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The layout is called Arakoola and is based, I think in NSW.


It has its own web presence and does look rather good.  




I've left them a suitably-encouraging message including details of "Boghouses" travels.


They are claiming a record 



This has even progressed to registering Arakoola with the Guinness Book of Records organisation for furthest travelled model railway!


which I hold by a pip-squeak.  Melbourne - Taunton is about 100 miles farther than Sydney - Telford.  Action has bee taken accordingly.

Edited by Gwiwer
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Morning all,

Joanna drove me to this morning's meeting with the 'Count's Daughter', and found the strong and intermittent gusts coming off the sea from Imogen, most worrying. Now it's wait until Thursday's oncology consultation to see if the new chemo strength can be raised until I'm hitting the 'bar steward' with maximum force! Very tired tonight, won't bore with all the details, but as I can't get to sleep yet, I'm attempting a short post.

Duncan(emt911), good to read of your intentions for the upcoming Telford show weekend (though do watch out for the Hippo colony!) - it does seem to be a well liked and supported event. Hope you don't miss out again.

Baz, hope you've managed to resolve your phone problem - how did we ever get by without them?

Polly, you caught me out, just like Tony, with your DD reference - I naturally assumed you were referring to Peter your nearby Welsh resident! A nice set of images of your journey, but lots of people (especially regulars to Cornwall) have said that the old 125s were more comfortable! What do you think? Have you posted your show pics elsewhere by any chance?

Neil(NHN), your post underlines what I suspected from the images, the terrain simply doesn't allow for a much easier solution, unless you want to dump a one-off large sum of money down the drain! I must say, it looks like it will last a time - has any scale been projected as a matter of interest?

Brian(BSW001), I hoped you'd be able to select the pages on the spirals separately. The recent banking trick only came up a few days back, so shouldn't be hard to find. Perhaps, just like me, you can't help reading on when the content is so clever?

I'm going to attempt some sleep shortly, so I'd like to wish everyone an improvement in health as required and a balance of the week that brings more happiness than pain!

Kind regards,


G'night all!

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A formal claim to the Guinness World Record organisation for Farthest-travelled Model Railway has been made for "Boghouses".  They say it can take at least 12 weeks to determine an outcome.

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A short shift again. All the guests tucked up just before 1am. Saturday night is likely to be a bit later, along with a few nights next week during half-term.

After I left last night, there was a domestic argument amongst the guests that resulted in one of them taking a 50 mile taxi ride home.


Nothing like a wedding and a few drinks to bring out the worst in families............


Anyhow - back on a good note.


A couple of short spells of modelling today in between my driving and wife's work commitments, will hopefully see another two new train formations on New Bryford at the upcoming Telford D&E show on 20/21 Feb.


Just waiting for Imogen to pass on through and maybe, just maybe, it'll stop persisting down.


Keep it up Jock!




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Morning all. It seems to be a bit calmer outside today. I don't think that I could deal with another journey home like yesterday.


Although I slept well, I don't feel like I've had enough so coffee is the order of the day


Jock - The Telford weekend has been booked off and accommodation is being booked tonight.


Have a good day everyone

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Good morning all,

Dry at the moment after a blustery night but rain forecast along with some brighter intervals.

Over the past couple of days all our neighbours' bins have been blowing around but ours haven't. I've only just realised that it might be something to do the large amount of beer and wine bottles in one of them that's keeping it and the other one in place. 

The Boss has been taken to work and I have been left with no instructions apart from a request to switch on the dishwasher. I think I can manage that.

Kids here after school again tonight. Gemma came out from gym club on time last night and I hope for the same later. If not there will be trouble because we can't have pancakes until I've collected her. 

It's about time I restarted work on the railway as nothing has been done since before Christmas apart from playing with the trains. There seems to be a distinct lack of motivation here(again).

Have a good one,


Edited by grandadbob
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Morning All,


Well - we seem to have weathered the storm, now we just have to get through the second one which is forecast to arrive this afternoon!


It is still dark, blustery and rather mild outside this morning.


I think it is time for a coffee!


Have a good day everyone...

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Off to collect my phone from a place north of Leeds (it had fallen out of my pocket into the car footwell.) Jock you are so right....so much to do but no way of contacting people as there numbers are in the mobile. I will write the numbers down to alleviate this problem!


Time for tea and then a bit of breakfast before venturing north.


The Aussie O Gauge is coming by container I understand. Must be costing a bit for that. Wouldn't have happened when I was a minion in the Exhibitions and Events sub committee.


