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  • RMweb Gold

Hmm, my sympathies, but I wish you hadn't said that! :O


It got me to thinking about my Bude and Okehampton.

Hornby extracted the money from my credit card on Dec. 18th, and looking at the conversion at the time on the credit card transaction, and NOW, if they billed me today, it'd be $15US LESS than it was back then. Wonder what they'll say if I let them know that little tidbit, I basically paid 5% TOO MUCH! Think they'll refund me the money? :jester: cockwombles :(

Just think that if you are the lucky lotto winner tonight it could be Abel Hornby Inc. or Hornby Abel Industries :jester:

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I've been wondering what I will do with the $1,300,000,000 when I win it tonight. Should I take it in a lump-sum, or as an annuity spread over 30 years? As it's highly unlikely I'll still be knocking around in 30 years I was operating on the assumption that the smart thing to do was to take the lump.


Apparently, that may not be such a good idea. The annuity will still be paid over 30 years regardless, and there is an enormous tax advantage to the annuity too. Probably the biggest advantage is that it will prevent me from doing something bl00dy silly (like buying the IoM for example) and blowing the whole lot in six moths.


I don't know how all this works in the UK of course, but Pete and Ian might want to take note in case they win the next one.

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  • RMweb Gold

I've been wondering what I will do with the $1,300,000,000 when I win it tonight. Should I take it in a lump-sum, or as an annuity spread over 30 years? As it's highly unlikely I'll still be knocking around in 30 years I was operating on the assumption that the smart thing to do was to take the lump.


Apparently, that may not be such a good idea. The annuity will still be paid over 30 years regardless, and there is an enormous tax advantage to the annuity too. Probably the biggest advantage is that it will prevent me from doing something bl00dy silly (like buying the IoM for example) and blowing the whole lot in six moths.


I don't know how all this works in the UK of course, but Pete and Ian might want to take note in case they win the next one.

At $1.3b I doubt I would worry too much about the tax as there would be plenty left to play with even after tax.


I reckon that there would be enough left to buy the IOW aswell as IOM and have  underground trains to play with before the Island line gets the chop.

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I've been wondering what I will do with the $1,300,000,000 when I win it tonight. Should I take it in a lump-sum, or as an annuity spread over 30 years? As it's highly unlikely I'll still be knocking around in 30 years I was operating on the assumption that the smart thing to do was to take the lump.


Apparently, that may not be such a good idea. The annuity will still be paid over 30 years regardless, and there is an enormous tax advantage to the annuity too. Probably the biggest advantage is that it will prevent me from doing something bl00dy silly (like buying the IoM for example) and blowing the whole lot in six moths.


I don't know how all this works in the UK of course, but Pete and Ian might want to take note in case they win the next one.

I'm glad to see you're making such careful preparations for your win. I presume your speech for the presentation of the cheque has been written and polished?

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  • RMweb Premium

Following on from Gordon's post we have similar problems at the Northern General the hospital has so many visitors in cars that they wanted to build a multi storey car park but Sheffield council will not give planning consent because they want people to use public transport. Great if you live in Sheffield on the right bus route and are healthy enough to ride a bus. Not a lot of use if you can't even walk to the nearest bus stop in North Derbyshire.... The furthest I have had to walk after dropping her at the door is a mile so far and the day I forgot my mobile was really carp not helped by a receptionist giving out the wrong information. Excessive anxiety is part of Karen's problems so that was one step forward six steps back.




Edit see Modified You thread to explain lack of punctuation.


Third read through argh speeling

Edited by skipepsi
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  • RMweb Premium

Evening everyone. Weather has been mixed again today, cold but the frost did not arrive at home. However when I got to my first job it was frosty there, even the padlock was frozen, it took a bit of coaxing to get it open too. Just as I was finishing it started to rain, it then haled which turned into sleet. By mid-morning the sun came out and that lasted for most of the day. I even had to put on my sunglasses on this afternoon as I drove south along the A666, as the glare from the wet roads was absolutely blinding.


I can tell that the days are getting longer now as my Sat-Nav goes onto daytime mode about a minute earlier each morning, Monday it was 8:25 today it was 8:22.


Travelled much shorter distances getting in just over 70 miles today. I also managed to get home well before the kettle was on, she hadn't even filled it!


