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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from Estuary-Land. Jock, good news and bad always seem to come together but what has happened to your BiL only shows why it is essential to check things out. As I mentioned my sister found a lump on her breast about 25 years ago, got it treated straight away and has no problem since. Didn't get off to sleep until early this morning due to the sciatica, its never been so bad before, I did eventually nod off but woke up a couple of hours later and could barely move without a great deal of pain. It was almost as bad this morning which made dressing difficult but I managed in the end. The pain has eased somewhat since so hopefully it will continue to do so. I was intending to hobble into town today but that depends on how I feel after lunch.

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  • RMweb Premium

' Morning all from red dragon land.


Sunny start to the day but with the cloud build up I can't promise much for the rest of it.


Morning all,

So, Gravity Waves have moved the Earth the width of an atom further away from the Sun:sungum:

3 pints of fff Mondance have been known to do similar!  :stinker:

I shall be applying for a substantial research grant to prove my contention.  :drink_mini:


Will it start getting colder now?  :jester:

Global freezing?  :scared:


Fur coat....ear warmers....




Anyway, keep warm everybody and well.

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Morning all. Just back in from the morning walk along the sand, as it was low tide. With a lot of driftwood washed up recently, I took the car down to the beach car park and managed to load up a good quantity of the wood for use in the woodburner in due course. It is now offloaded in front of the garage so I will wash it down next to remove some of the salt.


My cold is still not passing, so throat is still sore, and nose is running like a tap! I missed going to the MRC last night as I didn't want to pass it on, but we have a monthly talk this evening, so I might make that with luck.


Jock, my condolences on your loss. I really hope that your own treatment does work as planned.

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I've never discovered what a Ninja is, and the last time I did an IQ test - on Facebook a week ago - I then found they wanted money to tell me my score. Dream on!

Yep, I did that one. Interestingly I came out of it as soon as it asked for payment, and it then posted my score on my wall anyway! To be honest I think it marked me down for going through the process and not realising they were going to attempt to charge me at the end...


Morning all from a dry Scottish HQ. TFI... It's felt a long week, and there will be much DIY and tidying this evening as GF has Airbnb guests coming to her new flat tomorrow. First Airbnb guests in the new place.


Have spent the morning so far trying to get my head around a draft decision by one of our lawyers which doesn't make any sense to me!


Hope everyone's well (as can be expected!).

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  • RMweb Gold

Yep, I did that one. Interestingly I came out of it as soon as it asked for payment, and it then posted my score on my wall anyway! To be honest I think it marked me down for going through the process and not realising they were going to attempt to charge me at the end...

I wouldnt worry too much about the score. IQ tests measure how well you do at that test not intelligence.
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  • RMweb Gold

Just had a texct from my other half. Luckily they let her pay and collect my Kato loco so a new toy to play with tonight.


WIth regards the icy third rails, looks like the Brighton mainline had gone completely FUBAR after the train I was on made it to LBG. Fingers crossed its now all getting back to normal to running nearer to time.


Off to site the rest of the day for meetings.

Edited by roundhouse
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  • RMweb Premium

' Morning all from red dragon land.


Sunny start to the day but with the cloud build up I can't promise much for the rest of it.



Will it start getting colder now?  :jester:

Global freezing?  :scared:


Fur coat....ear warmers....




Anyway, keep warm everybody and well.


No, it's far more sophisticated.

My proposed research will be pulled through to exploitation in Global Climate Control through Gastric Actuated Whole Planetary Movement. :superman:

A crack squad of real ale fans will be deployed on specific parts of the planet to move it either closer to, or further away from, the Sun. 

This will obviously be sponsored by individual continents, and Earth moving will be according to who bids highest for the services of the squad.   

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  • RMweb Premium

Good and bad from Jock.  I guess the glass is half full so all the best to BiL and chin up yourself Sir.  On the subject of brothers-in-law mine checked in from a pub (no surprise there!) in Germany shortly after the train crash nearby to confirm he was not involved.


