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Early Risers.


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It's neither early, nor am I rising, but hey-ho!


A weekend of two halves with Leah. Shopping sat am for new shoes. L and the camp shoeshop assistant admired each other's branded clothes. PM with my daughter and partner in Brummigem where a good time was had by all.


L treated us to a lie in Sunday but on entering her room we were greeted by a cot-full of vomit. After baths, showers, laundry and carpet cleaning we spent the rest of the day on the sofa.


This morning she is bright as a button, firing on all cylinders. Having a nap at the moment.


Best wishes to the afflicted, and everyone else. Time to get L up.

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Distinctly not firing on all cylinders here, although a chest infection hardly registers on the scale of what friends on here are carrying.


I hate being off work, it's not really good in a small business, but I am as much use as a chocolate fireguard when I'm this tired.  These things just have to take their course I think, not wanting to contribute to the increase of anti-biotic resistance.  I suppose its viral anyway, in which case anti-biotics have no effect.  My muscles ache with coughing so much. :resent:

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Afternoon All


Well, today has been pretty odd so far, though I have managed to catch up.  To wake up to learn that yet another musical icon has died at the hands of that dreadful disease, cancer, was not the best start to the day. 


I have managed to rate all the posts since I last visited, but I have done it over a few online sessions, and I can't remember what has gone before - perhaps I too need to visit the memory clinic like Mike.  I did so some time ago, and I too was asked to remember a certain Mr Brown in High St Kensington.  I think I got all the answers, but where are my spare glasses?


So anyway, it's generic greetings all round again - sorry.


As for the rest of the day,well the dreaded "I think the cloakroom needs a second coat, and the ceiling might be better the same colour...." meant a couple of hours of work today, and then "I think the gloss will need looking at as well" means that the small job has, as usual, escalated into a much bigger task.


Regards to All


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My fairly notable birthday yesterday brought some good presents. 2 cd's that I wanted, some beer tokens of various colours, a bench drill and from my elderly mother a radio controlled helicopter. She brought it to Spoons where I guess she expected me to test fly it around the pub. I didnt! The Spoons lunch was good with relatives and we shall have a celebratory meal together some time.

Having long been a fan of Leonard (music to die by) Cohen, I now have his Live in Dublin cd which is actually 3 cd's and a dvd. His voice has matured so much over the years as I wtnessed when I bought his Popular Problems album sometime ago.

The other cd received is Rhiannon Giddens who I first heard on NYE on Hootenany, excellent album.

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Late check in mostly as I'm busy again in the basement/dungeon that is the office in Long Island <sigh>


Had a great brunch with Trevor and his new girlfriend Meghan - a delightful lady and we're very pleased for both of them.


Apparently, NYC and specifically JFK can't handle a bit of cloud cover, so they managed to delay ALL flights inbound to JFK, including yours trulys, on ground holds about 3 hours yesterday. I managed to make my hotel room at 1:30AM this morning!! What a dreadful place to fly in and out of :butcher:

At least I had the pleasure of Jemmas' company at the airport while I waited, as she was taking her "commuter" flight back to Billings so we hung out and that was nice.


To add insult to injury, the "Good Morning America" news/bullshit program that is on from NYC while I'm getting ready to head to work, reported that it was "brutally cold" out and everyone should dress adequately, as the local temperature was +1C! :jester:

I wanted to call and tell them that it was around -20C in Minneapolis (most of the WEEKEND!!), THAT IS BRUTALLY COLD, not some stupid whimpy +1, even WITH a bit of wind chill lowering the "real feel" to about -2. What a bunch of whiners!!!


The biggest news, and probably will be until the Wednesday drawing, is the lottery, that is now expected to reach $1.3 billion dollars! I wonder if anyone has considered just applying that money to those in need, just this one time?


Very sad to hear the passing of Ziggy, I enjoyed most of his music and he was certainly very talented, RIP.


Hope your week starts/started well, and uplifting if possible.

Edited by Ian Abel
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Aft'noon all,


Smashing lunch out with friends at one of their favorite restaurants today....still good to get back in and change into scruffs though.


Organising of 2016 fund raising coach trips under way.....the first one, in May, is already sold out and has a waiting list....sold out 4 months in advance is a new record for us.


Back to work on nights tomorrow so hopefully a little modelling time to be had first.


Enjoy what you do



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Some years ago we had neighbours who always seemed to be having rows as we would hear raised voices and crockery smashing. He used to drink and would wash his gin bottles out under the outside tap (by the front door!) Got to know them a bit later on. They weren't so bad. He was an ex miner suffering from pneumonsilicosis so we could perhaps understand why he wanted to drink. When the was some work done in their place a drill came straight through the wall. The party wall was only a single brick width so no wonder we heard everything.

As soon as we could afford to we moved up to detached houses at least there is not the noise coming through the walls. Even so you can get neighbours who are a real pain. I don't think it is us. We don't allow the dogs to bark endlessly and stop doing any building work before it gets late. No wild parties and music is never that loud.  


