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Afternoon all,

From a chilly Clacton on Sea where we had great big fluffy white snow flakes floating through the beam of light in the garden last night, but no evidence remained this morning, and no frost either. The Clacton micro climate and the sea air again throwing the lie to the forecast! I'm posting early today as we have great grandson Freddie coming for what he calls a sleep-over tonight, and Joanna is collecting him from school, followed later by a trip to Morrisons for his supper (he loves it there, unlike his great grandad - I've always been disappointed!). Doubtless his great grandmother will accede to his wish to use the single blow-up bed in our room over-night and so posting later may be awkward! I've spent a lot of today enjoying cricket and watching Tim Peake performing repairs to the ISS with a colleague - both fascinating in their way.

Chris, hope you enjoy the 'Straw Bear Festival' - yes I had to Google it! The stop at every pub for 'refreshment' looks interesting, and it would appear to have grown into a well supported event over the years. I like the community involvement of such events, having enjoyed the Helston 'Flora (Furry) Dance' and the Padstow 'Obby Oss' which have also become significant festivals in the Cornish Calendar. I have been lucky enough to attend both several times, and first (now very EX) wife was once one of the leading dancers in the Helston affair. My preferred view-point for this was by the 'Blue Anchor' (doubtless known to Rick!) with a glass of their excellent micro brewery product 'Spingo' or a drop of Scrumpy!

Ian(RH), we'll be thinking of you slaving over a hot layout at Guildford tomorrow - keeping up with your movements is a breathtaking affair! I hope you have a safe journey both ways and that 'Star Lane' performs faultlessly all Saturday.

Dick, hope you've done no lasting damage performing your staircase stunt without the benefit of alcohol anaesthetic? Try to remember how frail we become as we grow older! It seems that Julie is considering taking a very big step indeed, let's hope it works for you both if she decides to take it. I don't know if you have mentioned what she shows in a gallery - I might not have noticed?

Pete(themole), there are people from all walks of life on here as you no doubt know. If Martyn struggles with a particular subject, there is almost certainly an ER who could point you both in the right direction.

Dave(r-a-r), hope you have a wonderful break in Malta and that both inward and outward flights are uneventful. Good luck with decoration in that sort of weather.

Dave(TG), more lovely images to add to those posted earlier from Killybegs by John. Thank you both.

Bill, I hope that you and any other members heading to the Guildford show this weekend thoroughly enjoy it.

Best wishes as usual to our poorly digital friends, and I hope the 'E' in poet's became a reality,

Kind regards,


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Possibly where you are Pete, but see below (Weather report)  ;)


You’re not over the pond  - but the back of beyond!


50f here as I type  - 9.5C


It’s 55f  (12C) in LA. Farmland in-between  :drag:


Rain tomorrow, cold again on Monday.


Best, Pete.

Edited by trisonic
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Bedroom ceiling painted. I will go and do some cutting in round the doors, windows and sockets soon in preparation for wall painting tomorrow. One of the reasons I only use magnolia on walls is it makes redecorating easier. In a moment of madness we did paint the guest bedroom something other than magnolia but I will do something about that when I redecorate. It is at least a colour that is almost magnolia.

I am quite pleased I can still cope with a bit of decorating. I saw the quotes for MiL's bedroom redecoration after her floor had been Kangoed following the central heating leak. Though I suspect hers was special paint as it will be paid for by insurance.



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Bedroom ceiling painted. I will go and do some cutting in round the doors, windows and sockets soon in preparation for wall painting tomorrow. One of the reasons I only use magnolia on walls is it makes redecorating easier. In a moment of madness we did paint the guest bedroom something other than magnolia but I will do something about that when I redecorate. It is at least a colour that is almost magnolia.

I am quite pleased I can still cope with a bit of decorating. I saw the quotes for MiL's bedroom redecoration after her floor had been Kangoed following the central heating leak. Though I suspect hers was special paint as it will be paid for by insurance.



Is this whole thing another euphemism?


Sorry, tropical temperatures getting to me (and ER has got far too serious by half)!


Best, Pete.

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  • RMweb Gold

Is this whole thing another euphemism?


Sorry, tropical temperatures getting to me (and ER has got far too serious by half)!


Best, Pete.

You would have enjoyed the Essex sunshine this afternoon. While decorating I had to turn the heating off and open windows it was so warm. Now the sun has set the temperature is heading towards zero.

Still cheerful though!


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We have our clip on fans to make it a cool layout!!


A close show for us as only half hour away.


Some ones leaving do today so POETS dat for us. However by theories I got tougher pub they had moved on to ap pace in Tottenham Court Road so just 4 of us in the pub. Suited me as the one they dissapeared to gets wedged and I need to be home early and sober due to being up early tomorrow.


Quite chilly here tonight but the train home is warm even if it's later than normal. Quit a bit in th press after our local MPs met with he transport minister even mention of possibly stripping the franchise but IMHO I bet it's all hot air and nothing will change.

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Morning all.

Sunny, cold, quite windy. Seems like a good day to paint a ceiling.


Having just painted a 12 foot 'cathedral' ceiling with two large beams across it, and a 'popcorn' surface, can I say that I don't think any day is a good day to paint a ceiling?

