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I hope that the lady wasn't from Harrogate,(with an aitch) A policeman I knew who had worked there for some years described it as 'All fur coat and no kni**ers.'



That was one of my mums favourite sayings, until a seven year old me went up to the subject of that remark, who happened to be wearing a fur coat and said "My mum says that your not wearing any knickers." I didn't sit down for a week. The Peco bullhead track thread sounds as if it needs a bit of a stir up. I made a comment on the Oxford Rail wagons thread that seems to have momentarily stopped things. However they didn't take up my offer of a sackful of rivets to count, no one took up my offer so perhaps I should offer them there?

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  • RMweb Premium

Belated happy birthday Duncan.


All furr coat and nee nickers has been in use in my family for years. Never dared to say that to her indoors....


Yes there are some bananas on RMWeb who do not but pontificate about certain aspects of the hobby. They really no need to use their time building and operating layouts....


Sleep well everyone



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No one should come over as dogmatic. Offer advice based on experience yes, suggest ways of doing things you have tried or seen done, but don't lay the law down.

A wonderful example is our Stationmaster a man of real experience on the railways but who will give your chapter and verse but leave open the possibility that there may be exceptions.


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  • RMweb Premium

Evening everyone. Quite a busy day, which started out nice and sunny, although cold and rather blustery at times. The front garden fence which was badly rotten has been sucessfully removed, and is currently awaiting disposal in the local tip. I'll do that on Monday morning, as it'll be quieter then. I also managed to get 3 box plants transplanted from the back garden to where the fence used to be in the front garden. But at about 3 o'clock, just as I'd dug up a 4th box, it started to rain which soon turned into hail. So after planting it in the front garden, I called it a day. However, to be honest, if that was Gertrude, I think we got away lightly, compared to some areas. I've got a lot further on with the hedge than I expected, so I'm really pleased with todays work, let's hope I can crack on tomorrow get the other 6 in, to complete the hedge! The rain continued for most of the evening only really stopping about 9 o'clock, as has the wind.


Luckily the rain did ease off a little just in time for me to walk down the road to collect our Indian takeaway, I think I'd earned it after today's exertions!


After a cuppa, the rest of the afternoon was spent emailing a couple of former colleagues who retired a few years ago. I'm afraid I hadn't written to either of them for quite some time, where does the time go to eh?


DD. Welcome back.


Duncan. Belated happy birthday.


Mal. I agree with you about the fecking ejits who congregate at the top / bottom of escalators or outside shop doorways to chat. I usually (accidentally of course) knock into them especially if I'm carrying large heavy bags, it often works a treat.


Goodnight everyone.

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Evening/Morning all,

Still feeling rather unwell but I must be patient after only two days. As usual, I must say a big thank you for all the kind words which really do help me. Lack of sleep can get you down, but Joanna and I just watched a couple of repeat episodes of 'Mock the Week' which brought out some proper belly laughs - it is great to go off to bed with a smile on your face!

Things moving apace as my radiotherapy planning appointment came through for Friday next, and I hope to hear about the brain scan early next week.

As to the Peco (Pecorino according to auto spell checker!!) bulhead site, I haven't bothered to go and look as I'm sometimes known to speak my mind and the effect it's had on some of my ER friends is sufficient to make me shun it! Can I take it however that bullhead will now be available in Code75 - if so, I'll be glad that my illness has delayed my first order? I often visualise 'rivet counters' as lacking in self esteem who can battle in the media when they doubtless wouldn't say the proverbial 'boo to a goose' in real life. Why can't they all be like John(Killybegs) who counts rivets and attempts absolute accuracy in his own models but retains humility and happily shares his skills with anyone interested. Anyone who doesn't know what I'm getting at should check the recent pages on his 'Britannia' build in his 'Worseter' thread. Don also pointed out that Mike(The Stationmaster) with his exceptional knowledge, freely offered, is often pilloried for offering actual facts which are wrongly taken as opinions! Rant over!!

Duncan, you kept that signature event very quiet - I'd like to wish you a very Happy Birthday and very many of them. Hope you have a well earned celebration over the weekend!

Mick(NB), please wish 'Junior NB' many happy returns from her term time neighbours - hope she is fully fit again.

Peter(DD), lovely to see you posting again, you really have had some trying times of late. Hope things soon improve as I really miss your special brand of humour, liberally sprinkled with kindness and humanity.

