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morning all,cool and dry for once !! even the workshop roof has stopped dripping !! all quiet this morning as I left,lots of snoozing,had to fight my way past all the zzzz in the hallway !! nice to be back,had 2 days renewing the ac licence last week never too happy doing assesments and exams.....jack came home from school on about minecraft,hes only 4 ! ive taken a look online....blown if I can get my head round it! daisy is now starting to crawl,gone from a shuffle to sudden bursts of speed followed by giggles then face planting before having a go again!! have a good day all.

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Did you have the DVD or was it on some online film service. I nearly bought the DVD for Aditi the other day?


It was a Blu Ray DVD from Amazon.  I hadn't heard of the film, but Mark Kermode spoke about it in his film review over the weekend.  It was his DVD pick of the week.  Occasionally he comes up with some real treasures, often some years old.  Jackie knew of my love for the Beach Boys and in particular the writing skills of Brian Wilson so Amazon Prime turned up trumps and it arrived on Sunday.


I was staggered by the abuse Brian Wilson endured over the years from his father and then Eugene Lander.  


Shocked by the news of Bowie's death this morning.  Having lost two golfing pals in the last few weeks and with Jackie's first husband failing fast, we have to find a cure for this dreadful disease.  On the plus side I have friends who have come through it and beat it, so it can be done.  One day we will rejoice that medical science has finally laid cancer to rest.


I was at our golf club AGM yesterday when we presented a cheque for £20,000 to the Alexander Devine Trust, a local hospice for children.  The Captain nominates his charity each year and our various functions during the year are all geared to raising funds for worthwhile causes.  It was a very moving ceremony to see where our money was going.



Edited by gordon s
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Sad news about David Bowie. I remember seeing him at the first Glastonbury festival. He was somewhat unknown then and came on in the early hours of the morning. If you bothered to listen you could tell he was special.


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My earworm today is laughing gnome..... Nuff said


Very frosty here even our additional garden water feature has turned into a skating rink for the local birds



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Gordon I sympathise with the idea of  Cancer  being laid to rest but I don't think it is that simple. 


Problem 1. Cancer is not something you catch instead cells in your body go rogue often due to a trigger. There can be so many triggers and avoiding them all may be impossible.

Problem 2 It is difficult to detect Cancer often it is rather advanced before symptoms become noticeable. Dogs which can detect them have shown some remarkable results. I cannot see the NHS employing dog  detectors.

Problem 3 As it is your own cells destroying them can destroy other cells in the body. This seems to be the most promising area with targeted drugs being investigated. The use of radiography or chemotherapy is not always possible. 


On the last one by the time they had discovered my mothers health problems were due to Ovarian cancer, the low level of platelets in her blood made chemotherapy unadvisable. Three months later she died having received no treatment. If it had been her choice she would have taken the chemo on the basis if she was going to die anyway what did any effects of the chemo matter.


I believe that progress on the detection and treatment is possible but  I think Cancers will always be a health problem.


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....and the same trigger in one person will be quite differently handled by the immune system of each other person. Many immune systems simply overcome such triggers, or else have wildly varying outcomes e.g. everyone knows someone who smoked 100 Woodbines a day and lived to be 100. We have relatives in Canada who drink a bottle of sherry and a bottle of gin respectively every one/two days and who have outlived all of their much healthier living siblings....there is no justice.


I wish everyone the most robust immune system possible.



Edited by Torr Giffard LSWR 1951-71
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I think my post lost something in translation..


Having lost friends and family to cancer I am only too aware of what it is. My hope is that one day we will discover a course of treatment that will be able to counter cancer without the risks and side effects of current treatments.  


A vain hope perhaps, but a hope none the less.

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Morning all from that most boring of boroughs. Looking to be a rather excrement filled Monday. Lousy sleep, Bowie, and my inbox from work filled with annoying crap. Wishing I'd stayed in bed.


