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Guest Max Stafford

You only have to walk about any big post-industrial town in Britain to see hard(wood) ;) evidence of Pete's comment. I'm conscious of the fact that the quiet woodland in which I walk my dog most days was one of the country's biggest engine sheds until 1968! You can see this re-colonisation going on all across the city across former goods lines and installations. And that's just the railway. The same kind of thing applies to old factories, collieries and steelworks. Much of the banks of the River Clyde in Glasgow is reverting to woodland also.



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  • RMweb Gold

I'm just back from my shopping trip with Matthew. This should probably go in the "Grumpy" thread started by Coachmann but ..

We had no problems buying a coat and a fleece so we decided to move on to the nearest PCWorld to look at laptops. My brother very generously said he would contribute to a new computer for Matthew to take to university. We had identified two that were suitable, both of which were in stock. Why is it that when you are browsing you are inundated with sale assistants but when you want to buy they are all busy elsewhere! I think I'll post the PC query on RMweb, at least I'll get a sensible answer or even an answer!



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  • RMweb Premium

Why is it that when you are browsing you are inundated with sale assistants but when you want to buy they are all busy elsewhere! I think I'll post the PC query on RMweb, at least I'll get a sensible answer or even an answer!


TBH I've had the same, but it had to be said that as soon as I did start to ask any questions of the schoolkid brainless nerk assistant he knew even less about laptops than I did - and that's saying something - he went off to get "someone else" and I never saw anybody again - and after checking all the specs and prices, I then found that there was a better machine with a hardware bundle, in A*g*s at about £150 less, so guess where I went?

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  • RMweb Premium

Miss B having the same expensive tastes as her mother would like an apple laptop 'only about £1,750 Dad', yes it would be great for her course but in reality I have as much chance of flying to the moon. I don't think they will be appearing on freecycle anytime soon either. The PC world advert really pppppppppp's me off too.

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  • RMweb Gold

Miss B having the same expensive tastes as her mother would like an apple laptop 'only about £1,750 Dad', yes it would be great for her course but in reality I have as much chance of flying to the moon. I don't think they will be appearing on freecycle anytime soon either. The PC world advert really pppppppppp's me off too.


It was quite amusing watching Matthew playing with the Apple machines today. He was trying to work out why anyone would want to pay that much for a laptop so at least I (and his uncle) have kept the cost down to something that his mother spent! Before the Apple fans attack me I love my iPod Nano and iTunes and have been treated so politely in the Apple Store that I have forgiven Apple for the "incident " in the late 1980s! Some of the students at Matthew's sixth form college had Apple laptops and the battery life didn't seem as good as Matthew's "special offer from Staples" Samsung NC10.

The only PCWorld advert I've seen is the email one they send me about special offers.






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It was quite amusing watching Matthew playing with the Apple machines today. He was trying to work out why anyone would want to pay that much for a laptop so at least I (and his uncle) have kept the cost down to something that his mother spent! Before the Apple fans attack me I love my iPod Nano and iTunes and have been treated so politely in the Apple Store that I have forgiven Apple for the "incident " in the late 1980s! Some of the students at Matthew's sixth form college had Apple laptops and the battery life didn't seem as good as Matthew's "special offer from Staples" Samsung NC10.

The only PCWorld advert I've seen is the email one they send me about special offers.



I've got an Apple MacBook Pro laptop and an iMac desktop. The laptop's fantastic. Well, they both are! But the laptop battery is better than any PC laptop I've ever seen. But I completely understand the price issue...!

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  • RMweb Premium

SWMBO has a Samsung NC10. Excellent battery life being a netbook rather than an overpowered laptop. Need to plug it in to a decent size screen to do very much other than a bit of casual on-the-move stuff though.




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Morning All,


Rather grey and gloomy here this morning. Not made any better by the fact that I have been summoned to see Thomas' teacher this morning. Apparently he was sufficiently naughty yesterday to warrant me being called in - not happy, this is the second time in four weeks :angry:. We had a long discussion about it last night - but talk about have kids, have worries.


