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Raised a bottle of Guinness on this end and hope that this'll count, too!

And more than a few pints of Guinness raised (and downed) here. Live Long and Prosper.

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Evening everyone. Well the day went quite well, I've tested to new APP and I've compiled a list of observations about it so that they can be fed back to the development team with a view to perhaps making a few improvements to it. But on the whole it worked quite well. However, you do need to be in an area with a good signal to be able to log on. This is not so good given the location of some of our more remote sites, but Ho hum. At least I managed to get home early yippee!


It shouldn't surprise me really, but it always does, all the cockwombles were out in force today. I was cut up twice by two different drivers on my way to Wigan this morning, both were driving Beamers, WTF, one leaving it very late to decide that he wanted to leave the motorway via the slip road, that I was just about to PASS! Then on my way home, some dickweed was doing 50 in the centre lane and was being passed on both sides, he didn't take the hint! Where the police when you want them eh?


Friday means that we have our daughters 3 youngest around for the usual chimps tea party, it's great fun, but can be very hectic, as they are all very hyper, and they are now getting a little bit lippy too!


Friday night also means it's my weekly visit to the local pool and tonight was no different. Last week it was very busy, half the pool being taken up by the local diving club and the 3 lanes each had abou 5 people in them. Tonight it was very quite, half the pool again taken the diving club and just 3 of us in swimming, so we each had a lane to ourselves.


Stewart. Not so good news about Lily and your new carpet, such us life I guess!


Ian (OD). Glad to hear that your on the mend.


Flávio. Thanks for the update about Jock, let's hope we hear from him soon.


Mick. Happy birthday to Mrs NB.


RaR. Happy belated birthday.


NHN. Glad to hear that you are somewhat better, even if you don't know how!


I'm off to bed now.


Goodnight all.

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Delighted to hear news of Jock.


Happy weekend one and all.  I'm off to pasty-up and apply the Cornish tartan tie to the neck for St. Piran's Day.  

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Evening all. Great to hear news about Jock, thanks to Flávio for the update. Let's hope the man himself posts an update over the weekend. Best wishes to Ian (OD) whose operation has slipped beneath my radar in recent days. Sorry I missed it sir, and I hope that you fully recover soon.


Some great snowy pictures on here. Whilst North Derbyshire and the Peak District had a good supply of the white stuff, here in the very south of the county there was very little. Nothing when I woke up and only a few flurries of varying degrees during the morning.

After the dressing up for World Book Day yesterday, today was a non uniform day to raise money for the parents association.

The young student teacher was absent this morning, an approved absence I may add. She seemed better in the afternoon so no repetition of the tears of yesterday. Despite the claims of some on here there were no blonde hairs anywhere about my person....(I brushed them off :-) )

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completed the scorer training about 9 pm. Now worn to a frazzle so time for bed!


May get time to do some work on some of my railway stuff over the weekend.


Youngest Herbert has finally had his contract through then found out he is getting a bonus...could be a meal for mum and dad...err no he's off to Prague!


He has had a problem with his car. Its an Audi A4 and is fitted with Adblue - something which is injected into the engine to get the emission levels down. The Adblue warning light came on and a message saying the engine stops in 60 miles...adding more adblue didn't solve anything so he took into into the local Audi dealer. They "looked " at it and, after 3 hours reset the sensor pack and told him it was fine. As he was due to drive to Manchester on the M62 he asked if it was really OK... Answer yes, he set off and half a mile down the road the warning light came back on with a maximum range of 59 miles.  This would have had an engine fail halfway back from Manchester - he was less than impressed. So he had a discussion with the Manager of the dealership. The outcome was they sent for a replacement injector and his vehicle was off the road. He had to make his own way home. They then rang and said "oh we have just realised this car is supplied via adlessval so we should have given you a courtesy car (the car is all of 9 months old so perhaps that should have been offered anyway??) He collected a replacement today and he (after an hour) was called and asked to return as his car was now ready..... He now knows why I told him to avoid Audis!  Lesson learned!


Sleep well!



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Thanks ERs for Happy 78 wishes. It's a strange feeling living longer than any other other known member of the family 'cept my old dad. He survived to 81, just long enough for us to ride thru the Channel Tunnel together to our French exchange's lavish family wedding in Paris.


Am I now about to live long enough to witness the tunnel being concreted up after BRexit?

Come to think of it... :scratchhead:Has work already started under Shakespeare's Cliff? 



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My little brother would have been 62 today. . He died 10 years ago. . . Missing you Porky. 


