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I've noticed BBC reporters saying MAY-OR-EE-AL in the last few days when referring to Zac Goldsmith and the London election. I've also heard May-or-al too. Last year I heard a senior reporter talk about Canada and say KEW BECK !


Mayoral is MARE-AL. Easy to say and quick. Also why do people say two times instead of twice?


I'm getting old. But I'm still in my forties.

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  • RMweb Gold

I've noticed BBC reporters saying MAY-OR-EE-AL in the last few days when referring to Zac Goldsmith and the London election. I've also heard May-or-al too. Last year I heard a senior reporter talk about Canada and say KEW BECK ! ...


Kebeck would be closer than Kew beck but my French isn't that qood.
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  • RMweb Premium

Your right there. For a short while as a kid I lived in Canada and they do pronounce Quebec as kebeck

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Evening all. Firstly pleased to hear the good medical news from a couple of members earlier. I hope the positive news continues. Here in Derby the new cat made his presence felt this morning. Clearly he found food that did not agree with him. The result was a trail of vomit from living room, through the hall to the kitchen. Not a nice welcome cat 6am.

Work remains frantic. So much to sort out and as tiredness sets in lots of stressed staff. I am just about hanging on in there!!! At least the credit card bill brought news of a payment to a certain Cornish model shop, so hopefully I can expect a couple of Isle of Wight tanks soon.

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  • RMweb Gold

Your right there. For a short while as a kid I lived in Canada and they do pronounce Quebec as kebeck

I haven't been there (Quebec)but after a year in Canada my son corrects my pronunciation! He travelled through Quebec with a French friend who got so frustrated with Quebec French that she used to ask in French if they spoke English. Edited by Tony_S
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  • RMweb Premium

Evening all from the village.  Good news from Dave (TG) about Is and also from Simon.  Jock I hope that your trip also went well.


The day has gone OK here with various tasks completed.   so I'll bid you all a goodnight from here.



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I've noticed BBC reporters saying MAY-OR-EE-AL


"May-or" would be considered correct if we look back to the etymology through French to Latin.  That gives rise to "May-or-al" though not the hideous (in my opinion) "may-or-ee-al".  


What of it?  I'm not the Language Police.  Some say car-sell and some say cass-ell.  Is your lawn composed of grarss or grasss?


Bigger issues to consider here.  Including but not limited to whether the chickens would like some mushy banana and yogurt from breakfast.  The oracle suggests they would - they themselves have declined it with loftily-raised beaks and haughtily-turned tail-feathers as if to say "Oh no - I couldn't possibly ........ "


Morning all.  Good to hear encouraging news from those under medical management.  Do we have enough sheep in the thread yet for those unable to sleep soundly?  Have a good one whether it be night's sleep or day's events.

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 Speaking of the car, I've just clocked up 6,500 miles in it since I got it new in August.


A mere part-timer. 6600 since October 2nd.....


Good to hear that the various medical stuff went well.


Had a ride out on the MTB round Gisburn Forest tonight. Started off dry, but the forecast rain soon moved in and fairly well soaked through just under two hours later.


Whilst descending Hully Gully (video linked quite a few posts back) in the dark - but with very good lights - it's still pretty fast as we know the route so well. Towards the bottom, there's a straight section with a couple of small humps, just before a large jump and then swift right turn on landing. I was just lining up between the two smaller humps when I uttered the immortal "You f******" as a deer suddenly jumped across in front of me. I just managed to slow my speed enough to see the look of "oh sh*t" in the deer's eyes.  

Whilst we often see deer on our night rides in the forest, I've never been so near and it was also the largest one I've seen in Gisburn Forest. Glad I didn't hit it - if only for my sake!

My mates were at the bottom of the trail, thinking I'd had a big off. They had heard my expletive....When I caught up with them, I simply said "we nearly had venison for tea".


Tomorrow night will be stripping with Mrs NB.




Stripping wallpaper that is - need to get the hallway and landing done as I'm not allowed to take over daughter's bedroom for a layout scenery building workshop until the job is done.




Have a good Thursday folks.




Edited by newbryford
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Morning all,

Late on parade as usual after a busy day. Thanks for all the kind and supportive comments about my scan today - I must confess that, as it was my eighth or ninth, it was quite routine. The only problem occurred when the (male) nurse fitting the canula to my left arm, managed to miss the vein (ouch), so I've had both arms punctured today!

