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Evening.  A lot going on, on ER's today.


Depression.  Hmm, those who follow my inane ramblings will have realised our dear friend is suffering badly after losing her hubby last year, and seemingly won't accept professional help - sort of a pride thing I think, plus she is a very private person.  We do what we can....and listen a lot, which seems to well recommended by those with knowledge on here.  It kills us to see her so unhappy.  I'd give all the US lottery money to make her well, but nothing will bring Gary back. :cry:


Hornby, Ian.....perhaps I should try e mailing that guy from work, as the trade side of the business certainly don't respond to my emails!  It would be unprofessional of me to comment further, but I could, oh yes. :triniti:


Matt, spot on with your research!  That is in fact Bill's last engine, he sold the other three a couple of years ago.  He rallied it in late summer, so you might have seen him (slight chap with longish white hair, glasses, lisp, very friendly) - it lives with a friend of his, indeed not far from you.  His restorations are rather good - he had a lifetime in the nuclear business so I suppose he was a stickler!  Debs got on really well with I'm, they really hit it off.  He lived just a mile or so from us, 'down north'. #sigh#  Life, eh.

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Jamie - Several of my annual reports described me as 'forthright in my views'.



 My annual report says

"He's doing a good job - carry on"



One of the advantages of being (mostly) self-employed.................................




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Evening all. What should have been my first grandchild, Pip was "born" at 21.30 yesterday evening. They did get to hold him to say hello and goodbye, Ken couldn't tell me more than that yet. They have taken the little chap away for a PM in the hope that some reason can be found. They gave Ken and Hayley a memory box and some photo's. Hayley wants to get home and get on with her life. Ken has the difficult job of supporting her and being strong himself after the family leave.


I guess that's all folks.



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Ed, I'm so sorry. If it means anything that's exactly where we were some years ago with a child called Melody, and over time it does hurt a bit less. But it's terribly hard, and I have every feeling for you and your family.


If you, or your loved ones, can use any advice or memories or stories that I can give, please do not hesitate to ask.

Edited by Smiffy2
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Ian (A), an additional way you can get them to respond is by using their social media page (I'm thinking facebook) to communicate. 

These pages are often seen as an "advert" for the company and the last thing they want to have is complaints appearing on them.

A milder way is to use the messaging application on fb to drop a note.


This worked for me once when I was really hacked off seeing staff at our local supermarket* using the toilet, failing to wash their hands and then going straight out in to the aisles to carry on work.

A quick visit to their fb page and a note went down from head office to encourage the store manager to get a grip.  


* other sources of poor hygiene are available.



Agreed, somewhat. I expected it might work, but Hornby failed on that too, even after two separate posts several days apart and even specific responses saying they would have someone follow up... oh well :)

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Just got back in from a very pleasant meal at a pub near Wakefield. No 1 son is working up here and knowing I was on my own asked if I wanted to join him. Darling daughter and partner also came and we had a cracking time and I wasn't expected to pay for it all. I thanked the three of them for going to work to pay their taxes to keep me in the style to which I am accustomed. Much mutual teasing went on and we had a good crack.

Now back home and catching up. Ed's news is both good and bad and all I can say is that Ken and Hayley sound to be very lucky to have such a supportive parent. My thoughts and prayers are with them.



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Good evening all. Firstly I would like to pass on my regards and thoughts to 28xx. I have missed some of the posts regarding your mum's condition. What a difficult time for you and my thoughts really are with you.

Jock; I hope the return to chemo has produced no ill effects for you and that the operation recovery is going well.


Here in Derby the day has been frustrating. I did cancel the dentist's appointment after all. A good job I did too. Due to work from home this afternoon, I arrived back later than expected - had lunch, completed a small amount of planning and then fell asleep. The next thing I knew I woke up, it was dark and cat number 4 was lying on my stomach. The cold bug is obviously having an effect.

The morning was an effort too. An over running meeting was followed by various problems to sort out before I finally settled down to some paper work. A behaviour incident came my at lunch time that involved telephoning both sets of parents before I could finally escape - oh the joys of management!


As regards the smelly car, things seem to have improved a little. The smell was less noticeable this morning. This evening saw my longest run since Tuesday's incident and, although I could detect the smell, I have known it be worse after shorter journeys earlier in the week. During a moment of bright sunlight I did bend down to gave a brief look underneath. Nothing obvious, but I reckon I can detect the odd small patch of what could be melted plastic bag. Hopefully that is all it is!


