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Good morning all!

Rick it sounds like the pasty day was great. I don't mind a good tiddi oggi myself.


Sun shining here at the moment. Water slowing draining from or front garden but I may need to get the pump into action to help it along.


I intend to do some more modelling for me today. Followed by cricket umpiring tonight with ladies games first.


Enjoy the day. Hope jock can visit soon and that all others on medication are feeling better.



Edited by Barry O
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Morning all. Up early again - urgh! - didn't sleep too well, so plenty of tea required to get through today I think.Thankfully I can hand Natalie the car keys if I feel too tired to drive at least.


Should be another good day at the Leamington Show, hopefully will get more progress on the Networker and EPB I was working on yesterday.


Hope everyone is well and those who aren't have speedy recoveries.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all


A slight improvement on the scanning front this morning, but I'll keep details to a minimum to protect you all! Some chance of release today, I think.


Really nice of my lovely new bride to publish the pic of our feline babies. On her first stay (totally illicit!) in what is now Chez Nous in 2005, Sherry saw them as very young kittens, not long parted from mum. Monsieur Le Grand Orange, aka Cooper, has always been a people-cat, and was much Deb's favourite, too. His grey brother, Chevron, has taken years to come out of his shell, but is now available for cuddles at times. Lola should have been born in Essex, not la Sarthe. She has very little between the ears, sadly, but is quite loving. She seldom settles anywhere for long, is very nervous.


We have a sunny start, which means the cathedral is in shade from this side, and photography not easy, despite being on the third floor on a hillside. I'm also not confident about getting a pic down to RMweb size on the iPad. And the nearby rooftops are as unattractive as any outbuildings at a hospital. Might manage something later.


Live input from Jock remains a fond hope here as well as for you all, I know. Fingers crossed. Other items are not quite ready for crossing yet. Off to take a shower now.

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Good morning from a Sunny Surrey.


Yesterdays Freemo meet went well with all modules up and running just after mid day. Running session till 6pm then all packed away in time for the table booked in the pub nearby where 18 of us sat down for a meal.

A very good day.


Now to remove the leg extensions so that they are at the correct hight to use on Dobris next weekend at St Neots.

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Morning all from our village where there appears to be some very light snow falling sporadically.  Much excitement at the moment as a small gull is strutting it's stuff opposite (about as far from tidewater as is possible.   We're used to large ones but haven't seen this type before, the boss is currently consulting the book to ID it.  


Yesterday went well with quite  a bit of modelling and a good meal with the FiL and his wife.   We ate early to suit him so I even managed to spend a good hour or so preparing small parts of OHLE on our return.    


Hope that Ian manages to escape toda.


ChrisF I do like your phrase 'unspecified potterring'.


Anyway church this morning then the kitchen and dining room are mine with tea at 5 for the hordes.   Perhaps some modelling this evening as I have a footbridge to fettle.

(The gull has been ID'd as a black headed one)




Regards to all.



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Good morning one and all


I visited the Leamington show yesterday and in due course will post on that thread.  Getting there was - er - fun, with a blizzard between Turvey and Lavendon and the sad revelation that there is no cafe at Daventry's Tesco.  Their customer services lady was very helpful.  I did try not to pull a face when she mentioned Costa Coffee.  Some years ago I pitched up at Northampton Tesco for breakfast only to find a Costa enclave selling cakes and little else.  When I expressed disappointment I was given directions to Sainsburys!  Back in Daventry Ms Customer-Service then said "Wetherspoons".  It turned out to be a pub that I had visited in the 1980s when Strawhead played the folk club held there.  Sorted!


Today it's rump steak and trimmings for lunch, probably late lunch as I need to check the multiplex website for the times of screenings.  Apart from that it is unspecified pottering.  Oh, how I wish I was in the area served by BBC1 Yorkshire, for there is to be a film abut the NRM money pit.  You cannot be serious, Chris.  I'm not!!  The amount of hype surrounding that machine is ridiculous.  Is there nothing more important to put on BBC Breakfast?


It seems that there is encouraging news of our invalids.  Long may this be so.




Panic not Chris, the Money pit documentary is indeed on BBC Yorkshire today but will be repeated on BBC4 Monday at 20.30.



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After updating myself on the important news of the day on RMWeb I had a quick look at the BBC site and came across this story



It's about the problems that are still being sorted at the McVities, formerly Carr's biscuit works in Carlisle, in the aftermath of the winter floods.  While it's good to see that things are getting back to normal at last it's also sobering to see the longer term effects of the flood.


However the piece brought back some very happy memories. In summer 1966 as a 13 yr old I took a North West Rail Rover for the princely sum of £1 2s 6d  (£1.12.5p) and had a week roaming the rails from Settle and Giggleswick, on my own.  My mum had a friend at Carlisle who worked at Carr's and courtesy of her hospitality I had a tour of the works which were rail served via a spur from Carlisle Canal.  The works were shunted by a fireless loco, from memory a WW1 ex Admiralty 0-4-0, and I spent a very happy hour or so helping the crew shunt vans of bagged flour etc.  This was the only time I ever drove  a standard gauge steam loco in regular service.   Later on I also had a tour of Kingmoor (My mum's friend knew the shedmaster) and remember seeing the last Clan.  A fabulous week was had and in the process I joined the Ravenglass and Eskdale preservation Society, and am still a member.  I wonder how many 13 year olds would be allowed such freedom today.



