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A slow day which was needed but that was followed by the journey from hell getting home thanks to people that either don't or shouldn't have a license.


I took some time out tonight to watch Inside Einstein's Mind: The Enigma of Space and Time and I think that I finally have an understanding of the Theory of Relativity.


Night all

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  • RMweb Gold

Don't be tempted to change the spark plugs. I thought it would take me about thirty minutes to put new plugs in the XC70. Took the whole morning  :O

Citroen GS was the one for spark plugs (not) - flat four engine so the plugs came out at the sides.  Which sounds rather handy until you find that one of them had just about enough clearance from the wheel arch to get a socket onto it and not much else!  One of my GSs had an unfortunate habit of flooding if I wasn't extremely careful doing a cold start and the only answer was to take out the plugs, dry them and make a wick out of a paper towel to dry and dry out what you could in the top of the cylinder.  Anyway one night - in the dark of course - it duly played up in the station car park and not only did it flood but also the battery was somewhat depleted so I called out the AA.  The patrol arrived very quickly and I explained to him what was needed so he asked where the plugs were and I showed him - he spent the next 10 minutes trying to work out how to get them out and it finished with me having to lend him the appropriate 'silver bullet' a  universal joint to use with a plug socket and a normal socket drive set, oddly the AA didn't carry such useful tools.


But I gradually learnt my lesson and changed the battery for the pokiest one I could find which fitted in order to get an extra bit of oomph.

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  • RMweb Gold

Night all.

I should sleep well tonight, my brain has been exercised by mail merging for label printing. I'm sure at one time I knew how to do that sort of thing but obviously forgot. Anyway all done now but I am sure I could have hand written all the envelopes in less time. Whether or not the posties could read my writing is another question though.


Just seen Jock's post. Really pleased Harvey should be home soon. Matthew was fed by tube for his second week of life. He was quite weak but the nurse was impressed that he pulled the tube out. Quite a lot of tape was used after that.

Edited by Tony_S
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Here you go Jock. Sorry it's not the slip you were looking for.


According to the song, diamonds are a girls best friend. Personally, I think they are a pain in th...




Hope the young lad gets better soon.



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According to the song, diamonds are a girls best friend. Personally, I think they are a pain in th...


Diamonds, or girls? :mosking:


Morning All,


The fog seems to have lifted at last - However, it is still very dark.  Mercedes has headed off to the office for her last working day of the year, and I am drinking a coffee and contemplating the day ahead.


Have a good day everyone...

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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

Slightly drizzly to start with but more persistent and heavy rain forecast.

Missed posting yesterday as it was rather hectic here with my kitchen fitter friend putting the final unit it where the old boiler was and also doing some electrical work.

I've been having electrickery problems with the layout as my controller keeps showing a short and losing the display. After lots of checking and finally trying the controller with a completely independent section of track the fault is still there so I will have to send it off for investigation.

Also sending myself off for a dental service this morning and then have a couple of domestic tasks to deal with.

Have a good one,


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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all. What had been freezing temperatures at this time of day yesterday is now up to 6°C again. Winter, anyone?  :O


Jock, will see to replying to your PM later, but, thank you already! :yes:


Need to have something to bite now. Later…

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Good morning one and all


I'm off to London today, for a meeting of railway photographers at the Ace Cafe on the North Circular Road.  Quite what I am doing on the guest list is a very good question seeing that I have not picked up my camera since August but as the convenor was kind enough to invite me it would be churlish to refuse.  I shall travel to the metropolis a bit earlier than necessary to permit a dry run of the trek from St Pancras to the hotel where I am staying on Monday night.  Then it is a brisk stride to Euston for the Overground to Stonebridge Park, taking in a possibly nostalgic look at the terminus before those responsible for HS2 finally decide how much of it to flatten.


Tonight sees the C-----mas members' evening at the Bedford branch of the Locomotive Club of Great Britain.  For my sins, I write the meeting reports for the Club Bulletin and making them interesting is often a challenge.  At half time we troop into a side room for an allegedly festive repast.  I have ordered chicken and mushroom pie.  One of what some consider the high spots of the evening is the Stinker Quiz.  I know better than to try and win this for the prize is usually an individual C-----mas pudding.  It is difficult to devise a seemly answer to the question 'what am I supposed to do with this?'.


Being late on parade today means that the absence of porridge so far is more keenly felt, so I will love you and leave you.  Good health to all who need it.



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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all.


An interesting day today - in the past tense as it's half-past 18 o'clock here - which dawned stormy but with nothing coming out of the clouds.  They duly gave way to clear blue skies and 28C.