Neil(NHN), I know you've been busy just lately, but as our regular oracle on topics mechanical and marine, I wondered what your take is on the Type 24 Destroyer debacle! Over a billion pounds each to make, and now breaking down frequently with a lot of the fleet in dock. The diesel generator engines (Wärtsilä 12v200) from Finland seem to be most at fault. Fewer complaints about the RR WR-21 Gas Turbines which also serve the complex high power electric propulsion system first used in US warships. I googled the Finnish engine and it looks good on paper - I read somewhere that Cummins have a connection with the company? Apparently the 'fix' will require cutting open the hull to shoehorn in a further unit at a cost approaching £1bn again! There seems to be some similarity in the efficiency of the system of tender in the Royal Navy with that of the Railway system of today?

To health, and best wishes to all who are poorly, and a great Sunday for the rest.

I hope the weather isn't as bad as predicted, particularly in N. Ireland and Scotland. It's almost embarrassing that we have spring flowers on show in the garden, although on the other hand, the lack of frosts has meant that there are still lots of leaves on the trees and plants like Christmas Rose(Helicrysum) haven't been 'triggered'!

Hope to be back on again tomorrow,

Kind regards,


G'night to all of my digital friends! G'night Pete if you manage to look in!!

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Another challenging day over and looking forward to a bit of rest tomorrow today.


Ian A - I totally agree with you about the PECO thread. I was following to start with but it became obvious that it was deteriorating so I decided to leave it at that.


JohnDMJ - Useful information


IDL - Thanks. I was hoping to get to the show but the last 2 days have screwed that possibility.


Peter (DD) - Great to see you back posting.


Mick - Please wish Junior NB a belated Happy Birthday from me.


Jock - Great to hear that treatment progress is being made. The signature event was kept quiet from many including work colleagues as I had a feeling that this weekend might be a total disaster. I'm now hoping to celebrate next weekend.


Night all

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Have you looked at / considered the DCC Concepts Legacy track? Go to www.gaugemaster.com and put legacy into the product search box. Their product DCLTK-SR10 might be of interest!


Off for an early night so sleep well all!

John, indeed I have, I really like all Richards (DCC Concepts) stuff, but admit that I only have/use his point motors at present. Used to chat to him a lot on another forum. His point levers are too spendy for me, but would love to use them, and once the track is out it'll be a simple case of what's available first, what suits my purpose best and also the cost factor.


Evening/Morning all,

Still feeling rather unwell but I must be patient after only two days. As usual, I must say a big thank you for all the kind words which really do help me. Lack of sleep can get you down, but Joanna and I just watched a couple of repeat episodes of 'Mock the Week' which brought out some proper belly laughs - it is great to go off to bed with a smile on your face!


Looking forward to a continual improvement for you Jock, and boy is "Mock the Week" good for a ton of laughs.

Even as removed as I am from the majority of current affairs in the UK, I still get about 90% of it, and think it's generally brilliant, best laughs to be had any time :)




Have a good night/sleep everyone, just been called as the timer went off and my Shepherds pie is ready to be served.

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And so another day ends. . .My mate couldn't come over for the usual Session in my kitchen, and so spent the evening trying to find something worth watching on T.V. . . Hmmm.  No comment as politics comment could ensue. . . I only have Freeview.


So. I had my customary  couple of bottles of Hobgoblin, and looked for something to "jam" with on tinterweb.


Arl Fur coat and Nee Knickers" was a phrase I remember my great Granny using. . . .Certainly around Durham, probably national.


As for the Peco thread aformentioned. . .. Nowt to do with me. .. I use Code 55.


Happy birthday Duncan. . . .


Keep it gannin, Jock


Still no sign of Trisonic... . ... ... 


Goodnight Everyone . . . Sweet Dreams.



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Good morning one and all


In an impulsive moment yesterday I took the shears to the ivy that overhangs the path at the side of the house.  It was 20 minutes well spent and in time for the fortnightly collection of garden waste.  The time remaining before my hissy fit about the BBC was divided between knocking up lunch and painting a coach interior accompanied by the Musgrave Ritual on ITV3: I am drawn to the dramatisations of Sherlock Holmes starring the late great Jeremy Brett.


Not much later this morning I will be bound for the Southampton show.  JohnDMJ, thanks for the suggestion of a brief encounter but I like to be at shows at opening time and have a dinner engagement afterwards - not often I get to say that!


Best wishes, as usual, to the ailing.  It's good to have a place where we can stick together.



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Mawnin' awl. Quiet Sunday morning so far. Coffee consumed but more needed later. We needed to send in our coffee maker for servicing, so the pad machine we had stowed away will need to stand in for the time being but isn't as good as the coffee maker!


Enjoy what you do…

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Now the dishwasher door is creaking.

Have we stemmed the flood waters outside only to be flooded within?

In common with many, we have our own names for the storms which are not quite as cuddly.


Thanks for the kind words of 'welcome back'. Just time pressures really.



