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lightengine, on 05 Feb 2016 - 19:17, said:

Which countries does it work with? ie can you receive French tv in the UK?

Just looking at the drop down settings on my Bear.

To/from the following:

UK, Canada, USA, Germany, Japan, France, Australia, Italy, Netherlands, Sweden, Switzerland, Ireland, Spain, Singapore, Norway, Denmark, Hong Kong, Mexico, Brazil.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

We had suggested to Matthew that we would ring at 9 am. However I noticed that he had looked at his phone's WhatsApp app at 8.05. I rang a few minutes ago and he was in a taxi going to the airport. He said he was a a bit confused this morning but actually sounded better. Aditi is relieved he is heading to he airport. When he gets back to Utrecht he has friends and at least medical people who know him, even if all they have had to do so far is write prescriptions. Not being near seems to make me feel worse. Normally I cope by doing things.

I don't think we will be doing much today. I did some shopping yesterday before all the international telephone calling began.

Many thanks for all the kind thoughts.


Edited by Tony_S
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  • RMweb Premium

The Beeb blocks iplayer outside the UK presumably because we don't pay a licence fee. We can get BBC channels via Sky.


Very difficult to get anything Beeb here.  We have to rely on it being uploaded to You Tube or otherwise not-quite-lawfully rebroadcast.

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Jock, hope your new regime works well.


Rick, hope your new feline pal settles in soon - surely will.


We have tickets for the Calcutta Cup match later today so really looking forward to that. Will be wearing my tartan trews. So long as it's a good exciting match I'll be happy; happier if Scotland manage to win. If they do it'll be the first time in 8 years and after their world cup performance there's more confidence in the side. I have a tenner on Scotland at 15/8.


The experts are expecting Wales to win the 6Nations with England 2nd; and more in hope than expectation I have another tenner on Scotland to win the whole thing; odds were 14/1.


I'm not a betting man usually.


Hope you all have a good day, and good luck to both England and Scotland.



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Good morning from a damp, dull and windy Hundred of Mansbridge.


I'm off out to Eurotrack shortly, when I've got dressed. I know I'm a slob but if I go up before 10 I'll miss part of Sounds of the Sixties, which is a must on Saturday morning. The radio in the bedroom is only of use for waking up as its tiny speaker makes an appalling noise. Or is that Chris Evans? I'm slightly peeved by the show's move from its previous venue. It now needs two bus journeys, which with waiting could take up to 90 minutes from here as opposed to about 10. As Sounds of the Sixties is now over I'd better get moving.


Good to hear Jock's chemo is being sorted. Tony, I hope Matthew's going to be ok when back in his current 'home' environment.


'Paws' looks great; the relatively short period of hiding suggest he's already settling in.


Back later, have a good day, stay dry.



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Morning all. Late on parade this morning as I couldn't be bothered to get out of bed.


Jock - I hope that the new chemical concoction has the required effect. It sounds as if you have the A-Team looking after you and long may it continue.


Rick - Paws is similar to a cat I had as a child although we got him as a kitten.


Mal - Enjoy the Calcutta Cup. As you say, as long as it's an exciting match. Scotland deserve a win and the first of this tournament would be a cracking start. I have to wait till tomorrow for the start of the campaign Wales away to Ireland.


Have a good day everyone

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Wet and blustery day here in sunny Teignmouth. Sea has plenty of white horses and just like Vegas plenty of heavy rollers.

Train to the Smoke 8 mins late departure. Not too bad and it wasnt washed by the sea at Dawlish.

Expect an England win today if the game goes ahead, sorry Mal.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


Duly precipitating down outside and I need to swap the cars round in order to get mine out for departure to alton, must also prepare some folding stuff, and the catering department has just offered mushrooms on toast - as long as I make the tea (which I now have) so it looks like we won't be enroute to Alton for around an hour or thereabouts.  Anyway we'll see those who are there when we get there.


Our present pair of feline orange 'orrors came from a rescue organisation but although brothers they behaved in completely different ways on arrival, Sam's tail went up  and he duly set off to examine the entire premies while Simba (daft name we thought but we kept it) proceeded to look for somewhere comfortable to settle down - both of them now have a distinct liking for settling down on their human staff, especially Simba.  One thing we found is that they do like new furniture which has no trace of previous residents as they can definitely consider it to be 'theirs'.


Hope all the new pills and potions do their job Jock and may all those heading for the Stafford show in motor vehicles not get bogged down in the car park.  


Mushrooms now on the way; have a  good day one & all

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from Estuary-Land. Bit windy here this morning but not much rain predicted, we shall see. Jock, I hope that your treatments have the desired effect. The single drug that I take for blood pressure (Ramopril) has side effects that are not serious but can be uncomfortable and at some times painful. This comes in the form of eczema on my shins and lower legs that itches like mad but must not be scratched, fortunately there are creams available to treat the eczema. The main drawback is that I can no longer take the anti-inflamatory drugs for the arthritis. My understanding is that although it is not dangerous to mix the two drugs but they cancel the effects of each other out. Rick, it seems that paws is getting used to his new home and I hope that he'll soon be curling up on your lap. On the subject of cats, AndyRam you know you want it so go for it. Ta for now, be back later.

