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Morning All,


It is a very frosty morning today.  I am not in the office, I have a days leave as I am going down to Munich for a church meeting later.


I think I had better get my winter jacket out again - I reckon it is going to be pretty cold down there!


Have a good day everyone...

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Hey up!

While we were asleep some one has been round and dumped 2" of very wet snow everywhere!

Roads look clear but our front garden needs a pump out.


Moreasons car park could be fun!


More cricket Scorer training tonight 6:30 till 8:30. Frabjoy!


Enjoy your day/evening.


Hope we hear from Jock and one or two others missing from ER at the moment.



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Mawnin' awl. Elise's still dealing with persistent, unproductive cough, especially at night, which caused me to sleep in for a bit but I'm still not really firing on all cylinders. Many of the staff at her nursery are currently off work due to illness, so I suppose it's something that keeps doing rounds there.


Hope I'll be able to chime in again in a while, but for now, generic congrats and commies to everyone under the weather or coming out of it.



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Good morning one and all


The mucking out has not got very far.  Neither you nor I expected that it would.  I did accomplish something useful yesterday though - booking a hotel room for ExpoEM in May.  The first reaction of the receptionist was to say that the hotel was fully booked!  Despite that she has found me a room so I must look out for the kennels when I arrive.  Apparently a new town centre is under development.  As the present one makes a change from architecture I look forward to seeing it.  Perhaps provision will be made for the tumbleweed to blow through it, unencumbered by shoppers.


Today sees the fodder run and a trip to the bank, followed by the monthly process of reconciling the balance with the budget.  It should not take long.  I have been led to expect a modest rebate from my gas provider, saving them the bother of reducing the price.  Then what?   A bit more m*d*ll*ng, perhaps?


Tomorrow I plan to visit the Leamington/Warwick show.  Finding somewhere decent for breakfast on the way will be fun, or not, depending on the sense of humour.   I tire of motorway service areas  and anyway there are none on the direct route between here and there.  I expect I will think of something.


Best wishes to all on the sick list



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Evening all. I can clear up the mystery of the strangely attired children. Today was "World Book Day". Most schools have special activities to mark the day and the children are encouraged to dress up. In our school the theme was "historical characters". We had a lot of Alice in Wonderlands, Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz, Robin Hood and even Albert Einstein. I took the easy way out and went to school in my Spider-Man onesie that Sarah bought me for a joke one Christmas. I got a few strange looks whilst on gate duty this morning but at least I was warm.

I may have been dressed like a Super Hero, but it seemed like I was having to be called into action throughout the morning. Firstly I was dealing with a young "Little Red Riding Hood" who had fallen over outside of school, depositing her basket of apples all over the road. Then there was the child who had a grade one strop in the dining hall. Finally there was the student teacher whose personal problems led to more than a few tears. I ended up being the shoulder to cry on. Considering the student is a rather attractive slender blonde girl it was not an unpleasant task.


Anyway best wishes to you all.


So that's how you explain those stray long blonde hairs to your other half.   Hope you get away with it.



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Morning all from the sunny paradise of the boring borough. Work from home day today. yippee. That works for me as I've run out of work to do on this part of the project again. Little to report here. Tomorrow is the Freemo south thingamajig. Looking forward to playing trains.


All the best to our gang of patients, and to everyone have a good Friday. TFIF!

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Morning all from a rather snowy village.   The day will be rather busy.  The Boss is busy at church most of the day setting up and then leading a meeting tonight.  I have been roped in to set up chairs, tables, sound systems etc.    I suspect there will be panic about the snow so snow clearing, salting etc may well be on the agenda.  


Hopefully I will get time for a bit of modelling and dismantle two boards that are up at church at the moment then get to the club this evening.


Hope all the various sufferers improve and that Ian's extremities (whichever they are) are in fine fettle.  I wonder if we are going to be treated to regular report on the colour of the effluent and which wine best describes it, hopefully it will be tending towards a Muscadet rather than a nice claret.


Regards to all.



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Morning all.

It was raining last night as I went to bed. It is now snowing, and by the amount that's around it has been for some time.

Oh well, of to Wigan to try out my new APP today. Hopefully an E finish as its POETS day.


Catch up later.

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I haven't entirely caught up yet, but thought a short update would be appropriate. The surgeon had expressed satisfaction before he left last night, and already thought the colour of my output (ooh!) looked very promising. This morning he has been in, endorsed his previous view, says I might be out tomorrow. The 0.9% chlorate of sodium - is that the same as NaCl? - that has been rinsing me through at about 5 litres per hour, is now withdrawn pro-tem. We will see.


For the avoidance of doubt, the male extremity, when fitted with a catheter, is a pretty dismal specimen.


