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Thinking of you Is and Dave; hope that all goes well today and that you'll soon both be out eating fish and chips again.


Jock, you'll probably have had the CT scan by now so hope that all went well.


My mum is out of hospital, thank heavens - seems like a service was all that was needed - a catheter change and a sodium drip with an antibiotic of some sort, and she was back to her old cheery self. It's strange how lack of water in older people turns them delerious quite quickly. They kept her in just to make sure all was fine.


Thanks to all here for their good wishes. Just had my chemo iv on Monday and energy levels starting to return.


Chris, my favourite C-----mas song is C-----mas Wrapping by The Waitresses because it's just different and isn't played on the radio too much.


Hope you all have good days dealing with ear worms



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​"MESSAGE BEGINS : ... blimey, nights again this week. STOP. fell asleep while marooned on the Up Goods at Bescot. STOP. what day is it? STOP. are we there yet Dad? STOP... MESSAGE ENDS"


Have a good day all! ;)

Edited by Rugd1022
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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from Estuary-Land. Bright and sunny this morning so a walk (hobble) into town beckons. I have just purchased a new water filter jug and as the filter on the old one expired last night I gave the new one a try. To do so I decided to try out the filter teapot and was delighted to find that included with it was a couple of sachets of real tea. One was of 'English breakfast' which is one of my favourites anyway so I tried that one. It was a revelation, the flavour was out of this world, I'm going to avoid tea bags from now on. Perhaps a 'Campaign for real tea' on the same lines as CAMRA is needed. On the subject of beer an Australian once told me that it was called XXXX because no one from the state where it originates from can spell beer. Not that we have not produced terrible beers in the UK, Skol was reputed to be the only liquid that could pass through the human body completely unaltered. Jock, interesting to find that you are a serious stargazer, it might interest you and other stargazers to know that Ldle have some telescopes in stock at the moment and if the price/quality of their other stuff is anything to go by they should be good. Thats all for now, be back later.

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A quick wifi check-in from Gare du Nord. Train seems quietly loaded compared to some trips. Recent events here may have had an effect which is so sad. Inevitably there is more security. Even Galeries Lafayette seemed to have guys on doors. One of the new Eurostar sets is sat on voie 5 - I wonder if it's ours?


Last time I did this, en route to marry Sherry, I bumped into my brother in this departure hall. Not quite the same thing, but I noticed the President of the Conseil General du Sarthe joining my TGV au Mans. Given how remote I am from French life, I seem to have seen this chap a lot over the years. I supose a good politician makes himself visible.


Hope your day going well. Fingers crossed for Is, especially. Unthinkable op to face.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


Lovely bright sunny day out there - for the morning; 'cloudy later' say the seaweed wranglers of Exeter.  The 'G' word has been mentioned, I think I'll watch.


Hope Ian's trip sous la Manche goes well (and the bit to Paris of course - Le Mans to Paris is quite an interesting cab ride too).


Have a good day one and all.

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Last time I did this, en route to marry Sherry, I bumped into my brother in this departure hall. Not quite the same thing, but I noticed the President of the Conseil General du Sarthe joining my TGV au Mans. Given how remote I am from French life, I seem to have seen this chap a lot over the years. I supose a good politician makes himself visible.



You’re lucky. I avoid our Mayor like the plague (his name is Kevin...) he always insists on hugging me in the street when we bump into each other. My wife is concerned as I can’t even vote.


Have a safe trip, Ian.


Weather still quiet here - no rain in two weeks, 55f today low of 32f.


Best, Pete.

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  • RMweb Gold

Ian enjoy your cross channel experience!

Rick, I did develop a taste for Coopers bottled 

Cooper's bottled..................................


Ian: Correct me if I am wrong, but wouldn't that be cat p*ss?

Edited by Happy Hippo
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Nice bright sunny day here in sunny Teignmouth.

Yesterday we sat and watched the starlings murmuring around the pier and sea front. The tug and tow heading for Devonport could be seen on the horizon, the sun reflecting off the slab sided caisson tow.

