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Monday means hospital day for me. Off to have another injection in my spine to relieve this bloomin' nerve inflammation. It sounds worse than it is, so should all be done in less than an hour. This will be the second one, but it's better than facing the surgical option.


Down to the last few boxes at mother's place, so she should make the move this week. Seems quite a social life there as they had a group of a dozen or so male singers in on Friday. Mum's been telling everyone about the 'Barbican singers' she saw. Bless....:)


Enjoy your working Mondays. Think of it as one step closer to retirement...B)



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Morning All


Don's here twice - can't have too much of a good thing!


Cricket, I can take or leave, but with a Scottish upbringing, that's quite to be expected. The Archers, Mrs 45156 loves, but I'm not so keen now as it appears to have been livened up with the younger characters, and is no longer a story of everyday country folk. Like most of the soaps, it has had to be sexed up a bit to try to keep the audience figures.


Currently eight very dark oktas, and forecast is for them to be leaking for most of the day.


Managed to book an engineer for the oven, but he's not available until Wednesday, so coming on an open appointment - any time from 8 to 5. The service reception was brilliant in its fault finding -


Me "the element in the oven's burnt out", Advisor "I'll just run come checks with you. Is the fan running?" Me "yes". Advisor "is the oven light on?" Me "yes" Advisor "is the grill working" Me "yes" Advisor "is the oven warm?" Me "No" Advisor "sounds like the oven element's burnt out"

DOH :angry: :mad:


And the tidying/sorting of the paperwork is started now - managed to clear out a load of un-necessary paper, to the extent that we filled a charity shop bag with shreddings, and also generated half a box of recycling in the form of old leaflets and envelopes. It's quite amazing how much useless stuff we've kept.




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It is a pleasant morning here. Matthew has got to register online (basically ticking boxes to say you will be a good student) for his university today and is supposed to receiving some additional information about the start of term, so we should find out about when he can arrive (be taken there)



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Morning All, Plenty of oktas but not leaking. Work diary seems to be completely empty today, now there's a surprise! I'm sure I'll find something to fill up my time.


Never really followed cricket likewise The Archers. I have to listen to The Archers on occasions as SWMBO enjoys it!




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Guest Max Stafford

Good morning lads. It's raining pretty steadily up here this morning and the forecast isn't looking great so post-breakfast, I'll get out with Abi as it's only going to get rougher later. After that, I'm going to give the place a tidy up and dusting as I've not had much time over the last week due to work. Afterwards I think I'll have some 'shed time' and I really need to pay a bit of attention to the loft. I have a couple of ply ceiling panels to fix in place then it needs a coat or two of paint to make it ready for the fun of layout building! All these nice models I'm creating and I still don't have anywhere to run them. The hardest things I'm dealing with in that sense are settling a concept in my mind and then trying to develop it into a plan. I'm really struggling with the 'how to' in this respect.

I've just been reading Gordon's blog though and it's very inspiring.

Hope all you guys who are healing heal a bit more today and everybody else has the best conceivable day whatever your circumstances! :)





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Back home again and all done. Fascinating watching the needle being inched towards my spine on the XRay monitor. First time without any sign of pain in months, so hoping it will last.


I'm wondering if you mean me Max? Haven't got a blog as such, just a load of waffle that tells the tale of the trials and tribulations of layout building. Up one minute and down the next....

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Back home again and all done. Fascinating watching the needle being inched towards my spine on the XRay monitor. First time without any sign of pain in months, so hoping it will last.


Long may it continue Gordon - it is great when a treatment works, and pain subsides - I know a lot about that this year, with two nasty fractures in twelve months. I am pleased for you.


Now then, it's absolutely awful here at the moment, and I just hope it clears up for Mrs 45156 before she comes home, as she's got quite a long walk to get the bus.


Just heard something on Radio 2 which will cause me to go a-digging when I get to the stereo later on - they played Thunder Child from War Of The Worlds, and it reminded me what an incredible album that is - it still seems to stand up well even after all these years. I actually feel that it must be one of the classic albums of all time - a sort of combination of audio book and prog rock would be a poor but accurate description of it.

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New York Area forecast for today: 75f and partly cloudy. We had some rain yesterday for the first time in weeks, not much but enough to mean I'll have to mow the "weed" this afternoon.



Was in Jim Thorpe PA on Saturday and learned where the first "rollercoaster" or "switchback" ("Switchback" or "Big Dipper" at the Kursaal, Southend on Sea was named after it) was built, originally to move coal to the railhead the "Gravity Switchback Railroad" was converted to passenger use and was the second rated tourist attraction on the US East Coast after Niagara. It closed in 1933 and was a total of 18 miles long!!!


