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  • RMweb Gold

Dd. I too hate roadside litter and people who sit at 20mph and then accelerate when you overtake them. Fortunately the recent jaunt round Europe was noticeably litter free. We did have someone do the accelerate as I overtook though. I couldn't drop back as being Germany all the other cars decided to follow me in the overtake. Even though the (until then) very slow driver was from Essex (at least the registration plates) I didn't shout or gesticulate as it would have been illegal in Germany. As we were in Bavaria it would have probably been even more illegal! (Things that are "verboten" always seem to be "streng verboten" in Bavaria). As we went past I did ask Matthew who was in the rear passenger seat to observe if the chap had a pipe and trilby.



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  • RMweb Premium

(Things that are "verboten" always seem to be "streng verboten" in Bavaria).


That's about right, Tony :lol: . Maybe I should have a closer look next time I am in Bavaria and see this kind of sign - perhaps it's actually from the days of Ludwig II.!

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  • RMweb Premium

Good news - found out I did get a slot for the teacher training curriculum for the upcoming term :) . Really went very smooth in the end - which definitely had a lot to do with the fact that big parts of my original studies were credited. Feels really good to see that things are moving forward!

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  • RMweb Gold

What do you play Jam? I must admit to being a little amused - you mentioned finding a "nice way to word it", a friend of mine (who is a professional singer) stopped lessons with one teacher who took it personally, and refused to talk to her anymore. Somewhat difficult in what is a very small world - nearly everyone knows everyone else. Having said that, most of the time teachers have students quitting and starting all the time.



Thanks Robert.

I play piano and have done since roughly 9 years ago now! Quiite scary to think of it that way. The music teacher is a nice guy which is why I am reluctant to discontinue the lessons. However, I've been thinking about quitting for years now TBH and I think the time has come to say exactly what Stewart has suggested!


Jam - as to "sacking" your music teacher, why not just tell him the truth, that you've reached as far as you need to go with your music and that it will start to encroach onto your other studies and activities.


Thanks Stewart, I certainly feel that I don't enjoy it as much as I once did - I find the freedom of playing on my own is far superior than being taught lesson by lesson. I'd like to continue it as my second hobby now that I am more confident in playing it. I will let you all know what the outcome of our discussion is if you're interested.


He'll be coming at quarter past four and ironically I'm just about to play a bit of piano now. I love making bits up and now like making it up as I go along. Most of the time it sounds great, but occasionally there are a few duff notes wink.gif Funnily enough, I always use to think of pianists as people who play only classical music. I'm certainly not like that (although I did used to play classical.)!


Will report back later!

Oh, and Dd I fully concur with all your points! Can't stand the way all the verges are covered with rubbish angry.gif

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  • RMweb Gold

Good news - found out I did get a slot for the teacher training curriculum for the upcoming term :) . Really went very smooth in the end - which definitely had a lot to do with the fact that big parts of my original studies were credited. Feels really good to see that things are moving forward!


That's brilliant news! Well done! smile.gif

I'm glad everything turned out well in the end.


P.s. I have a feeling I haven't yet replied to your reply to the PM (Sorry! I'm useless sometimes)

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  • RMweb Gold

Good news - found out I did get a slot for the teacher training curriculum for the upcoming term :) . Really went very smooth in the end - which definitely had a lot to do with the fact that big parts of my original studies were credited. Feels really good to see that things are moving forward!


Glad you have got onto the teacher training scheme. I went into teaching originally as it was about the only thing I could do at the time (1974) with a third class degree in Chemical Physics. I suppose there were other possible professions but not anything I wanted. However I think it was the right job for me. I had quite a varied career as regards subjects taught and I'd probably still be working as an IT teacher if health issues hadn't happened. If you end up teaching nice students in a well managed institution it is a fantastic job. Even in a poorly managed school with difficult students you can still have some really good days! Will you be teaching English as a subject?



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Regarding motorists - I just came by a kindergarten where one mommy had parked her big Mercedes ML right on top on the hatching, and such that the next bus couldn't get through :rolleyes: . It was pleasing to see she actually flushed when she was honked at by the bus driver :D .


Regretttably, here in UK he'd probably have had a pair of fingers waved at him - or received a mouthfull of language that the off-spring really shouldn't hear!

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  • RMweb Premium

Greetings again


DD - love the description - you'll be please to know that you've got a bid of 99p now, so can get rid of the offending item.


Robert great news on getting onto your course. Keep us posted


Jam let us know how you get on with your piano teacher - my dad taught piano, and I don't remember him getting upset about losing pupils.


I'll check back tomorrow.


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"you'll be please to know that you've got a bid of 99p now, so can get rid of the offending item."

I'm in communication with the bidder (in case he made a mistake) and he is buying it for the grinding powders which he uses on some device he has.