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Not been here for a few days and just managed to catch up. We now have heating in the house and the new gas boiler works well, and very quietly, but we were used to a very noisy oil boiler which you could hear startup almost anywhere in the house. There is now a large dirty space where the oil boiler used to be, on a concrete plinth which is slightly higher than the surrounding floor, so I am slowly breaking out the plinth, so we can get it concreted back to the same level as the rest of the room. We can then get a new long overdue vinyl floor cover.


Part of the reason I have not been here was that the PC had to be moved for the heating work, and on being moved back, it refused to boot up. I tried a few things with no joy, so to it to the local PC repair shop, who reset the BIOS and it is OK again. I must remember that little trick.


Storm Gertrude passed us by, and next we have Storn Henry due on Monday/Tuesday. It would be nice to get some mild weather without wind and rain just for a change!

Edited by Simon G
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Morning all!


John, indeed I have, I really like all Richards (DCC Concepts) stuff, but admit that I only have/use his point motors at present. Used to chat to him a lot on another forum. His point levers are too spendy for me, but would love to use them, and once the track is out it'll be a simple case of what's available first, what suits my purpose best and also the cost factor.


Track, sleepers, fishplates are all in stock according to the website, as is their new Alpha control system, a multiplexed (or cut-down DCC) way of controlling points etc.


Not much later this morning I will be bound for the Southampton show.  JohnDMJ, thanks for the suggestion of a brief encounter but I like to be at shows at opening time and have a dinner engagement afterwards - not often I get to say that!



Enjoy the show! Our paths may well cross later in the year!

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Morning all from a rather damp and overcast village but better than yesterday. Having a quiet breakfast, the cats are both asleep after their meal so I can actually type in peace without few Kilos of furball getting in the way.

Glad to see such a long and positive post from Jock, long may it continue.

As to the other threads that cause angst, there doesn't seem to be the same problems in the senior scale. Yes we've got S7, Finescale and Coarse scale but no ne appears to get on their high horse about it. I think the comment about the social skills of some of the keyboard warriors is probably very true.  I've actually counted and embossed several thousand rivets on my station canopies which I now realise will be invisible to the average viewer of the layout, (But not to a camera) and have done some fairly deep primary record research to build the model but am very happy to describe it as my train set and to tell friends that I am off playing trains for the weekend.  In fact it's Beth who doesn't like me using that phrase as she thinks it demeans the project.


Anyway church beckons with the prospect of a good sing as we do a version of 'songs of praise' every time we have a 5th Sunday in the month and people choose their favourites.  Beth had got all the music prepared and spent several hours practising for it on Friday but has been called out on an errand of mercy to take a friend to the care home where her husband is not likely to last the rest of the morning.  It doesn't look as if Beth will be back in time for the service but she's needed more where she is.


Anyway this afternoon it's off to York for a meal with some friends and to collect a bed that they are giving us for the house in France. 


Regards to all and sundry.



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Mording all, anudder code in the head ober heed.. oh enough of that it makes my head hurt.


Hoping for a nice quiet day, following a certain amount of craziness yesterday with my granddaughter, fun but tiring.


Good to see Jock getting back to 'normal' and thanks for the flurry of ratings :)


I made my post in the above thread quite early on, and then watched as it went the usual way of these things. As has been said here before, some people think railway modelling is life or death but it's much more important than that (usual apologies). Some should get a life or maybe a wife, that'd learn 'em :P


And so to the rest of Glumday, take care all.


Edit to add:


Haven't turned the radio on  (not time for the Archers yet) so hadn't heard that news, sad indeed.

Edited by HeeleyBridge
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Good morning all and best wishes all round. I hope that you can enjoy a restful Sunday.

I have woken to the news that a certain illness has claimed another high profile victim. RIP Sir Terry Wogan. What a terrible start we have had to 2016.


Here in Derby it is very wet outside. That, and a sleepless night due to a constant cough, has probably rubber stamped the decision not to attend the Great Central gala. It will be the second year in a row I have missed the event but I am not too disappointed. The two visiting locos are both ones I have encountered on previous occasions. The U boat 31806 was "copped" at its Swanage Railway home during our south coast holiday last summer. The other loco, Sir Keith Park, has been regular motive power during my many recent visits to the Severn Valley.

Perhaps a day at home may tempt me into some modelling. That may depend on the outcome of a Leap pad search. We realised that we gave not seen Amber's electronic Christmas gift for a couple of weeks. It must be in the house somewhere!!


Last night Sarah and I enjoyed a nice candle lit meal. A much needed spell of spending time together. After the last couple of weeks we certainly needed it. We did raise a glass to the dear departed cat as well as being relieved that we were starting to feel a little better. Sadly my cough then returned and Sarah was sick during the night so we are not clear of the bugs yet!!

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