Great to see Gordon's return. While hardly triumphant, a great deal better than he feared. And a real live Debs with her sense of humour intact is a delight. ERs has had worse days.


A&E? My one visit to Tunbridge Wells was after I had hurt my knee. Other patients were more urgent. One attempted suicide, a Ford Fiesta inverted with 7 youngsters inside - no way was I more important than them! So when the chap with the stethoscope finally came to see me, felt the knee and said it didn't feel broken, it was all down to finding a radiographer or going home. The x-ray duly happened, and the kneecap was pronounced truly marbled - all fissures. I was in for a few days....


When I brought Deb into A&E here in LM in 2012, albeit with a referral from our GP, she was put on oxygen within 10 minutes, in a room after 30 for examination. Nothing could have saved her, but efforts were made. Hard to fault.

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Morning All


Greetings from a snowy(ish) village.  Roads appear OK, and forecast is for the snow to abate by 9 and to turn warmer.  Seems that the East side got it worse than here, though the radio traffic news was telling of some problems around Kendal.  Good job the carpet fitters came yesterday as that's where they came from.  30747 has just called to say that the back road is a bit snowy and slushy, so I'll need to take care when I turn out to be her taxi service later on.


Good to hear from Sherry and from the man himself that Ian's on the right side of his surgery now, and best wishes for a quick return home and recovery.  I had a similar experience after my last op, as it was done with a spinal, and it took a while for some of the lower body to come round.  Another part which was affected was the male extremity, and I agree that with a catheter in is a pretty pathetic sight.


Now then, why is it that everybody who is muddling along needs to hide the fact with asterisks - I'm sure that Debs is not all that worried about this activity.


Lily is not flavour of the month today, as she must have objected to the new carpet not smelling of Spaniel, as while we were elsewhere she went into the dining room, and scent marked in the middle of the room. 


Matters domestic are on the morning agenda, and that also involves a bit more putting things straight in the dining room.  So a bit of fortification in the form of a small cooked breakfast may be required.


Regards to All


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Last day of cork this week. Hooray.




I have never been cheered at the last cork.  There should always be another bottle ;)




The 0.9% chlorate of sodium - is that the same as NaCl?


NaCl is Sodium Chloride.  Common salt to you and I.  Chlorate would have at least one Oxygen atom attached to the molecule.  Can't remember enough high school chemistry now to be sure of the valency and correct chemical formula for that.


Very supportive and educational post Ian.  I have to agree about the catheter.  And for what it's worth the description is equally valid after a course of radiation oncology.  But better that than spending ones' later life explaining to mates why it is always necessary to use a cubicle.

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The 0.9% chlorate of sodium - is that the same as NaCl?


Sounds a lot like sodium chlorate which is quite a good weed killer and a useful source of oxygen for the rapid combustion of certain fuels. It's also fairly toxic, but I'm sure he knows what he's doing.

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NaCl is Sodium Chloride.  Common salt to you and I.  Chlorate would have at least one Oxygen atom attached to the molecule.  Can't remember enough high school chemistry now to be sure of the valency and correct chemical formula for that.



It's NaClO3 from memory, and the three oxygen atoms are what make it a substance which is often used as a home made explosive, and a fire risk as it can combust spontaneously.  Many gardeners used to risk their sheds by storing it in unsuitable containers (like the box it came in).


I wonder at this chemical's clinical use as I have never heard of it used in this way before.

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Morning all from Estuary-Land. Bright and sunny this morning but I need to get some things from Tesco's so its out in the car rather than a walk into town. Glad to hear most of our invalids are on the up but the lack of news from Jock is beginning to worry. Thats it for now, be back later.

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Back from blood test pre-oncologist at one of our local surgeries, then back via vet for some dog meds, then off to anothe surgery to see doc for prescription renewal.


However phone call earlier postponing that appt as doc odd sick and I have to see someone else.


Then car in - fourth time in five weeks - to try to sort out towing lights prob. Today they're replacing the voltage stabiliser.


Then home and on with the writing.


POETS? I'm already there.


P.S. And I remembered that Sunday's Mothering Sunday.

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Good morning all,

The sky is blue and the sun is shining in the Land of Sutt.

Had a great day at the reunion yesterday and several pints were drunk. Met some old friends but also sadly discovered that a couple of others were no longer with us. However given the average age of the company that was hardly surprising. (There were only two people younger than me out of the 60 odd there) One rather unusual thing happened was that an announcement was made that a customer in the bar below ( a lady banker I believe) had heard about our function and wanted to buy us all a drink - and did!  :yes:  :drinks:

After that the only downside was getting the Tube from Charing Cross but once we were halfway home managed to get a seat.

The Boss is now demanding my attention for something so I better go,

Have a good one,


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