs and 3 word game being a Don free zone this morning.


Dave there's almost no property that can't be fitted with a wood burner - in your case, it would probably be located on an outside wall, with a stainless steel stovepipe to the exterior. It would also need some sort of guard round it, and it needs to be standing on a fire proof surface, which needs to be for a specific distance to all sides. A qualified HETAS fitter will know all the rules and regulations, and will be certify that the stove's installation complies with the requirements, and you get a plate with all the details, which you mount somewhere in your home.


A bit of a good news, bad news event this morning - good news, Chris Evans is on holiday so isn't on Radio 2 this morning - bad news, they've got Richard Madeley instead.


Dull and overcast with 8/8 of cloud cover, but at least it's dry, and it warmed up a lot overnight, so when the heating kicked in this morning, it was too hot. Warmth is one area where Mrs 45156 and I disagee in a big way. She does not feel the cold, and would happily sit in a house with no heating and the windows open when it's close to freezing outside. 45156 on the other hand does feel the cold quite quickly and likes a good warm house.




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  • RMweb Premium

Morning All, Monday again. Todays challenge, get the vacuum cleaner working before the cleaner arrives to use it! Of course the only star-shaped screwdriver bit thingy missing from the pack is the one that fits the screws on the vacuum cleaner. Grrr.


Have a good one all.




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Such is life...!


Morning all. Struggled through work last week with a throat infection and feeling exhausted. Had the usual busy weekend and this morning woke up with migraine aura so I'm spending the day chez moi. Back to sleep I think, in the hope it goes away!

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  • RMweb Premium

and this morning woke up with migraine aura so I'm spending the day chez moi. Back to sleep I think, in the hope it goes away!


Oh yes, migraine is nasty - when I first had a migraine attack I admit I was thoroughly frightened by the aura :unsure: . Hope you'll feel better soon!

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You have my sympathies Sixoh. I also suffer from Migraines - but thankfully less so in recent years having learnt what usually triggers them for me.


I can think of better things to do than laying in a dark room and trying hard not to move! :wacko:

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