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Quiet day yesterday, just juggling three "urgent issues". Seems most clients don't understand what testing means when it comes to business systems. They'd rather panic, push the fire-alarm and pronounce doom-and-gloom once they are actually running the stuff for real <sigh>.


Chose the 2015 Abel Christmas tree last evening, after a brief scuffle, as there was a divide in the family camp over a couple of different trees :jester:  


We've our monthly "happy hour" group this evening which will be enjoyable, the more so since I now occasionally miss them if it's held the week I'm in Long Island.


-1 again and overcast driving Jemma to her office.

She's less than "enthused", along with the rest of the pilot recruiter team, that they have to wear their uniforms now when they interview candidates. They have a NEW head of personnel (6 weeks now), woman who is from a sales/marketing background and industries and has never worked in the aviation industry before. Apparently, she decided that all the flight crew, when conducting pilot interviews, should be in uniform! No other airlines on this side of the pond do that, and as they share a building/cafeteria with  two other airlines that are part of the Delta group, they get odd looks from everyone else at lunch time as they are the ONLY people walking around in uniform in the entire building. Apparently this lady is not to be swayed even though the chief pilot has "explained it" to her <sigh> I guess some folks are just born to be prats.


OK, back to work, enjoy Tuesday. :mail:

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Finally got a signal here, but such a lot of pages to catch up on that I can only wish generic condolences and commiserations. No floods or power losses here but my daughter and family had three days without power so they came here for meals and washing. Lots of people badly affected and I hope they can get straightened before Christmas. Power running out so back later.

Stay safe all.

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Seen similar reports in other threads, very sorry to hear about the extent of the flooding, I didn't realize it was so bad.

Then again, since it doesn't involve a shooting in the US, none of the media over here are likely even AWARE of the disaster, let alone willing to dedicate air time to it! :O Sorry :(

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 driving Jemma to her office.

She's less than "enthused", along with the rest of the pilot recruiter team, that they have to wear their uniforms now when they interview candidates. They have a NEW head of personnel (6 weeks now), woman who is from a sales/marketing background and industries and has never worked in the aviation industry before. Apparently, she decided that all the flight crew, when conducting pilot interviews, should be in uniform! No other airlines on this side of the pond do that, and as they share a building/cafeteria with  two other airlines that are part of the Delta group, they get odd looks from everyone else at lunch time as they are the ONLY people walking around in uniform in the entire building. Apparently this lady is not to be swayed even though the chief pilot has "explained it" to her <sigh> I guess some folks are just born to be prats.


OK, back to work, enjoy Tuesday. :mail:

Ian - I don't know if it still applies, but Brit Mil decided away back that you did not appear in uniform, or identifiable Mil T-shirts, (IE Squadron ones) in public areas except when on duty (and preferably armed) as it made you an obvious, identifiable terrorist target. - it may be worth waving that at her with all the shooting incidents in the USA

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Ian - I don't know if it still applies, but Brit Mil decided away back that you did not appear in uniform, or identifiable Mil T-shirts, (IE Squadron ones) in public areas except when on duty (and preferably armed) as it made you an obvious, identifiable terrorist target. - it may be worth waving that at her with all the shooting incidents in the USA

Jack - interesting to know, I'll mention it to Jemma - she's on very good terms with the chief pilot specifically as a result of being part of the recruiting team - not sure it'll make much difference though, as best I can tell the chief pilot himself may have already wave many things at her (possibly even a BIG STICK!!) :jester:

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Afternoon all,

Fairly early start, after conducting the usual early morning offices for Archie the Westie, it was drop granddaughter to sixth form and then visit the gorgeous creature in the local florists (she was married to one of my mechanics some years ago!) to collect the Holly wreath for decoration of Joanna's parent's grave. Followed that by taking great granddaughter and her mum to the doctors, as the wee one is having breathing difficulties and has been referred direct to Colchester General by the GP! At least this happening now, might mean that she's well again for Santa's visit.

Had an interesting e-mail from Cancer Research, (notwithstanding the fact that we have a monthly standing order going out to them) asking me to join in with the 'January Dryathlon' event wherein I'd raise money by not drinking for the month! With Hogmanay at the start of the month, and Burn's Night on the 25th, there is little chance of me getting involved!