Saw a Blue Tit and a Wren in our garden this afternoon after I'd I got home, I've recently seen a Song Thrush too. We've also had a pair of blackbirds foraging for the last couple of weeks now, they seem to be gathering stuff for a nest, might be a bit early yet, or do they know something we don't? They used to nest in the bushes on the wall in our back garden until a Magpie got at the nest a couple of years ago, they've not returned since.


Although overweight, I'm not obese, according to the works nurse anyway. My previous job (in the steel industry) was very physical and you could also cover miles between the various plants going form one job to another. However, in my current job I drive around the North West a lot, so I'm a far more sedentary more so than I used to be. Hence the extra weight, so going to the gym and swimming have helped me lose a few pounds (I'm old school) and a few inches too, hence I'm no longer obese! I feel a lot better for it too, which is also a bonus.


Andyram. My brother who lives in Canada told a tale of driving over a dead skunk. He drove a big 4x4 at the time and he didn't actually touch the skunk, he just straddled it with his wheels. He said it took over a month to get rid of the smell, God knows how long it would have taken if he'd actually hit it! Good luck finding what's causing the smell in yours.


Gordon s. I sympathise with you about the parking at hospitals and I'm also outraged when I see non-disabled people using disabled parking areas. I'm very luck where I live, as my nearest general hospital is within a 10 minute walk, although it is now not 24hr A&E. The hospital I attend for my 6 monthly oncology check-ups is about 30-40 minutes drive, but it is considerably more during the rush hour, doubling it sometimes. I'm always confused by the fact that it's called rush hour, because nothing moves quickly does it?


28XX. You're right of course, you wouldn't treat a dog, (or any other animal come to that) in this way would you? We went through the same situation when Sheila's mum was in a home. She'd also stopped eating and drinking, and although the staff at the home where she was in were really good, they didn't have the time to spoon feed her. So every 6 weeks or so she'd get packed off to hospital, get rehydrated and then be packed off back to the home. That was also a rigmarole, as she'd go to our local first, which is 10 minutes away. Then after a few tests and a couple of hours she'd get transferred to one that was a 30-40 minute commute. Sheila's sister would then visit during the day, as they were both retired and we would visit in the evening. And what was made it worse was that she stopped talking to Sheila, her sister, her brother-in-law and me, but she'd talk to everyone else though. Very, very frustrating, this went on for just over 2 1/2 years.


On a lighter note, I saw a white BMW 7 series the other day with private plates on it, the registration number was:


How the hell did he get away with that one? Mind you, he was a bit of one.


Goodnight all.

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Evening all,

Just had to watch 'Stargazing Live' as I find the subject matter fascinating and I rather like the ability of the presenters Dara Ó Briain and Brian Cox, who demystify some of the more complex concepts, expressing them in terms that a layman can understand. I shall be tuning in again tomorrow!

Still not terribly comfortable, although my daughter (the nursing sister) came in this morning and checked that the scar from my recent operation was healing well, and she has happily left it uncovered now! Start back on the chemo tomorrow night, so it will be back to putting up with the side effects again! Since pausing it, on advice from the oncologist as it would have inhibited healing after my operation, I have enjoyed a better appetite, more regular toilet visits etc. but I'd rather put up with the problems it causes to slow the inevitable!

Pete(themole), That is great news about young Martyn Mole's results - with such ability, he should never be short of work. You must be very proud of his efforts!

Rick, we really hope that the extreme heat doesn't cause a fire with winds as strong as that. I suppose you have to hope that no idiot starts one by accident, but of course even a carelessly discarded bottle could start one with sun that hot - I couldn't exist in those temperatures!

Chris, depression really is a complex condition. I'm lucky in that I've never knowingly suffered from it - I find my books and classical music act as a kind of safety valve! Like you, I have a pal who suffers badly, and sometimes he simply won't allow anyone to try to help him. He lost his young wife last year, who was also a friend of mine and a fellow cancer sufferer (we used to run our own mutual support group!) after doing his best to nurse her for some months. I'm not certain he'll ever come out of this bout as he's currently refusing any sort of professional help. I'm not often lost for words but............ My sympathies are with you as I can fully understand the feeling of helplessness you must be experiencing!

Gordon (gordon s), thanks for that link to the BR programme. Cost me time though, as I had to watch it on iPlayer, and there are other episodes in the series, one of which was about Bernard Lovell and Jodrell Bank. I simply had to watch that as well (see interest above!). You didn't mention how you got on at the John Radcliffe, parking apart?

28xx, terribly sorry to read of the poor standard of care that your mother appears to be suffering. I wish I could offer you an easy solution. It is amazing, as your later post would suggest, how being with the wee ones can lift you!

