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  • RMweb Premium

Well me and my big mouth, I spoke to soon about the GOD of IT. When I arrived at my first job this morning, after 45 minutes of trying to LOG onto the job on the laptop, I gave up and moved onto my next job⁉ Once there I tried again, but to no avail. I've still not managed to log on again, so I think a visit to our IT people might be the order of the day first thing tomorrow. However, in the past when ever I've had to go and see them with an IT problem, it miraculously cures itself‼ Funny that, fancy it working in a nice warm office, who'd have thought it eh⁉ The IT guys should try coming out into the middle of nowhere and then try to get it to work. I think I could have chipped all the test results out of marble quicker. I very nearly chucked the damn thing across the room, the only thing that stopped me was the thought of trying to explain the damage to my boss ⁉ So I've resorted to old faithful, writing them down in my diary✔✔

What was wrong with paper and pen eh



Two of the "systems" we use on our laptops are called SYCLO and SAP.

SAP is about right, 'cause that's what it does to your energy! We are sure they are acronyms of some sort but we don't know what, so we have made up our own for them:

SYCLO = Sorry You Can't Log On


SAP = Stop All Production


On the plus side, I didn't need to defrost the car this morning! Speaking of the car, I've just clocked up 6,500 miles in it since I got it new in August.

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Looked at these the other day - be interested to know if it is any good - or I should stick to my Dremel

Having said which - if anyone wants a Chinese High Quality (Their words) copy  of a dremel ( now called a DEMEL) see http://www.banggood.com/Dremel-Multipurpose-220V-Electric-Grinder-Potary-5-Gear-Power-Tool-Kit-p-922435.html?utmid=284

I have dealt with the firm who seem to be a Chinese wholesale buyer and retail supplier, for  around a year without any reason at all to complain - however remember caveat emptor (yer pays yer money and yer takes yer chance choice)

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HUMP day.

Little to report from yesterday, save we did have an enjoyable "happy hour" with our group - several of whom (including the Mrs) are strong-arming me into joining the book club which is a sub-set of this group. I'm somewhat inclined, though have trepidations about joining a group with a high-water mark of 25 folks, with only something like 3 men!


Best wishes to all those with various appointments with medicine men today, likely by now most have completed their various routines/surgeries/tests - hope all the results were favourable.


-1 and sunny driving in to the office, first time in about 6 weeks now due to my Long Island assignment. Apparently the time spent avoiding the trip has NOT resulted in the cockwomble drivers becoming any more proficient. :jester:


Enjoy HUMP day!

Edited by Ian Abel
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  • RMweb Premium

Some photos that I've just downloaded which were taken today.

One of our smaller gas installations, medium pressure reduction sites.




I had a visitor today whilst on my last site visit, quite seasonal.



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  • RMweb Gold

Some photos that I've just downloaded which were taken today.

One of our smaller gas installations, medium pressure reduction sites.


I had a visitor today whilst on my last site visit, quite seasonal.



That first picture might just have answered something for me.

Not far from here considerable work has been going on and I wondered what it was all about. Pipe work similar to that emerged from the ground although there seems to be more of it.

They have just surrounded the whole thing with a high fence topped with coiled barbed wire too.

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  • RMweb Gold

Not a charger fluff issue but I used to work in an educational computer centre. The mouse attached to my computer seemed to need cleaning a lot, this was in the days of a mouse with a metal ball. The sensor cavity was very fluffy. It turned out to be my technician using my desk when I wasn't there. She favoured using her jean clad upper leg instead of a mouse mat.

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  • RMweb Gold

Right that's it!


I've just painted the kitchen door.


The Obergrumpenfuhrer is away in Llandudno, the Pygmy Hippo has gone to see a friend (I think a new lady friend as he was a little cagey about who and where he was going).


Elsa is snoring in front of the fire.



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  • RMweb Premium

Evening, here's hoping the days medical issues went well.


A busy day making Sea Lions into radio controlled Sea Lions, I'm seeing the damn things in my sleep now!


I see rain is forecast here on Saturday, that will because I'm not firing/driving the real Sea Lion with its enclosed cab on the Santa trains, but Annie with a 'colonial' cab - ie, a roof but nothing else.  Humbug.  I am assured I won't melt, by Mrs NHN who will be in the warm Grotto dishing out presents as Santa's helper.  More humbug.


