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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all.


Dry here now but windy, after a really wet night, interrupted by the sound of a coughing NHN. So much for virus checkers, I'm sure I caught this from Gilbert on the P'boro North thread!


Those LDA Sulzers get everywhere.  I'm surprised Jock didn't mention the Peaks, which were the first use of the twin bank (two in-line 6 cylinder engines side by side & geared together to one generator) version here, which went on to be used in the 47's as they got steadily uprated (and became more unreliable).  The type 2's were 6 cylinder, and the 33's 8 cylinder, all in-line.


We used similar engines to the LDA26's as generators on ships, from a variety of manufacturers. 

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Morning all. Dry but breezy so far this morning.


Not an exceptional amount planned for today but I will check to see how far out my £2 was when I can access the website.


Have a good day everyone

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.


Bit of a 'wild' day and I'm talking about the page not the weather Victor ;)


The big Sulzer engines definitely got worse in BR use as they were uprated - hence the main reason why they were derated.  Bubble bounce (in the coolant) was a big problem on the Brush Type 4s (Class 47) in their early years but there were other problems - which probably explained the little experiment which became Class 48.


According to the Daily Wail I see weather armageddon is approaching, meanwhile the Met Office says 'nearer to seasonal norms'.


Have a  good day everybody.

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  • RMweb Gold




Picked up two lottery tickets while we were out, so will look forward to winning the now $900+ Million USD that is the latest reported figure. :jester:

The Central African Sanctuary for Hippopotami wishes you good luck in your speculation, and looks forward to a handsome donation from your impending good fortune.


(Now THAT is a begging letter!)

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all,

Bird boxes varnished and the first one is up.

No birds have nested yet.  :scratchhead:


Youngest has challenged me to a fishing competition. 

"What are we going to catch?"

"Whales and catfish. BTW, could you show me how to fish, dad."


I think trout may be more realistic around here. Not that I know the first thing about fishing - the last time I went was off Southend pier (probably 45 years ago) and one flounder between three of us was the result.   


My mind is turning to lunch and what to cook. And whilst I contemplate that I'm going to adjourn to the garage and potter on at the layout. 

Have a nice day everyone. Andy

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  • RMweb Gold

I couldn't think of much to say earlier but after a very late breakfast I am now full of waffle.

I am off to B&Q soon for a big tin of magnolia matt emulsion. I found enough (almond white matt) for the ceiling. All the skirting boards and door frames are stained rather than painted. At least being upstairs Robbie won't be trying to help. I shall probably start next week!


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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all (just) from a bright and sunny Estuary-Land. The Central African Sancturary for Hippopotami isn't based in Nigeria by any chance? if so can they please let that charming gentleman who telephoned me that know that I am dealing with his cash advance through Interpol. Off to check my lottery tickets now, if its me my next missive will be coming from Barbados.

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Morning all. A decent night's sleep for the first time in several days. Most of the pain has subsided finally. Still not feeling myself though. Blergh! Today's major task will be the shortish walk to Moreasons to pick up a few things. This includes an extra box of tissues after Ed's news from yesterday. :(  Tonight's feast will be a simple chicken ramen bowel.


Won SFA on the lotto.


Not a lot else to say, so have a great Sunday everyone.

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I couldn't think of much to say earlier but after a very late breakfast I am now full of waffle.

I am off to B&Q soon for a big tin of magnolia matt emulsion. I found enough (almond white matt) for the ceiling. All the skirting boards and door frames are stained rather than painted. At least being upstairs Robbie won't be trying to help. I shall probably start next week!





Does this have anything to do with Aditi being retired?

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Just before Christmas, a couple of ner-do-wells decided they would mark their passage through the district with their "tags". With no one to paint over their handiwork, I decided to do it myself. 


Well done that man! Terrific effort.

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  • RMweb Premium

Ed - I'm sorry.  Nothing words can convey will remove pain but you're among friends here.  Best wishes and support to those closely affected.


Somewhat chuffed (pun intended) to note the we passed Flying Scotsman Page more or less at the time of the old lady's return to water-boiling action on the rails.  I'm not an LNER fan but just as I can respect good music without liking it so I can respect good design without being a fan.