Lurker, I've certainly seen worse views from workplaces!

Wow Neil, that model should cheer you up a bit following the sad passing of friend Bill. It most certainly looks like a superbly produced model - it's only money after all! I wonder if they'll ever produce a proper steam loco?

Wishes for better health extended to our ailing members as usual, and now the hump is almost done, it's downhill to the weekend. Hope it is trouble free for all.

Kind regards,


G'night Pete! G'night All!

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  • RMweb Premium

Been a busy bee today fitting the speakers etc and fastening sound chips into a 9F, Sun Chariot and an A3. Final speaker and chip fitting tomorrow in two Duchesses then time to do some weathering.


Goodnight all!



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At $1.3b I doubt I would worry too much about the tax as there would be plenty left to play with even after tax.


I reckon that there would be enough left to buy the IOW aswell as IOM and have  underground trains to play with before the Island line gets the chop.

May be better off buying Bermuda instead of the IOM and then living there and not paying any tax just for the sheer hell of it.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all.


The promised cool change blew in overnight and today is a cloudy 18C compared with this time yesterday when it was more than twice that in the sun.  No bushfires, thankfully.


Jock - you're right about existing in such temperatures.  Many of us find it a challenge.  I'm apparently uncommonly good at dealing with extremes of temperature which some one once told me was due to having "robust good health and a high metabolic rate".  


There are compensations.  I'm in a job where I get to watch a lot of people.  And a lot of people in those temperatures dress for comfort more than modesty.  It's perfectly normal to have people on the trains in nothing but bathers.  It's also not at all uncommon to be accidental witness to more than one should.  Last night's prize went to a poor lass who discovered that the female equivalent of duct tape stops sticking when the body is covered in perspiration ...... 

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Ahh well, sitting here in the hotel room with little to do, waiting for 11PM to roll around and I become a billionaire, I got REALLY REALLY bored.

So I looked up the Hornby board of directors and decided to include ALL of them as recipients of my latest email asking what the FLOCK is going on with my Bude and Okehampton orders.


I'm taking bets on how many of THEM will also ignore my email and not respond. If I win the lottery jackpot, $1,000 to everyone who guesses the correct answer/number of responses :jester:

So we don't have errant guesses, I emailed six people;

CEO - Richard Ames, Chairman - Roger Canham, Finance Director - Steve Cooke, Non-Executive Director - David Adams, Non-Executive Director - Charlie Caminada and Secretary - Amy Stacey

Oh, and an additional $1,000 for everyone who correctly guesses the FIRST (if anyone actually DOES respond) person out of that list to respond.



Sleep well ERs - tomorrow may be your lucky day :locomotive:


UPDATE: Two of the email addresses I estimated were the "correct ones" were returned as undeliverable, so remove David Adams and Charlie Caminada from the above list. The GOOD NEWS is that all the other email addresses I used were correct and therefore deliverable... BINGO

Edited by Ian Abel
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Morning all. A damp and chilly start to the day but at least I'm working a lot to home today which is more than welcome. I've covered just short of 600 miles already this week. One coffee down and at least one more to go before I head out.


Jock - I hope that returning to the chemo doesn't cause you too many problems.


Ian - Good luck with getting a response. If you get any it will be one - Richard Ames


Have a good day everyone

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Morning All,


It is quite a bit colder here this morning.  Down to 2°C and dry.  I am rather hoping we might see the sun today!


28XX sorry to hear about your Mum - I really hope that they can make her as comfortable as possible.


Jock - Fingers crossed for today.  I too, hope that your return to chemo doesn't cause you too much discomfort.


I don't have a lot to report from here, so I guess it is time for a coffee.


Have a good day everyone...

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning/evening all!


Rick the temperatures in oz seem to be see sawing madly. Hope it stays reasonably warm.


Ian A you need the email addresses of their PAs as they do respond. Well most do, we have one in Yorkshire who doesn't for some reason.


Youngest Herbert awaiting feedback on two interviews. Hope he is successful.


The weather team says it should be snowing outside. Hope and let's hope it stays that way.


Have a calm and stress free day/ evening.


Hope itall goes Ok for you Jock.



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Morning all!


With feedback to holiday company now under belt, today looks like it'll be an ordinary Thursday.


BTW, anyone know if it's possible to import a TurboCad track plan into Anyrail?


HAve a good day!

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