Stewart. Thanks for the kind words about the neighbours. Just to revisit the history of next door. Originally occupied by a lovely retired couple. He used to be on the busses and drove the 696 trolley. They got evicted after 31 years as their scummy landlord re-mortgaged the house with a dodgy evaluation then did a runner. After 6 months the bank foreclosed and turfed them out to become the council's problem. From what we've managed to find out, along with the rent he got far more than the property was worth. Easier than selling.


Within a few days the pikeys had stripped all the plumbing and anything useable from the house. To be fair it hadn't seen any work since the late 70s so it actually saved the new owners some work. We had attempted an offer but couldn't get the money released fast enough and the house was purchased by an Asian family who buy/fix/flip as a sideline to their general contracting company. They ended up putting over £40k into restoring the place. Sadly the timing was wrong and they decided to let it instead of selling on due to the market crash. The first family started out noisy and anti-social and got worse from there. Dirty, messy, noisy, violent. Eventually the gorilla of a husband vanished around November of last year. Not before several police visits and council enforcement orders. They were finally evicted owing over £7k in rent. They trashed the house. I did post pics on here last May. It looked like one of those Channel 5 tenant from hell programmes. Rubbish everywhere, damaged walls, ceilings, rotting food left in the fridge. The owners cleaned it up and let it to a young Hungarian chap and his family. From what I gather, he and his family do work for the owners. Basically I think they cut a deal for them to finish the cleanup and repairs in exchange for some reduced rent.


Things started good, they cleaned up. turned the back garden swamp into a nice space for them to enjoy and for the kids. Friendly but a bit noisy. Over the months they have become noisier and messier. The garden is now filling up with excess rubbish and bits of broken furniture and left over building materials. Several late night parties with loud thumping Hungarian disco/folk music has seen both us and the neighbour on the other side knocking on their door to get them to quiet down. He is fine, but the wife (chavzilla) is psychotic it seems. Basically she has the notion that she can do what she bloody well wants. How dare we ruin her party. At the moment they have 2 council complaints against them and we are about to file the noise log for the past 3 weeks. In theory that should start an enforcement order. Really don't want to do it as he is quite nice and both their sets of parents are friendly but we can't continue with the late night noise. To be fair part of the problem is down to the owners that did a sh*t job of restoring the house. When they took the plaster/lathe off the party wall they just cemented over the brickwork and plastered on top of it. That means any vibration is no longer diffused by the air gap and the wood of the lathe. It gets transferred straight through the walls.


Enough blathering for one day. Good to see Jock's bits improving (ooo errr)


Have a good one.

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Re Gordon's post.

It's a vile thing and I join in his hope that some sort of effective treatment can be found.


Over the last few years we've had a spate of folk who are close family or friends losing the fight.

There are five special people who are pictured in silver frames whom we sorely miss.

I have no wish to add to this collection.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from a rather grey village but unlike Baz in the north the southern uplands of Leeds seem to be frost free at the moment.  

A fairly downbeat set of posts this morning an I wasn't aware of Bowie's demise.   Sad to hear as he produced some fine music though I wasn't a great fan.  I always remember the duet he did with Mick Jagger on Live Aid which was fabulous.


Anyway the day is gradually getting better.  Beth is busy packing to go to a Warner Hotel (Wrinklies anonymous) for a week with some girlfriends.   A host of railway modelling activities are planned for the week.  All should be well as long as any evidence of using the dining room table etc is disposed of before Friday lunchtime.


Regards to everyone.



Edited by jamie92208
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It's raining now (as forecast) but, after a light mist cleared, we had a beautiful sunrise over at the beach. This was followed by a vibrant rainbow heralding the arrival of the rain.


We were supposed to be doing a water bird survey today but, having checked the five day forecast for Donegal, decided to do it yesterday instead. Basically it involved walking about 4km of coastline between the high and low watermarks, preferably either side of low tide. Our sector, on the opposite side of the water from Killybegs is mostly weed covered rocks backed by low cliffs. The first section was really slippery and difficult. Then we came to a headland where the cliffs dropped straight into the sea so we had to scramble up through heather, brambles and dense scrub before dropping back down to the beach the other side. As we moved further up the harbour the going did get a bit easier but it still took us over two hours. We only recorded 15 different species and in fairly low numbers (apart from the hundreds of gulls attracted by the fish factories), which I must admit didn't really surprise me. I then cycled back to get the car (we dropped the bike off on our way in) and picked up Steph just as the rain arrived. Excellent timing.


