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  • RMweb Gold

Old bed update

We just had a phone call from a very nice lady at the council asking for directions to our house! Is it in Thundersley? No it is in Benfleet. We will be with you soon allegedly!

Predictive text just changed old bed to Oldddudders!

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Still not asleep as you might guess!

Not such an uncommon occurrence as you might think in the trade but I always insisted that my service department told the truth to the client and then worked out a satisfactory resolution with them. I used the following as a teaching device when training staff :......

Luckily, with the help of Jock senior, then working as my sales manager, we were able to come up with a plan! I called the customer to the garage in his courtesy car, and explained truthfully about the accident. Dad took over and explained that 'yours truly' had just taken delivery of the latest turbo charged and most expensive version of the 25 in a colour similar to that which he had chosen - he proceeded to talk the MD into a deal, taking several hundred more pounds off him, and I ended up using the repaired version as my demonstrator! I believe the old chap could actually sell fridges to Eskimos!!

Thanks for bringing back to mind some forgotten incidents Dave,

Kind regards,


Most interesting response Jock.. Tthank you so much for the time it took you to type that.at 1.24 in the morning.

Hope the family meeting you convened goes well this afternoon.

Rather like Agatha Christie's 'lounge' gatherings waiting on M Poirot's 'leetel grey cells'.



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Morning all from a breezy Estuary-Land. .....one 'half'* branch of my family were involved in the motor trade and obtained a Ford dealership and set up business on the North Circular Road, the name is still perpetuated in &@+~$ Corner. ...

My dad used to sell paraffin (Aladdin Pink) to a nice Mr Gates at a corner on the North Circular in NE London.


Which reminds me "Feb the first is Shell Day!"

It marked the end of wartime 'Pool' petrol, grey petrol tankers and the reappearance of brands like 'National Benzole' and 'Cleveland Discoll'. Can't remember the year - perhaps 1948.

'National Benzole' was a Shell BP subsidary and I believe used Scottish Shale Oils for its Benzol (so nothing new in shale oil extraction).



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  • RMweb Gold

The bed has gone! Two chaps with a full size bin lorry. They had to unload some fridges as they were going to crush the divan. I joked that we weren't expecting a delivery.

I suspect "next door but one neighbour" is relieved that his property price has been restored. Though I haven't seen him for a few days. He is probably on some exotic cruise. He is an example of travel not broadening the mind.


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  • RMweb Premium

Catching up slowly...


damage to new goods on delivery.. ask the Army, they offloaded  some Challenger 2 Gunnery Part Task Trainers, and dropped them off the fork lift..... luckily they weren't damaged, however the Challenger 1 they rolled off the side of a Scammel tank transporter needed a bit of straightening out.


"Henry" mean a trip in the car to our post office for parcel posting - TTFN!



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  • RMweb Gold

Are they still trying to crush the mattress?

It was fed into the machinery which dragged it inside rather than crushing it. I am sure someone on ER knows all about bin lorry mechanisms!

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...just remember to always take the "blue pill".

The blue pill will remind you to take the "red pill", which is a really handy pill to take as it will remind you to....

Take the "yellow pill". The yellow pill acts as a catalyst/stimulant to help you to remember to....

Take the "green pill". The green pill has a coating which, over time releases an important chemical messenger to remind you to....

Take the "purple pill". The purple pill is crucial as it is the same colour as the notebook the pharmacy gave you with a list of medicines to take next, starting with the "blue pill"....

Still bouncing around after getting off scot free from seeing the Headmaster an appointment with the GP about my Peripheral Neuropathy - which had rather dominated a recent holiday in Malta.

I admit it's a self induced condition where the far ends of your system (like the Southern west of Exeter) have withered and stop having any feelings.

I'd brought it on because I elected to stay on the drug Ameoderone (despite knowing its side effects) to keep my heart in sinus rythmn after I'd kept lapsing into AF following a heart attack and a couple of minor strokes in my mid sixties.

I finally accepted the limitations of living permanently in AF some years ago, but the Peripheral Neuropathy has since become more intrusive - causing pain and impeding walking.

Wife used her iPad to discover PN can result in gangrene and amputation - like Diabetes - hence me being dispatched to the GP with instructions 'Not to get onto talking about b£%dy railways'.


Doc says the main thing to avoid disaster is to keep inspecting your feet for signs of injury/bleeding/bruising  since you cannot feel even things like burns. He offered pain killers for getting to sleep at night but I said I would try living without them a bit longer.

I've always found I receive my most creative ideas at night - so long as you use the daytime to check on the degree of silliness of such inspirations....



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  • RMweb Gold

Old bed update

We just had a phone call from a very nice lady at the council asking for directions to our house! Is it in Thundersley? No it is in Benfleet. We will be with you soon allegedly!

Predictive text just changed old bed to Oldddudders!

Well he is well sprung!

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I recently spoke with B R Bob to arrange some Euro Saver tickets from GWR country to the Smoke and St Pancras. I have spoken with BR Bob several times and he reminds me of my visits to the BR office at Victoria Eastern where I used to book Priv European travel. But Bob appears to be much in demand as he is a 1 man show, but he does a grand job of sorting travel out.


Now to my point. Teignmouth to Paddington, 3 hours 42 mins! I am sure that way back in the 80's it was a darn sight faster. Or is it just my imagination?

