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Evening all. I had to defrost the car this morning, 2 bottles of warm water soon sorted that out. It was lovely and sunny until mid-afternoon when it started to rain on and off for a short while, but by teatime is was pouring it down. There was a change of plan once I got to the office today. I was given some work in Kendal and Lancaster area to do instead of going to Millom. That work will now be done tomorrow instead.


Another hour spent at the gym again this evening, hoping to trim a bit of flab that has appeared due to the recent festive period.


The news of the death of David Bowie this morning marks the passing of another musical icon. I never bought any of his music but a great number of my friends did so I was able to listen to him whenever I was at there's.


Last year I too have had to have memory tests, I had 2 in fact, due to my own concern for my erratic behaviour and forgetfulness. My first test was in April and was carried out by the practice nurse at my GPs surgery, that test included a certain Mr Brown who lived on the High Street in Kensington. It must be a standard test that is used. Even though I passed that test with a score of 5 out of 5, was still referred to the memory clinic. In July I had a full test, which lasted about an hour. In that test I scored 99 out of 100, the missing point, was due to my not naming enough animals that began with the letter "P" in 90 seconds, there was also an extensive questionnaire to complete too. I was asked many questions and my answers were then written down by the nurse asking them. After all that I was told there and then that I did not have early onset Alzheimer's, (for which I was being screened) this came as a huge relief to me and the family. It was eventually put down physical and mental exhaustion, brought on by the long term effects of the various drugs I'd been given during my 3 years of cancer treatment. All-in-all I was off work for nearly 4 months returning late July.


Over the almost 36 years that we've lived in our house we've had some colourful and noisy neighbours. But luckily we've now got some lovely neighbours on both sides. Although sometimes there children can be a bit noises, however, they are all under 8 years old, so it's only to be expected.


Loved the videos of the Churnet Valley Railway by the way Dave.


Goodnight everyone.

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RIP David Bowie. The first single I bought was "Jean Genie".


Drama in the NB household. Junior NB is away at Uni in Colchester and has been complaining of being quite unwell with severe stomach pains and the need to visit the loo on a more than regular frequency over the last 3-4 days.

 A visit to the campus doctor today has resulted in a diagnosis of food poisoning (She thinks it may have been brought upon by a less than well-cooked chicken kiev just before she returned to uni last week).


As she's on a course that involves working in a food environment, she has very sensibly stayed well clear.

Mrs NB is currently en-route via the M6/A14 as I type to go and meet her and possibly bring her home for a few days to recover. Mrs NB has had a good sleep this afternoon in preparation for the journey and I'm awaiting an update in the next few hours as to her progress. The mobile phone will be by my bedside tonight.



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....and a last set of clips of CVR steam, uploaded whilst watching the fitting tribute to David Bowie on TV....

....the last days of LNER V2 4771 Green Arrow in steam early 2008 (unless resurrected) on driver training runs in temps of -5C, followed by a spirited departure from Consall alongside the canalised section of the River Churnet.


Goodnight Ziggy



Edited by Torr Giffard LSWR 1951-71
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My clinic appointment went well, I think . . . .Breathing(gasping?) test results were an improvement on last year . . . I was seen by a Practice nurse. . . . I asked how long you had to be a practice nurse before you became a "full" nurse , , , , , 


Err r r r  . . . Some people have no sense of humour . . . 




Goodnight Everyone . . . . . . .  Sleep well.




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For several hours over Sunday night/Monday morning, it wasn't possible to drive across Canada. A new bridge on the Trans-Canada in Northern Ontario, where the Trans-Canada is the only east-west road, failed and was closed while it was examined and a temporary fix made - http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/thunder-bay/nipigon-bridge-transcanada-update-1.3398207

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For several hours over Sunday night/Monday morning, it wasn't possible to drive across Canada. A new bridge on the Trans-Canada in Northern Ontario, where the Trans-Canada is the only east-west road, failed and was closed while it was examined and a temporary fix made - http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/thunder-bay/nipigon-bridge-transcanada-update-1.3398207


Oops! Looks like the deck was seriously nudged by the wind. The engineer is going to have to do a bit of 'splaining.

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Morning all. Amazingly I feel quite fresh this morning, I just hope that it lasts. The predicted low temperatures overnight seem to have been a myth certainly in this area.


