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  • RMweb Premium

Evening everyone. Cold, wet and dull this morning, but by mid - morning the sun was out and I had to don my sunglasses, however, it chucking it down again now!

When I switched on my laptop first thing this morning I had been issued with a further 36 jobs, still that will keep me busy now until the end of the month. Once I got to the first site and had completed my work, I put the kettle on and then spent about last 30 - 40 minutes or so programming my work schedule, I can make my trips much more economical than the "SMART" programming software which the company uses, as I have the local knowledge that the software doesn't have! So I've got 3 trips lined up to the Lake District lines for this month. As well as visits to the Wirral, East Lancashire, Wigan, St Helens, Blackpool, Samlesbury, Liverpool and Macclesfield. Today I was working in the Widnes and Runcorn area. I can also give myself easier work loads for Friday's too!

We completed the Sainsbury's Grand Prix tonight, bags have now been emptied and all groceries packed away, the cupboards are positively groaning under the weight.

Mal. Great news about yesterday's intravenous treatment being cancelled, the light at the end of the tunnel is well and truly visible now I should imagine!

Gordon. I hope that your recovery doesn't take too long.

Jock. If you are able to look in, hope all is well.

Goodnight all.

Edited by BSW01
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  • RMweb Premium

. As well as going to the visits to the Wirral, East Lancashire, Wigan, St Helens, Blackpool, Samlesbury, Liverpool and Macclesfield.




Out my way a couple of times then.....


Look out for a grey Fiesta with a "L" sign on the roof.




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 Fodder due to be delivered later today, which is great, as I really don't fancy turning out in this weather when I'm a bit off colour.  And just had a text to say that the delivery is on the way.  As I've said before, this online shopping lark is the best thing since sliced bread (two in this week's order) as Morrisons seem to have their act together.  It was interesting to see that they've now teamed up with Amazon to fulfil fresh food orders there as well.


Amazon got caught out with that in Canada. They used to offer two-day free shipping to anywhere. People in the far North thought it was a great idea. They were doing all their shopping, including grocery shopping, online through Amazon (and, I think, some other suppliers). Prices were a fraction of what they were paying in local stores (because those had to factor transport costs into their prices) and delivery was free! All good things come to an end, though, and Amazon revised their shipping policy, with drastic results - http://www.nnsl.com/frames/newspapers/2015-04/apr13_15amaz.html .


Somewhat associated with that, until recently there were no Tim Hortons outlets (THE Canadian coffee and doughnut chain) in the North. The added transport costs meant they felt they could not charge the same prices as elsewhere in Canada, and they didn't want to do that. (A few small outlets have now been opened in co-operation with another company). It meant that a significant proportion of carry-on luggage on flights from southern Canada to the North was boxes of Tim's doughnuts.

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  • RMweb Premium

Evening all from Estuary-Land. Having a sort out of modelling tools, models etc. and having found some tools and models I'd forgotten I had. The spare room still looks as cluttered as ever. An update on the little bit of excitement last Friday with the air ambulance, an elderly gent apparently suffered a massive heart attack and had stopped breathing. Regretably despite the best attentions of the medical staff he died on the way to hospital in the air ambulance. Neil mentioned the Co-codamol, its good stuff but you have to be careful, I was only taking two a day in the evening and on a couple of occasions felt 'high' but a very effective pain killer nevertheless. Its been some time now since we heard from Jock I hope everythings going OK with him. Thats all for tonight folks, goodnight all.

Edited by PhilJ W
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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all.


Broke through the pain barrier halfway through last night's shift.  Day 9 of 9 and the 15th day at the Palace in the last 16.  All as per roster, no overtime or swaps involved.  Sometimes you have to just keep going despite what your back, legs, feet and other bits are telling you.  Arrived home at midnight when it was still a comfortable 25C.  Half-decent sleep followed but awoke this morning, Woden's (or Hump) Day feeling absolutely $hagged.  So it will be a cheeky coffee and back for more sleep with best wishes to all until I resurface.


Five days off.  No need to be awake until Moan-day :D

Edited by Gwiwer
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Evening all. Good wishes to all, especially those who are battling illnesses of various kinds. Here the voice is little better and the day was a bit of a struggle. Some of the children decided to take advantage a little, it is in their nature I suppose. It does not help.

I had to rush home because the local constabulary finally got back in touch to sort out the witness interview. This time they managed to arrive on time. The process took a couple of hours and as a result I did little in the way of work this evening. A few books marked and that is it. Things seem to be mounting up a little at the moment. Hopefully I can clear some tomorrow.

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  • RMweb Gold

Evening all


Earlier this evening I came across this little piece of amusement - great fun if you happen to have a less than common surname and it seemed to give up trying to work out where I met Mrs Stationmaster with my surname most prolific in Fife ( I know all about that branch of the family) and the eastern part of Yorkshire and hers being pure Cornish.  I suspect that one or two other folk on here could similarly confuse it!




And on that happy note - the bins are out ready for the morrow and it currently isn't raining although that state of affairs is forecast not to last.


G'night all

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An update.


I wasn't quote asleep when the phone pinged.  That's a Facebook message incoming from one of a few close friends / family.  Turns out the Good Lady snuck off to her place of attendance this morning minus essential medications.  I am about to convey those to her.


In the meantime I tried Mike's link for fun.  Where is my surname most prolific was spot on.  Where did we meet seemed to default to the same area as both surnames are actually common in that region.  However we met many miles away in Cornwall and are both from Cornish families despite having surnames more common in the east from Suffolk through to Lincolnshire.  And around Dundee for some curious reason for which explanation eludes me.