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Matthew is now through security at the airport and has no shortage of places to get lunch. He said his memory of the time in hospital is returning. He said he still feels a bit "slow" but he sounded much more normal than even earlier this morning and certainly yesterday.


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Matthew is now through security at the airport and has no shortage of places to get lunch. He said his memory of the time in hospital is returning. He said he still feels a bit "slow" but he sounded much more normal than even earlier this morning and certainly yesterday.



That's good to hear, Tony. I'm sure Matthew will seek consultation with a physician if he feels he should.

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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

Eventually got to bed at 2.45 after a really splendid evening with about 16 friends here. Surfaced at 9.30 and I appear to be in one piece with no ill effects. Amazingly there is nothing to do because The Boss got up at 8.00 to do the clearing up.   :imsohappy:

Some of the same friends are returning this afternoon to watch the Rugby. It would appear that I invited everyone! :scratchhead: The support in this house will be for England but I will permit one token Scot (George) who is a good friend. :friends:

Better go and check the beer stocks so..

Have a good one,


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Morning, chucking it down again, probably already has reached Stewart!  It's really stotting down, not a good day to be out of doors.


Sorry to hear Matthew is unwell, Tony - it must be very worrying for you both.  I hope it doesn't impinge upon his academic success this semester.  Jock too, lets hope the new regime is successful in reducing your pain.


It was the Trackshack Christmas/non-denominational holiday period* dinner last night which went on until after 10, eating so late doesn't suit either of us well so we were both up at 0100hrs seeking indigestion remedies!   A nice meal though, and a good evening.  Only two of the ten there were previously unknown to others (staff's partners) as it's a small island - our new packer used to be my boss in the Post Office 14 years ago and his wife works with Debs (NHN version).   Great atmosphere, a thoroughly nice evening.


I'm jealous of those going to an exhibition this weekend, it is something I really miss, both sides of the barrier. 


* delete as appropriate

Edited by New Haven Neil
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Afternoon all.

Had the pleasure of meeting Ian (RH) earlier and lent a hand to his team setting up; albeit somewhat petrified of dropping anything on someone else's prize layout! 

Some nice layouts for those going to Alton today, including Loch Tat, an interesting version of the Watercress Line, and a 7mm narrow gauge Cornish-themed layout.

Oh, and Banbury, of course! 


Chores done and heading to the garage....

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It always heartens me to read Jock's blog. He's the epitome of that great symbolic Turner picture 'The Fighting Temeraire'.



Much as I love every thing painted by Turner, I hope that Jock isn't quite ready to be tugged to his last Berth to be broken up yet! 


I'd suggest this image for Jock -


The Thin Red Line, oil on canvas, by Robert Gibb, 1881


Edited by bluebottle
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Shortly after leaving Chippenham my ears started to bleed. I dont think the area is especially high in altitude or that the GWR train is travelling exceptionally fast.

By Swindon the pain was intense and the blood profuse.

The reason behind this I have now established is the 2 foreign female teens that joined at Chippenham. One talks at the normal speed and loudness, the other talks much louder and in that way where it sounds like the fast forward button is depressed but the sound still emanates. Whilst I embrace multiculturalism I can only manage so many Fast Show "ethithethithss eththithethithisss ethitheththiss". Not once has there so far been a Chris Waddle or a Scorchio!

At this rate Padditun and the sound of cheeky cockneys cannot come quick enough to give me old shell likes a break.

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Much as I love every thing painted by Turner, I hope that Jock isn't quite ready to be tugged to his last Berth to be broken up yet! 


I'd suggest this image for Jock -


The Thin Red Line, oil on canvas, by Robert Gibb, 1881


Yup, you could be right - Neverttheless a 'B picture' carp painting. Not a really class act like that JMWT.


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  • RMweb Gold

Afternoon from a wet and windy Alton. A glitch with the one pc that I didn't have a play with last nigh but it's now working.


I am told that Mike SM is wandering round the show but not seen him yet. A short break for lunch.


Ian A - this trader dies many different loco crew for numerous locos and biased towards Southern loco types. No website but they are good in either plain metal or ready painted.



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I think of him more as the Laughing Cavalier.

After seeing that latest painting I was wondering who was going to suggest that he was a "Lady from Hell", I wouldn't dare of course.  Perish the thought.



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Afternoon All


Again, we are all getting behind Jock, and hopefully the new regime will have the desired result. - these days, drugs to combat the side effects of drugs seem to be the norm.  I am on a Proton Pump Inhibitor as I suffer gastric problems from my anti-inflammatories, and so it goes on.


Tony - hope Matthew is OK now.  It must be worrying to know that you can't do much to help over a distance, but with luck, it will all pan out for the best and he will find that this was just a transient episode, and not a recurrence of his previous condition.


Many appear to be heading for Stafford today, and I hope that the motorways are forgiving. 


Generic greetings to everybody else.


I had to go into town again this morning, as 30747 also had to get some shopping, and only remembered that 60103 was starting from Carnforth when it was too late, but in any event, I probably wouldn't have got parked, or anywhere near the station anyway.  It's currently 27 down on the start of the S&C at Howe's sidings.  Well, it'll be dark by the time it gets to Hellifield, so I think that I'll take a rain check.


Regards to All


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