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Evening all,

Joanna took Freddie up to his bed (next to ours as predicted, even though he has his own room at home!) and lay on our bed to tell him a story before promptly nodding off herself! I of course couldn't resist watching 'Stargazing Live'

AndyB, did you look in tonight as it spent a lot of time on the space suit you mentioned - do you recall some time ago, that an Italian astronaut almost drowned in one, his helmet filling with water from one of the support systems as he was some way from the air-lock on a space walk. Watching Tim Peake working whilst suited up outside today, showed why John Bishop had to train, similarly dressed but underwater back here on earth.

Stevo(28xx), thanks for the update, and the good news on mum today. Does this change your prognosis from your earlier post?

Baz, that is a superb weathering job on a very odd looking locomotive. I recall that Hurlford shed was visited by a full Crosti one on several occasions during the fifties. It came to our shed to be turned on the sixty foot turntable (although it was over six feet longer than that, the wheels just fitted on!). The loco was under test up and down the Nith Valley line from Carlisle via Dumfries. It was described by the locals as 'a great big black ugly brute of a thing'!

MickB, I hope the antibiotics and the chilled atmosphere soon put paid to whatever ails you.

John(CB), the injection pump is sadly one of the most expensive items to go wrong on a diesel car. Mike(SM)'s advice is good, we normally had our pumps rebuilt by Colchester Fuel Injection, an independent Bosch specialist only fifteen miles from us. Considerably cheaper than buying a new Citroën part, once a car was out of warranty. What is the make, model and age of the vehicle in question?

Best wishes to those who are ailing, and a great weekend to all others, especially the lucky ones going to shows!

Kind regards,


G'night Pete! G'night all!

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Evening everyone. Frosty start to the day, so warm poured over the car windows sorted out that problem. 0C when I set of for work and it didn't get much warmer. Working in Burnley and Padiham area today. There was quite a bit of the white stuff on top of the hills around there, although it could just have been frost! Managed to get home early today before Sheila put the kettle on, that's twice this week.


Friday evenings I usually spend in the pool, I went alone tonight as Charlie decided to stay in and start studying for his GCSEs later in the year. I started with 4 warm-up lengths then managed 3/4 mile (48 lengths) without a break, in just over 30 minutes. Followed my a further 20 lengths alternating between breast stroke and front crawl. It won't be long before I'm doing a mile each time. It was bloody cold on the way home, I expect it will freeze overnight again.


Ed. Just being there for Ken and Hayley will help sure, there's nothing more I can say now that hasn't already been said.


45156. I too witnessed the sight of a class 37 pulling, and in one case push coaches whilst I was in Cumbria earlier in the week, but unfortunately I didn't have my camera with me.


BoD. Glad to see you can see some improvement with your vision, in my experience with surgical procedures it's best not to do too much in case you end up back where you started.


Baz. I know the hens bottom look only too well! Sheila inherited it from her mother! Like the weathering.


Jock. In the 70's myself and a group of friends used to regularly holiday in Cornwall and we would make a special journey to sample the beer at the Blue Anchor in Helston! Spingo special being a firm favourite of ours.


Goodnight all

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Ah!!! the diesel pump repair. . . . One of my taxis started leaking  from the pump. . .I was quoted £450+ a day in the workshop for a replacement. . . A business  aquaintance suggested the nearest Lucas diesel specialist . . . £75+ vat and half a day off the road.


Tonight was spent in my mate's kitchen for a change. . I took a couple  of beers. . . 1 Spitfire and 1 Hobgoblin. . . .And a guitar, of course, and got a taxi home.


Goodnight Everyone . . . .Sweet Dreams.




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Silly o'clock it is.

Just got in from a part night shift at wife's work. A new full-time night man has just started  and this was his second night, so I was just there initially as moral support and part-trainer. (He's still there now, but everyone else has either gone home or gone to bed.)

It should've been a nice quiet night but amongst the usual tidying up and serving at the bar, there was broken heater in one of the bedrooms, a circuit breaker tripped on one of the lighting circuits (probably a blown bulb somewhere), bride and groom locked out of their bedroom (their fault as there are two locks on the door and they thought they had only locked one of them....... they hadn't even tried the other.)

Taxis not turning up to pick up non-residents, delaying us closing down the bar to clean it, replacement taxi getting lost and having to be directed.


Home now with a small nightcap - I certainly won't be ER later today.


Good morning all.