Rick, glad to read that the last shift of your nine stretch went without major drama, and that you managed to get home safely. Wondered if the alcohol related behaviour of some of your customers stems from the fact that they don't give a XXXX for anything?

Stewart, it was good to hear from you and Geoff too, glad you've avoided the worst of the storms/flooding, although it looks as if the water got into the equipment of whoever provides your broadband!

John(KB), I'm sorry to hear about Steph's problems with her work colleague- it is a great pity as such a situation could sour all her memories after she leaves. Let's hope someone has the guts to sort the nasty creature out quickly.

Bill(bbishop), I wonder if you've tried 'composed.com', an interesting site and worth a look in although the App is a bit pricey at £4.99 per month, or £49.99 for the year. I'm currently using the free 30day trial, but I'm not sure whether to put it on my Christmas wish list, as I can play all my favourite composers and pieces for free on the Classic fm web site! Currently listening to 'Parsifal' from the 2012 Bayreuth Festival!

Brian (BSW01), that looked like a very moist place to site a gas installation! We have something similar at the bottom of the hill where our cul-de-sac is located, and on a couple of occasions, we've lost our supply as they haven't been routinely checking it, according to one of the engineers who came round to check all of our devices after re-connection!

Hope to look in briefly tonight, but I have an early start to be in Colchester General by 9.15am for a CT scan. Best wishes as usual to those with health issues - I hope we all get fairly fit for the forthcoming feasting!

Kind regards,


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Just thought I'd add on a couple of more shots taken today. This time or one of our hedgerow variety. Heavens have opened up, luckily I was able to get back to complete my computer work in the warm and dry.




Threatening skies



Toolbox with test equipment inside, which doubles up as a seat when necessary.

Knee pad which also acts as a seat pad too.


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Well that's 2 hedgerows and a field have been visited to day and non of my usual 4 legged audience to (welly) boot. The ground where I've been working is very saturated and wellies were definitely the order of the day. Around midday the sky when a little dark and threatening but thankfully the rain held off. I think that Cheshire must have been hit by those winds as I saw at least 6 teams carrying out repair work to the overhead electricity supplies that are popular in those parts. I also saw lots of new poles ready to erect too. Not the usual items I tend to spot during a drive through the countryside!

The equipment I was working on


A bit close to the edge


The hike back


Brian are you sure they are the right photos? When I flashed my headlights I didnt think you had a zoom lens. In the cold it looked like you had a small one ;-)

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Yes, they are the right photos, these installations are very small, measurements are approx 3ft tall, 2ft wide and 1ft deep. Probably a little smaller than a Telephone exchange box, the sort that is found on our pavements. There is no gas in these boxes just an electrical supply and a small control panel, which monitors the condition of the main high pressure gas transmission pipelines.

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Tonight our train was late again but luckily we made the bus.


They did cancel the Tonbridge portion for 2nd day in a row due to staff shortages although the Reigate portion did run tonight (our train splits three ways at Redhill).


near the bus station loads of Police and Ambulance outside McDonalds and some sort of stand off with a group of youths. \the drunk on our bus said someone had been killed but I would have thought that there would have been a the whole area sealed off if that was the case. On our way to Mums there are Police standing around at a number of locations. Normally they would have speed cameras in these places but they must be looking for certain vehicles.


Been changing light bulbs for Mum tonight. We get paid back in the form of a good meal for all the little jobs we do - she still really enjoys cooking


More locos to add to the JMRI  roster tonight when we get home.



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Evenin' all,


Best regards to all with ailments....hope everything OK with the scan Jock.


Is has her operation tomorrow and wished for fish & chips at Longnor tonight. She was able to sit in the cafe area of the chippy once again and thoroughly enjoyed the meal. Not a great distance from home but driving sleet and gritting wagons circulating the numerous high level routes add to the merriment. Is's niece will collect her in the morning and take her to the ward on which she is Sister. Alison should be able to take her down to theatre too. I'm at work on days and will await Alison's call as to whether she will be able to have visitors tomorrow evening.  


