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  • RMweb Premium

What a day... clothes shopping abandoned by her indoors (too wet), Sunderland win , all we need is the Lottery win...   Have a nice evening everyone.





Two out of three isn't bad going.




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  • RMweb Gold

Oooh. The Thames 'might' overflow. No doubt a national state of emergency will be called. So many possible comments, but for the sake of peace and ER's I shall refrain.


Recently The Beatles released their music to some of the streaming services. They are all the remastered versions and even allowing for streaming (lack of) quality, to me, have last a lot in translation.



Edit: Posted before I saw Dick's post and left in place, just to show how our issues are so, so insignificant.

Edited by BoD
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Evening all,

I've been resting as instructed, although walking short distances indoors at intervals to try to reduce the 'swelling'. Joanna is still looking after me well but I worry about how tired she looks! It's frustrating doing nothing when you are accustomed to doing all the heavier chores!

Watched a couple of interesting programmes on TV. One on Loch Lomond and the Trossachs, 'A Year In The Wild' was superbly filmed and I learned something new about the famous Scottish midge - I new that only the female bit you but with concentrations over 25 million in a hectare, there are enough to drive you mad! Apparently they make the Red deer's life very uncomfortable in summer. The other programme was the 'Witness' segment in the BBC News 24 which interviewed Leon Trotsky's grandson, who apparently travelled to Mexico with him. It was a first hand, and first class account of the days leading up to the infamous murder. The grandson was almost shot in the first botched attempt, a bullet grazing his foot. The bullet holes are still in the bedroom wall, and Mr Volkov was visibly moved when telling of the day the ice-pick was used by one of Stalin's assassins. He returned to the house and saw Trotsky lying on the study floor, and apparently his grandad said "don't let the boy see me, children shouldn't see this sort of thing"! He died in hospital the next day, all this in 1940 - I found it fascinating learning more about an incident that every schoolboy has heard of. Topped that off with Prof. Brian Cox's 'Wonders of the Universe'.

MickB(skipepsi), I hope that DD2 recovered in time to make the journey back to college. Sounds as if you are going to have a busy weekend, Good luck with the weather, particularly on Sunday! Safe journeys.

Peter(DD), sorry to say that you might be on 'stream watch' at some point tomorrow if the BBC forecast is to be believed- lots of wet stuff and high winds tomorrow.

Pete(pH), lovely couple of images from the new 'toy', the second one looks uncannily like one of J. M. W. Turner's sunset paintings!

Hope nobody suffers too badly with the weather and as usual, best wishes to our ailing few. I might look in later if I can but tiredness is an issue at the moment,

Ind regards,


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  • RMweb Premium

Evening all from Estuary-Land. Like Jock I have been 'channel hopping' this evening and I found a program on BBC4 called 'Meet the Ancestors revisited', a follow up of the program 'Meet the Ancestors' that was transmitted nearly twenty years ago. Basically its about the archeology that they done at the time and how new technologies are providing even more information about that archeology.

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Evening again,

I took a long phone call after posting earlier, and so have only just read Dick's post and like Peter, I've got a bit of trouble with my eyes!

I know that Dick has mentioned Laurence before, and his problem arrival into this world, but to read that he is improving so well really choked me. It certainly puts my situation in perspective - I've had sixty eight mainly great years whereas at one time it looked as if Laurence might not even have one! That surgeon has to be worth several Lamborghinis in my opinion. Thank you for sharing the news with us Dick, it is lovely to go off to bed with such a lovely image in mind. I can't speak for anyone else, but I'd really like to be kept up to date with the little fellow's progress as long as you and his parents have no objection? Let's hope that Julie, Matt, Henry and of course the 'elders' of the Smiff family have further reason to celebrate throughout 2016.

Kind regards,


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Oooh. The Thames 'might' overflow. No doubt a national state of emergency will be called. So many possible comments, but for the sake of peace and ER's I shall refrain.


Recently The Beatles released their music to some of the streaming services. They are all the remastered versions and even allowing for streaming (lack of) quality, to me, have last a lot in translation.



