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I think I would take that figure with a large dose of salt. I think Mrs. Lurker has it about right. They do say that if you look hard enough you will always find someone who tells you what you want to hear.

I didn't look very hard - it was the first non advertised site I came to! I have since found a Wikipedia page on basal metabolic rate which rather neatly quotes 1500 as the average for a study done on Scottish males.


I'm a lot taller than average (6 foot 2) - hence the calculator gave a higher result.


I originally made my assertion when we were discussing the relatively miniscule amount of calories burned off by doing extra exercise such as walking. It seemed logical to me that if we are advised by the government to eat 2000 -2500 calories a day, we must burn off a fair amount just by sitting at our desks working etc - I don't do that much exercise and I am, despite suggestions by Elder Lurker to the contrary, not the size of a house.

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  • RMweb Gold

Afternoon, Just back from earning brownie points, took the other half out for a walk this morning then a nice pub lunch near Kirby Lonsdale.


This has gone someway to reparing the damage yesterday when after playing tennis for 2 hours followed by a boys pub lunch I fell asleep all afternoon in the chair. Not that I missed much yesterday as it was grey and miserable and herself was watching recorded TV programmes!

My sleep was induced by the suddden shock of exercise rather than alcohol I would like to point out.


Today we actually saw some blue sky and sunshine for a couple of hours, so it still exists!


Now to catch up on the events over the last 24 hours on here.



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I once worked with a Leeds City Conservation officer who was a Larger than Life character, despite being 'small but perfectly formed' . He had an excellent singing voice and was much in demand as a prominent local amateur opera singer.

We were on a York university assignment together trying to help Chinese historic cities make the most of their heritage assets in economic development. This was a hopeless task in the face of powerful Mayors who much preferred tearing down and rebuilding.

But our witty LCO kept us all afloat by being a BIG success on the Karioki machines and in devising hilarious  'cunning plans' for staying sober despite the best attempts of the Mayors to humiliate by getting us legless.


I last saw him late one night in Leeds after returning from from China (via Ringway airport) together on the train. He proudly showed me around a forgotten bit of station he'd opened up after everyone had forgotten about it and also likewise a forgotten cinema.



The station is in fact an amazing structure built on arches.  I remember the cinema which is now  a night club I think.  As well s the River Aire, there is also a canal passage and a disused lock that used to bring barges up from the Leeds Liverpool Canal to access the upper bit of the river that borders the northern side of the station where there was a power station and Elida Gibbs soap factory, known as Soapy Joes.   There was a bad fire in the 19th century when stored oil and grease caught fire that caused a lot of damage.   When Railtrack were rebuilding the station over the Millennium I went to a talk about the project and the guy was telling us about discovering odd bits of brickwork as they worked across the platforms.  I asked him if that included the fire damaged arches and his face went very pale.  He had no idea of the history.   It's a fascinating area to walk around and much more accessible now than it used to be both above and below the station as several new footpaths have been built along with new footbridges over the river.  You can walk out of the northern entrance by Wetherspoons, along the river bank to Whitehall road, get onto the canal towpath then come back along the canal via Granary wharf and the Dark arches to the new southern entrance.


As to the cinema, I did actually visit it when it was a 'news cinema',  it later became IIRC a Tatler cinema club and one day when I was helping to do crowd control for a visit by Prince Charles, I spent my lunch hour down there watching a young lady take her clothes off.   Perhaps I should have asked HRH along.



Edited by jamie92208
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I didn't look very hard - it was the first non advertised site I came to! I have since found a Wikipedia page on basal metabolic rate which rather neatly quotes 1500 as the average for a study done on Scottish males.


I'm a lot taller than average (6 foot 2) - hence the calculator gave a higher result.


I originally made my assertion when we were discussing the relatively miniscule amount of calories burned off by doing extra exercise such as walking. It seemed logical to me that if we are advised by the government to eat 2000 -2500 calories a day, we must burn off a fair amount just by sitting at our desks working etc - I don't do that much exercise and I am, despite suggestions by Elder Lurker to the contrary, not the size of a house.


I have a fiqure of 0.42 Calories per pound weight per hour while sleeping. Since some people are more active when asleep than some slumped in front of the TV . It gives base figure. These calories are burned in just keeping the body going. The heart pumping the blood round the lungs and diaphragm expanding and contracting to draw the air in and out. Presumably other organs use energy to perform their task. Muscles too are rarely totally at rest  often there are two muscles holding each other in tension to keep our body in position.