Well.  If I could have chosen a day to "pull a sickie" it should have been today.  The Day From Hell began well enough and has continued our run of mid-twenty-something mostly-sunny weather.  The good lady has been expecting a delivery from overseas and a Toll van dutifully drove up mid-morning.  That was the things began to go wrong.  Toll Driver popped a "Sorry we missed you" card in the mailbox - ours are out on the street American style and not a slit in the door - and made no attempt to come up the drive, knock the door nor actually deliver the parcel.  I rang the number on the card for re-delivery.  He came back within the hour and did precisely the same as I watched from the window.  Another card was left in the mailbox and no attempt made to deliver.  I rang them again and was told "No one was home".  I advised that I was not only home but had watched their driver place two cards in the mailbox and not make any attempt to deliver a parcel.  They disbelieved me and hung up.  


I then had to make tracks for the Palace of Attendance.  App checked to confirm the train service was normal and off to the station.  Train rolls in, I board, we wait.  After 5 minutes driver announces "Owing to a gas leak we have to wait here until further notice".  Five minutes later we were moving again as the leak was some way up the line.  Train duly terminated some way up the line due to leaking gas and we waited for the buses we were told would be provided. They were not.  After 30 minutes one bus arrived, hopelessly inadequate for the 200 or so people waiting.  I managed to use my uniform to exert enough influence to get on.  Finally arrived after being decanted beyond gas leak and boarding another train only 95 minutes late.  I reckoned there were over 1000 people waiting for the bus to go back.


Same shift, same duty, same platform as yesterday's disruption which had been fixed after determined overnight work.  A full section of track has been relaid which normally takes a weekend but was achieved in two nights and one day.  If only life were then plain sailing.  Today a train managed to destroy 600 metres of overheads when its panto flipped.  Same line, different spot, same result.  No evening peak trains and buses provided instead.  Same person dealing with angry and frustrated passengers many of whom took it out personally upon me this time.  


Managed to get home without further incident but having fended off several hundred abusive and two very threatening passengers.  They had a point.  It's been a bad week on their line.  That doesn't entitle them to take it out on the staff.  But it's all in a day's work.


Managed to keep smiling most of the time.  Even managed to get a couple of pats on the back from the more understanding among the hordes hearing what I was being called and how I was being treated.  Tomorrow's another day.  Worse things happen at sea.

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  • RMweb Premium

left home at 6:45 am to deliver Eldest Herbert to the station, followed by sitting in the car waiting for Moreasons to open (which it did 5 minutes early), then down to our Club rooms for a great discussion with two people from Leeds City Council.. who are being very helpful (I wonder why but hey ho its good to get help!)


Now need to write* a newsletter for the club members so TTFN




* edited for blithering spell checker!

Edited by Barry O
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  • RMweb Premium

Decided not to hobble into town today as the sciatica is unabating, at least as I pass the surgury I'll be able to make an appointment with my GP. Mind you this cheered me up this morning.

Edited by PhilJ W
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The trouble with driftwood is there's a lot of salt in it, so it spits badly. Hope your wood burner is enclosed. We used an open grate, and ended up with embers burning a hole in the settee. Expensive!

It will also corrode metal flue liners.

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  • RMweb Premium



Had a wee ride out to the old farts bike club, and horrors, another bike turned up! (A mint CB77, Jock!)  Plus one in a van.....#sigh#  A bit chilly though, 5c, OK for walking, less so wit a 60 mph wind chill.


Having absorbed advice about Roco multimice, I took up Baz's challenge and phoned Charlie at DC Kits - who I find are not open Fridays!! :scratchhead:  :jester:  Ho hum.  So I sent him an e mail, they're free so he should reply! :sarcastichand:


Liked the positive half of Jock's news, and my condolences on the other half.  2016 is off to a shaky start.


Off to the garage to fiddle with trains! :yes:

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Hi guys.


Just back from my Friday date with the podiatrists and Diabetes nurse. She is a "glass half full" girl and made me laugh as she weighed me She said "It's kind of a good thing you're overweight." She went on to say "If you were 10 stone and that ill we would be in trouble!"  She is really good.


I have a date with an orthotist (no, I'd never heard of it either) on Monday, hopefully we can sort out some footwear and I can walk a bit further-maybe even get round an exhibition.