Macs do tend to be rather pricey - actually, for what they are they are significantly over priced. I have a second hand Mac Mini on my desk and the "guts" are no different to that of a PC - I was quite surprised when I stripped it down. Admittedly the packaging is clever, but it is a lot of extra money to pay for funky packaging.


As for MacOS - I am not really a fan - although I can see why people are. It is very simple to use, but I found it to be too restrictive for the sort of things that I wanted to do. Mine now runs Linux <_<


Have a good day everyone...

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Sky news said Cape Town would have heavy rain today, and they were right! I got to my garage dry but driving to work was through heavy rain.

I'm still here and got a request for more work yesterday!

Happy Wednesday everybody!

How was your birthday Mick? Any railway related presents?

When I was a kid I hated getting clothes as presents, but now appreciate socks, handkerchiefs etc. For some reason people who know me seem to think a bottle of brandy is appropriate :P and of cource, chocolates

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Hiya, Don et al.

I'm always vaguely surprised that I'm here and it's a bonus when old friends are too!


I'm so Mac oriented that I had real trouble operating a mate's PC Laptop while I was away.

Some clever touch pad thing was involved and it seemed very hit or miss.

In fact, the harder I hit it, the more it missed.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all...


I concur that this is no weather for venturing outside, Robert :mellow: . Wonder what we'll be having for dinner tonight on this end.


I also have a Mac mini which I'm very pleased with - the reasons for me getting one having been its small space requirement, low noise level and that user-friendliness you mentioned. I really am not daunted by tinkering with computers in any way and keep doing so for my friends and family when required, but I did want a computer which does not fundamentally require tinkering to work like I wanted it to, which some of the PCs I had over time had! :lol: You're quite right in saying that current Macs aren't really different from PCs any longer, though.


Have a nice day all - it's Hump Day, is it not? :)

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.


It is a lovely day here, clear blue sky, no cloud. I'm just off out to put the rubbish bag out and then I'm off to the newsagent. We did get a paper delivered this morning but it was the wrong paper and the wrong road as the address written on the paper is 2 streets away. I wonder if I should draw a map.


Back later!



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  • RMweb Premium

morning all woolly this morning nothing to do with drink just lack of sleep tea I need tea now. I hope things go OK at school Robert, Don for my birthday I got two freshwater shrimps and £45 which I hope to take to scaleforum next week.

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morning all woolly this morning nothing to do with drink just lack of sleep tea I need tea now. I hope things go OK at school Robert, Don for my birthday I got two freshwater shrimps and £45 which I hope to take to scaleforum next week.


Two shrimps? They could at least have got you a bag of frozen prawns! :lol:


Morning all. There were no oktas here when I got up, but very strong winds. There are now 8 oktas out there. I suspect the oktas will be rushing in and out all day.


We have a "team day" today which involves business planning and each of us giving a short presentation. We also have to take in lunch items. I've made filled rolls. Marmite and banana; cream cheese and raspberry jam; lemon curd and peanut butter. That should do them, don't you think? :D


While I remember, a few photos from Friday's cricket are at the following website: My wordpress blog

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Morning, 73f and rather cloudy is the forecast for the New York Metroplex today - though I just stepped out to have a fag in my back yard and the stars are shining like diamonds, despite the light pollution from Manhattan.



Robert , sorry to hear about your child at school - my daughter had similar issues in 3rd grade. Once I'd done some digging I found out that she had suffered mild bullying from a bleeding Teacher of all things..........

Now she's in 8th Grade and in Honours classes for both English and Maths - i.e. I don't understand her homework anymore.


It will work out.


Best, Pete.

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  • RMweb Gold

I'm back and now have the correct newspaper. The newsagent told me that his paper-boy doesn't read the address on the paper.


Robert, we had lots of invitations to discuss Matthew's "behaviour" during his primary education (and at nursery). Sometimes their definition of "naughtiness" differed from mine. In fact when Matthew started at secondary school he said you got merit awards for things that would have got you in trouble (like asking questions) at junior school.



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