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But possibly not a St Ninian's tartan shirt?

No...! I drove home along the M8 as the Pope was due to be heading west along it. Police on every bridge to ensure no-one could throw anything (or themselves, I guess) at the convoy. Didn't see the convoy though.


Had planned to go up to Arbroath on Saturday for the Arbroath Smokie Blues Festival. Courtney Pine was due to be playing on Saturday night. Unfortunately due to poor advance ticket sales they've cancelled the whole festival. No Courtney Pine for me then...!

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I thought I might be in your vicinity last evening, Mike.

I spent two hours at Bellahouston, courtesy of SKY TV, watching the Pope's mass.

Lovely clear blue sky in contrast to the lowering clouds here, with a chilling wind blowing.

Mind you, the wind appeared to be blowing there too.

I was transported back 60 years, when they sang the Kierie from the Missa de Angelis, which I

sang in the school choir at a St Patrick's Day mass in 1951. (and many, many times thereafter)

Have a wonderful Friday and weekend folks.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all...


The sky appears to be full of grey battleships again (or am I just still dreaming? :D ) and I have a feeling that we'll be getting additional rain today. Still quite sleepy, which I hope some coffee will fix...


Have a nice day all! :)

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Morning All,


The sky is quite clear here - at least in the direction that I am looking in. There is a bit of wind though.


I am hoping for dry weather because I have a drive up to Lübbecke this morning - which is between Osnabruck and Bielefeld (assuming it actually exists :unsure:)


Have a good day everyone...

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Guest Max Stafford

I have to take the train down to Manchester and pick up a staff car for the guv'nor today. Wee change from the usual! :)


Have a good day lads!



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A friend got an O level in Woodwork years aqo.

He was pleasantly surprised because he didn't take O level woodwork.

Ironically, he now heads up a Swedish timber company.

Swedish timber???? Does he look after the sawdust or the resin or the little hex key used to put all Swedish wood together? :lol: :lol: :lol:




I'll get me coat....

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.


Clear blue sky but rather cold here so far today.

I said I would set Matthew's new laptop up today. If it truly is faster than his mum's computer it shouldn't take long but once that is done I suspect I'll be back to washing and ironing.



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I am hoping for dry weather because I have a drive up to Lübbecke this morning - which is between Osnabruck and Bielefeld (assuming it actually exists :unsure:)

I think my Mum lived in Osnabruck for a while when her dad was stationed there in the RAF.


Morning all. Looks like about 6 speedily moving oktas here but dappled with golden sunshine. How poetic!


3 hours and 42 minutes of work to do today as it's the start of our long weekend at lunchtime. I'm not back in work until Tuesday, and as I'm on training Tues and Wed, not back at my desk until next Thursday. :)

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Morning all


A single battleship has just passed by. Other than that it looks ok.

That's good news as I finish at lunchtime to go to a family wedding.



....and there's me thinking it was Saturday. :rolleyes:


Got the house back to ourselves again. Funny thing having someone else in the house as in reality nothing has been done for the last three weeks. It just seemed wrong to go off to the railway room or out to the garage for a few hours. I now understand what it must have been like for my Mum having her MiL living with her from 1948-62 and then her father for 15 years or so until he was 93. I really take my hat off to full time carers and those with live in elderly relatives.


Sun is out and it's a brand new day.:)

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning All, Blue sky! Glad to hear you've got the move sorted at last Gordon. Should see some track laying updates soon then! Working at home day today. Might even do some of the things I'm supposed to do but then again I'm expecting a visitor and there are lots of "important" things to do.


Have a good one all.




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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

Feeling much better today and I've promised myself to book my theory test tonight. rolleyes.gif

My friend has loaned me a hazard perception CD which could come in handy.

Weather is bitterly cold this morning although the sun is shining and is very warm indeed. I was very happy when I overtook another cyclist today and beat my bus to college biggrin.gif Think I'm getting back into the routine at last!


Other than that nothing else to report so I bid you a good morning and I'll be on a bit later...

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all, nice and sunny, The weekend is nearly here which for us sickies, retirees and US computer giant employees means absolutely nothing as it's no different to the rest of the week.


Today I shall be mainly turning up some flywheels for O gauge motors, carrying on with my O2 kit and noodling on the gits. I have sorted out my problem with the O2, done some more to it but have come across a design flaw in the kit which makes it look strange - will reveal more later (perhaps)

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Morning, Weather in New York Area expected to be 76f Cloud/Sun mix.


Last night we had more very strong storms pass through the area which killed at least one person (tree falling on Vehicle). Of course everyone assumes tornados - but I think it's the old pal Microburst that is responsible.

Here's a clip of the main action passing through Brooklyn/Queens ('boro's of NY):




Looks like strong downdraft being driven in front of the main storm to me - which is a microburst.


You'll probably get a short advert in front of clip which is what I get when I use the BBC site!


Best, Pete.

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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon All - it started as Morning, but I got waylaid.


Didn't manage to get on last evening. However, this morning, I fell a million percent better than I did, as I managed to get a haircut last night - first for 14 weeks - I was amazed, as Mrs 45156 met the girl who normally cuts my hair, and explained that I was housebound and a bit under the weather, and that I was feeling like a refugee from the 1970s, and she came out after work to remove the offending mop - that, and a good beard trim, and I feel a whole lot better. Now that really restores my faith in human nature.


This morning, I've been stuck with a load of paperwork - took about three hours to fight my way to the top of it - just when you clear one lot up, the postman brings the next. Still, I can now see the table again.


A few replies to my fellow ERs


Phil Is it the weekend or something, then - I know just what you mean, there's no real difference at the mo between weekdays and weekend days.

Jam The driving test has changed a lot since I took it - but I'll bet the nerves are still the same.

Don Great to see you're still here.

Pete The link didn't work for me - got onto the site, then the video link crashed with a voice telling me that the content could not be viewed at present.

Tony S I wouldn't bet on the laptop setup being fast unless you don't need to copy the operating system, then burn and verify the backup DVDs - my machine's fast, and that took me three hours.

Gordon great to hear that the move has come about as expected.


Bright and sunny here at present, so I'm off out onto the patio for my lunch - I'll call back later.




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  • RMweb Gold


Jam The driving test has changed a lot since I took it - but I'll bet the nerves are still the same.

Bright and sunny here at present, so I'm off out onto the patio for my lunch - I'll call back later.







I'm so glad I don't have to do the test now, the theory test wouldn't worry me but having to do a parallel park under test conditions would probably be my downfall! I'm always impressed by people who can get their vehicle into a space barely longer than the car. Actually I've found the Freelander a lot easier to park than the Scenic even in my most hated type of parking, ( those underground car parks popular in continental Europe.)





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