Have a good day everyone

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Would any of the ER computer experts kindly advise if it's possible to password protect a single file/folder on a Mac.

I have another person's information stored which is sensitive and if I get run over by a truck tomorrow I'd like it to be safe.

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Morning All,


I am starting to wonder whether we are going to have any real winter at all this year.  It is very mild again, but I think it may well rain later on, as it appears to be pretty cloudy.


This year seems to have got off to a rocky start for many.  Like Jock, I was never a huge Bowie fan - he was always a bit too far out for my taste, but there is no denying that his undoubted talent will be missed.


From my point of view Ed Stewart will be very much missed - although I have not listened to him for years, I spent many an afternoon listening to his show on Radio 2 both while I was at University (he was often my revision companion!), and then later on the way home from work.


Still, nothing stays the same - and doesn't necessarily change for the better.  (Now that's a melancholy thought for this time in the morning).


Have a good day everyone...

Edited by Robert
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Would any of the ER computer experts kindly advise if it's possible to password protect a single file/folder on a Mac.

I have another person's information stored which is sensitive and if I get run over by a truck tomorrow I'd like it to be safe.


I would guess so DD - Mac is based on Unix, and therefore it should be possible to change the ownership of the folder to the user that should have access.  No other users (except root) have access then.  chmod 700 <folder name> should give just the owner access.


I say this with the caveat that I haven't used Mac OS for years, so I could be talking out of my bottom! I expect some real Mac experts will be along shortly.


Edited to say, I have looked out a link that shows you how to do it:



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Good morning one and all


So I went to the bank and interrogated the kiosk thing.  I saw no spurious transactions and therefore did not take the matter further.  I will go in again on Friday.  Jock, thanks again for your kind thoughts on what is probably my own stupidity.  Lost cards have a habit of turning up after I have had them replaced, as my Tesco Clubcard will testify.  The new card has been used, to purchase a year's BT line rental at what is apparently a 10% discount.


What to say of Bowie?  I liked him in his Anthony Newley period and remember him as David Jones and the Lower Third, when even constant airplay on Big L could not get him into the charts of the day.  The way in which the Today programme dropped more or less everything as the news broke was impressive, as was the extent of the coverage on TV which, while comprehensive to a fault, left space for other news.


I need to do a fodder run today.  The list is long enough to justify taking the car, thus jeopardising my parking space which is vulnerable to marauding commuters, but there is too much to lug on the bus.  The car needs to be close to the house as it is to be loaded with toolkit and other stuff in preparation for a visit to Poorly Pal tomorrow.  Then I must head into town as I forgot to buy a magazine yesterday.  Decisions, decisions ...


Best wishes to all, particularly the ailing which appears to be most of us



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Tea drunk, herself off to work, the sgentle throb of a last bus Leeds from the queue outside the window...seems quite calm really.


Hope the day goes well for everyone.


A bit more arguing with sound chips to do today. I need them done and dusted asap.


Very nice videos of the Churnet Valley. Another railway on my list of places to go!


DD lovely under the sea shots of the ice. Very realistic, just add fish!


Edited by Barry O
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Morning All!


Off to see the vampire later today a) to see if there's any blood in my alcohol stream and b) to see if I have any digestive disorders which are causing my current (and prolonged) volatility! Felt fine whilst in Switzerland; get back to the UK and bang, problems are back with a vengeance!


Hopefully have an answer by the end of the week!

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Morning all,

Not sure if I've had a memory test - must have forgotten!

Like many on here, I was never a great Bowie fan but I did admire him as an innovator, and I must add that I went to see him in the film 'Merry Christmas Mr Lawrence' on release in August 1983 and remember thinking he could have a career in films without a problem as it was a very good performance in my opinion. This obviously wasn't in his plan however as he successfully reinvented himself and his music several times over the years. RIP a true star.

We have a fantastic set of neighbours around us, living as we do in the turning circle of a cul-de-sac. All have been very supportive over my illness, offering to walk Archie, taking old fence panels to the 'tip', offering to go shopping with Joanna and so on. About seven years ago, we had a noisy couple with two children in the property to which we are link detached, but relief came in the shape of a divorce when she (source of most noise!) ran off with a younger man and the place was sold to the current lovely family.

Chris, hope you got the right result at the bank today over your missing card.