Glad you're feeling better, Gordon. Look forward to hearing more about how your chassis conversion went (on the loco, I mean).


Best, Pete.

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Glad everything went well with the back, Gordon. When Aditi had the epidural injection before Matthew was born there wasn't any X ray monitoring, just the anaesthetist telling me to hold her very firmly while he found the right place to insert the needle.


Matthew registered online for university this morning. His contribution was quite brief but I've now paid for insurance, a bus pass for the year, and an faster internet connection for him. I've noticed a lot of young people going round Tesco (with a parent and large trolley) appearing to stock up for life away at college. We haven't done any of that sort of shopping yet.



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Afternoon. Just back from the hospital, all going along alright and plaster off. This has been replaced by a Darth Vader moonboot which has inflatable pockets to support the ankle as I start to gradually put weight on it. Gradual increase in amount of weight on it over next 6 weeks then back for xrays to see where we are.


Still on crutches though and it hurts like a b*gger when I do put a bit of weight on it - hopefully this will improve.

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Guest Max Stafford

It's not been properly used for a good few weeks Phil, I imagine it's going to be a bit uncomfortable until it gets used to having weight on again.

Stil,, if you pardon the pun, it's a step in the right direction. :)



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Well, my regional passenger set for the Italian mainline scenario is now complete - look in my modelling musings blog for photos :) . Looks great, as a matter of fact! Apart from that I tidied up some, but am, of course, hoping everything will start out as it should when I begin that teacher training course in about one month.

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Done one trip round Tesco, home bargains, wilkos etc today's task was wardrobe emptying, washing and adjusting of clothes and finding holdalls. D day is saturday 18th, final in person registration is on Sunday 19th at one oclock on the other side of Carlisle to her house, wonderful.

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Done one trip round Tesco, home bargains, wilkos etc today's task was wardrobe emptying, washing and adjusting of clothes and finding holdalls. D day is saturday 18th, final in person registration is on Sunday 19th at one oclock on the other side of Carlisle to her house, wonderful.


My Matthew has a couple of weeks longer at home. He now has to be there on Sat 2nd October (not 3rd or 4th as originally hinted) but his catered accommodation does start on the Saturday evening so he won't go hungry. Though there is a big ASDA very near the student village so I can't imagine him going hungry anyway. During the next two weeks we have asked him to tidy his room somewhat so I can get in without breaking anything. He assures me his room is tidier than anyone else of his age that he knows.






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Guest Max Stafford

Well, I got my chores done today OK, but I've achieved nowt on the modelling front. Can't seem to concentrate on much and the weather is foul - raining and blowing a good gale. Strangely, when the barometer plummets, it seems my mood seems to go in tandem.

I must have the Stormy Monday Blues...! :rolleyes:



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Well, I got my chores done today OK, but I've achieved nowt on the modelling front. Can't seem to concentrate on much and the weather is foul - raining and blowing a good gale. Strangely, when the barometer plummets, it seems my mood seems to go in tandem.

I must have the Stormy Monday Blues...! :rolleyes:



"They call it stormy monday but tuesday's just as bad............"



Let's hope not! We had a deep squall line pass through the NY metroplex with 40 mph wind gusts and some local areas had microbursts.....the rest of the day was very nice - as looks tomorrow. The new "Hurricane Igor" (I love this year's names) is churning away out in the Atlantic and is now a Category 5 - with another one right behind it! We should find out by Friday where Igor will fetch up, I have a horrible feeling it may impact Bermuda.......


Best, Pete.

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Guest Max Stafford

That'll another scrag end hitting us here next week no doubt...! Let's hope the sting's gone out of it before then although hopefully it won't be too rough on the Eastern Seaboard this week either.



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Morning all...


Odd - I travelled back to the early 90s in a dream I had this past night :lol: . Weather looks overcast this morning and it seems to be wet outside, going by the swish of passing cars in the street.


By the way, are any of you hungry immediately upon waking up? I usually am, regardless of how early it may be :unsure: .


Have a pleasant day all!

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Morning All,


There is an angry, battleship grey sky here this morning and it was raining in the wind when I arrived at work. Looks like Autumn is on the way. I know what you mean about your mood plummeting with the barometer, Dave. I feel a bit the same.


I was quite amused to read the comments about shopping for Uni. When I arrived at Halls on my first day, I had a small box of groceries to tide me over until I managed to sort out where the local supermarket was and so forth. However, some people arrived looking as if they were never going to need to shop again!


I think a cup of coffee is in order - maybe then I will wake up properly. I have rather a lot to do this morning - because I have an appointment with the Opthamologist this afternoon which means an early trip home, and no driving for me until tomorrow.


Have a good day everyone...

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