Thanks for,the message relay Flavio, We'll hear from the man himself when he's good and ready, or, knowing him, as soon as he's able.


Congrats to the birthday squad, and thoughts with those on the sick/recovery lists.


Birtley Show tomorrow and then shopping with GD. . . ."I need to go shopping for mother's day"


                                                                                       " Oh No! . .How much will this cost me?"


                                                                                       "Nothing. I have my own money".


                                                                                       "How much have you got?"


                                                                                       "Approximately £8.47". 



I think I'd better take my wallet.



Goodnight everyone. . . . .Sleep well.




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Just popped in to see if there was any news on Jock, so very pleased to hear that he is now out of hospital.


Now in San Diego, enjoyed our three days in Yosemite, will post some pictures shortly.


Enjoy your weekend folks



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Good morning one and all


I'm off to the Leamington show fairly soon.  There is talk of an RMweb lounge but someone who ought to know better reckons that its location is secret.  I'll know soon enough, provided that the road between here and there is not strewn with snow to too great a depth.  Where I will eat breakfast is still unknown but I have a dim recollection of a Tesco in Daventry.  If I am right that's an eight items plus orange juice for me.


When I'm next on I hope to be reading about the adventures of Flavio, hint hint.  With best wishes to all on or near the sick list, toodle pip and see you tomorrow



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Morning all. A bit chilly this morning but at least there is no frost, snow or rain.


Off to Maidenhead and hoping that the job won't take too long.


Have a good day everyone

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Morning all


Not having slept well since Tuesday night, I was quite a tired boy by bedtime, and settled down about 10. Amazed to wake up and hear trams running - 6 a.m.! I knew the nurse would be coming to withdraw the catheter, and sure enough it's been done. A brief discomfort while she did the deed, and a couple of mins of pain afterwards, but it soon eased and I am now comfortable. Now to hope that the bladder remembers what to do, and passing water resumes normality. If so I can go home. Regrettably the surgeon used the word 'fragile' about it when he visited last night, so this may not be my last stay in the clinique, I fear. We will see.


Sherry visits later, and hopefully will whisk me back to Chez Nous.


Hope everyone's weekend goes peacefully, and maybe we'll see Jock pop in.

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Mawnin' awl. Slept in for a bit (well, it felt like it for me!) and brewed a pot of Earl Grey first thing. Today will be spent on Line 9 anew, followed by Line 11 tomorrow.


Other than that, nothing special to mention as of yet, so may I just wish you a good Saturday…

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Good Morning Campers,


As promised (threatened?) here is a brief update from Schloss iD.

  1. I completed a round of promising and positive job interviews for one company and now must "hurry up and wait"
  2. I ended up doing a small job for my former boss - which turned out to be (thanks to the usual lack of clear instructions) only about triple as long as it should have been (and it's still not completed...). Reminding me how much I loathed working for this person.
  3. Jamie92208 of this parish has been sending me parcels, forcing me, yes forcing me, to abandon my usual modelling apathy and actually do some proper, real, authentic and verifiable hands-on modelling. The contents of these parcels are the base components (laser cut plywood, materials) for some small buildings I will construct for LGA. Undoubtedly I will post some daguerreotypes of the work in progress in due course.
  4. I have placed an order for a Śkoda Yeti, built to our specs, which may arrive in time for my birthday. I am reluctant to give up the SAAB but as the car is the 93 Sport Combi it is too low slung for me to comfortably get in and out (due to arthrosis I have minimum flexibility). Mrs iD, when she wants to be, is a fearsome negotiator and so we got a very good trade-in price for the SAAB and on some additional features (Mrs iD had a last minute change of heart about the rearview camera, exchanging it for a demountable trailer-hitch).
  5. I look forward to Jock's first post-inmate posting and, Ian, I "feel your pain". I had an indwelling Foley Catheter post original knee surgery and they are not fun. Inured as I am to pain and suffering (other people's, of course) there is something about a Foley Catheter that makes one wince.
  6. NHN, sorry to hear about the hip pain. Here in my corner of CH 400mg ibuprofen has been shown to be quite effective for non-narcotic pain management, it may be worth discussing with your GP whether or not it would work for you. The secret is to take it as prescribed (IIRC it's t.i.d.) and not "as needed" and then the circulating levels of the drug are high enough to be effective.
  7. There have been such a large number of posts since the last time I wandered, like a cloud, through that Dali-esque landscape that is ERs that should I comment on all that I want to comment upon, we'd be here until doomsday (not to be confused with Domesday, another story indeed [pun intended]). Congratulations and commiserations as appropriate.
  8. I'm off for outpatient surgery on Wednesday. I'll be having the nail on my right thumb removed, the nail bed debribed and cleaned up (with a sample going to pathology), the nail cleaned up and reattached. I will have a local nerve block, so no need to be NPO after midnight and normal vittels post-surgery. Although I am predominantly right handed I can use my left fairly well, nonetheless for a few days post surgery right handed activities (like opening beer bottles) will be severely curtailed.
  9. Finally, I indulged in myself and bought myself a deep-fat fryer (from Lidl of all places), which works quite well. I tried it out cooking Tempura and tonight I raise the game a bit by cooking fish and chips (all, need I say, home-made).

