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  • RMweb Premium

Wife got a call into work earlier as a couple of staff couldn't make it because of the flooding. Then they (work) received a call with a booking for up to 23 bedrooms. I've just got back from there helping set up the extra breakfast places just as 20-odd fire & rescue teams from Lincolnshire, Merseyside & Derbyshire checked in. Lots of respect for them and a free beer was offered to those that were allowed! Some of them are back on duty at 7am tomorrow.


A couple of BBC reporters were also due to stay, but they've decided to sleep in their cars tonight as what should be a 5 mile journey, will probably be about 30 miles to avoid the affected areas.


At least it's stopped raining (for now) and the water is receding quite quickly in some places.




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Wonderful photo, Dick. 


Best, Pete.



Lucky Laurence to have a comfortable grand-dad to nap on. I've no memory of my paternal grandparents, and my maternal grand-da was as wiry as the product of the works where he was a foreman. He did make me some wonderful toys, though...

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Morning all,

Apologies but I've just crawled in to bed with my iPad. Very tired indeed but I've managed to stay awake throughout a very busy day in which my house was taken over by the whole family and various partners, children and a Westie bitch to keep Archie happy! No1 son is staying tonight with his beautiful lady, and they've all joined in to manage a massive clear-up which leaves me with little to do tomorrow, other than start consuming the food that's been left - anyone for turkey?

I am horrified by the scenes of flooding throughout the land, having just turned on BBC News 24 for the first time today. I do hope none of our digital friends have been too badly affected, and all being well, I'll get more time to look in tomorrow and start a marathon catch up. Please forgive me if I've missed anything serious, my commiserations/congratulations as necessary and I hope most of you have had the sort of Chrirmas that you enjoy,

Kind regards,


G'night Pete! G'night all!

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Evening all. This is the first real chance I have had to check in since the festive day. My thoughts and wishes go out to DD and all others who are affected by / threatened by the flooding.

On a brighter note it has been good to read about the ways in which fellow ER's have celebrated Christmas. Glad to hear there were some enjoyable days out there too. Ours was a nice one. Amber did not wake until 8am so we had a decent lie in. This was followed by the frantic present opening. Amber was delighted with the go kart and has been riding it around the house ever since. The leap pad tablet was a big hit too and that has hardly been put down.

Lunch was at the in laws with more present opening, before we went to my parent's for tea and yet more presents. Amber has been a very lucky girl this year.

I was pleased that Sarah liked her voucher for the giraffe feeding experience. It was great to see her excitement.


In the end it was a lovely day spent with both families at various points. Champagne at dinner was followed by a couple of pints of Hobgoblin in the evening (good job we walked to my parent's). Sarah and I finished the day with another glass of beer in front of the television for Mrs Brown's Boys which was funny and Michael McIntyre which was disappointing.


I was lucky in the gift terms with a few railway items. There was a couple of Langley Models figure sets and a Hornby pillbox. The biggest surprise was a Hornby D16 in BR black. Christmas afternoon was spent running it on father in law's layout whilst he tested his Bachmann 04. Not a bad way to spend a Christmas.


One other gift from Sarah was about another passion of mine - the work of Gerry Anderson. Very poignant to flick through this on Boxing Day as it represents the third anniversary of the great man's passing. RIP Gerry and thanks for the childhood memories.

Edited by andyram
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If those who believe increased rainfall is going to be a result of the earth warming (whatever the cause) then we have to decide how to either modify or bypass some historic bridges.



Many of us are old enough to remember steam locomotives operating in the UK. Their operation was well understood thanks to the study of Thermodynamics. Public opinion may, or may not, have been in agreement with Thermodynamics, but steam locomotives were able to accomplish their assigned tasks nonetheless.


The very same Thermodynamics applies to the Earth on which we live. All it says is that if the heat input to a body is greater than the heat lost by that body, the body gets a bit hotter until the heat lost equals the heat input.