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I have realized today that I have committed a couple of ER etiquette blunders.  All my posts have been by iPhone so no ratings had been given to others' posts. Where relevant, this has been corrected (no, not on all 4.5k pages).


Should you wish to address me by my first name "Stevo" will do, most of the children of my acquaintance (and there have been many) use it.


Mother ate a reasonable breakfast this morning.  They don't make 'em like her any more.


Yours in contrition.



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minor disaster at home - a leaking radiator valve. her indoors rang BG to get it repaired - it will be late Monday before we can fix it was their response.....Wrong! her indoors employed her usual witchcraft approach " so you are paying for a ruined carpet?".. Repair person to be with us early tomorrow... her response - I pay you for service and its says you have to deliver it so get on with it.....  which is why I try not to argue with her indoors!


Chilly here but due to spend tomorrow evening with friends at a pub near Grassington - the Fountaine Inn. They normally have two open fires lit and a nice, wooden walled snug beckons.... http://www.fountaineinnatlinton.co.uk/  and real ale on tap - sounds great!


I think it's not just RMWeb where you get the attitude of "can't be "harrsed" to say thank you for answering my question which I could have answered myself if I could be bothered" However, it seems we have a large number of folk who need to get a grip and buy some support material (and stop using wickedpedia as some of it is tosh) instead of buying RTR then whinging on about what they have or haven't bought and what the manufacturers should do. Pah!


So in a moment of jest and in the continuing absence of Debs..


an ex Crosti 9F..








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Went and saw the nurse practitioner AKA 'urgent care practitioner' now have 7 days of antibiotics again to go with chest infection again. On the good side ground is rock hard with no softening in the sun so seasonal chill is happening at last. Should kill germs as well as flies vermin etc.

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minor disaster at home - a leaking radiator valve. her indoors rang BG to get it repaired - it will be late Monday before we can fix it was their response.....Wrong! her indoors employed her usual witchcraft approach " so you are paying for a ruined carpet?".. Repair person to be with us early tomorrow... her response - I pay you for service and its says you have to deliver it so get on with it.....  which is why I try not to argue with her indoors!


Chilly here but due to spend tomorrow evening with friends at a pub near Grassington - the Fountaine Inn. They normally have two open fires lit and a nice, wooden walled snug beckons.... http://www.fountaineinnatlinton.co.uk/  and real ale on tap - sounds great!


I think it's not just RMWeb where you get the attitude of "can't be "harrsed" to say thank you for answering my question which I could have answered myself if I could be bothered" However, it seems we have a large number of folk who need to get a grip and buy some support material (and stop using wickedpedia as some of it is tosh) instead of buying RTR then whinging on about what they have or haven't bought and what the manufacturers should do. Pah!


So in a moment of jest and in the continuing absence of Debs..


an ex Crosti 9F..


attachicon.gifex crosti three quarters dirty (2000x1101).jpg




  Love the weathering etc., on that loco. I always admire the amazing work you do (watch your thread all the time), if it wasn't so bloody expensive (relatively) to ship carp back and forth to the UK, I'd have you weather many/most of my stuff - that's one of the reasons I'd like to be in the UK, easy access to talented folks, oh well.


That said, I've never like the "Crosti-effect" on the 9F and always think it makes one of the most appealing BR Stds into one of the ugliest buggers out there :jester: purely personal opinion everyone.

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I like funny looking locos which was my main reason for modelling US railroads. However once I left the club (North American only) I started collecting and playing with trains I wanted when I was young. I still like odd locos though, I have a Crosti!

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Phone call from Sandy one the way home from school with a dead car - AA diagnosed injector. Probably will be expensive.


That's one of the budgets up the Swanee for a while.

I think injector failures on one car I had an earlier model of were so common the AA vans carried them as spares. This was a few years ago and eventually there was a recall.
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Ian A


next time you come over bring a bag of stuff with you.. call in in Leeds ... have a while boating on the Leeds - Liverpool canal.. collect stuff to take home... simples...



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Driving back from my last job tonight I was stuck in traffic doing 10mph on the motorway and the cockwomble in front of me had their fog lights on. No fog, no rain, no snow and excellent visibility.


I thought that after the fun week I've had, I'd work out the hours including travelling, the miles driven, jobs completed  and the amount of sites visited.


Hours: 57
Miles: 772
Sites: 6
Jobs: 17


That ends up with some rather frightening figures


I was planning on going to the Guilford Show tomorrow but after this week I'm going to have to give it a miss.

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Hmm, osprey time (so much better than the successor plate I think, but i only saw the latter).


John if it's a diesel injection pump or injector look for a diesel specialist even if they sound as if they might not usually do cars - definitely have a  far better idea of what they're about in my experience than a run of the mill garage which might save you money.


Interesting to see that we not only have a rocket scientist (retd) but also a spacesuit scientist (moved on) among our number, bit of  a nusiance really as that's b*ggered a few more potential jokes  :jester:


G'night all.

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Debs has been around as I've had a 'like' or two on Facebook from her in the last few days. She's keeping very quiet though, perhaps taking notes in a little black book so we'd better behave ourselves. Out early tomorrow for the toy fair so goodnight all.

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