Blowing a hoolie here again, but it is guessed at to calm slowly over night.  Then back to more Sea Lion-ing as we have promised them all out by the non-denominational holiday period that some folk call Chr***mas.  Tornado in Gauge 1 is due next week too, I'd love one but 1) I can't afford one, and 2) I have nowhere to run G1, my 45mm narrow gauge line is, er, a bit too rough.  A lot, TBH.


R-A-R, I find the Mackem accent odd too :jester:

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Long day with trip to Carlisle to see the haematology consultant after my recent PET scan.  Fortunately, the roads from West Cumbria into Carlisle were all perfectly OK.  We were 45 minutes late into my appointment which was not doing my stress levels any good, but the news was generally OK.  I have small areas of lymphoma in neck, armpit and groin, but they are sufficiently small that the risk of treatment with chemotherapy at this time is considered to be higher than the lymphoma themselves.  The best bit was to do with my pancreas.  The CT scan had suggested that my pancreas was enlarged, so this was a real worry, as pancreatic cancer survival rates aren't good.  The PET scan had shown no problems with the pancreas at all, so I was very happy about that.  Overall, I shall lead a normal life and have my next checkup appointment in 3 months, unless anything arises in the meantime.  Mrs G is less convinced and sees this as a 'timebomb' waiting to go off.  As I am naturally more optimistic, I plan to live life to the full, so need to convince her to try and get away on holiday early next year, especially as we were due to have been in Fuerteventura this last week,  but had to cancel for today's consultant appointment.


I hope that the other medical appointments for ERs and their loved ones has been successful today.


The water volume coming down the River Derwent from Keswick & Cockermouth to the sea was still very high, with significant parts of the flood plain still under water (uninhabited flood plain for once!).  We didn't get into the flooded bits in Carlisle, as the hospital is on the west side of the city, so is easy for us to get to.  The flooded areas were on the east side.  Raining again though, and being driven by strong winds (though not as strong as at the weekend).


Hopefully the postie should bring the new points I need tomorrow from our supplier on the IoM, and layout can proceed in earnest.

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Evenin' all,


The op went well, I've just returned from visiting Is in hospital. She is likely to be released tomorrow.


Obviously a much bigger risk in her mind....whilst fetching her book from by her bed at home to take tonight I saw the three envelopes which she'd left in case it didn't go according to plan. I've left them untouched for her return. In my mind I didn't see this step as a big issue and I'm thankful to be looking about to be proved right.


All the best to any with ailments


Enjoy what you do



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Two of the "systems" we use on our laptops are called SYCLO and SAP.

SAP is about right, 'cause that's what it does to your energy! We are sure they are acronyms of some sort but we don't know what, so we have made up our own for them:

SYCLO = Sorry You Can't Log On


SAP = Stop All Production


I recall SAP being known as Stops All Productivity, so much the same as yours.  It was replaced by another system, SAGE, which quickly became known as Stops All Gainful Employment.


I hope that your IT people are better than some of the clowns I had to put up with.  About a couple of years ago, I asked our (so called) Helpdesk if there was any OCR (Optical Character Recognition) software that he could install on my laptop, so I could scan a large typed document and convert it to editable text.  The "IT Expert" had never heard of OCR, so was a complete waste of time.  In the end, I brought it home and did the job on my home PC!

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  • RMweb Gold

Evenin' all,


The op went well, I've just returned from visiting Is in hospital. She is likely to be released tomorrow.


Obviously a much bigger risk in her mind....whilst fetching her book from by her bed at home to take tonight I saw the three envelopes which she'd left in case it didn't go according to plan. I've left them untouched for her return. In my mind I didn't see this step as a big issue and I'm thankful to be looking about to be proved right.


All the best to any with ailments


Enjoy what you do





Glad to hear the op went well.


All the best for a speedy recovery

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  • RMweb Premium

Well this evening Sheila and I attended a "sporting reception" at "The Christie Hospital". It's a kind of thank you come buffet-evening given to all those who have partaken in any sort sporting activity that raises funds for the hospital. The Christie is Manchester's leading cancer treatment and research hospital. Since July 2014 I've participated in 3 sponsored swims, each one being 1 mile. 1 last year, 6 weeks after my last chemo session and 2 this year. I'm also planning a further 2 next year. It's my way of saying thank you for the wonderful treatment that I've received there.

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  • RMweb Gold

It is really good to hear that things have gone well, or as well as can be expected for those undergoing various treatments.


As they used to say in the old mining communities up here. 'Keep thy timber in'.

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