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  • RMweb Premium

Evening all from Estuary-Land. Ed, there's not much I can say, it must be truly devistating for the young couple. Hopefully they will be able to have a healthy child in the not to distant future. NB, I hope junior is a lot better. New series of 'Stargazing live' is on at 9 on BBC2 and I intend to watch it. On the subject of more down to earth science I hope there will be a program soon about the recent Must Farm bronze age site in Cambridgeshire, an over water (stilt) settlement that caught fire depositing everything into the underlying mud where it was preserved. Thats all for now, be back later.

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So far the week seems to be improving, even if it is happening slower than I'd like. Work hasn't finished for the day though, I still have a pile of admin to deal with.


Ed - I'm lost for words fortunately others have definite words of support and wisdom.

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Just off to an awayday.


Kids cussing the next version of our degrees.


Insomnia cure, anyone?

Bl00dy autocorrect




Actually we did get a lot done - we have a new Head of Department and he lets us get on with it rather than ruling by diktat.

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  • RMweb Gold

See that Glasgow Queen Street tunnel is to be closed for 20 weeks from March for electrification; at least I'll be able to use it to get to Model Rail Scotland in Feb.




I'm pleased about that as I'm going that way on the Friday.


Isn't that going to cause major headaches?

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The daftest contribution to the obsequies came from one person (I've no idea who he was) brought into the news studio to offer his thoughts on Bowie's significance in the scheme of things. IIRC: "This planet has been in existence for four thousand million years. Let us be grateful that we had the incredible good fortune to share our lifetimes with that of David Bowie."


I believe it was was Simon Pegg.  I wasn't a great Bowie fan, but for those who were, I can understand his quote.  I thought it was better than all the similar quotes that have been reported over the past 24 hours.


It wasn't The Simon Pegg I saw on the TV, but out of idle curiosity I googled it, and apparently Another Simon Pegg tweeted it, or something, earlier. I won't bother to provide a link, it's not that interesting. 

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Evening all.

Note to self. Next time I win £2 on the lottery by not entering and put the winnings in a jar. Hide the damn jar! 

swmbo converted it to an organic loaf of bread. 


Homemade vegetable soup tonight, following on from vegetarian stir-fry last night.

Waist line starting to diminish.

Smug mode, engaged!


Still got £8.50 left from Saturdays £25 win. Had 4 drinks in Spoons and got some shopping (no organic bread). Plus stll have free lucky dip for tonight.

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  • RMweb Gold

45156 mentioned soup above, when we were looking after F&MiL we had to order lots of soup. Whatever we ordered he always wanted something else. A great favourite was Oxtail Soup. One day he suddenly asked "what do they make Oxtail soup from" Marion replied "Oxtail dad" He said " No they can't do" with a look of horror on his face. Priceless!



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It’s a fact of life that there are tossers in every walk of it.


And on that note it’s goodnight from him etc., G’night, Jock!


Early tonight ‘cos I’m rather busy - ooh, it’s been snowing here, first I’ve seen all season....


On the fly:



Best, Pete.

Edited by trisonic
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  • RMweb Premium

I'm slightly surprised at the rather lukewarm "appreciations" of the late David Bowie. I liked him, on the whole, but I can sympathise with those perhaps irritated by the hyperbole of the coverage by the news media. I can only hope that the Beeb has got it out of its system now.

The daftest contribution to the obsequies came from one person (I've no idea who he was) brought into the news studio to offer his thoughts on Bowie's significance in the scheme of things. IIRC: "This planet has been in existence for four thousand million years. Let us be grateful that we had the incredible good fortune to share our lifetimes with that of David Bowie."


Without wishing in any way to disrespect the man or his many fans "Other musicians are available".  Some are of at least the same calibre and influence.  Though 2016 hasn't been kind to the music industry thus far.


Note to Auntie Beeb.  "Other news stories are also available".  

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  • RMweb Premium

Evening all. The day started of a little damp, and the sun came out fleetingly throughout the day, but never stayed out long, but I've driven through sleet and rain too! Quite an uneventful day, managed to get all the work I'd programmed for myself and clock up 260 miles at the same time. So with yesterday's 200 that makes 460 so far this week and it's only Tuesday. Working a bit nearer to home mid Lancashire area for the rest of the week, so I expect my total by the end of the week will be in the region of 700 or more.


I was late home today and didn't manage to catch Sheila making herself a cuppa which I usually manage to do most days, I'm never home at the same time 2 days running, and Sheila swears that I can here the kettle boiling from "bl00dy" miles away.


Ed, sympathies to all your family, what I can say that already hasn't already been said.


Ian Abel. Talking of funny cigarettes, I've been a none smoker all my life, but a lot of my friends smoked, and a few also liked a bit of the old wacky baccy type cigarettes too, but no doubt I will have inhaled some whilst sitting in a small room with lots of them smoking it. On the odd occasion I did try it in my tea, but to be honest I preferred a decent pint any day.


Goodnight all.

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  • RMweb Gold

We have just seen the weather forecast which suggested snow flurries here in Essex later this week. I asked Aditi if she wanted the winter tyres put on her car. She suggested we could just use the Land Rover.

With the mention of cold in the US and Canada I remember my Dad telling me about attempts to keep warm in the winter of 1944/45 when he was in the army.

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Never use Winter Tyres over here and we had 88 inches of it last Winter.


However they are prompt at clearing the roads.....................................................


And “D’oh!” to Rick..................Still love ya Baby!


Best, Pete.

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  • RMweb Gold

Ah, Crispbakes - we buy the M&S ones but they have recently discontinued the ones with a sausage meat filling which is a great pity as they were pretty good but other flavours are available and I'm rather partial to the corned beef ones.


And I see we've moved on to A4s so welcome to the golden eagle (or maybe it's a kingfisher by now?)


G'night all

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See that Glasgow Queen Street tunnel is to be closed for 20 weeks from March for electrification; at least I'll be able to use it to get to Model Rail Scotland in Feb.



:O Good grief!


At least if it was Central you could always "get aff at Bridge Street".

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Evening all. A quick check in tonight. Today has been one of those days. We've all had them at times. It started by treading in the cat's water bowl whilst stumbling around in the dark. Then on way to work I drove round a corner on a dark country road to be confronted by a plastic sack full of, what looked like, garden rubbish on my side of the road. With a car coming the other way and no room to swerve round the bag I had no choice but to drive through it. Then, a little further down the road I was confronted with another. Someone had already run over this one though. However with another car approaching I decided to try to drive over it with the wheels either side. I think part of the bag got caught under the car as I could hear something flapping about. Nothing present when I got to work other than a rather unpleasant smell coming from somewhere. This smell does not seem to have gone since, appearing once the car gets warm. I rather hope there is no lasting damage.

Work was pretty hard work too. The children have been on a "go slow" all day.

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