Household chores to be done today so I had better get on.


Have a good week

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Morning all from Estuary-Land. Sad news indeed that David Bowie has gone, another victim of the big C. Even though I was never a fan of his I did like his music and it seems like part of your life has gone. As I mentioned I spent Christmas day with my sister. Just before Christmas she and her husband took delivery of a brand new motorhome, they have been caravaners almost since they got married. They had originally ordered it from a (caravan) dealer in Sudbury, paid a deposit and then the dealer went into receivership. They then found a dealer in Nottingham to place their order, that dealer then was able to find the motor caravan that they had ordered was almost completed at the caravan builders in France and continued with their order. Their only problem then was to take their old motor caravan to Nottingham for certain items to be transfered such as the satellite dish from Kirby Cross (not far from Jock). They now have their new motor caravan but are quite a bit out of pocket having lost their deposit plus a bit more as the new dealer did not offer as good trade in terms as the Sudbury one.

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Morning all.


Have just caught up on what has bit of a sombre weekend in ERs. I can't even begin to imagine how Ed must feel, my thoughts are with you.


I can sympathise with irritating neighbours as we had one bad lot at uni- but at least we were only there temporarily. As it happens we outlasted them and we had a nice family replace them with the only complaint being that their large ginger tom used to come and join in our barbeques! I suspect the first lot were moved on, the police were fairly regular visitors. A shame as it was otherwise a very quiet part of town, I think we had the only dodgy lot on the street! Our current neighbours are also quite loud, but that's because the old boy next door is somewhat hard of hearing and has the telly turned up to 11- not helped that we have pretty thin walls. Can live with that though as he's a nice enough chap, and the neighbours the other side are great- into old cars as well, they were as relieved as we were by this.


Laura had a temp. job working in the repossessions office for one of the major lenders a few years back, mostly dealing with outgoings. The amount they had to spend on properties to get them saleable either due to wanton destruction by the defaulters prior to leaving or from vandalism and theft was ridiculous- and affected a significant proportion of cases. Of course, much like insurance fraud it's far from victimless and it's the rest of us that has to pay for it. It was interesting that most of the cases that actual got as far as repossession were dare I say "deserved" in that the majority of defaulters had been given plenty of help and chances and had wasted or abused these- very few were people who had genuinely fallen on hard times through circumstances beyond their control, despite what the media etc would have us believe. All in I think she found it a rather miserable place to work.    


Glad Jock has at least been reassured that the space hopper is nothing too serious, even if it's all a bit vague as to how it came about and how it'll go away- sounds like it's getting better slowly and at least you've been able to get out and about. Same for BoD's eye, painfully slow progress by the sounds of things but hopefully getting there.


Dave TG's constitutional pictures from the other day look thoroughly idyllic, despite the excess of wet. It's amazing how blue skies and a bit of sunlight can completely change the ambience of a place.


It was pleasant to see some sun yesterday here too, in between the heavy showers. Didn't really get to enjoy it as I was helping fit a replacement transfer box to a friend's Land Rover. Not the nicest of tasks on a cold, damp day- but needs must. The poor old thing gets a lot of abuse, towing and hauling stuff (it's got quite a lot of a Scammell Explorer winch in the back currently) so I can hardly blame it- but these things never seem to happen when the weather is behaving!


Let's hope the week brightens up from here on in, in terms of weather and of illnesses and bad news :)  

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  • RMweb Premium

Sad indeed to hear of David Bowie's passing. A notable man who certainly helped shape 20th century music, I think. Didn't even know he was ill with the big C, which makes his passing all the more tragic…


Friggin' bug has remained persistent, so off work for the rest of this week, which is, I think, best from a safety point of view also. Waiting room at GP was rather full of sniffling and coughing patients, so it's probably not unusual for this time of year. A non-issue compared to what too many other folks are going through, of course.