Rick, your claim must be OK. The NMRA flew a DCC layout to den Bosch in Holland once but that was nowhere near as far as you travelled. A US carrier flew it for free, getting it through Dutch customs was, apparently, time consuming.)


Have a great day/ evening



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Good morning one and all


With any luck the wind will have dropped.  I put the bins out last night for emptying sometime this morning but have not yet checked whether they are still where I left them.  When I set off for the fodder run later I will take care to look.


After a few anxious moments yesterday I rediscovered a book that I bought a week and a half ago.  It was, of course, exactly where I had left it, in the plastic crate that had also accommodated the wok and related implements that I took with me on the last visit to Poorly Pal.  Silly me: there I was looking for it on the bookshelves.


Tomorrow morning I am off to South Wales.  I hear horror stories about the M4 near Newport and how easily it succumbs to congestion so my visit to friends near STJ will be brief.  One of said friends opposes nearly everything, from the oft mooted duplicate length of M4 to good old HS2, remote as the latter is from her dwelling.  She seems to be what some call a banana, which in this context stands for "build absolutely nothing anywhere near anyone".  On the subject of acronyms, my late friend Alan Jarvis, whose photos are the reason for my trip, once told me what Lufthansa stands for: "Let us fondle the hostesses and not say anything".


Best wishes to the ailing



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Morning all!


Sounds like the wind's dropped but precipitation abounds!


Head spinning trying to reconcile trip to Cromford on Saturday, wiring cousin's boat, organising replacement tour for April (RTC failed to deliver so designing a custom one!) and specifying the wiring scheme for my club's new layout - just not enough hours in the day at the moment!


Have as good a day as you can, and usual wishes & thoughts to those who need them.

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Morning all from the boring borough. (now 5km closer to France) Loads of wind and not from a curry for a change. Little to report. Work is stalling out as the client is having a headless chicken moment. Annual appraisal over and done with again. Basically its a young Mr Grace moment. "you've all done very well". Meaningless but it keeps a few people in HR employed to file and collate the data every year.


Schlepped to the mall maul on Sunday for a replacement coffee maker. Despite their website showing the item of desire in stock, they only had a rather kicked about demo unit left. Arsebiscuits! Instead we ended up carrying home several metric tonnes of le Crueset cookware from another shop. TBH we needed replacement frying pans and skillets. I'd just winged 3 old worn out Tefal ones into the bin. We still don't have a replacement coffee maker.


There was a UK layout that was flown to Canada a number of years ago. It was exhibited but I think it was a one way trip and remained. In 98 we flew our layout from Calgary to Toronto for the Great British Train Show. In 2000 we drove it along with Pete Johnson's Iffanwen Junction. (MR Jan 2000 I think) That was a 7600km round trip. I guess unless someone on the moon builds a layout, shipping from Oz to the UK will be the record holder for a long time to come.


Lightengine, I too really enjoy café Delirium. There are only 2 downsides though. At the wrong time of day it fills with tourists and/or brats. Also you need to be careful when ordering some of the more obscure bottles. Check the date BEFORE letting them open. I've had a few that were well past their lifespan and didn't age well. These days I tend to spend more time upstairs in the tap room or hoppy loft.


Gotta run, lets see what the excuse du jour is from those c***puffins at Southeastern. I'm almost convinced they are in league with the Pelt Trader at CST. They invent these delays just to get a zillion people to cram into the bar to wait it out.


Have a great day everyone. 1/366th of a year closer to 2017.

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Morning all, up early to take the car to Derby for a new clutch master cylinder and rear brake pads. What was the song God won't you give me a Mercedes Benz... Mrs B should be less radioactive today but still irate due to Yodel and their failure to deliver.Best get a move on and get on the road. Have a good day. 

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Mawnin' awl. It did turn blustery out here by about noon, but I've seen worse, TBH. Of course, we may just have been lucky!


Several exhibitions taking place next week and I found out I will, in fact, be driving exhibition specials on Monday at least. Should make for an interesting bit of change, I guess.


Now off for more coffee…

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Good morning one and all


With any luck the wind will have dropped.  I put the bins out last night for emptying sometime this morning but have not yet checked whether they are still where I left them.  When I set off for the fodder run later I will take care to look.


After a few anxious moments yesterday I rediscovered a book that I bought a week and a half ago.  It was, of course, exactly where I had left it, in the plastic crate that had also accommodated the wok and related implements that I took with me on the last visit to Poorly Pal.  Silly me: there I was looking for it on the bookshelves.