Oddly enough a good night's rest followed by a modest breakfast will make you more active the next day so more energy gets used. Lack of sleep and no breakfast and you will feel and be sluggish. 


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I have a fiqure of 0.42 Calories per pound weight per hour while sleeping. Since some people are more active when asleep than some slumped in front of the TV . It gives base figure. These calories are burned in just keeping the body going. The heart pumping the blood round the lungs and diaphragm expanding and contracting to draw the air in and out. Presumably other organs use energy to perform their task. Muscles too are rarely totally at rest  often there are two muscles holding each other in tension to keep our body in position.

Oddly enough a good night's rest followed by a modest breakfast will make you more active the next day so more energy gets used. Lack of sleep and no breakfast and you will feel and be sluggish. 



I did see somewhere that some 25% of our calories are used to keep the brain working.  Unfortunately my somewhat jaded view of the human race is that there is considerable variation in that figure and that there are several specimens around who don't use more than a small fraction of that percentage.



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Good to hear the result from Rick - certainly a load off everyone's minds after what probably worried them enormously!


HUMP day on Long Island, means I've only one more "wake up" before I can head home, albeit just for the weekend.


Nothing happening here of note, cockwombles unable to predict when the new "go live" date for the system will be, currently Feb. 1st is a candidate, but a bit doubtful right now.


Think I might scour the threads and see if I can't find the "idiots" Pete alluded to, I feel like maybe a few riot inducing contrary posts may be a worthwhile activity to wake me up :jester:


-3 by the time I drove in, sunny and expecting to make 4 for a high.


Ladies & Gentlemen, start your engines...


I wonder how far cockwomble has penetrated in the USA? Waiting for someone to use it in an interview with Donald Trump. Keep spreading the word Ian.

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I wonder how far cockwomble has penetrated in the USA? Waiting for someone to use it in an interview with Donald Trump. Keep spreading the word Ian.

Penetrating into the US I imagine it will become Weinerwomble. Hopefully not being confused with an uncle on Wimbledon Common.

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  • RMweb Gold

I did see somewhere that some 25% of our calories are used to keep the brain working.  Unfortunately my somewhat jaded view of the human race is that there is considerable variation in that figure and that there are several specimens around who don't use more than a small fraction of that percentage.




I suspect they use the same amount of calories but to little purpose there thoughts being on trivial things anything to stop them actually thinking about what they can do to improve the lives of them and those around them. Oh dear I will now have to stop thinking about model trains or be hung by my own petard.

In truth a lot of our thoughts are trivial we hear a noise or something said and are suddenly alert ready for fight or flight. Vital in ancient times when there were a large number of threats less so today. The time we need to spend on focused thinking is small. More difficult is taking notice of those thoughts when they say drink a bit less, eat a bit less, exercise a lot more  when we would much prefer to do the opposite.


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Afternoon all,

Thought I'd better post earlier today as I know that a few kind souls would like to know how I'm coping with my 'little problem' down below! When I told Joanna that the swelling had gone done, not a lot but noticeably after a night in bed, she thought it a good idea to use the reclining sofa during today and lie almost prone. Bit of a nuisance when I should be doing light exercise, but so far it has helped although very little. I phoned the surgeon's secretary this afternoon and he is going to fit in a consultation at 10.00am tomorrow so I can't complain about that for service.

DD, it's ok to laugh at any time - it's the way I cope with it in any case. BoD, the handle it has got was once big enough to fill a pram!

Jamie, we are really sorry to hear of Beth's latest problem - we really are vulnerable organisms! There really isn't any excuse for the pain however, so my oncologist assures me, and the hospital should have a pain control specialist that might be worth contacting?

Pete(pH), although I only lived in both places for a few years, and the distances involved are much smaller than those you moved, I found the switch from the East coast of Scotland to near the tip of Cornwall produced a big change in prevailing climate. Where we lived, almost on Belhaven beach in Dunbar facing the North Sea could be bitter in winter. The move to Porkellis near Helston yielded much higher average temperatures, but oddly, we felt colder as a result of how damp the county was! Nothing like the extremes we now read about in posts from the USA members it must be said.

Ian(RH), it's good to have you safely back, but rather sad that you are straight away experiencing carp commuting! Was there a marked difference on the railways in the US? It amazes me that X. they can't get staff when there is so much unemployment around.