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  • RMweb Gold

I recently spoke with B R Bob to arrange some Euro Saver tickets from GWR country to the Smoke and St Pancras. I have spoken with BR Bob several times and he reminds of the BR office at Victoria Eastern where I used to book Priv European travel. But Bob appears to be much in demand as he is a 1 man show, but he does a grand job of sorting travel out.


Now to my point. Teignmouth to Paddington, 3 hours 42 mins! I am sure that way back in the 80's it was a darn sight faster. Or is it just my imagination?

My experience of TOC's in the privatized world (and Mike SM touched on it recently) is that they have built in a lot of make up time. Our journey to LBG used to take just over 30 minutes. Our current train is booked to take 40 minutes with seem booked nearly at 50 minutes and still cant ever keep time.


Quite often we have been on trains into other London termini and had to sit outside for 10 minutes or so and yet still arrive on time as there was no spare platform for it to arrive early.

Edited by roundhouse
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  • RMweb Gold

Well he is well sprung!



Many years ago I recall, long before we got Internet opportunities to view implausibly violent events, Time Life magazine, probably in one of their series or even hard-back books, had a whole photo-sequence of what happens when the garbage man gets caught in his own mechanism. Yes, severed head and all. I'm not sure my life was much enriched by the experience. 

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My experience of TOC's in the privatized world is that they have built in a lot of make up time. Our journey to LBG used to take just over 30 minutes. Our current train is booked to take 40 minutes with seem booked nearly at 50 minutes and still cant ever keep time.


Quite often we have been on trains into other London termini and had to sit outside for 10 minutes or so and yet still arrive on time as there was no spare platform for it to arrive early.

I read your travel reports with much regard for you and the delays. Having worked LB and Vic trains from South coast depots I remember from experience.

I guess the extra time is built in to ensure that arrival time targets have a 'chance' of being achieved. Much the same as the recent discussion about door closure times, which are for the same purpose.

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  • RMweb Gold

I sometimes think the world of IT is so disconnected from human lifeforms that it simply doesn't understand the real world.  About 25 minutes ago I received a 'phone call from someone with a distinctly sub-continent accent talking all about my IIP settings and and then proceeding to explain that due to a BT server failure they need to reset my IP address - at which point I made it very clear to him that he was talking gonads and that as far as he was concerned urination was off.  Now gunga din, who called himself 'Alec', was actually stupid enough not to hide his 'phone number which came up on a 1471 check as somewhere in Sweden.  So far so simple - the bloke was a relatively thick con-artist chancing his arm and clearly keen to learn some of the more earth parts of the English language.


As he was imitating (very badly) BT I went to their website to find out how to report the incident and the 'phone number he was using.  15 pages later I still couldn't actually find out where and how I could report him while the link to 'Report Fraud' seemed more interested in tax fiddles and social security than telephone fraudsters.  So I haven't reported him - because having spent the better part of 10 minutes trying to it turned out to be impossible.  Filling in BT's 'survey' about my 'online experience' of their website did however offer some, slightly perverse, satisfaction.


There used to be a malicious calls unit but that could have changed by now. If still there they may be of help. probably easier to try by phone


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  • RMweb Gold

You're going to have all the local hoodlums using Google Earth to establish your whereabouts now, from that image!

Hoodlums? Benfleet? Not likely. It did once upon a time have a reputation as a place where gangsters retired to for a quiet life. Big houses in the woods with big fences are apparently the giveaway.


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  • RMweb Gold

There used to be a malicious calls unit but that could have changed by now. If still there they may be of help. probably easier to try by phone


The number reported by 1471 may have been spoofed in some way too. I am sure I read about it on some technology email I still receive as an IT professional, can't think why I ever was considered worthy of such an accolade in the first place.


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  • RMweb Premium

There used to be a malicious calls unit but that could have changed by now. If still there they may be of help. probably easier to try by phone


The staff on 150 Customer Service wouldn't have a clue - however, BT Security is 0800 321999, so a call to that number is more likely to bear fruit.  Ask me how I know this, as I used to get such calls on occasion, and had to advise callers to ring it.  Malicious calls team was more for the interception, tracing, etc of nuisance calls of an abusive, sexual, racial, or threatening nature.

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Monday and the start of the work week for those of us that "do that sort of thing" :jester:


Spent much of yesterday fiddling with speed (max. mostly) settings in JMRI so I have trains that run rather more realistically than tearing around at 100mph - I know the BB/MN/WC can manage that but a 2-BIL shouldn't be that swift :O !


Nice Sunday roast, until I started chewing! Apparently, one of my molars has a "complaint" with the management i.e. ME! Was able to sleep after taking a couple of pain meds.

Called this morning and have a dentist appointment in a couple of hours to sort it out <sigh>


Enjoy the start of the week - even if you have a crappy commute (Ian-RH)...

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...On the way home I diverted via Weybridge to be fed steak and kidney pudding by a kind friend...


Can't think of a better place to divert to :) Then again that's where I grew up. What part of town does your friend live in?

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There used to be a malicious calls unit but that could have changed by now. If still there they may be of help. probably easier to try by phone


Is it run by Monty Python?

Hello is this the right room for argument?

No it isnt you tit its the room for malicious calls!

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