Tomorrow morning I am off to South Wales.  I hear horror stories about the M4 near Newport and how easily it succumbs to congestion so my visit to friends near STJ will be brief.  One of said friends opposes nearly everything, from the oft mooted duplicate length of M4 to good old HS2, remote as the latter is from her dwelling.  She seems to be what some call a banana, which in this context stands for "build absolutely nothing anywhere near anyone".  On the subject of acronyms, my late friend Alan Jarvis, whose photos are the reason for my trip, once told me what Lufthansa stands for: "Let us fondle the hostesses and not say anything".


Best wishes to the ailing




If the travel news suggests trouble on the M4 around Newport you should be ok for STJ as you come off the M4 at Magor  there are also Services there. However you can also take the M48 over the old bridge and then go down the A48. Or even take the A48 from Gloucester to save the entry fee into Wales (Bridge tolls). When I had to visit the Bedford office from the Forest of Dean I would take the cross Country route. Gloucester,Stow, Deddington, Buckingham, MK.


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Thanks, Don.  I refuse to pay to get into Wales so my route will indeed be via the A48 from Gloucester.  My anxiety about the M4 at Newport stems from having to get to Radyr via the Premier Inn east of Cardiff where I will be staying.


Bedford office - hmmm.  Which organisation, if you don't mind me asking?



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Morning all from the village that is still north of Ikea, despite Imogen. Various minor jobs to do this morning then a trip into Leeds this afternoon to take Beth to an appointment and to buy my train tickets for a trip to Lancaster on Thursday. Hopefully this evening I'll be able to put a couple of boards up at church so that I can lay some tram track across baseboard joints. I have no doubt that other minor tasks may be 'suggested' at some point.


Anyway I wish everyone a good day.



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Morning all

Not at stormy here now. Just looks dull though.

Aditi has started tidying the study. Some stuff wen to a charity shop yesterday, they are sending a van for some furniture items today. The landing is covered with recycling bags. I still can't see any extra shelf space!

Matthew has a doctors appointment (about now in fact). He didn't go to lectures yesterday but he asked a friend if he could could borrow any notes, and she invited him to dinner which was kind.


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Re the Croydon crash, it does appear to me also as if the silver car did, in fact, accelerate during the last one or two seconds prior to collision, raising the question of whether its driver might have been distracted by whatever cause or otherwise oblivious to the situation at hand, and missed noticing the traffic lights until such a time that they concluded they would not be able to stop ahead of them – then to misjudge the tram's position and motion when they tried to clear the danger zone quickly. Either way, since the red car also seen was clearly stationary, there are, to my mind, few other plausible explanations other than a rather gross error committed by the silver car's driver. I am, however, not familiar with this area, and so cannot comment on the precise road layout and traffic light installations there.


Other than that, I think you provided everything else that could be said for context, Rick.

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Blue sky this morning was a bit of a shock.


Not too much in the way of wind, as the trees seem to be standing properly to attention  for my forthcoming perimeter check.


I get confused over people mentioning the Telford show, as there are two this year. (Three if TRMG have one as well)  I presume the majority of those who mention Telford mean the Gayjoe show in September, and not the DEMU type show later this month.


**Bad news leaking out of Germany this morning:  Two passenger trains have collided head on on Barvaria.


It is reported to have been on a single line, so shades of Abermule!


No speculation on the cause from me, but my thoughts are with the families of those killed and for those injured.



** Edit: Just seen Robert's post

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News is coming in of a rather nasty train crash in Bavaria.


Current reports are that two trains have collided, multiple carriages off the tracks, eight dead and around 100 injured.


Yep, also posted in the German Railways section on here by another user: http://www.br.de/nachrichten/oberbayern/inhalt/zug-entgleist-bad-aibling-100.html and http://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-35530538

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Morning All


We survived Imogen here as though it was blustery, it wasn't quite as bad as they forecast.  However a trip to town took longer than expected, thanks to deciding to have a breakfast in 'spoons, and what with the domestic tasks that needed to be tackled when I got home, so the on button of the computer didn't get touched, and I didn't get to post last evening.


As usual, I'm fully caught up, and posts duly rated.  Generic greetings are on offer to those ailing, or celebrating.


Pleased to learn that the phoneless among us have found the missing items and are now back in communication.   I once lost mine in the street, and some kindly soul found it, and as it was switched on, he managed to get hold of me via my home no in the directory.  I also managed to find it when it was put away in my pocket as it was switched on and I could call it and follow the noise.


Trip to the shops is called for today, as there's stuff to get from one of the outlets that doesn't have an online presence, and also some coal is needed as we've nearly run out, though we've still got a reasonable pile of logs left.


Regards to All


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