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Evening all,

Gutted of Clacton here (dare not employ Andrew's words the way I feel!).

Can you believe that I've just spent over two hours catching up from Christmas Eve on, and then a further hour and five minutes typing a lengthy post, only to lose the whole damned lot as I almost reached the signature!!!!!!! My left thumb obviously pressed something on the iPad, clearing the bleddy lot. I'm now too tired and upset to try to do it all again at the moment so I'll see if it's possible to find time tomorrow to try again.

At least I know that nothing disastrous appears to have happened to any of my digital friends in the meantime,

Kind regards,

Jock (Seriously pi**ed off at the moment).

G'night Pete! G'night all!

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  • RMweb Gold



I know how you feel. iPads are great but sometimes they do wind me up especially when you lose al one post. Mind some might be grateful when it's me!


A great day in Miami using TriRail to get there and back for just $5 for an all day ticket and it's just under two hours each way!


We did have a little slip up when the final Bus connection from the brew pubs in the funky Wyndwood area didnt turns out to be what Google maps was showing so we had about a two mile walk from where the bus actually turned off the road heading to the Amtrak TriRail and metrorail interchange. We made the walk just in time otherwise the next one would have been three hours later ( hourly till 18.27).


Finished off in the same bar as last night in West Palm Beach for food and beer.


Time for bed.

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  • RMweb Gold

thats me done for the night, just got home and ready to get into bed only to find a small child sprawled across my side of the bed, only problem is he has a cabin bed so i cant just pick him up and move him back to his own bed as i'd have to climb the ladder to get him in safely so its going to have to be a squash and a squeeze until he gets up with mum then the bed is all mine


not a bad night in work, drove to bescot, pass to marylebone and worked a train back from greenford, only slightly embarrasing thing being i worked the wrong train off site due to miscommunication, thankfully i noticed not long after i left, so managed to arrange to 'pull over' so my correct train could catch me up and we could do a footplate swap!


pics to follow in my thread later when i get up

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Morning all. The cats have resulted in me being an ER this morning. I have read much of the posts since my last entry and I am pleased to see that the weather does not seem to have caused our brigade any major problems.

Yesterday passed by in a bit of a blur due to a sleepless night. The cats all seemed to demand attention. The new boy is finding his feet and seems to be bullying cat number three who has taken up permanent residence behind the Christmas tree. Plenty of noise during the night when she tried to emerge and the new lad chased her. We need to get her out though, I am sure she will need the toilet at some point!!

Amber also woke up during the night and joined us in bed. Like big Jim I ended up squashed on the edge of the bed for the rest of the night. I reckon I managed about three hours sleep in total.

We did not do much during the day as Amber is full of cold. She went to bed tired at 7.30, but was up and wide awake an hour later and stayed awake until we went to bed about 11pm. She is wide awake and in our bed as I type. Sarah, as usual, has managed to sleep through the lot leaving me to be bleary eyed for another day. Not sure what our plans are yet.


Hope your Monday goes well.


Edited to correct wrong reference!

Edited by andyram
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  • RMweb Premium

Sounds a bit damp outside but plans for going out today are on hold.moff out for a pint and a natter with colleagues from Leeds MRS tonight.


Have a great day everyone.




P's notice that your dry humour is aggravating someone Mick!

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Morning all from a slightly less soggy Red Dragon land. It's been dryish for the past 24 hours and a good breeze blowing helping to dry out the garden a bit. Red sunrise looks impressive over the mountains but you know what the shepherds say about them. Off to the local 5" track today for the Mince Pie run. Polly's going to try out her new Christmas present, and before you get excited it's not a new loco. I'm sure she'll be on later with some pictures.



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Evening all,

Gutted of Clacton here (dare not employ Andrew's words the way I feel!).

Can you believe that I've just spent over two hours catching up from Christmas Eve on, and then a further hour and five minutes typing a lengthy post, only to lose the whole damned lot as I almost reached the signature!!!!!!! My left thumb obviously pressed something on the iPad, clearing the bleddy lot. I'm now too tired and upset to try to do it all again at the moment so I'll see if it's possible to find time tomorrow to try again.

At least I know that nothing disastrous appears to have happened to any of my digital friends in the meantime,

Kind regards,

Jock (Seriously pi**ed off at the moment).

G'night Pete! G'night all!