Dave(TG), that's good news about 'Is', she is to be much admired for her spirit and I find her an inspiration. Please thank her from both of us - you must be very proud of her! Lovely videos in your later post - It's hard to believe that line has gone though!

Warren(BoD), good to hear you are keeping your spirits up, has your hearing recovered from this afternoons little accident?

Gordon(gordon s), that is an absolutely incredible amount of money to raise for what is a very good cause. I almost wish I hadn't used your link to the site though, as it left me very touched to read about the people that you and your generous members have kindly decided to support.

Donw and Dave(TG), whereas I agree with the bulk of your comments about cancer, my own feeling is that the development of our understanding of the workings of DNA and genetics is an area that could greatly enhance the chance of combating the disease in all its different forms. I just It is well known that early diagnosis and treatment proves successful against many types of cancer. The isolation of the rogue genes that point to specific types of cancer will eventually build a database which will enable specialists to test the likelihood of cancer occurring in an individual. There has been a lot of success with the research so far, and if we can just make the breakthrough, it is feasible that a simple blood test could allow intervention before the bad cells develop. Joining the Cancer Research team means I get regular e-mails on the discoveries and theories almost as they happen!

Pete(lightengine), belated wishes for a Very Happy Birthday and many more of them. There is no use in you trying to keep it a secret as you can't stop the March of time - I'm glad you were happy with your presents though.

Neil(NHN), I am truly sorry to read of the death of your friend and fellow Groudle Glen volunteer. You and Deb's have had some rotten luck in that respect over the last twelve months or so. Possibly the worst part of ageing is the fact that the older you get, the greater the chance that such losses amongst family and friends will occur.

Mick(NB), wishing Mrs NB a safe and uneventful journey to Colchester and back to collect Sarah. I hope that she recovers quickly - food poisoning can be very nasty!

Get well soon messages go out to Neil and Dom, as well as anyone else ailing at the moment. Have a good rest of the week everybody, but you'd better break out the winter clothes according to BBC Weather!

Kind regards,


G'night Pete! G'night all!


.....I struggle with the politics/changes of direction with the CVR/Moorland & City directors over the last 10 years Jock. At one point I helped them with getting the line open to Froghall but was always pressured to offer more time than I had available, so left them to it....in common with numerous other ex BR staff who did similar. The presence of the CVR/M&C in Leek, with its considerable population/tourist numbers was always going to offer a destination/starting point and a reliable year round income stream, so fingers crossed that it will now happen. Planning permission has been approved and the sale of spare land for housing at Leekbrook jnc should further swell the coffers. The resurgence of cycling as a form of exercise coupled with the work done on the local canal towpaths to convert them into cycleways suggests that a van/wagon with cycle stowage capacity and the opportunity to board/alight at Ipstones/Apesford/Leekbrook jnc/Cheddleton/Consall/Froghall will add significantly to the attraction of the railway too, helped by the lovely local scenery. Increased visitor numbers will then require feeding and watering which should offer more profitable catering opportunities.


Various owners have removed their stock from the line because it hasn't been looked after/maintained properly, which has left just foreign (Polish/American) steam locos with the occasional non authentic visitor to maintain the service over recent years. Their recent 'anything goes' galas have just been an excuse to trot out any home based traction which will run/not bring in visiting traction and have offered little of interest...the last one was cancelled due to lack of traction.


One of the young ladies in our family is studying the genetic advances necessary to help cancerous cells kill each other....we urge her to add to the numerous other knowledgeable bodies with a hasty way forward.



Edited by Torr Giffard LSWR 1951-71
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Morning all from the borough that I wish to hell would get back to being boring.


A sick passenger last evening at New Cross delayed SWMBO's trip home by 45 minutes. I know its all down to the lawyers but why the hell keep some poor crushed on a train for that long until a paramedic arrives as opposed to getting them off, into a waiting room with space and air. Logic withers under the flame of litigation. "Don't touch, don't move lest we get sued" seems to be the railway's mantra. I won't go off on a long tangent but it seems to be a regular occurrence on the Southeastern Metro lines. class 376 + crush load + any delay = passenger taken ill. Personally I think its down to a lack of oxygen as the ventilation on those things is marginal at best. The only air flow comes from the hopper windows. Train sitting still quickly becomes very stuffy and stale. I've fainted twice in my life. Once when arriving at the hospital when my appendix blew out. The other while standing on a Class 376 stuck outside Lewisham on a hot day. Felt light headed and the next thing I knew I was being picked up off the floor. As soon as the train got to Lewisham, I got off, got some air, and got on with it.