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Ian (Abel) your comments about the temperature remind me of something which happened when I was out in Aus.  The morning weather forecast stated that temperatures were going to be 'a little cooler in the Sydney area today';  however it was still plenty warm enough for me to walk down to the ferry in shirt sleeves and I knew that would be quite enough in the city around midday.


At the next ferry jetty a chap got on who had obviously heard the forecast as he was wearing not only a 3 piece business suit but an overcoat.  The forecast reduction incidentally was from 42C to 38C and humidity was running somewhere a good way over 80%.

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Just a thought:


Perhaps Jock ought to post his spacehopper with one handle device on the new tools thread!

I thought that thread was about people confessing that they were a tool....................


Amazing how one’s eyes play tricks on a computer.


Best, Pete.

Edited by trisonic
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Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Had to wait about 10 minutes before I could use my computer this afternoon. All I got when I switched on was a picture of a field of lavender, no 'on' switch or anything else. I telephoned the shop I purchased it from and they were as mystified as I was. They did suggest that I had accidently switched on something called 'screenlock' but they would have to check out the computer and I would have to take it into the shop. Before I disconnected everything I decided to switch it on one more time and this time it came back on with the normal sign on screen. I then phoned the shop again and they helped me find a way to disable the feature causing this. This is a feature of Windows 10 that came with a recent download from Microsoft called 'Spotlight', but now I've disabled it I should not have any more problems.

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Sound chip 1 Baz 0... must be me being a bit tired today... Set up 5 chips all went well, then I fitted one into a chassis ... not even a squeak so thats me rewiring the lcos so that it picks up off all 6 driving wheels.. pah!


At last they are playing the Laughing Gnome on Radio 2 - might help to get it out of my head as its been my earworm all day!



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Top tip no 658: If you are using noise cancelling headphones don't forget to take your hearing aids out first.


I'd bet even Pete couldn't replicate the weird feedback I've just had.

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Evening.  A couple of cylinders seem to have kicked in after another nap, mighty tired though.  Thanks for all the supporty hearts, nothing serious though, unlike some of our company who are more deserving.  Hope to go to work tomorrow, it'll all still be waiting for me.


Had sad news this evening too, one of our older volunteers at Groudle passed away after a short illness, he was running the shop at Christmas, and now he's gone in the blink of an eye.  A nice chap who I thought the world of, Debs was very fond of him too.

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Good Evening, firstly loads to catch up on so thoughts to those who are ailing and congratulations to those who have something to celebrate!

A busy weekend with sport and sorting out bookings for our trip around Califirnia next month, not helped by my other half choosing hotels which took an amazing amount of time.

Managed some time in the shed , have had to bring a module inside to speed up the drying time, hopefully will get back to the shed tommorrow afternoon to finish off.

Sad to hear re David Bowie seems to many people who I grew up with are passing away!



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Evenin' all,


A little more steam on the Moorland & City extension from the Churnet Valley Railway at Leekbrook jnc to Cauldon Lowe....this time one of the reopening specials circa 2009 top & tailed by WC Pacific 34028 Eddystone and 5MT 44767 George Stephenson, seen passing Winkhill.....






Apologies for the split film....I had to borrow a friends camcorder whilst mine was being repaired and struggled with its operation/don't have the correct editing suite for the clips produced using it.


Unfortunately, the Ipstones-Winkhill-Cauldon Lowe section has since been lifted and sold to finance the Leekbrook jnc to Leek town extension.



Edited by Torr Giffard LSWR 1951-71
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Top tip no 658: If you are using noise cancelling headphones don't forget to take your hearing aids out first.

I'd bet even Pete couldn't replicate the weird feedback I've just had.

Doesn't sound nice at all. I get occasional tinnitus. I wondered if I had noise cancelling headphones that the tinnitus would seem louder without normal noises? My Mum had tinnitus that really irritated her. She used to sleep with the radio on to cover up the whistles and other noises. She didn't listen to nice music she listened to late night phone ins where people discussed their troubled lives. She then complained about nasty dreams about what she had listened to. Edited by Tony_S
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Evening all. I hope that your Mondays have not been too bad. Many thanks to Dave (TG) for posting the excellent videos from the Churnet Valley Railway. I used to be a armchair member of this line after being very impressed when I visited for a gala day. The volunteers were so welcoming and friendly on the day and everything ran very well. I remember that B1 61264 was visiting on this particular day and I got a couple of great shots of it around Consall Station on the days before the second platform was built.

 I last visited the line last summer with Amber. It was very busy but we had a couple of nice runs behind the Polish tank engine. I have never managed to travel over the Moorland and City line to Cauldon Lowe and I was not aware that this track had been lifted. What a sad turn of events.


 Onto the events of the day. I have never been a fan of David Bowie, but I recognise the talent of the man and I am genuinely saddened to hear of his passing. Another musical genius to grace the heavens along Freddie Mercury, Michael Jackson et al. RIP Ziggy Stardust.

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