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The trouble with driftwood is there's a lot of salt in it, so it spits badly. Hope your wood burner is enclosed. We used an open grate, and ended up with embers burning a hole in the settee. Expensive!

The woodburner is fully enclosed, so spitting isn't an issue.  I try to remove the salt to prevent excessive corrosion inside the woodburner from the salt.

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  • RMweb Premium

In other news, I got a dentist's appointment booked for 10 March. I admit I had put that off for a very long time (and I mean, very long) owing to, shall we say, adverse experiences in past years. Basically, no matter how well or badly I cleaned my teeth, there always was something to be fixed, and inevitably, comments like "you should have been more thorough" followed to add insult to injury. 


Also, the first dentist I had as a child was the kind of rough and ready guy who could sing and hum along unaffectedly, which I personally found grossly inappropriate while I wilted away in the chair… At least the dentist (whom Elise also frequents) is specialised in working with "anxiety patients", so I hope I will at least feel less uncomfortable.

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  • RMweb Premium



Had a wee ride out to the old farts bike club, and horrors, another bike turned up! (A mint CB77, Jock!)  Plus one in a van.....#sigh#  A bit chilly though, 5c, OK for walking, less so wit a 60 mph wind chill.


Having absorbed advice about Roco multimice, I took up Baz's challenge and phoned Charlie at DC Kits - who I find are not open Fridays!! :scratchhead:  :jester:  Ho hum.  So I sent him an e mail, they're free so he should reply! :sarcastichand:


Liked the positive half of Jock's news, and my condolences on the other half.  2016 is off to a shaky start.


Off to the garage to fiddle with trains! :yes:

My fault.. forgot he will be at Donnie building his stand...

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  • RMweb Premium


I have a date with an orthotist (no, I'd never heard of it either)

A very useful but little known person in the medical profession.  For the uninitiated, they deal with Orthotics, which is, generally speaking, the provision of various devices to assist with the support, alignement, etc of the various limbs.  In my case, this was to provide built up shoes and heel lifts to compensate for the reduced leg length after my first hip repair (and then to change the prescription after the second). 


Back again having picked up 30747 from work, and waving her off to her art group.  I get left with the domestics.  One such was the hoover, which has decided to stop picking up almost completely, so a check of the trouble shooting part of the "manual" brief instructions guide, diagnosed a possible blocked filter.  We've had this machine for about a year, and never cleared it, so I guess it was time - took nearly an hour, as the filter was almost totally clogged with cloggy stuff, and needed not just a simple shake, but to dig the elements out with a stiff brush.  Memo to self, must clean it more often.  Also lost the fight with the washer in the end - lots of manual spinning as the washing action had managed to get all the clothes wrapped up in a duvet cover.  I HATE DOMESTICS.


I have just found that I've got a swelling near my operation scar which wasn't there before, so luckily I was able to get hold of the surgery before it closed for lunch, and managed to get to see a GP this afternoon. 


Got to put the dinner on now - crispbakes today - they look awful, but I find the Aldi ones to be quite delicious.

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Jock, sorry you had to mix the bad with the good news, feel for you, but am glad to hear your meds seem to be having the right effect. Soldier on mate. :friends:



POETS day, and once again will easily accomplish same, as already worked my "quota" and banned from any extra due to the project management/budget balancing farce/trick.

Still confused by it, as we WILL have to work more than the standard hours at some point if we expect to go live on time! Still, that's for the PM to figure out :jester:


Uneventful trip home, always a bonus, and snowing lightly when I was retrieved from the airport.


Four packages awaited - two of no consequence (being the sink and associated parts for the kitchen - shh, don't tell the Mrs I said they were of no consequence :O ) and two IMPORTANT packages - locos :senile: .

Both eBay wins, both weathered, a Q1 33009 (factory weathered, DCC installed) and a Schools "St Lawrence" (privately weathered, awaiting delivery today of decoder). Will be later today before I am able to open/view/test - I'll post pictures, and hope Deb misses them :)


Up very early, 5:40AM, to get Jemma to the airport for her 7AM flight starting a 4-day duty. Rather cold at that time in the AM here, -13!

Sunny now expecting -13 for the high and dropping to -23 overnight.


POE if you're able, enjoy the day.

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