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Laying in bed I was woken by the sound of one of my dogs pacing around the kitchen, by the time I jumped up and got there she had done No. 2s all over the kitchen floor. Great wheres the kitchen towel. Just what I need to break the sleep pattern at 4-30 in the morning having to bleach and mop the whole kitchen floor. Mind you I cant be cross with her after all she is 16 this year not bad for a pointer

Edited by Londontram
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Good morning one and all


A flying visit today as I need to be in Whittlesey before all the car park spaces go.  Tomorrow the same applies to St Albans when I bid the Alban Arena a fond farewell as far as model railways are concerned.


Until tomorrow, with every best wish



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Morning all


I have more or less caught up, with points awarded here and there. Ed's ghastly scenario seems to have been resolved with compassion and dignity at least. I hope the hapless couple can make plans for their future family having put this behind them.


Malta? Deb used to live in Sliema. Not a bad place for a young teen, and she relished helping out with polo ponies. I think MiL struggled to sell their flat and get the money out, a decade after they were back in the UK. When Gaddafi became the principal ally instead of Britain, island life became the poorer, apparently.


Yesterday morning opened with a light dusting of snow, and by mid-morning it was seriously snowing. Builder Jon cancelled, as driving through the Perseigne Forest could have been distinctly dodgy. But by early afternoon it had almost all disappeared.


I had a filling fall out, just to add value to the day, but by 14.30 was in the dentist's chair and all is now comfy. I cannot believe the can-do nature of his treatments. At my age needing extractions must be due to happen, but I last had a tooth removed in 1967, and he manages to resolve things every time - so far.


Crosti 9Fs are an acquired taste. I saw half of them, it seems.


There is inevitably a chav and gauche element to RMweb, and their fury when RTR stuff isn't quite right in appearance knows no bounds. As for asking questions and not thanking, it often seems to be hit-and-run posters with no real history here. Get your answer and clutter off is the mantra.


I wish everyone a peaceful and relaxing weekend. Jon will be putting up plasterboard on both days.

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Morning all,


popping in to check you shower are behaving !


Too much to catch up on - which is why I don't post here now, I can't keep up - but my thoughts are with all who are suffering from lifes trials, the dark moods have been frequent for me over the last couple of months, no rhyme or reason behind them.


Up early as I was planning a day around the Felixstowe area but 66114 on 6Z54 has thwarted that plan !


Stay warm and well.

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Morning all!


Busy weekend planned, although if it turns out like last weekend, nothing will be achieved!


Table and dresser tops to find; bills to pay; might even pop into work to sort some spares orders on my way to town for the daily shop!


One day, I might even get round to finishing my home network and TrainSafe displays! (But not this weekend!)


Best Wishes to all, ailing or otherwise

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Need tea!

Her indoors gone to make it!

About to have breakfast the shopping in Skipton followed by a beer or two before our evening meal. I hope the world is ready for a meeting of two of the gang of six who came up with Synthetic Environments in the UK!


Enjoy your time today.



And feeling no after affects from being caught red handed by Debs!


Nice to see you call by Beast I miss your garden bird photos.



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Evening all,

Joanna took Freddie up to his bed (next to ours as predicted, even though he has his own room at home!) and lay on our bed to tell him a story before promptly nodding off herself! I of course couldn't resist watching 'Stargazing Live'

AndyB, did you look in tonight as it spent a lot of time on the space suit you mentioned - do you recall some time ago, that an Italian astronaut almost drowned in one, his helmet filling with water from one of the support systems as he was some way from the air-lock on a space walk. Watching Tim Peake working whilst suited up outside today, showed why John Bishop had to train, similarly dressed but underwater back here on earth....



G'night Pete! G'night all!


Hi, Jock,

Yes, I was watching this evening. The suit is a evolutionary development of the one that was worn by astronauts on the Apollo missions. 

The particular layer that has (most likely) caused the problem has some 600ml of coolant (a mix of water + anti-freeze) circulating through several hundred feet of narrow pipework. Essentially the problem is a combination of wear and tear (small number of suits + many EVAs), maintenance (difficult to take the thing apart easily and effect repairs to leaks) and fundamental design/manufacture (the over-arching design is roughly 50 years old). I did a load of work on this about 20 years ago which could be drawn on to improve the reliability. Wasn't possible then to put into practice, but is now. 


The CO2 sensor is probably based on infra red absorbtion and, as such, is vulnerable to water vapour (similar frequencies). That's why respiratory measurement systems using IR absorbtion always dry the gas before trying to make a measurement. Either sweat or water droplets would make it fail.  