AndyB, thanks for the link to the 'burping' black hole - the question is will it still be doing it now, as it is 26 million light years away, and so the information is fairly old! To do the sums, just think that the light from our own Sun, 93 million miles distant, takes 8 light minutes to reach us. As Phil said, the New Scientist (which I subscribe to) is worth a look for anyone interested and now we have 'white holes' - wonder who dreams up the names?

Dave(r-a-r), although I lived in Newcastle for a time, I hadn't heard about the 'Willows Flood Plain' until your post. The poor old CO-OP appears to be shrinking nationwide - our 'Fiveways' supermarket has just closed, having lost the store they had in the town centre, a Peugeot car dealership, a furniture/white goods store, all in the last twenty years. Now ASDA have bought the site, complete with petrol station! Very sad for someone whose great, great grandmother was one of the founders of the CO-OP in Hurlford in Ayrshire, but you are absolutely right - they haven't shared nor cared enough for years!

I might manage to post later, but I'm going to try to get an early night to be fit for my journey, atop my new appendage, to Colchester General in the morning.

Kind regards,


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I didn't look very hard - it was the first non advertised site I came to! I have since found a Wikipedia page on basal metabolic rate which rather neatly quotes 1500 as the average for a study done on Scottish males.


I'm a lot taller than average (6 foot 2) - hence the calculator gave a higher result.


I originally made my assertion when we were discussing the relatively miniscule amount of calories burned off by doing extra exercise such as walking. It seemed logical to me that if we are advised by the government to eat 2000 -2500 calories a day, we must burn off a fair amount just by sitting at our desks working etc - I don't do that much exercise and I am, despite suggestions by Elder Lurker to the contrary, not the size of a house.


I think it's time for me too eat a little humble pie.


I have just checked the program that records my calorie burn and it allows 1600 calories a day for doing nothing. I average a total of about 2500 a day walking the dogs for about 90 mins. If I take a longer walk or go out for a modest ride on the bike, this will get closer to 3000.

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Evenin' all,


Once more into the dusk on a light seeking constitutional....at least it stayed dry...

















...still brim full at the reservoir...the stick poking out of the water on the left marks the highest ground within the reservoir....



....the same stick gives an idea of the Summer & Winter water levels this year....





Is has had another 600ml of lymph fluid drawn off today....radiotherapy cannot start until this settles down and she no longer needs antibiotics for the infection.


Best regards to those that ail



Edited by Torr Giffard LSWR 1951-71
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There is a cafe in Derby that gives the immpression that the boss grabs passing people in the morning and tells them that they are serving for the day! You never see the same people behind the counter.

Hope that tomorrow goes well Jock

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Afternoon from Estuary-Land. Glad to hear that Rick's neighbours daughter is O.K., the way some employers treat staff, or would be staff is appalling. If I was in the situation as described by Tony I would discuss with the others ways in which we could screw them up good and proper. There was one particular head of department who had a habit of presenting other peoples ideas and suggestions as his own, until someone fed up with their 'intelectual property' being purloined presented a plausible idea/suggestion which was grabbed by the head of department and presented as his own work. Of course it all went 'pear shaped' and the head of department looking very stupid. On the subject of property, when I went out to do a bit of shopping this morning I noticed a house in the next street to mine with an estate agents board outside. It interested me as the house was (as built) identical to my own house. Further more as the house had belonged to an elderly gent who had passed away last year, and even before his death it wasn't mantained to well and it had not been modernised very much (only partial double glazing). I decided to call in to the estate agents just to get an idea of the value of my own house. My own estimate of the value of mine was about £160,000 and I would on that basis estimate the value of this house at £130,000 at best, it is on the market at £200,000 :O

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Afternoon all,


Jamie, we are really sorry to hear of Beth's latest problem - we really are vulnerable organisms! There really isn't any excuse for the pain however, so my oncologist assures me, and the hospital should have a pain control specialist that might be worth contacting?


I might manage to post later, but I'm going to try to get an early night to be fit for my journey, atop my new appendage, to Colchester General in the morning.

Kind regards,


Thanks for the kind words as ever Jock.  Fortunately pain control wasn't and isn't a problem.  The staff last night understood the normal level of pain relief that Beth takes and didn't hesitate in topping up with Oramorph (This isn't always the case).  They also had a good discussion about ongoing pain relief at home and we are so well stocked that isn't a problem.