Shortly after she arrived home (finally) the line was blocked at Barnhurst with a land slip. No trains for us today. I have the option of another day at home but SWMBO is now bouncing her guts out on a bus to Woolwich, where no doubt it will be hand to hand Jedi combat to get on a train. Last evening some little hooded scroat on one of those hair dryer scooters managed to come a cropper at the corner. Not the first time and not the last. In the past 8 years we've lived here there've been at least a dozen RTCs along our road. The most serious about 18 months ago when a (shock horror) scroat on a hair dryer doing wheelies managed to flip into the path on an oncoming car. Oh well, Darwinism at work. At least watching the air ambulance land was sort of interesting. Our local plod have a shiny new speed gun but seem reluctant to do much with it other than pose on some of the back streets with it for selfies. To top it off there was a sewer collapse at the junction of Brampton Rd and Crook Log during last night's peak. That basically snarled the high street for the evening.


John, hope the vampires and the quacks find the solution to your stomach issues. I know what you are going through.


Chris, if your card had been retrieved by someone else they'd have tried to use it within a couple of hours. The honest people would turn it in, the dishonest know that it would be reported and cancelled very quickly so would be taking advantage. A chap at work left his card behind in a machine recently. Some sh*tweasel pocketed it and went on a £300+ spending spree using the contactless card before it got disabled. The bank coughed up fairly quickly.


Enough misery and b*tching from this corner of the world. Have a good day all. I shall now hibernate in anticipation of the great "Snow bomb chaos" that those bastions of fair and calm reporting are predicting.

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morning all,very wet here,early start as daisy decided it was time to play with the twirly woo boat at 4am........odd as although I was tied it was fun and she never stopped smiling!! jack slept blissfully though all .......the missis tried to !! finished new gearbox itting just waiting or sw to load and then test.....have a good day all.

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Morning all form a dry Surrey earlier and a windy London Bridge. When they built the Shard they said that they designed it to reduce the wind tunnel effect. Go only knows what it would have been like if they hadn't as its bad enough as it is.


last night our roads were jammed up due to new roadworks on the main road so it was much quicker to walk home than wait for the bus. Not as bad early in the morning so we waited for the bus.


Trains all a few minutes late. The 8 car Thameslink driver must have thought he was a 12 car so pulled up to that stop causing further delays as passengers ran down the platform to then try and squeeze into the last coach.


Our train seems busier than ever since the new year but luckily we just about get seats most days.


This morning one of the usual passengers sat opposite us. he dropped his small rucksack on the passenger next to him then got out his pencil case where something pinged out onto the same person next to him. He then fumbled to recover what ever it was that landed around this person. He didn't say anything but I could tell he wasn't amused. Could easily be a Mr Bean sketch, more so than on previous occasions!

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Morning folks.

Small amounts of blue in the sky here. Tad chilly, log basket refilled last night and suspect the fire will be lit again tonight, Laura is one of those people who tends to prioritise being warm over all else!


Must admit I'm not the biggest Bowie fan in the world either, I thought I was the only one that wasn't until I came on here. Doubtless an extremely talented- and mould breaking- guy though and the world of music is definitely a duller place without him. Must admit I'm still more saddened by the loss of Lemmy though- as well as a love of railways I've inherited my dad's taste in music too unfortunately. I kind of assumed that, having survived this long, he was pretty much immortal. There's a video somewhere of me aged not a lot singing "Peaches" by The Stranglers which is fantastically inappropriate! Despite that I've managed to grow up to be reasonably civilised, if terminally uncool.


Sorry to hear about NHN's friend at the Glen. Worse still when it's out of the blue like that.


Still sounds like there's lots of folks feeling grotty, so best wishes as appropriate to all.

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Morning all, the site of clear blue skies always lifts the spirits even if accompanied by a chiller wind than we have been used to. (but by no means unseasonable)


I knew about the landslip reported by AndrewC as there was a diverted Bexleyheath line train at Sidcup when I arrived this morning. I didn't know about the collapsed sewer - that will add pressure to the A2 which is being used as a diversionary route around Bexley village.


Now onwards and upwards. Have a good day, all

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