Parking - my maxim has always been "If you can't park it don't drive it".  There's appalling and selfish parking here just as much as in the UK and other places.  


So much so that I'm considering starting up a branch of Careless Random Acts of Parking to place windscreen labels onto those vehicles clearly parked without due care and attention.  I know something of Jock's issues in Clacton as my sister still takes my elderly father to visit his own sister in Holland-on-Sea, having first paused for lunch after a decent drive up from Sussex.  Parking opportunities - even with their blue badge - can be non-existent.  Personally if I can reverse-park a 12-metre coach, which I learned to do in order to gain my PCV licence and done without a central rear-vision mirror, then I reckon I can park anything anywhere.  Apparently I've even surprised the good lady more than a few times by reversing into less-than easy places.


News : Dates finalised for my UK visit and dates for showing the neighbour's daughter around Cornwall also included.  She's 18, making her first solo trip overseas, leaving home on a one-way ticket and more than somewhat excited to be moving out into the Big Wide World.  Not sure yet whether I'll manage to weave in time for RMweb folk but hoping to.

Edited by Gwiwer
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  • RMweb Premium

' Afternoon all from red dragon land.


:sungum:  Sunneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeey !


Railway modelling friends paid us a visit yesterday followed by our youngest who is staying a few days so we opened the


Big Box of Choccy Biccies.  (No comment!)


Lunch to do now.  Take care, all.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.


Update on twe sugar's post: it's started raining again.


This enforced inactivity after the op is starting to cheese me off. Gas bubble is nearly half way down my eye and like Happy H said it is quite fun to play with..... but the novelty does wear off after a while. I guess if you lpermanently live semi submerged in a mud hole you get used to it. The advice I was given was to rest until the eye has healed. I'm not sure how long it means by this. Any suggestions HH? As it is, I'm not risking anything until at least I've been back to the consultant which is this Thursday. Some vision is returning but I can't judge how well because the vision is affected by the fact that the lens was displaced anyway. For me, the off-white emulsions will just have to wait.


Normally it would be a great opportunity to paint or do some modelling but seeing in just 2D makes this somewhat difficult. Lots of people have got used to having the use of just one eye and adapt but I'm guessing it would take longer than a week and a half. I'm sure (hoping) that it won't come to this for me. Still, this is a minor thing compared to what others are going through, both here and in the big world outside ERs.


Enjoy what is left of your weekend.

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  • RMweb Premium


Weather-wise, it's time to scare the beejesus out of the timid/warmer climate dwelling amongst us :sungum:

Started off as a high of -14 and clear this morning when we got up, and that was the HIGH!

Right now, late afternoon, it's starting to fall, and already down to -16 with the overnight low expected to be -22. Buggered if I'm going out again today for ANYTHING :O


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  • RMweb Gold

We had an ice cream van in our road this afternoon. It was quite sunny then. It isn't now, dark clouds and rain.

I did get the paint earlier . In answer to John's question the suggestion for painting may have something to do with Aditi being retired now. She said she can now help with such tasks. It was far worse when she completed her doctoral studies. She really hadn't noticed things that needed doing for years. The main reason for decorating the bedroom is that we have ordered a new bed. Delivery is expected now in about a month so it is a sensible time to decorate I suppose.


Edited by Tony_S
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 The main reason for decorating the bedroom is that we have ordered a new bed. Delivery is expected now in about a month so it is a sensible time to decorate I suppose.



Just don't mention mattress testing. I did once and didn't quite get away with it...........




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We had an ice cream van in our road this afternoon. It was quite sunny then. It isn't now, dark clouds and rain.

I did get the paint earlier . In answer to John's question the suggestion for painting may have something to do with Aditi being retired now. She said she can now help with such tasks. It was far worse when she completed her doctoral studies. She really hadn't noticed things that needed doing for years. The main reason for decorating the bedroom is that we have ordered a new bed. Delivery is expected now in about a month so it is a sensible time to decorate I suppose.



Nice excuse. :jester:

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