Hope your Fruday goes well.

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I ran over a dead skunk once. I tried very hard to avoid it, thought I had but evidently didn't!


You don't have an alter ego as Loudon Wainright the 3rd by any chance do you Tony. He wrote a song about that, It was on a sampler album called The Rock Machine turns you on.



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So sorry Ed.  At least there was a brief opportunity for some closure though these things hurt for some time I'm told.  A university friend suffered an unexpected stillbirth for reasons never fully understood as the little

one was thought to be perfectly healthy right up until delivery.  For what it might be worth I was able to offer her some support and the same is offered to yourself.


Grey and cool here for POETS Day.  I shall not be poetic; I shall also be working through the weekend so there's no point getting too excited ;)  More wood ordered for delivery on Moan-day to complete the current phase of outdoor renovations.  


Good morning all.  And good night to those about to go offline. 



Edited by Gwiwer
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Well, another day over.


Surgery rang for me to book an appointment resulting from my recent vampire visit; most apologetic when I reminded them I had already booked one, but GP wants to talk to me about Hign ESR. Whilst tested for coeliac, googling High ESR suggests that Crohn's disease could be a possibility as well. Will await GP verdict and any further tests (colonoscopy, endoscopy, etc.) for final confirmation!


Night all!

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  • RMweb Gold

You don't have an alter ego as Loudon Wainright the 3rd by any chance do you Tony. He wrote a song about that, It was on a sampler album called The Rock Machine turns you on.Jamie

I have been known to sing that tune while driving.


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I was surprised this morning to see some snow flurries up on Hopcott Common (overlooking Minehead) and looking across to Wales could see white tops on the higher ones (probably the Brecon Beacons).

Some years ago I had to drive up to a lot of farms around the Corve Dale in Shropshire. Beware of barns with a trickle of liquid from then which is staining the ground black if that gets splashed onto the exhaust the smell is something horrid. The trickle comes from animal urine.


Very sad to hear about Alan Rickman I have enjoyed a lot of things he was in. 69 seems to be a dangerous age.


It would seem that I might not be doing the right thing by using sweeteners instead of sugar (BBC Trust me I am a Doctor). Since my waistline really doesn't need more sugar it may have to be unsweetened black tea from now on. It was also suggested that a late night snack is not a good idea.


Enjoy yourselves if you can.


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Evening everyone. Cold damp start to the day with a little rain too. As I drove north along the M61 I noticed that Winter Hill was living up to its name as it had a light covering of snow, especially around the radio mast, the control rooms and the 1958 plane crash monument. And yet again on my way home I had to don my sunglasses as the sun was in my eyes. Whilst driving over Barton High Level bridge I get a really good view of the hills in the Peak District and they were all covered in snow, luckily I've not encountered it yet this year.


Blackburn and Mellor were my work locations today, so again mileage that only got as far as double figures.


I too am a "the glass is half full" person, but depression is an awful thing to get, I suffered from mild depression whilst on my cancer treatment, (side effects of the hormone treatment). Funnily it got worse when I stopped it completely early last year. It was not full blown depression more just felling of being really down. The fact that both my parents died of cancer, albeit different types , didn't help either. I was determined not to have to rely on drugs to get me out of it, so talking to Sheila and a therapist helped, as well as writing. I'd never been one for writing before, but throughout my treatment I wrote constantly. I even wrote a 4000 word letter to Sheila expressing my feelings for her, which surprised even me, never mind Sheila! I'd also right silly stuff too, such as this little light-hearted spoof poem.


I saw my old black dog again today,

And he didn't half give me a fright.

'Cause I wasn't expecting to see him,

As the day'd started out really bright.


I wasn't sure quite what to do next,

Didn't think he'd be back quite so soon!

So I asked him to sit down beside me,

And we both then sat and barked at the moon!


So I gave him some food and some water,

And then told him to be on his way.

But I don't think it'll make any difference,

'Cause I think next time he might want to stay!


Don't think I'm poking fun at depression, it was just part of the way I felt and dealt with it at the time.


Just had news that a former neighbour of ours has sadly died from the big C.


It's been a busy old day and I've not had time to catch on all the posts so I'll try and catch up tomorrow.


Goodnight all

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Well, another day over.


Surgery rang for me to book an appointment resulting from my recent vampire visit; most apologetic when I reminded them I had already booked one, but GP wants to talk to me about Hign ESR. Whilst tested for coeliac, googling High ESR suggests that Crohn's disease could be a possibility as well. Will await GP verdict and any further tests (colonoscopy, endoscopy, etc.) for final confirmation!