If I had thought of that sooner I could have offered it to MiL.

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Morning All,


I think Stewart got you mixed up with Dominick!


Shame that - I was quite looking forward to going back to Uni :lol:


It is quite a nice clear day today - although showers were forecast originally. As the weekend is supposed to be sunny, hopefully that will start today and continue through!


I'll be heading into the office later, after taking the little guy to school.


Have a good day everyone...

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all...


Looking out the window, I'm noticing that it would seem the first leaves are beginning to turn already. Weather doesn't look too bad, however :) . Gee, it still feels good to know things are on track, university-wise! The partner of my future SiL has just begun his state teacher traineeship at a school near Koblenz - over here it is mandatory to do a two-year traineeship after uni before you're a fully approved teacher - so I guess he may be in a position to give me some advice. However, given the administrative structures in this country each state has more or less of its own recipes for schools, so there may be limits to just how far the conditions in Rhineland-Palatinate and Hesse may compare.


Have a nice day all!

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Another day forecasted of 76f and Sunny. Leaves are turning in my garden, at least among the Dogwoods but this is because of the drought. One Red Maple is looking brown around the edges but the various oaks, we have about ten, look OK. Don't expect blazing fall colours if anyone visiting Atlantic/New England area this Autumn. I'm expecting it to be rather drab.


Best, Pete.

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Morning all. Pretty wet a few miles west of the Riverside Ground (Emirates International Cricket Ground) where today's One Day International is being held, though I think it's dried up a bit over the last half hour.


Looking forward to the cricket! Busy day, cricket starts early today (10.15) and then I've got Freemasons at 6 (so may have to leave the cricket early... Though possibly not if Pakistan bat first...) :rolleyes:


Beats being in work, especially after the week I've had there. Sometimes being a manager is no fun at all.


Have a good day all!

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  • RMweb Gold

On the job front the top line of management appear to be making decisions based just on bean counters ideas not reality.


Yep, that's my world too - welcome.


Dismal, grey day weather wise. Still daughter and grandson visiting today so that will cheer things up.


I managed to get some jeans on today, first long trousers since July. Just like being 10 all over again.


Whatever you're doing, have a good one.

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I managed to get some jeans on today, first long trousers since July. Just like being 10 all over again.



Just make sure you don't get too excited and pee yourself.....


Still unpacking boxes at the new apartment. Another three or four days and we should have cracked it. Can't believe how grubby/dirty things were. Perhaps old people just don't notice.


Every piece of crockery and each storage bin is being washed and cleaned before putting away. Anyone want some unopened jam from 2004?

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Speaking as someone whose MiL has bought three new Fridges in under a year, I can understand about 2004 Jam.

The fact that she would put little dishes containing half a slice of cucumber or something into them, never to be seen again, would account for the Fridges not working properly.


I think the grubbiness may just be due to failing eyesight.

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Just arrived in the office. Traffic was crazy this morning - far heavier than it usually is on a Friday morning, which is usually the lightest of the week.


I play piano and have done since roughly 9 years ago now! Quiite scary to think of it that way. The music teacher is a nice guy which is why I am reluctant to discontinue the lessons.


Thanks Stewart, I certainly feel that I don't enjoy it as much as I once did - I find the freedom of playing on my own is far superior than being taught lesson by lesson. I'd like to continue it as my second hobby now that I am more confident in playing it. I will let you all know what the outcome of our discussion is if you're interested.


It is good that you aren't going to give it up totally, even if you are discontinuing lessons. I learnt guitar as a child, but I gave it up completely for a variety of reasons - partly because I am left handed, which made it more difficult to learn when everyone else in the class was right handed but mainly because I was too lazy to practise. It is a decision that I have always regretted.


However, given the administrative structures in this country each state has more or less of its own recipes for schools, so there may be limits to just how far the conditions in Rhineland-Palatinate and Hesse may compare.


As you are probably well aware Dominik, they are quite different! I realised this when we were going to various school open-days. I live in Hessen, but my son goes to school in Rheinland-Pfalz. There are quite marked differences between teaching practises in Hessen and RLP - right down to how (and if) work is corrected, and how children sit in the classroom.

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  • RMweb Premium

As you are probably well aware Dominik, they are quite different! I realised this when we were going to various school open-days. I live in Hessen, but my son goes to school in Rheinland-Pfalz. There are quite marked differences between teaching practises in Hessen and RLP - right down to how (and if) work is corrected, and how children sit in the classroom.


There also was the issue that my SiL's partner studied in Saxony, so the RLP school board had to credit his studies in a separate process before he was given the traineeship slot, which graduates from RLP universities would not have to have done. Rather puts all that nice talk from our politicians about how important education is in a different kind of perspective, methinks! :lol: :rolleyes:

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