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Good morning all. Firstly best wishes to Ian (OD) and let's hope for an escape back home for you today. As someone who also shares a house with three feline friends I enjoyed Sherry's picture - what a lovely trio they are. It is interesting to hear about their different personalities. Our three are also very different:

Emilio - is almost 5, a black and white fluff ball who was given to us by a friend of a friend who could not look after him any more. He is the naughty one, often trying to claw the furniture or curtains whenever he is hungry or wants to go out. He is the one who seems to have the desire to go out at silly times in the morning.

Sula - is the baby. She is nearly 4 and was rescued from the Cats Protection last May. She is the quiet one who will hide away all of the time, only appearing for food and toilet purposes. She is very timid, but does to like to lie on her back and sun bathe by our French doors during nice weather.

Fudge - is our newest recruit. He is almost 11 and a Siamese who was rescued from the Cats Protection in December. A beast of a boy who us well over weight he is always hungry. He is also the most loving cat of the three, always sitting on or against knees wanting fuss. He has taken Saffie's place on the bed at night.


We got woken up early this morning. Amber was very excited to give Sarah the Mother's Day gifts. We had planned a nice surprise for her. Apart from the usual flowers, Amber had decided that mummy needed a new teddy bear. This was duely ordered with the bear's clothing adorned with a printed picture of Amber alongside our dearly departed pussy cat, Saffie. Sarah has also received a printed mug adorned with her favourite picture of our much missed Burmese.

The plans were for a busy day today. Sarah and Amber were due to attend the Mother's Day service at the local church, whilst I was given release to visit the Mansfield model railway show. After lunch we plan to visit the Cats Protection centre so that Sarah can hand in her application form for a craft fair they are holding there in May. Whilst there we need a new, larger, litter tray as our newest recruit keeps missing the current one.

Later we need to do the parent visits.


Sadly Amber is complaining of feeling ill. She is a little croaky and is saying she has a sore throat. The result is, she does not want to go to church. Sarah still wants to go. She missed last week whilst I went to the Trowell show, so it is only fair that I miss out on the Mansfield event. It can't be helped but I am a little disappointed as I had been looking forward to what is always a friendly show.


This morning I received another email to my work account from one of our older pupils. He is interested in model railways and had a layout previously. He is a very polite boy who has had some difficult family times of late. On Friday he came and spoke to me for advice. He is looking to get modelling again, but his controller has packed up. He wasn't sure about what to buy to replace it. We had a chat and looked over the Hornby website as well as a few local model shop sites. I gave him a few pointers and passed on my school email so that he could write down any questions. Over the weekend I have had a couple more from him to clarify a few points. I think he has decided to buy a train set to get the controller, more track and another loco for a reasonable price. I have told him a few outlets where he may find sets being sold cheap, always ensuring I include the advice to check with his mum first! His dad is recovering from a serious illness at present so I am happy to help.


Anyway I hope you all have a good day. Let's hope we hear from Jock soon.

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For once Sunday does not involve work - or feeling guilty because I'm not doing any. Visiting Sandy's aunt this morning, then home to walk dogs and then warm the place up by lighting the fire, as it's **** cold.


Hope that Ian will be able to get home. Debs has been lurking. Hope to hear from Jock. And trust that ll other illnesses are becoming manageable.

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Morning all. A bit cloudy and pleasantly warm. I slept well but absolutely shattered which means plenty of coffee will be consumed.


Ian (OD) - I hope that the chance of release today becomes a reality.


Still anticipating a post from Jock


Lots of tedious tasks to complete today but plenty of breaks to keep an eye on the posts on here.


Have a good day everyone

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Morning all,


Nice sunny day and it's due to last - must try and dig out some pics of our pair of orang 'orrors (one of whom has just up-chucked on the living room carpet).  They rank as probably the most affectionate cats we've ever come across and both have a habit of trying to put their front paws round your neck (in an affectionate manner!) while stretched out on you.


Train ride yesterday was interesting - if that sort of thing interests you - I'll pop a report in the GWML leckytrickyfication thread at some time and magazine purchase was successfully concluded in Reading (eventually).


Now the big news - there will be an event at Fawley Hill (McAlpine's establishment) in May titled 'Transport Through the Ages' and sub-titled 'From Camels to Spitfires'.  Apart from the rock concert (with an Elvis impersonator) on the Friday evening the main event will be on Sat/Sun 21/22 May but there is no indication on the initial information if El Davo will be doing a ballasting demo this year.  Looks like the event will be well up to past standards and possibly even better - especially for aircraft(?) - so thoroughly recommended to all who are interested and can make it.  BTW if Chris F thinks of attending there's no need to worry about breakfast enroute ;)




Have a good day one and all, and well done mums everywhere.