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Morning all. Not posted for a while, but have managed to keep up.


So, yesterday had two hospital appointments. Saw the nice leg man at 2.00 and they were aware I had another appointment later on so I was seen first. All OK, but another MRI scan required. "I may not fit your machine any more" says I, having put on weight.


"No problem" says the Consultant, "we have an arrangement with London Zoo". He assured me this was true.


Anyway, went and did shopping and arrived for the eye clinic at 4.30 for my 4.40 appointment. The place was heaving and I was still queuing to register when I was called in. A Sister came in and informed me that my appointment was cancelled. "Why?" says I.


"Can't find your notes, and the doctor won't see you without the notes" said the Sister in an admonishing tone and without any form of apology.


"I'm guessing they are still at the leg clinic" says I "I can go and get them if you like"


"Too late, the doctor has left, you can wait for the urgent eye clinic, but it's a 4-5 hour wait"


The helpful receptionist found me an appointment for next Friday.  Is it me?




Have as good a day as you can, thinking especially of Is and Dave.

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  • RMweb Premium

Cooper's bottled..................................


Ian: Correct me if I am wrong, but wouldn't that be cat p*ss?


To each their own but Coopers is not a bad drop.  Tooheys likewise.  As with the aforementioned Grand Ridge several brews are available and I personally prefer the darker and stronger ones such as Tooheys Old.  I also prefer my beers poured from bottle to glass before consumption and also served at a reasonable temperature.  When "room temperature" can sometimes be in the high 30s Celsius that's sometimes a mite too warm but neither do I enjoy ales served at the 3-4C of the typical household  fridge.  When I did my cellarage training ales were to be stored and served at 13C and never through an inline cooler.  Your skill (and sometimes a large fan) kept your product at the correct temperature.   


"True Blue" Aussies however swear by pale yellow fizzy beverages which are designed to be served ice-cold.  Personally I swear at those and regard them as the liquid waste products of small flying insects.


Rostered off today.  The first in a run of rest days is always a cleaning and laundry catch-up.  That being done the Christmas lights went up and we can now twinkle merrily after dark.  24C, dry, sun after a cloudy start forecast for Thor's Day.  Thor himself has been more active farther north with Sydney copping some hefty storms today.  

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  • RMweb Gold

On the subject of beer an Australian once told me that it was called XXXX because no one from the state where it originates from can spell beer.

Not true.

It's XXXX because they couldn't spell Lager.

Edited by BoD
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  • RMweb Premium

Not true.

It's XXXX because they couldn't spell Lager.


Always good to perpetuate a joke.


"Lager" isn't a term I've heard used here at all.  It's all "beer".  If you're offered a beer it is normally of the lager style even if it's called "bitter".  Some brews such as the ubiquitous and fairly unpleasant VB (Victoria Bitter) are very pale and almost all are foamy so closer to the lager style.  I don't know whether they are top- or bottom-fermented which is usually the defining criterion.

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Afternoon all from a windy Scottish HQ.


Busy day for us. Urgent briefing for our Minister on one topic, plus others of us polishing bits for today's debate...


I'm meant to be having my final ski lesson of this block tonight, but that may depend on how strong the winds are. The dry ski slope was officially opened 50 years ago yesterday (and I think the tow (or at least one of them)is still the original one). GF is away in Manchester today with work, though getting back probably before I get back from skiing - unless Storm Ernie (or whatever the next one's called) floods the railway again... She had the alarm set for silly o'clock this morning, and of course woke me up too. I did get back to sleep but I may be sleeping standing up by the end of the day!


Haven't read all the posts but wishing Jock and Is all the best in particular!

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Evening all.

Then to Foyles, to buy some Brio railway for my step great nephew. Jack is now 2¼ and we started him on the hobby last year. Never too young to start. He now has a cousin, but she's a girl, but we can live in hope.



Girls can also enjoy Brio. However, their use of it may not always be conventional.





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