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  • RMweb Premium

Morning guys ;) ...


Slept quite well, actually - still too dark to see anything outside unaided, but I think it has been raining, or still is. Time to put together an agenda for the day - have been browsing through the university's directory of seminars and picked out a couple I'd like to register for. This procedure is now all automated - signing up is done online, but the sign-up phase does not begin until 22 September. There is, however, no "first served first" rule, far as I read - all applications are collected till 13 October at noon and students are then allocated their courses. This system is entirely new to me, TBH :blink: .


Have a nice day all!

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Morning All,


Battleship grey with splodges of white is the order of the day this morning. Pretty much the full 8-oktas and although it isn't raining at the moment, it doesn't look as if that will be the case all day.


Have a good day everyone...

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Morning all....Pitch dark outside, so no idea what the weather promises for today. Woken around 3.30am by the Police helicopter. Clearly on the trail of some 'erbert, it was hovering around for the best part of an hour, waking all within a half mile radius.


Small price to pay if it keeps us safe in bed every night...B)


Got rid of the last box from Mum's new apartment yesterday, so she will be moving out/moving in today. Taken a while and we just hope she will be happy there. Sadly the dates aren't great. Dad's birthday on the 21st and the first anniversary of his passing on the 27th, but I'm sure she'll cope with friends and family around.


Had a little chuckle over Thomas's antics, Robert. The trials and tribulations of parenthood. Enjoy it, they grow up very quickly.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.


Nice and bright here. I hope you mum settles in Gordon and is content in her 'new place'.


Battleship grey with splodges of white is the order of the day this morning.


I woke up like that once but an Alka-Seltzer soon sorted it.

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Morning all the sun is up and shining brightly but it is so low that driving may be difficult.

Damn that Sun's moods.............


77f in the Metro area today, threat of gusty T Storms this evening - we still need some rain. The stars look good right now, clear enough for colours to be discernable.


Best, Pete.




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Morning all!


Busy day yesterday, team "awayday" (so far away, that we were on the 3rd floor instead of the 1st).


Best get cracking, I'm off to somewhere south of Glasgow for a farm inspection. I wanted to see what the inspectors do on the ground with the policy that we write in the office...

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.


It seems like a pleasant day here so far. Nothing too exciting planned, some shopping and tidying up. I'll be going out with Matthew to have another attempt to persuade someone to sell us a laptop.



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  • RMweb Premium

Morning All, Don't seem to be many blue gaps in the oktas. For some reason my employers seem to have suddenly had a resurgence of interest in my project. After deciding not to fund it a couple of weeks ago I now have people scheduling meetings with me to talk about its future and to "move things forward". Even my manager has suddenly decided there are things I should do. This is really inconvenient and is going to impact on my social life and modelling time!


Just as well I booked this mornings meeting with PhilH in my diary before all this renewed enthusiasm kicked off. Get the kettle on Mr H.


Have a good on all.




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  • RMweb Premium

Morning All


Gordon I do hope all goes well for your mum's move - I'm sure we'll get an update soon.


Jam - welcome back, you were missed.


As to kids, Mrs 45156 looks after the under 5s and has done for many years. She has found that this bad and aggressive behaviour starts in pre-school, and that many kids are even at an uncontrollable stage by the age of 3. Many disruptive kids are actually starting to be identified (she said incorrectly in many cases) as potential Special Educational Needs at that early stage. I don't want to start a debate about parenting, this is not the place, but as many have said, it does appear that there is a direct correlation between the reduced discipline and bad behaviour.


Glad to say I got my oven mended yesterday - it was the element. The engineer turned up on time, and did a good job - shame he had driven from Wallasey to do it - total lunacy.


Tried to visit last night, but the site was running so slowly that I gave up.


Total cloud cover here, and looking very like the monsoon that started in July is continuing.


Regards to all


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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all.


I'll be going out with Matthew to have another attempt to persuade someone to sell us a laptop.




Tony, if you're not too fussed about getting pre-sales advice, and you're pretty sure of that you want, don't rule put A*g*s as the do have some pretty good laptop deals, and as I said the other day, I managed to get a better spec PC for about £100 less that PC W*rld or C&rrys (who are, when all's said and done, the same outfit anyway).

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Just checked the Hurricane Center. It looks like Igor will impact Bermuda (Saturday) then arch towards Europe. Julia will follow suit but several hundred miles to the east - if you look at the predicted tracks they appear to be in formation.


Best, Pete.

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  • RMweb Gold

Finally managed to get my 'off-sites' yesterday.

This allows me to go home early if I don't have a lesson last period so theoretically I can go home at the beginning of lunch (1:05).

Hence why I'm on now. I am a bit late as I didn't get to leave till 20 past 1 due to a problem in one of my lessons.

To cut 10 minutes of chat down to two sentences, basically my physics teacher is concerned about me because I can't do any of the homework and even if I did get a B and C in this years modules, I could still only get a U overall because of my bad result last year. He has said to me it would end a year of suffering to stop now and admit defeat which is something I am reluctant to do but I see it is the best option.


It makes me wonder why they let me on the course in the first place. The amount of communication in this school is non-existent. I will lose this 'off-site' every week if I do drop physics to attend general studies. Oh yes, that's the other reason to be annoyed... how an exam that included 'schnibbs' and 'plobs' is supposed to help you in life is a mystery.


I'm just a wee fobbed off at the momentwink.gif


Stewart - glad your oven is mended - our Stanley is getting more and more unpredictable as each year passes!

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  • RMweb Gold

Hi Don,

A cup of tea sounds a very good idea. Haven't had a drink since this morning anyway.

I still haven't booked my theory test which I really must do soon. Next driving lesson is not until the 23rd as my instructor is on holiday.

My friend has his practical driving test soon which must be so nerve-racking! I dread to think what it must be like.

Just need to get my geography coursework out the way and decide what I'm going to make for product design this year. My teacher is giving me grief in that subject too...


Still, at least the sun is shining - ish and the kettle is on...smile.gif

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  • RMweb Gold


To cut 10 minutes of chat down to two sentences, basically my physics teacher is concerned about me because I can't do any of the homework and even if I did get a B and C in this years modules, I could still only get a U overall because of my bad result last year. He has said to me it would end a year of suffering to stop now and admit defeat which is something I am reluctant to do but I see it is the best option.




Matthew did General Studies AS and A2. There was only about an hour a week for it and students were supposed to do all the other stuff for it in their own time. Doing subjects like Gov't & Politics , Geography and Philosophy meant he could use things learned in those subjects for General Studies. Many teachers imply that it is a waste of time of a subject, however Matthew found out that quite a few universities do count General Studies for UCAS entry, however they don't appear to include it for scholarship/bursary awards.


As regards the physics grades it does look as if your teacher is being kind. Matthew got a U in AS philosophy, resat the module and got a D but he did have the support of his teacher who thought the grades awarded for that module were wrong but the board stuck by the grades on a re-mark. If you can't cope with the homework I would think that is a good indicator of having problems with a subject. Don't think of stopping physics as a defeat, at least you tried. At the college Matthew attended it was normal to give up one of the 4 AS subjects and do 3 A2's and General Studies.






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Who needs Physics anyway?!? :rolleyes:


I say this with my tongue placed firmly in my cheek because I taught Physics for a while to undergraduates - as regards my Physics qualifications, I have a GCSE at grade B, but no A-level. (I was in the second year of students to take GCSE's and AS was only just coming in when I left school)


However, despite the lack of a Physics A-level, I still managed to get an HND in Electrical Engineering and an Honours degree in Electronic Engineering.


It is certainly not the end of the world to give up. However, only you can decide if it is the right thing to do.

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