The only argument against "global warming" is one that proves that increased CO2 in the Earth's atmosphere does not affect the Earth's ability to re-radiate thermal energy into space. It's not a matter of public opinion. It's a matter of the most fundamental science.

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It's been Hoying it down here since christmas lunchtime.. . .No flodding though.


Another night sat in my kitchen picking guitar and putting the world to rights. . . We also had a bit play with my Elastic-band gun. . .I'm far too old to grow up now!!!!!!!!



Tomorrow is a toy fair at Shildon...


Godnight everyone . . . . . Sleep well.



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Anyone tell me what is the station used in “Midsomer Murders” to represent “Causton”?     I just saw it in an episode called “The Friday Nighters” over here....

Looks familiar but I cannot put my finger on it.


Best, Pete.

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Neighbours temporarily near you reported that as the phone line came back the power went off for a few hours. I suspect their daughter will not be having an easy job persuading them to move to that bit of Wales. Essex is one of the less exciting places to live in one's battle with the weather.


Although it doesn't seem to register on the National news, there are a huge number of flooding related incidents in North Wales.

At one time yesterday cars were floating down the A55 Expressway.

Travel could be very difficult for your friends, Tony.


My slippers haven't floated away yet.

Edited by DDolfelin
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  • RMweb Premium

Good morning to all ER's and lurkers!

It isn't raining but the damage has already been done by the weather.


No jobs to do on my list from her indoors yet but as tea is being drunk she seems to be working up some ideas.


A trip to the K&WVR is off today as the line was flooded yesterday. Lots of water damage at the sheds at Haworth.


If it had been 10° colder we would now be sitting in a lot of snow. Makes you think.


Stay safe and dry. Enjoy the day!



Edited by Barry O
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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from a damp village south of Leeds. It looks as if there has been some flooding in Leeds upstream of the city centre but fortunately both Baz and us are on the higher ground.


Hope that other ER's are OK.  


After church this morning there is not a lot on the agenda so perhaps a bit of modelling.   I suspect that Turkey of some description may be on the menu today.


Hope that everyone else stays safe.



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  • RMweb Gold

Many of us are old enough to remember steam locomotives operating in the UK. Their operation was well understood thanks to the study of Thermodynamics. Public opinion may, or may not, have been in agreement with Thermodynamics, but steam locomotives were able to accomplish their assigned tasks nonetheless.


The very same Thermodynamics applies to the Earth on which we live. All it says is that if the heat input to a body is greater than the heat lost by that body, the body gets a bit hotter until the heat lost equals the heat input.


The only argument against "global warming" is one that proves that increased CO2 in the Earth's atmosphere does not affect the Earth's ability to re-radiate thermal energy into space. It's not a matter of public opinion. It's a matter of the most fundamental science.


My reasons for adding 'Whatever the cause' is because time is being wasted arguing about the cause when action is needed. It is rather like arguing whether a fire was started by a lightening strike or vandals when the priority should be to put the fire out and stop adding to it. 

Climate and weather are linked in a complex manner and it is difficult to pin down a particular weather pattern to climate changes. By the time we can prove it to the doubters it will probably be too late.


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Usual lot of folk in sneakers rescued from Snowdon yesterday.

Perhaps Andrew would come up with a collective noun for them.

Lemmings springs to mind.


Clear skies here at present giving the water a chance to get away before the next deluge.

It was just backing up from the bridge when it stopped, so a close run thing.

May try to snooze today as I've been on alert here for a couple of days.

There are several people nearby who would need a hand if we were inundated.

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Never saw this, but remarks from Deb over the years lead me to suggest Dinsdale?

Dinsdale  was one of the twins “Doug and Dinsdale Piranha” who terrorized London’s underworld with a combination of violence and sarcasm. “Spiny Norman” was a giant imaginary hedgehog forever looking for Dinsdale Piranha (and whose size was dependent on Dindale’s paranoia).


I cannot remember the kitten.





Best, Pete.

Edited by trisonic
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