Anyway, enough dribble and drivel from me. Mrs iD will back soon with the Wolfpack and then we are off to acquire a new set of kitchen appliances, a purchase that we have been putting off for far too long.


Have a great weekend.



Edited by iL Dottore
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Morning all. I see two problems with this-1) where will they stack the logs? In a sort of trailer plane towed behind the aircraft? and 2) I think the fireman will have a tricky job.


I'm going to the Gauge 0 Guild do at Kettling today to see what to do with my terrier.


Best wishes



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Morning all. I see two problems with this-1) where will they stack the logs? In a sort of trailer plane towed behind the aircraft? and 2) I think the fireman will have a tricky job.


I'm going to the Gauge 0 Guild do at Kettling today to see what to do with my terrier.


Best wishes



The fuelling is quite simple. You've seen those In-air refuelling barges used by the military. It will be like one of those, but with a conveyor belt for the logs. Low-tech but effective. Isaac Newton will probably help out.


Actually the Boeing statement is quite heartening. Lateral thinking of the right sort, surely.


Nurse Delphine has the frizzies this morning. Much giggling by the other nurses when I commented, told her she looked belle. Being complimented by a 67-y-o Anglais with a bladder issue is every young Frenchwoman's dream, of course.

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Morning all. Hope all are well and those on the sick list make a speedy recovery.


Started snowing here in Coventry last night, which is rare as often when Birmingham and surrounding areas get the white stuff Coventry gets missed due to the micro-climate type conditions in the area.


Am off this weekend to the LWMRS show in Leamington Spa, so hopefully the roads are clear. But if not it is only 11 miles at least from here.

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  1. I'm off for outpatient surgery on Wednesday. I'll be having the nail on my right thumb removed, the nail bed debribed and cleaned up (with a sample going to pathology), the nail cleaned up and reattached.


No need for all that. I know someone from Rhode Island who could easily take care of it. Speaks a bit of Italian too.

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Good morning all,

Rather grey here and frosty earlier but has warmed up slightly with rain or possibly sleet forecast.

Glad to hear that our hospital patients are improving and either home or heading that way shortly. 

Regular ERs will know that I am a minor accident waiting to happen but have been free from harm for a while. However yesterday whilst stupidly assisting with domestic stuff I managed to ram my forehead into my "favourite" shelf and cause blood to flow.       :banghead: Luckily this was slight and no (more) brain damage seems to have occurred.  :imsohappy:  I say no more because some sort of mental block has had me thinking for the last couple of days that I was going to Basingstoke today for a model rail show. It was only when checking the details yesterday I realised it isn't until next week.

Today I shall be mainly taking it easy so may go and play with trains.

Have a good one,


Edited by grandadbob
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Morning all from Estuary-Land. 80 years since the first Spitfire flew today, its a shame that the actual prototype did not survive though I did read somewhere that a replica has been built. As always the journo's claim that 'the Spitfire won the Battle of Britain' when they were outnumbered by the Hurricane by a considerable percentage. Its also my brothers 69th birthday so a phone call to wish him happy birthday later today. Not much planned for today except for a bit of shopping. Have a good day all, be back later.

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Morning all,


Ah, good to see GDB is suffering the same confusion as I had regarding the Basingstoke show although fortunately I checked and properly sorted the date a week ago (just as well as I am 'judging' the layouts this year :O  :O  :O )

Meanwhile the wood fuelled Boeing 7Log7 is probably giving some UK power generators a nasty feeling as most of the biomass they use comes from Canada, oops - I've often wondered if there was a flaw in this biomass idea!


Meanwhile I have decided that today I shall ignore the pitiful snow fall we are experiencing and take to the rails  to have a look and see how GWML electrification continues not to progress - which should also give me an opportunity to buy a model railway magazine (MRJ) in Reading as the local WHS seems not to have the latest issue.


Have a good day everybody and may Ian enjoy a swift return to the normal passage of we know what.

Edited by The Stationmaster
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