Jock, it shouldn't be a problem as RMweb makes an 'autosave' on posts every few minutes.  Go to the last topic you were posting on (ER's?) and go to the reply box.  Type a couple of letters and you should see something like 'view auto saved content today' at the bottom of the reply box.  Click on that and a pop up box will come up with all your text with an option to restore.  That should reinstate all the work you lost last night.....

Edited by gordon s
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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

Already quite warm! Not exactly blue sky but quite sunny.

I really don't know what we are doing today. It shouldn't involve shopping. Matthew and Aditi were discussing what would make an interesting meal using the food we have. I think some sort of pie will appear.


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  • RMweb Gold

Jock, it shouldn't be a problem as RMweb makes an 'autosave' on posts every few minutes.  Go to the last topic you were posting on (ER's?) and go to the reply box.  Type a couple of letters and you should see something like 'view auto saved content today' at the bottom of the reply box.  Click on that and a pop up box will come up with all your text with an option to restore.  That should reinstate all the work you lost last night.....

The autosave feature works on my pc but doesn't appear on my Android device using Chrome. Does anyone get it to appear on Android tablets?
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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from a rather drey but dry village.   A good evening was had last night and several more bottles were emptied, as well as much left over food put to a good use, the turkey curry was excellent.    Asda beckons this morning and hopefully an evening.  If the rain holds off I might even get a little bit of woodwork done.


Regards to everyone else and hope that you continue to stay dry.



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Alternatively, Jock, could you type it in Notes and then copy/paste to RMweb? If I have a longer than a couple of paragraphs  post on any device I don't type directly to the app but use some form of alternative editor. I've been bitten too many times. I also use that for longer email replies.

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Great to see Man Utd struggling.  


I did hear a journalist asked Denis Law about the current predicament and whether or not the his old team with Charlton and Best etc would beat the current team.  


Denis thought for a minute and then said yes, we'd probably win 1-0.  The journalist was a little surprised and asked why only 1-0.  


Denis replied that was because most of them were now over 70 or dead....... :biggrin_mini2:

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Morning all from a sunny but ever damp boring borough. Commiserations to all affected by the flooding and weather. Just waiting for the slimy estate agents to start. "Lovely river(in)side property, benefits from wet room and ground floor spa." Seriously, I can't even begin to imagine how difficult this is for people that have lost so much.


A rather quiet Christmas this year. This was a good thing. Started coming down with man flu on Christmas Eve. Managed to dope myself up long enough to BBQ the turkey and do the dinner. Santa seemed to have a beer and music fetish. A new turntable is is planned for the new year.


Boxing Day we did absolutely nothing. This was a good thing. Yesterday we did absolutely nothing all day. This was a good thing. Last evening we met friends for our annual post Crimbo curry. This was a good thing.


Jock, just for you: ########### ###### ########## Crapspackle! . The forum's rather underwhelming software does auto save but the recovery won't work on iPad or seemingly any mobile browser. It is sh1t but unless Andy starts from scratch we be stuck with its limitations. I've taken to composing in Word or notes on the fondle slab, then paste into the browser. Far less stressful.


Have a good one all. Today I shall mostly be pottering in the shed.

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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

Sunshine and blue skies here and should stay dry all day.

Looks like the morning will be spent putting the furniture etc back where it belongs and general tidying up. A woman's grandad's work is never done.  :scratchhead:

Have a good one,


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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from Estuary-Land. Bright and sunny this morning and the same or more forecast for tomorrow. The only excitment this week is the toy fair at Rayleigh tomorrow, always good for a bargain. Trip down into town today to pick up a few things, after the postmans called as there might be a parcel in the offing (next in the Atlas 'World of Stobart' series).

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Morning all. Dry but windy here today.


My extensive knowledge of wines was amply displayed last night. I dug out a bottle of red wine to go with our evening meal, and it said that it was a Chardonnay. While this surprised me for a red wine, I thought nothing more until I had it nicely at room temperature and came to start pouring it. The metal twist top seemed to come apart very easily and the "wine" seemed rather thick in texture and had a strong blackberry flavour. It was then that I realised that it was actually a bottle of blackberry cordial, made by Mrs G, and put into a wine bottle. It had somehow got stored away with some other wine bottles and forgotten about. Much merriment was had at my expense. Fortunately Plan B was put into operation, as two bottles of genuine white wine were already in the fridge.


Today we are off to watch a memorial rugby match, partially organised by no 2 son, for his friend who died a couple of months ago, after a long illness. No 2 son is itching to play, but his back is as knackered as mine, so hopefully he will only play a bit part, despite his team being short of props.

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