Night all!

I have had experts earnestly discuss whether my large bowel problem is ulcerative colitis or Crohn's restricted to the colon. However even when the condition was really active I never had any elevated esr results. The test that in my case reflected bowel inflammation was CRP. I don't know why ESR didn't indicate anything for me, my GP didn't either, funny blood probably.
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I have had experts earnestly discuss whether my large bowel problem is ulcerative colitis or Crohn's restricted to the colon. However even when the condition was really active I never had any elevated esr results. The test that in my case reflected bowel inflammation was CRP. I don't know why ESR didn't indicate anything for me, my GP didn't either, funny blood probably.

Surgery receptionist only said High ESR when I rang in so I'll need to see GP for fuller explanation / further tests. Google gave a background but I'll await a full consultation! I'm trying to get an earlier appointment with him than next Thursday (booked whilst at surgery after seeing the vampire!) but can wait another week if necessary! Obviously, further tests are needed and I'm going to push my luck and see if organisation of these can be started in the meantime. My late mother was diagnosed Coeliac so I'm not hedging my bets just yet!


Thanks Tony. Comments appreciated!


Best wishes.

Edited by JohnDMJ
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Was taken for a pint at the local. Won the quiz...even though one answer given was incorrect.


Ed, can't say anything which hasn't been said. Our thoughts are with you and yours.


So we have had Empire of India.. Our next page will be good for rick as its time to visit Australia.


Have a great day Rick, for other ERs have a good sleep.



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Evening/Morning all,

Thank you all for the kind comments about the re-start on the chemo - I am lucky enough to take mine as two pills each evening, which is much easier than Mal's plumbed in version for instance. I started at 10.30pm this evening (the timing being on advice as it can make you drowsy, so a good idea to take it on the way to bed!) and I suspect it will be a couple of days before the side effects kick in! The space hopper has reduced a little, so hopefully that and my slightly swollen legs will soon be back to what is 'normal' for me!

Rick, I'm glad to see that your people watching, one of my favourite pastimes, is spiced from time to time with such interesting sights! I well remember enjoying high Summer at Poldark mine for a similar reason.

Matt(brianthesnail), your post mentioning depression was very well put indeed. Although I said before that I didn't suffer myself, it suddenly occurred to me that I do to a degree in that my dear Joanna hasn't yet come to terms with the fact that my cancer is terminal. I notice that there are times when she over-reacts to small things which is uncharacteristic of her. Both nursing sister daughter (who feels the same as me) and I, have tried gently to suggest she takes counselling which is freely available from experts at MacMillan, but so far without success. Like walking on eggshells some times.

28xx (sorry I don't know your name yet), thank you for clarifying your mother's situation - it must have been truly awful for you and your family to watch someone you love deteriorate in this way. Nice story about your first train solo in your later post!

Jamie, it sounds like you have had a most unfortunate experience with Amazon - it seems that the volume of their business has increased much faster than the infrastructure that supports it? They seem to concentrate on talking people into 'Amazon Prime' at the expense of their normal trade!

Baz, that is great news about youngest Herbert and his job offer - that is given that it is something that he really wants to do.

Warren(BoD), that really is excellent news on the eye consultation results - it is really nice to get some good news after the recent upsetting events we've heard about. Please now take very good care of them - it might be a good idea to heed Richard's advice. Have you got someone who could cut the wood for you?

Duncan, I can appreciate why you were so angry this evening - how did such an established problem suddenly become urgent call-out material? I hope mum understands and forgives!

Neil(NHN), it would appear that only time can heal young Jayne's malaise. Looking on from afar, I can only say that Debs and you have 'done the right thing' in the way you handled it, despite your own grief!

Ed, many thanks for letting us know the outcome of the 'birth'. I have had something in my eye as well! As long as Hayley is physically fit, time and the love of Ken and yourself should eventually help to mend the mental scars left by such an experience. I know it has been said before, but one of my colleagues at the Citroën garage, and a close friend of my grandson's, both had similar bad experiences but kept trying and succeeded in producing lovely fit children fairly quickly. This proved to be an amazing cure in both cases, with the people involved too busy with the new arrival to dwell on past events! All three of you will be in our thoughts.

Best wishes to all on the health front, and for those to whom it matters, hope the 'e' in poet's materialises.

Kind regards,


G'night Pete! G'night late lurkers!

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