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Mike's link didn't work too well for me. Place predicted for my name well out, but understandable. Place predicted for my wife's name well out, and not understandable. Prediction for where we met well out, and interestingly where I would have expected to be predicted for my wife's name (but it wasn't).


My wife's name is from the English Midlands - her Dad came from there - but we were married in Scotland, which has had centralised records since 1855. Last time I looked, ours was the only marriage in Scotland in that time between our two surnames. Similarly, the combination of surnames in her two sisters' marriages are also unique in Scotland in that time.

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  • RMweb Premium

Evening all


Earlier this evening I came across this little piece of amusement - great fun if you happen to have a less than common surname and it seemed to give up trying to work out where I met Mrs Stationmaster with my surname most prolific in Fife ( I know all about that branch of the family) and the eastern part of Yorkshire and hers being pure Cornish.  I suspect that one or two other folk on here could similarly confuse it!






My surname apparently has a large contingent in the West Midlands........ At least I was spared total embarrassment by having a Scottish presence.


Then tried both surnames and we're right where we should be.




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Morning all. A bit chilly but seems to be better than yesterday.


My thoughts are with those ailing, recovering or missing this morning. I believe that Jocks last planned treatment was yesterday so hopefully we'll hear something soon.


Have a good day everyone

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  • RMweb Premium

My name was quite prolific in the USA.


There are still a few roundhouses left but not to the extent that they were  :sungum:



Well if we go down that particular road then the native Gwiwer Goch has recently been reintroduced to parts of Cornwall after the eradication of the invasive American variety ;)

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Morning All,


We have quite a mild morning here.  I was half expecting it to be much worse this morning - I went out to eat with my colleagues yesterday evening, and when I returned the temperature was down to 2°C and it was sleeting.  Fortunately, it has warmed up overnight and it is by and large dry.


I have a day of testing to look forward to today.


Have a good day everyone...

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  • RMweb Premium

Hey up!
Up early as her indoors off swimming pre teaching.
Hurrah! Eldest Herbert is on a train to Hull to hand in his rewrites for his PhD. (One of his two assessors asked for it to be professionally proof read...he'll be asking for it in ink on parchment next!)

My name is centred on the Northumbria/Durham coal field...Why am I not surprised!

Hope we get good news from all who are ailling today. Positive progress reports always make the day go better.

Have a great day everyone.

Edited by Barry O
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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from Baz-land where it is sort of misty (at my 10th floor altitude, anyway)


Barry, I certainly am. We've gone up in the world from the Cosmo. of last trip  ;) 

Overlooking the station. 

Not really sure why the locals suggested we meet in the hotel bar rather than one of the fine pubs you've mentioned previously. 


Anyway, have a nice day folks. 

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  • RMweb Premium

Andy, make the most of it as in one of the HS2 plans it will be knocked flat!


And to think you are close to the Scarborough taps, the Midnight Bell, the hop, the Duke and Drake, friends of ham....... Obviously though if they drink lager then they may not be acquainted with such venues.....



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Morning all. My wife had an unusual surname; the computer thought so too as there is no data available. My own is thick dense most heavily populated in Cumbria, Yorkshire, Lincolnshire, Northumberland, and the Dundee area.

Yesterday at work I noticed that the front number plate of my car was missing. I don't know how long that has been the case as when parked in the drive it is always left with the nose against the garage and we cannot see the front. Today my wife has the car and is taking it to Halfords to get a new one. Question is: is it OK to drive into town without a number plate to get to Halfords for the new plate fitting?  

Stay safe all.

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Don't let her forget to take a proof of identity and the vehicle log book, otherwise Halfords say no.


Not sure of the legality of knowingly driving without, sorry.

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  • RMweb Gold

A sunny Surrey this morning. Thought our luck as in with the earlier bus being very late but the app must have been showing a ghost bus as it apparently went past us whilst we were waiting at the bus stop.


So swe startedcwalkingvand the normal bus went past earlier than the app was showing, although it was still late.


Trains OK so far this morning.


A few more hotels booked last night. One is for our trip to the European show in thecWest Midlands in December and many hotels already full.

Another is for Cowes in Novemeber and again many hotels full.


At least it's hump day today.

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Good morning one and all


I've not tried the 'where is your surname' thing yet.  It would be a shame if the legend that my forebears went to Ireland during the potato famine turned out to be a fabrication.


One of yesterday's announcements by Bluebox beggars belief.  Ready populated coaches will be one more nail in the coffin of m*d*ll*ng.  Let me remind you of the first law of marketing: some people will buy anything.


So, gentle reader, to more normal content for this idyllic enclave.  Much of yesterday afternoon was spent ironing, this after an early morning fodder run which led to the impulse purchase of 140 grammes of lamb's liver.  Jim the butcher dislikes the substance intensely so it is as well that he was not on duty.  His charming lady assistant is quite happy with slicing it, so late lunch comprised that with a rasher of what passes for bacon these days and suitable vegetables.  The other favourite delicacy, herring milts, was not on sale but it will return.  It had better.  In the evening, on impulse, I fished out the DVD of "Terminus", perhaps the most eminent British Transport film, directed by no less than John Slesinger.  There are many worse ways of spending 40 minutes.


Today's lunch will be reheated beef bourguignon.  There should be enough for two days unless I am famished at the time of serving.  The main distraction today will be PMQs on TV with braying backbenchers, gratuitous insults and all the other ingredients.  Amid all this excitement I really ought to do some tidying.  As an illustration of just how much tidying needs to be done, the missing CD turned up under a cutting mat.  I plan to listen to it on my next long car journey, which could be on Saturday if we are not covered in snow.  My ticket for the 4square gig in Camden next Tuesday has been secured and I'm looking forward to it.


Best wishes to all on the sick list



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