Be back later – need some hot tea now!

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Mornin' all from a damp and gloomy Hundred of Mansbridge. I had a rotten night with little sleep so am on repeat coffees. The alternative was to go back to bed but the cat got there first plus I have stuff to do. I've been stressed and depressed by assorted carp this last week so haven't felt like posting, although I've kept up with everybody. My issues are trivial in the greater scheme of things though.


Mock GCSE results were disappointing. Martyn knows the stuff but has trouble expressing himself in writing, so under exam conditions he's struggling in some subjects. His IT result was excellent though, so with his good Maths result already, his way ahead will probably be Computer Science.  


I have to go and look at a small burn mark on a carpet in a rented flat. Apparently my modelling skills may be sufficient to repair or disguise it. I doubt it, but we shall see. Otherwise, some clutter (other people's) clearing may happen. Yesterday I moved or removed enough to gain access to the back bedroom, which is a start. Along with some of my stuff and most of Martyn's books and Lego, it contains stuff abandoned by my stepson plus outgrown toys and dead electrical and electronic junk. Some charity shop and Dump trips are due.


Best wishes to those ailing or recovering. Have a good day and stay dry.



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Morning all


I have managed to spend a little time catching up.


My thoughts are with Ed and family. I'm glad to see  that Jock is slowly progressing in a positive direction and hope that AndrewC and others do the same.


I agree that Dave's constitutional photos are always worth catching up on. They're far nicer than the view through the gloom in HR, even though that view contains Southwark Cathedral and St Paul's.


This weekend was quiet. Swimming lessons resumed and Younger Lurker embarked on project homework - Great Fire of London. This weekend involved baking bread without the ensuing inferno, which he enjoyed.


I hope that you enjoy your day.

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I forgot to add that I won on the UK Lottery. But before Dom starts worrying whether Leipzig's tram system will cope with all the extra visitors I should add that it was on the previous Saturday, when I bought tickets for the first time in an age. It had been so long that I hadn't realised the numbers had changed to go up to 59. I also hadn't realised that 2 number now gives you a lucky dip. Fortunately I was using the ticket as a bookmark and hadn't just chucked it. So I cashed in my chips for this weekend's lottery, and won the usual zip.


Dreams of Leipzig will have to go on being just that I am afraid.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning (just) all,


Well the trip to the Doctor's was much as expected -


'Hello Mr Stationmaster, what can I do for you today?''


'Not sure really, you asked to see me not the other way round'


(screen duly consulted 'Oh yes so we did, we also need to do the memory test'


'Sorry, I can't remember the bloke's name, oh and before i forget can you give me something else for the stuff oozing out of my face as the last lot of stuff didn't work'


And so it continued  - in suitably humourous vein being asked - again -  to remember that nice Mr Brown from west St Kensington (he hasn't moved then?) plus being asked today's date (the 11th, I know that because I'm here for my appointment with you) before we finally got to 'an item currently in the news?'   'Simple, junior doctors going on strike - seems they want extra pay for working nights and weekends; I did that for over 30 years without being paid any extra for it and s did and do plenty of other people'  But we parted on very good terms, even after my words on taht subject.


Now will it still be a gay page by the time this gets posted or will we have moved to a cave?


Have a good day one & all.


PS Still gay I see, wonder who we'll have reached by tomorrow?

Edited by The Stationmaster
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This weekend was quiet. Swimming lessons resumed and Younger Lurker embarked on project homework - Great Fire of London. This weekend involved baking bread without the ensuing inferno, which he enjoyed.

My younger brother was given a similar assignment. Knowing that my grandparents had previously lived in London he piped up with "Grandma, do you remember the Great Fire of London?" on our next visit to see them, which was the source of some amusement but not necessarily from Grandma, bless her.

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I genuinely don't recall ever having a memory test. I know Aditi has and she is a year younger than I am.

If the test consisted of questions about where I had put my keys I could be in some difficulty.



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