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Mornin' all,


Best regards to all that ail


Once again the council tax payers to Stoke on Trent city council have been poorly served by the absence of gritting/salting even on principle routes, whilst even the estate roads of Staffordshire Moorlands council tax payers are being gritted with purpose built wagons. Another dicey drive home off of a night shift around the conurbation. .


-3 in The Moorlands this morning with a sharp frost but no more snow.


Feathered ones provided for....another feeder dismantled,cleaned/disinfected and clean water put out for them


Hopefully a little modelling today


Enjoy what you do



Edited by Torr Giffard LSWR 1951-71
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Morning all for Estuary-Land. Woke up this morning to bright light streaming through the curtains, thinking I had overslept I checked the clock, 07:58. As I usually get up about 8 so no problem. Off shortly to the toy fair at Brentwood, be back later.

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Morning all.

Jock, sadly no. Mums condition is irreversible, this just prolongs the agony.


A bill of materials to write for a client this morning.


Clear as a bell, frosty with bright sunshine to the East of the Severn. Proper January.


Catch up later.

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Debs has been around as I've had a 'like' or two on Facebook from her in the last few days. She's keeping very quiet though, perhaps taking notes in a little black book so we'd better behave ourselves. 

It started off as a little black book, but with all the sinning that's been going on in the ER pages, it's either into volume IV or has gone digital and is now a large black cloud!

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Not an early riser today. It must be as a consequence of doing a bit of unaccustomed physical work yesterday! I would probably still be asleep if Matthew hadn't rung to discuss his travel plans to Seville in March. That will be for a conference.

After breakfast I will be applying magnolia to walls. One of those jobs that it is nice when it is finished.


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It started off as a little black book, but with all the sinning that's been going on in the ER pages, it's either into volume IV or has gone digital and is now a large black cloud!

Hey - I know I'm newly wed and all that, but the prospect of sinning with Debs still sounds nothing like hell, even if that's where one might be bound afterwards! Bright women rule!


My morning trip to the horses went ok, but I was grateful for noting the considerable circumspection being used by other drivers before I set off. The roads here were not nice, and spinning the wheels in lower gears very easy. I stuck to indirect ratios, not much exceeding 50 kph. As Peter and Ivy have been delayed - Ivy's email said a concrete post had jumped out and removed a wheel on their Rover - I have done a few extra days visiting their place. Turning out of their drive into the narrow lane I again lost traction at v low speed. They are back today, car parts having been couriered from Germany, apparently. As their house-sale may also have fallen through, 2016 hasn't started well, despite opulent times on Queen Mary!


Anent driving conditions, it was good to see younger drivers demonstrating their greater experience and running at much higher speeds. We oldies have so much to learn from them.

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Morning (a late one) from a beautifully clear and frosty Gloucestershire. This is the type of weather when I enjoy winter.


Have a fairly relaxing day planned, trying to sort out some more of the wagon fleet for an exhibition next month, may do some testing too...


Edit, double post. I blame my phone! Like Stevo I quite often browse from this but it's a pain to do notifications from- I'll catch up later!

Edited by brianthesnail96
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Morning all. Definitely a late riser today. Thankfully not a lot planned today so a catch up on various threads on the forum is planned along with copious cups of coffee to keep me going.


Anything work related can wait until tomorrow.


Have a good day everyone.

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45156. I too witnessed the sight of a class 37 pulling, and in one case push coaches whilst I was in Cumbria earlier in the week, but unfortunately I didn't have my camera with me.

Goodnight all

Living less than 100 yards from the Cumbrian coast line, I see and hear the 37s all the time. My early morning call is the first one of the day at 06.45, as it always wakes us if we are not awake already. It was late this morning and arrived just after 07.00, so I had a lie in. That was when the fun started! Mrs G got up for a shower and was not a happy bunny when it was lukewarm. It seems I had forgotten to set the timer to heat the water with the oil boiler instead of the immersion. With installation of gas boiler imminent, we are trying to use up our oil tank, but I messed it up this morning. She was not amused!


I did make some amends by accompanying her down to orchestra practice and making sure she didn't slip on the icy paths. I then carried on and returned home via the sand on St Bees beach, which was lovely this morning, as there was no wind and the tide was right out. Now having a brief coffee break before installation of new smoke and carbon monoxide alarms, to replace some which were past their working life. Then it will be the first preparation of our bedroom for decoration. No rest for the wicked!

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