Very encouraging news on those with serious conditions tonight. Great to hear that 'Is' is over the operation and in to the recovery phase, Mal seems to be withstanding what can be awful side effects from chemo, and Simon's results, although not 'perfect', showed that the really worrying 'nasty' on the pancreas turned out to be a false alarm!

Mal, really good news about mum - funnily enough, one of our good lady friends who recently turned eighty, was hospitalised a while back with suspected advanced Alzheimer's, only to discover that she was in fact seriously dehydrated! She now follows a routine of recording her fluid intake, and perhaps mum has already been advised to do something similar. You must be really proud of her, showing such indomitable spirit which is a lesson for us all! I too like the 'Waitresses' song, not just the pun in the title, but the fact it annoys the wife and grandchildren.

Phil, thanks for the tip about Lidl, I've just got to come up with a convincing reason for visiting our local branch - how about "how would you like some of that bread from Lidl's that you love so much?"

Dave(r-a-r), that is a lovely story about your phone! The young lady goes some way towards restoring your faith in mobile phone specialists. How you could have one quote £50-£60 without knowing the problem, makes me think they intended doing just what the young lady with the foreign accent did, then trying to baffle you with science about what was needed!

Neil (NHN), Sea Lion's certainly make a change from sheep, perhaps I'll try counting them tonight. Although Debs might be drier than you at the Glen, I suspect she'll have nowhere near as much fun!!

Simon, great news on the Pancreas issue (we are well aware how nasty that is because Joanna lost three of her family to it, two of them young). They will no doubt re-measure the lymphoma in three months to check for growth or shrinkage and then discuss possible treatment. I truly admire your positive attitude, as I do that of Mal and Is - I'm convinced after over two and a half years of treatment, that the mental approach is an important weapon in the battle. My oncologist put it thus : "I come up with the ideas and medicine, but it is you who do the hard work!" Perhaps the holiday is a good idea as it might help to convince Mrs G that, like me, you're LIVING with cancer, rather than DYING from it.

Dave (TG), I'm pleased that the operation Is had went as planned, and I'm very impressed with your comments about the 'envelopes'. I have to say that I did similar for Joanna before last year's major operation. My daughter also has one which includes instructions on how to contact the ERs thread on iPad or PC when this terminal condition runs its course.

Brian (BSW01), as you are fairly new to us, I had no idea that you were also a member of our 'club'! The dread disease touches more families than I'd ever dreamt until I contracted it myself. One good thing about the 2015 'Relay for Life' on behalf of Cancer Research was that in a smallish town like Clacton, the walk was led off by a surprising number of survivors. Next year, my family and friends are determined to make a big impact on the Relay, and I'll publish more about it in January.

After all the bad news around, it's nice to remind yourself that there are many lovely stories on here as well - by now hopefully Ian (OD) will be in the arms of his lovely wife, and 'grandadbob' has managed a week so far without serious injury to name but two. Let's hope for more happiness as the week advances inexorably towards the events planned for the 25th,

Best wishes and kind regards,


G'night Pete! G'night all!

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  • RMweb Gold

A mere part-timer. 6600 since October 2nd.....



Had a ride out on the MTB 



Oh yes.


No doubt a 70ft Vosper Thornycroft or Fairey Marine model, with a mahogany hull and 3 RR Merlins as the pushing power.


Their only real downside was their tendency to burn when hit by enemy fire..........all that wood and petrol.


For many years, there was one moored in Barry Dock and was home to the local sea cadets.  Somehow it had retained the 20mm Oerlikon cannon on the front end.


I know there have been floods, but it must have been really wet to have got it into the forest!

Edited by Happy Hippo
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Kebek I understand, the Québécois insist on it but a blundering Queue beck on R4 PM and the six o'clock news shows standards have fallen. The speaker was an Oxford graduate too.


Mischievous is also becoming MIssCHEEVious instead of MISSchevus


Sassenachs have been "embelishing" English for years. One of the worst is adding an "R" where it does not exist, as in "drawRingroom".

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Mawnin' awl. I need to sort out this pillow which is giving me rather mediocre sleep currently…


Very glad indeed to hear the medical procedures went well! May I just echo the good wishes which have been posted already, and express hope that peace of mind shall, in time, return to you and the ones you love – understanding that "something like this" is not easily put away.