Enjoy what you do



Edited by Torr Giffard LSWR 1951-71
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Matt, FR is indeed an Ikea free zone, but visits to the adjacent island always seem to involve going to one.  Meatballs are good though.....


Don't believe everything you read about the weather here, while it does know how to rain, compared to the north-east it is positively balmy here.  Only three significant snowfalls in 13 years for one, and we use one tin of windscreen de-icer per ten years, so it would appear.  As opposed to one a week dans Geordieland.


Thanks also to those supporting our little business on the rock, we do try very hard.  I mostly just do the engineering stuff for the live steamers, (Trackshack started out with garden railway stuff, getting on for 10 years ago now)  but do answer the phone if John (the boss/owner/friend) is busy as well as other duties within the business.  Anyone doubting if we are the real deal may care to reflect that John used to own a goodly share of Taw Valley.  The Bulleid one, not the actual valley :jester: . And 'Ugly' 62 prior to TV, and a Barclay saddletank when he was a teenager! 

Edited by New Haven Neil
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Evening all.


A very early start to the charity because our appointment window was from 8am. We turned up at 10am, but at least we have a working phone. Then to Foyles, to buy some Brio railway for my step great nephew. Jack is now 2¼ and we started him on the hobby last year. Never too young to start. He now has a cousin, but she's a girl, but we can live in hope.


Carried on to John Lewis so Christmas shopping finished, but I need to get stuck into the Christmas cards.


Jock, thanks for the suggestion, but I have a large CD collection. And there is also Radio 3 and Classic FM. But I rarely watch the box!


Best wishes to Mal, Is and everyone else on ER.



Edited by bbishop
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Today I got really, really, really, REALLY hacked off with something that had been done to me. Can't go into details, but I do have the support of all management and colleagues. It did mean that I had to redo something that I had originally mended which took a considerable amount of time. It took a considerable amount of time to mend it in the first place as well.


Coupled with that a DDOS attack at the inter university network infrastructure meant that we couldn't do anything at all for two to three hours.


Hopefully tomorrow will be better.


But I can now say that I've been directly affected by a cockwomble.

Edited by Coombe Barton
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May I just follow up with best wishes and positive thoughts for Mal, Is and Jock, and everyone else in need of it. We're here (or at least someone from our round will always be near, figuratively speaking) if there's anything on your mind.


Night, everyone…

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Today I got really, really, really, REALLY hacked off with something that had been done to me. Can't go into details, but I do have the support of all management and colleagues. It did mean that I had to redo something that I had originally mended which took a considerable amount of time. It took a considerable amount of time to mend it in the first place as well.


Coupled with that a DDOS attack at the inter university network infrastructure meant that we couldn't do anything at all for two to three hours.


Hopefully tomorrow will be better.


But I can now say that I've been directly affected by a cockwomble.



I hope it all gets squared up to your satisfaction.


In the past I have only been wilfully knifed in the back three times.  All 3 perpetrators were disowned by their colleagues and 2 left the business involved not long after  under a lot of cloud.  What comes around goes around but it really is an upsetting experience. 


All worn out after playing trains  testing Herculaneum Dock before its visit to Southampton Show in the New year.


Night night and hope all goes well with Hospital visits tomorrow and for the rest of  this week.



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Ahh, Geordie weather... when I visited for the uni open day everyone was in shorts and t- shirts, us southern softies felt like right wimps in our jumpers! Often wonder how different things would have turned out if I'd got in there, it was my first choice but I didn't get the grades. One of those "trousers of time" moments! Mind you, it knows how to rain in Plymouth too. 


I'm fortunate enough to be saved the dilemma of supporting Track Shack vs my local emporium as- so far anyway- John hasn't branched into 0 gauge. I've had 16mm stuff from him back in the early days (back when NHN still had a proper job, not just playing with mini steam locos....) and the service was every bit as good then as it is now. Would be the first port of call if I ever go back to 16mm in the garden. Conveniently Antics' warehouse shop is all of 5 minutes walk from my work, so they get my business- and I've become friends with the team there.


Best wishes to those who are receiving medical attention tomorrow, and those looking out for them, and here's hoping for a cockwomble free day tomorrow for those who have had the misfortune to encounter more than their fair share today.


Night all!

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