As to your spacehopper problem.  We one had a very vain sgt who was obsessive about having a clean blotter on his desk.  We once discovered a sick note saying 'inflamed testes' as the cause.  After that every night a new cartoon would mysteriously appear drawn on his blotter with the said articles getting larger and larger until one actually had him pushing them in front of him in a wheelbarrow.  I didn't have the artistic skill but the guy that did eventually retired as a senior detective.


Good luck with your appointment.



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Afternoon All


Been lurking a bit recently, but have now managed to lag behind by something like eight pages.  No chance of catching up at all now, so I hope all is well, thought I did pick up that Jaimie has mentioned that Is has problems at present and that Jock is seeing his surgeon tomorrow about the swellings.  Hope that both are getting relief of their respective issues.


Other than that, I haven't seen who else might be ailing, and I can only offer generic greetings again.


Not a great deal to report here, but at least I've managed to pop in.


Regards to All


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Generally the US commuter lines run to time. I remember once waiting to see an ACE train arrive into Stocktn CA. Someone waiting for their other half commented how poor the service was with it regularly being 15 minutes late but considering it's mainly single track from San Jose and takes 2 hours that's considerably better than ours being 15 minutes late on what was just over 30 minutes run (but now between 40 and 45 minutes booked time).

However Amtrak long distance can be many hours late due to hold ups by the owning freight operator. Oddly, the Autotrain from Washington to Florida this trip arrived an hour early but and we couldn't get off till the station staff had turned up for work!!

So far this last trip ,I don't recall any being more than 10 late (LA to Santa Barbara which is over two hours journey).

The biggest problem here is the sheer number of trains being run in such a congested part of the Network togethet with aging signalling being payed with constantly with various upgrades together with poor scheduling and staff shortage let alone when there is a fatality, bad weather etc.

The other big thing about many US lines is that most if not all get a large seat otherwise they would drive instead. Add to that most now have free wifi onboard which even works well in rural areas. Southern trialled wifi but have since removed it.

Of course the whole way of life is quite different to here with many of these being new services in recent years and things spread out so its not a completely fair comparison. Many places still dont have any rail services and many hat to , only have peak hour ones.



By coincidence I have just been reading Railfan and there is a small post in there that the North Star commuterail out of Minneapolis is now going to refund in full the fare for each journey that is delayed by 11 minutes or more. On Southern we get about £3 back if the train is more than 30 minutes late!!

Edited by roundhouse
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  • RMweb Gold

I did see somewhere that some 25% of our calories are used to keep the brain working.  Unfortunately my somewhat jaded view of the human race is that there is considerable variation in that figure and that there are several specimens around who don't use more than a small fraction of that percentage.




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I wonder how far cockwomble has penetrated in the USA? Waiting for someone to use it in an interview with Donald Trump. Keep spreading the word Ian.


I suspect the etymology might reveal that it is a derivative of a certain rather coarse expression in the US anyway, but Andy might know better :)

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Think I might scour the threads and see if I can't find the "idiots" Pete alluded to, I feel like maybe a few riot inducing contrary posts may be a worthwhile activity to wake me up :jester:


I don't know where Pete has been hanging out, but a re-enactment of Mr Creosote exploding might be imminent on another thread.

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Glad you saw the new entrance , plans for the HS2 station would see it knocked down.....planning what's that?


The big loss around the river/canal in Leeds near the dark arches were the two co-op coal cranes which used to be on the wharf behind the "Drag" aka the Dragonara Hotel.


Off down the railways club where, no doubt, lots of Christmas "presents " will be on display.


Stay calm, stand on the sidelines and laugh at some of the "informed" statements of others



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 After that every night a new cartoon would mysteriously appear drawn on his blotter with the said articles getting larger and larger until one actually had him pushing them in front of him in a wheelbarrow. 

'Shurely' he's another Viz character?

Drawn by that celebrated Jesmond railway buff with a station on the NER Alnwick - Cornhill branch



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Glad you saw the new entrance , plans for the HS2 station would see it knocked down.....planning what's that?


The big loss around the river/canal in Leeds near the dark arches were the two co-op coal cranes which used to be on the wharf behind the "Drag" aka the Dragonara Hotel.


Off down the railways club where, no doubt, lots of Christmas "presents " will be on display.


Stay calm, stand on the sidelines and laugh at some of the "informed" statements of others



Were there a couple of tracks, as in sidings, out of Sovereign Street tram depot under the station as well ?

Edited by Judge Dread
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