Just been looking through my photos of yesterday, so there'll be a few railway snapshots to regale anyone in need shortly, too!

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Good morning, he grumps, having woken at 3 and been unable to get back to sleep...


Great news all around on health fronts, very encouraging and good to read.


No idea what the weather's like as it's gone all dark outside. No idea why, it did the same yesterday, and I think the day before that. I'll have to look it up.


The loft beckons, but before that there will be coffee, and possibly eggs on toast. 


And as the slippery slope of Thursday stumbles towards the sirens of the weekend I offer you my bests. Have a stonker.

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I'm completely mystified that my post yesterday at:




which was intended to be funny, has received 12 ratings of "Informative/Useful"? What information did you all get from it? confused.gif



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Good morning all,

Dry, breezy and a mild 11oC when I dropped The Boss off at work. Should stay that way for a while until this afternoon when more rain is expected.

Glad to hear good news on the medical front from various people. Long may it last.

Jock -  no blood has been lost here for a few days now although I've had a couple of minor bumps on the head and a burnt finger from the soldering iron. Usual thing of not looking when reaching for it. A mere bagatelle compared to other people's problems.

Yesterday I finished wiring the droppers for the engine shed and siding - just got the goods yard to do now and then I can start weathering track and ballasting. That should keep me going for a while.

Other excitement for today is wheeling out bins and waiting for a Sainsbury's delivery.

Have a good one,

Bob. (Pushing the limits and living on the edge in the Deep South of London  :yes: )

Edited by grandadbob
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Morning All,


I, too, have given Martin an "Informative/ useful" - it had to be done. :sungum:


The weather here is still fairly mild, but what the day is going to end up like is hard to predict, as it is still very dark!


Sometimes having children can be incredibly trying on the patience.  Thomas (according to his teachers) is intelligent, but very challenging.  His last religion test (which he didn't revise for - and hence did terribly) had the question:


"Why was the Synagogue in Mainz destroyed in 1939"


What did he write?  "It was too small, and they wanted to build a bigger one"


This must be payback - I now know what my parents went through :O


Have a good day everyone...

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Good morning one and all


Brian BSW, I remember SAP!  It is coming up for 10 years since I last had to grapple with it.  My last job was as a finance manager in a Government Office, now disbanded, and it was too easy to make mistakes but often far from simple to correct them.


David's funeral went off OK, with amusing tributes from daughters and grandchildren.  The coffin had photos of German kettles printed on it which some might have thought a trifle tacky and it left the church to the strains of "Chattanooga Choo Choo".  Does one have to have a funeral?  I don't want one when my time comes.  There was bread pudding at the reception - welcome if bizarre.   In the evening was the C-----mas members' evening at RCTS Hitchin.  One member, who did not bring anything to show, insisted on chiming in with the contributions of those who did.  The Chairman asked him nicely to shut up but it was like water off a duck's back.  I'm afraid I lost my rag with him.


The automated phone call struck again.   This time I pressed 2 and when a man came on the line I told him that I had only pressed it because pressing 9 to be removed from the system clearly did not work.  We shall see what happens next.


For some reason I have been recalling C-----mas records that I quite like:  'All I Want for C-----mas is a Beatle' by Dora Bryan, a jaunty version of 'White C-----mas' by Jackie Edwards and 'Stop the Cavalry' by Jona Lewie, which has been adopted by many a Morris side.   Is there a cure for these brainstorms?


Good health to those who need it



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Morning all! It's a bit wet and windy here in the north west Leeds highlands.


A question. Who is a sassenach? My highland born grandmother told me they were the people who lived north of the border reevers and south of the highland Scots.


Today will include some tidying up then fixing trains for a couple of people ( plus one for me)


I hope as Christmas approaches we may here from some of our missing correspondents. No doubt baby squid will have grown, tex may finally get agood internet link in Taz, along with some others.


Have a great day.


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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

Light enough to see that it is cloudy and isn't raining.

We are going to see MiL today so we will be using the NE bit of the M25.

We had a couple of phonecalls from Matthew yesterday. He was very annoyed about something and just wanted to offload his frustration. Hopefully it will be sorted today.


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