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  • RMweb Gold

Ladies weren't the same when they made the defender. You can't stand on the front wings without breaking them.

I've never stood on a lady's front wings.

I imagine it would be difficult to keep one's balance.

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Mornin' all,


Good to be out on the constitutionals again....even if dark, damp & dismal in The Moorlands just lately. Is had the mastectomy last Wednesday and was discharged the next day. Unfortunately, she picked up a D&V bug in the process and whilst her current medication dealt with the vomiting side a considerable amount of cleaning up has been needed to make sure that she didn't go back in. Inevitably I caught the infection and have spent the days since Saturday doing the housework and cleaning myself up. Dry wretching on dry toast and water isn't high in the fun stakes. Nurses have been coming in each day to attend to the drain which she was fitted with....this was removed yesterday but we now have to monitor her operation site for any signs of swelling...indicating that the fluid is still gathering, in which case it will need to be drawn off.


Family funeral today and work tonight


We had a table booked at a nice restaurant for our wedding anniversary on Christmas eve but had to change it to the day before when the latest hospital appointment with the consultant came through....for a summary of the tissue removed in the mastectomy. The consultant appointment has since been changed twice and is no longer on our anniversary....unfortunately, neither is our meal out.


All the best to any with ailments


Now music....Carols by Libera and Craig Ogden


Feathered ones provided for


Enjoy what you do



Edited by Torr Giffard LSWR 1951-71
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Oh, and VW has sent a $500 debit card as compensation for the diesel NOx fiasco.

A couple of weeks ago VW sent me an email offering £1500 off a new VW, but I imagine this a regular sales drive sent to all customers. If it's to deal with the NOx crisis it's extremely cynical - they'll know that most customers don't buy new.



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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from a dry but overcast village.   Last nights meal with the outlaws (FiL plus wife, both Bil's plus wives plus us two) went as well as can be expected.  I always count such occasions a success if I manage to complete the day without slotting BiL no 1.  


Dave (TG) sorry to hear about your travails I do hope that things continue to improve.

Jock, very glad that Harvey is on the mend.

DD I empathise about in-laws.  


Anyway my saga with Amazon goes on.   Our books are now visible again to the public though no sales so far.  2 days ago I had a 28 minute conversation with Shane from Cork who empathised with me and said that he would do his best to sort things out.  He also said that he would stop the automated email responses and that I would be able to contact him directly.   This morning I've got two more of the dreaded robot emails telling me that my replies went to a non monitored mailbox.   No reply from the CEO so it looks like I'll have to try again.


Anyway the condemned man has eaten a hearty breakfast in advance of my trip to the dentist for a molar to be extracted.   I have planned a soft and liquid diet for the rest of the day and will no doubt need some Scottish Medicine tonight to ward off infection.  The boss has departed to fat club and has announced that she will be out for dinner with them all tonight.  Tht's the 4th meal out this week for her.  I may well end up going to the clubrooms to do a bit of work.


Regards to all.



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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from Estuary-Land. Sorry to hear of your travails Dave and Is and I hope you both get well soon. Jamie, going to fat club and having a meal out? seems to defeat the object somehow. I never turned over my SJ10 nor came anywhere near doing so even though it felt a bit 'twitchy' on adverse cambers at times. I think the problem was they became a fashion statement and many buyers expected them to handle like a mini with sometimes fatal results. There is only a handful left on the roads today, they tended to suffer badly from rust though I did once see one fitted with a home made 'woody' body.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


Dave hope Is and yourself will be on the mend before long and in better form for next week.


Weather here today is mild and dry and although it's still a bit early for it I might pop over to Reading to do some C.....mas shopping - not that I have the faintest idea what herself wants apart from what is already in the bag.


Have a  good day one & all.

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A quick call to say best wishes to Dave and Is - and good luck to Baz's Herbert. And good to hear that young Harvey is on the mend.



Younger Lurker is 7 today.


The suggested changed in his routine to open presents at breakfast time left him non plussed. He'll get around to it later. We're going out for tea later (Pizza Express) so he'll enjoy that.


Have a good day all!

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  • RMweb Premium

Aditi is still saying she really really doesn't want a present.


Mrs NB and nyself agreed a few weeks ago not to buy each other presents.


But.... She tells me yesterday not to go opening any parcels that arrive for her.

My reply was "you've bought me a present, I thought we agreed not to - I haven't got you anything"


"Don't worry - I've also bought something for you to give to me......."


I wonder if can try the same approach with a couple of sound decoders...?




Edited by newbryford
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Mornin' all,

Good to be out on the constitutionals again....even if dark, damp & dismal in The Moorlands just lately.

Family funeral today and work tonight


Good Grief Dave !

What an iron constitution - out on that bike along Morridge in this murky weather still retching! Those young softies on the Tour d F don't know true Moorlands Grit.

Why not keep that 'Anniversary' Dinner to enjoy together when all the present hassle is behind you.


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