Edited by The Stationmaster
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Jamie92208 of this parish has been sending me parcels, forcing me, yes forcing me, to abandon my usual modelling apathy and actually do some proper, real, authentic and verifiable hands-on modelling. The contents of these parcels are the base components (laser cut plywood, materials) for some small buildings I will construct for LGA. Undoubtedly I will post some daguerreotypes of the work in progress in due course.

Looking forward to seeing the finished article when the layout visits Lancaster in May - and as I'm helping with the setting up etc, I promise to take care of anything that I touch, knowing the sort of journey that they've been on.  No chance of you being in the UK that weekend and coming to Lancaster to meet up with us? - Geoff is certainly going as he's roped in as well, and Mike SM is also hoping to be there, so although it's really Jamie and Dave Chandler's show, the local (and not so local) RMWebbers will be gathering (Probably in the nearest decent pub).

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Nice bright start here in sunny Teignmouth. It really can only go downhill.

Just had a FB chat with an ex colleague who lives in Cyprus these days. He used to be a train driver in Brighton and we were chatting about times gone and also old colleagues and characters!

Off to cook Mum lunch for Mothering Sunday. How it has got away from the original meaning of attending the Mother church service and got to this massive shopping enterprise!

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Morning all from that borough most boring. Brekkie scoffed. Caffeine intake at optimum levels. Time to spend a few well deserved hours in the shed.


A good day was had yesterday with the Freemo meet. Sadly my day was cut short by the boiler acting up. Luckily it was just a thermal cut out and all it needed was a good kicking. (Reset)


Have a good one all.

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Morning all

 Lola should have been born in Essex, not la Sarthe. She has very little between the ears, sadly, but is quite loving. She seldom settles anywhere for long, is very nervous.



Just as well that I was actually born in Islington.......


Best, Pete.

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Morning All,


Good to see some of the sufferers are improving.


...Now the big news - there will be an event at Fawley Hill (McAlpine's establishment) in May titled 'Transport Through the Ages' and sub-titled 'From Camels to Spitfires'. Apart from the rock concert (with an Elvis impersonator) on the Friday evening the main event will be on Sat/Sun 21/22 May but there is no indication on the initial information if El Davo will be doing a ballasting demo this year...

Not entirely sure eldavo will be allowed out to play as he's not due back from Sorrento till the 21st! If he is he'll probably be playing with a 3D printer as there is only so much ballasting excitement the public can take!


Have a good one all.




Edited by eldavo
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Luckily Ian was operated on in the right place, in the right place.  

Not like men who go here instead of Specsavers.


That must be the place I got my new eye lids from!


Now, when I see a pretty lady, my eyes bulge and pop out on stalks!

Edited by Happy Hippo
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Afternoon All


Now fully caught up after an absence yesterday as 30747 decided to bring forward the weekly shop, and to actually GO to a shop to get it, instead of clicking a few buttons and waiting for the nice driver to bring it.


Good to know that Jock is home (picked up a bit more on Lunester Asylum on that front) and from a post there, he hopes to be able to join us with an update later today or tomorrow morning - it seems that he is in a collar which is causing a little difficulty http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/98846-lunester-asylum/page-78 post 1948.


Hope Ian is also on the same homeward journey today.  And yes, the mentions of catheters is causing me some memories of what unpleasant things they are.  I've had to be fitted with one after every operation that I've had as the anaesthetic caused my water works to freeze up, and after the spinal, the scan showed a fluid content of over 900 ml, which seemed a lot to me.  I'll miss the rest of this now, as  being too much information.


Likewise, Neil, hope the pain is now on the wane. 


Got to agree with Jamie's thoughts on freedom in years past, as I was allowed at the age of twelve to get a train down the branch line to Kilmarnock to do some spotting on the main line, and on occasion, was permitted a trip to Ayr again on my own, with no thoughts at all about what might happen.  It helped that I was fully briefed on safety on the railways, as my dad's cousin (you'll remember that he was a senior railwayman) lectured me on the issue of trespass many times.  He also arranged various unofficial shed visits, but he was always there, and he warned me not to try visiting any sheds on my own, as these visits were in his gift.  I have observed that counsel all my life.


As to my day, it's been punctuated by a bit if paperwork, followed by some domestic tasks, followed by "I could use a hand out here in the garden" before I had a chance to visit here.


Possible back later, as two more tasks now, which I promised myself I would do.


Regards to All


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Morning all

...Lola should have been born in Essex, not la Sarthe. She has very little between the ears,

Just as well that I was actually born in Islington.......


Best, Pete.

Good job I didn't reply to Ian's post about abandoning France. I was going to say he would probably quite like rural Essex!

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Just off to take Robbie for a walk. Aditi has gone to Southend to see the Siberian State Ballet perform Sleeping Beauty. I have offered to do some tidying. The visiting speaker for Aditi's French language group is staying here on Wednesday. He hasn't answered any other Aditi's communications about when, where or if he needs to be collected on whether he has any special dietary needs. So far all Aditi knows is he is travelling from Southampton and is talking about Proust.


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