Edit: Posted before I saw Dick's post and left in place, just to show how our issues are so, so insignificant.

Bod, Have no fears I understand from the BBC website that wildlife will be slaughtered by the Environmental Agency and their bodies piled up on the banks of rivers in order to save people’s houses. Unless I misread it of course.....


With regards to The Beatles - nepotism rules yet again........


And yes, Dick’s post inspiring, again... Thanks, Dick.


Best, Pete.

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  • RMweb Premium

A quiet day here, if a bit wet this morning. A trip to the city centre to buy new school shoes was successful but the shopping area was very crowded, which Martyn doesn't like, so we didn't stay around very long. We did run into an old friend, Martyn's godmother, which was nice and involved hugging. The bus ride back was interesting; a young man was having a really strange conversation with himself, mostly too quiet to hear well but definitely odd. I wasn't sure whether he'd taken something he shouldn't have, or not taken something he should have. Seemed harmless though.


Good to hear Laurence is making progress, great photo.


Nothing on tv now so I shall read for a bit to unwind; I spend too long on this PC some evenings when the mojo isn't around.


'Night all.



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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all, another a brief lie-in. The day started out dank and grey but later turned to rain and it's been on and off ever since. All the Christmas Decorations are now packed away ready for next Christmas. We've decided to sort out the decorations that are no longer used and get rid of some of them, so now we only have 6 boxes full instead of 8, RESULT! We've also just purchased some new LED lights for the tree, so the old ones will also be going too.


Another day when no modelling at all has taken place, but it does mean that tomorrow is now free, so I might be in with a chance, its fingers crossed then! Although I will be making a large batch of roasted tomato, garlic soup with balsamic vinegar in the afternoon. Some will then be frozen in smaller batches.


Jock, many thanks for the kind words. I don't know about you, but I found writing helped me a lot. My work colleagues didn't now what to say the first time I walked into the office after my diagnosis, a deathly hush fell upon the place, I think they were worried in case they said the wrong thing. So throughout the course of my treatment, I wrote a blog which I cheekily called "The Big C Newsletter", informing them all how my treatment and I were progressing, as well as some of the funny things that happened whilst I was in the hospital having my treatment. It ran to over 30 editions!


Dick (Smiffy2). What a wonderful story, you must be so proud, I know I would be if I was in your shoes. The strength that children have is absolutely astounding isn't it? Oooo, I think I've got something in my eye!


Goodnight all

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Yep! ! ! . . .  must be the time of year. . .My eyes seem to be leaking also . . .Well done, little?  man!!!!!! . . . . 


Another Kitchen/guitar night. . My mates new Epiphone is. . . . Rather good. . . 


Goodnight Everyone . . . Sweet dreams. . . . 




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Evening all! Sure has become cold outside. Will do a backread later, but first of all, something for you delectation…







I see the last car serves beer - very civilized. They should do that in Edinburgh too.

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  • RMweb Premium

Mawnin' awl. Thanks for keeping us posted on Laurence, Dick – it really is uplifting to hear he's improving so much. Long may this continue…


-4°C outside, so I'll need to take the fleece jacket when I head to work later. Shift today is agreeably short, thankfully.



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  • RMweb Premium

I see the last car serves beer - very civilized. They should do that in Edinburgh too.


Actually, Andy, 1114 is, indeed, one of our "Party Trams" which can be chartered and outfitted with hi-fi gear and a beer tap for, shall we say, rolling festivities. The other cars so prepared are 1121 and 1138.

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Good morning and a happy new year to one and all!


Goodness, nearly a fortnight away and much catching up - 179 e-mails and over 50 pages of new posts on RMweb.  It's enough to make a holiday wear off instantly.  Fortunately it has not worn off and was a good trip to a fine country.  Thanks again to Flavio for sparing six hours away from his wolfpack and Mrs iD to meet with me and JohnDMJ in Brig.


There are some more traveller's tales for us all to enjoy but pray excuse me for now as there is much to read first and so many chores to perform - bl00dy laundry for one.  The first batch is in soak ...


Until tomorrow, best wishes to all.  They will be renewed.  Honest.



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