It appears there was a domestic altercation yesterday afternoon in a street alongside the railway line at the home station.  Strictly that is between the home station and the next along the line which I more often use as there's free parking nearby.  The home station is the line terminus and a major interchange for the surrounding region which results in its car park being full by 6am.  Not much use when you're on shift work and starting at all sorts of hours.  No, we don't get staff parking.  Only drivers get that.


So .....


Yesterday I was quite unaware and was probably home before anything happened but this morning it was apparent that trains were being cautioned to walking speed between the two stations though no reason was then advised.  I did take note of an emergency ambulance and a couple of police cars but that's nothing unusual.  What made it less usual was the three helicopters overhead.  One being the air ambulance, one the police and another a news media one which the police did a decent job of shooing away from the immediate area.  Turns out that police entered a property where a violent domestic had been reported but withdrew for their own safety.  There followed a siege lasting well into today with armed police outside the home trying to end the stand-off.  


They now have the perpetrator under armed guard in hospital having taken a couple of "tactical" shots at him.  Of the others in the house some have minor injuries and one has received fatal stab wounds.  Local residents have reported to the media that the perpetrator was well known to police and behaved erratically.  He is known to be an alcohol and ice user and demanded both from the police during the siege.


All over now.  For most of us.  Though sadly it didn't end well for one person and the others are likely to have their festive season somewhat muted by events.


Trains have been cautioned at the scene all day and continue to run past at walking pace on police instructions.


Other than that it's been a good one.  Happy Tuesday to all.

Edited by Gwiwer
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Morning all,

Anyone interested in the Principia Mission? : Major Tim Peake and others take of from Baikonur Cosmodrome for the International Space Station today, with lift off set for 11.03GMT. They are due to spend 6 months up there. If you can't watch it on terrestrial TV, the European Sace Agency web site (simply Google ESA!) are showing it live from 10.00GMT.

Enjoy, hopefully back later,

Kind regards,


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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all, just had breakfast and checked out, so I'll be on my way to the training centre in a few minutes. Hopefully the practical work today will prevent me from wanting to nod off, unfortunately the trainer we have this time has a voice that makes you want to go to sleep, I also noticed yesterday that it wasn't just me either.

Thanks Jock for the info, I'll have to give it a try, but I feel that with a class of only 7 it will be to no avail.

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Back to mild, dry and windless today. Huge piles of seaweed on the beach this morning that weren't there yesterday. Very strange as the sea has been calm for the last 24 hours.


I have to pop into town this morning to get our solicitor to sign some copies of identification documents so that Steph can retrieve some of her savings. A very poor investment that she was talked into making when she was working in Saudi. Eighteen years down the road and she's just about getting back the money she invested. Mostly down to the current strength of the pound against the Dollar and the Euro. 


We have a plumber coming this afternoon. The new Irish Water company won't sign off on our property until we get a new internal stop tap fitted. The old one doesn't close completely and until that's done, they can't be sure that there is no leak in our system. This came about because the outside tap needs a new washer which our newly installed water meter registered as a leak. We haven't had it (or the dodgy internal stop tap) fixed before as the contractor that built our service road buried our external stop tap under a kerb. This was rectified when the meter was installed (much later than everyone else's as they couldn't find a stop tap). The contractor that the developer used to put in the road was very dodgy (but very cheap). It went in the wrong position and to the wrong levels with less than half the specified thickness of tarmac. The drains were too small and too shallow and all collapsed or blocked within a year. Our driveway acts as a run off for quite a lot of the surface water from the road but we do have a very good drainage system so we never get flooded. The developer from whom we bought our site was as big a crook as the contractor and the last we heard, he was living in Peru!


Enough of our minor troubles, our thoughts are with those of you who have far worse things to worry about.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.


Not too good a nights sleep. probably ate too much at Mums. She cooks us too much main course then too much sweet yet its so good that its difficult to refuse. Sh will then say that I need to lose weight!

Eventually got up around 03.30 for an hour then back to bed for 40 minutes before finally getting up and adding a few more N scale locos to the JMRI roster plus one Southern Pacific loco had flaking paint on the handrails so that was cleaned up and the white to the handrails reapplied with Testors flexi paint. I believe that this is no longer available so good job this bottle is still quite full and in good condition.


Train only a few minutes late into LBG but it was very busy so the tow of us could not sit together.


A night in tonight so hopefully can do a fair few more locos plus test my Dapol 73.

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