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  • RMweb Gold

I'm viewing from a mobile so perhaps it's those changes I'm noticing. It does look quite smart.


Strange though, I can see Mike's avatar but Robbie has turned into Tony himself. They do say dogs grow to be like their owners bit that is taking it too far.


I think you have found the solution to your photo shock horror! If you use the IPmobile setting it would appear to use the photo from your profile rather than the avatar set in your profile. Mike must have the same image for both.




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  • RMweb Gold

Just had a quick scan of the last ten days.

Seems I was missing longer than Don! (Although not missed nearly as much).


Great break in Indian Summer weather.


We did miss you. I think Gordon even mentioned looking for you at an exhibition in Kernow land.






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I think you have found the solution to your photo shock horror! If you use the IPmobile setting it would appear to use the photo from your profile rather than the avatar set in your profile. Mike must have the same image for both.

I've only ever uploaded one avatar to this site and it's the pretty train painting...!

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Morning All,


There have been some lovely sunrises here this week - but none today. This morning is grey and miserable - but not raining.


This morning appeared to come around very quickly. The alarm went off, and it was still really black outside. A sure sign that we are heading for Winter once again.


Have a good day everyone...

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all...


Note to self: Don't have dinner around 8 pm and then cram it in - only makes for sleeping problems <_< . Yes, it appears to be dry at the moment, but I guess you're right about the thing with us being on the road to winter, Robert!


Have a nice day all!

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Welcome back DD.We did miss you.

Thanks for the updates Phil, Stewart and Jam.


When I went to switch on my TV this morning, I thought the decoder had gone phut.

The numbers in the display were just wizzing round at an incredible rate.

Went and did my ablutions and when I came back it was normal.

I think a software patch was being uploaded.

Happy Thursday.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.


It looks like it will be a nice day here. I think I'll be able to finish putting the wood treatment on the summerhouse. I may have to go shopping unless I find some combination of ingredients in the refrigerator or freezer to make a meal for tonight.



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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all, training today in Derby yawn but it isn't foggy here yet.




I've been to Derby quite a few times but I don't recall ever leaving the railway station. I seemed to have had a lot of "change at Derby" journeys.





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Guest Max Stafford

Hair or teeth....?


Cheeky...! :lol:

Nah, full thatch on the roof still, Phil.

Full complement of Oktas here today, but they are thin and allowing weak sunlight through in places. Time for some brekky and it'll be off to the park with Abi at ten to meet her pals Benji and Jack.


Looks like I've wangled Sunday off, so I might be going to ExpoEM north with Jamie. Good place for the picking up of bits even though I'm not doing EM myself.


Time for more tea!



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Morning all.


It looks like it will be a nice day here. I think I'll be able to finish putting the wood treatment on the summerhouse. I may have to go shopping unless I find some combination of ingredients in the refrigerator or freezer to make a meal for tonight.




Morning all! Beware of rain, Tony. SWMBO painted the fence around her house last weekend with a dark oak colour and the heavy rain has washed patches of it off, leaving the previous burnt orange colour showing through. I think it was probably a good thing I was forty miles away when I commented that it was a shame it wasn't stripes or she could have had a tiger themed fence. :P


Spent yesterday afternoon doing a powerpoint presentation (not bad, as I came home and did it sitting on my couch), then spent the evening baking a chocolate cake, as I'm going to see Durham v Pakistan tomorrow, so thought I'd take a cake for the lovely folk in the TMS box.

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Beware of rain, Tony. SWMBO painted the fence around her house last weekend with a dark oak colour and the heavy rain has washed patches of it off, leaving the previous burnt orange colour showing through. I think it was probably a good thing I was forty miles away when I commented that it was a shame it wasn't stripes or she could have had a tiger themed fence. :P


Snort! I had a similar experience with these useless water based wood stains.


In the old days, a good coat of creosote would have lasted longer, and withstood the rain.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning All, Plenty of oktas again. Not much in the work diary today apart from a spot of inventing for an hour this afternoon. Wandered in to the office yesterday for a meeting with my manager only to receive a note that it had been rescheduled. His organisation is clearly improving as this time I got the reschedule notice 10 minutes before the meeting rather than 10 minutes after the scheduled start! So work yesterday consisted of attending a talk on Chinese medicine and accupunture. Quite interesting.


Have a good one all.




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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all - grey morning again. Feel a bit listless (I'm always list less unlike a lot of my fellow Er's...) as I had a bit of a sleepless night. I think the lack of any exertion is starting to catch up with me. Never mind, bit of a busy day today - a small kitchen table and two chairs is being delivered, some visitors this afternoon and bread and cake to be made.


Have a good one, especially those who have to (whisper it oh so quietly) work. Apart from Don that is when we can shout it.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning All


Quite a pleasant morning here at present - about 3/8 of light wispy cloud, and intermittent sunshine. Sat here home alone as Mrs 45156 has gone into town to purchase some sustenance (aka food shopping) - got to say, I'm actually missing the weekly trip to Morrisons' now - but at preseent, I'd acually even enjoy a trip to the dentists!


I've got to say that we've got a really nice bunch on here. The amount of online encouragement I've had about my prospective new layout is most pleasing - so thanks to all who have offered advice and assistance. Whilst I'll never be Jim S-W, or Waverley West, I do think that with help from here, I should be able to make a fair fist of it. Now then, when to start? - Oh yes, once I can stand and do woodwork without doing myself a mischief.


Just had a call to say that a couple of managers are coming to visit me tomorrow, and that seems to be the way things are now with the Investors In People requirements.


Regards to all


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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all!

Busy day today including babysitting and a chat with my music teacher.

Will probably stop having lessons with him as I've got as far as I need to and I feel carrying on would only mean that it would cause me more hassle than good!

I'll have to think of a nice way to word it.

Have a great day all! smile.gif

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What do you play Jam? I must admit to being a little amused - you mentioned finding a "nice way to word it", a friend of mine (who is a professional singer) stopped lessons with one teacher who took it personally, and refused to talk to her anymore. Somewhat difficult in what is a very small world - nearly everyone knows everyone else. Having said that, most of the time teachers have students quitting and starting all the time.


A friend of mine pointed me in the direction of an interesting website this morning. These guys must be mad!


The Baby Deltic project


Cracking idea though - It's a master stroke sticking a 9 cylinder Deltic lump into a 37! B)

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Hi, everybody.

New York area looking good with a forecast for 75f, Sunny, clear skies, low humidity - almost perfect. Only 40% chance of rain expected on Sunday (which my, laughably called, lawn requires).

Wife and I are planning on visiting the town of Jim Thorpe, PA on Saturday where my daughter will be riding gee,gees. Jim Thorpe used to be a big railroad town so I'll be taking a decent camera to see what's left.


Later, Pete.

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Just a general moan among this talk of model railways:


Driving back yesterday, the following moan worthy subjects were forced on my attention:


a) Twice drivers accelerated as I was overtaking. Pesky little cars that could only do about forty miles a fortnight and both women drivers but I expect that was coincidence.


B) Every lay-by seemed to have a dressing of rubbish bags. I even picked up one and attempted to drop it off in the next town but it was refused at the tip (now a recycling centre).

So, where do folks dispose of their general/holiday rubbish? In lay-bys I suppose.

Colonel Saunders kindly provided me with a convenient bin on this occasion.


c) Several suicidal Motorcyclists encountered on blind bends. I shall be most annoyed if one of their helmets hits my car.


... and previously, in Cornwall:

At Fowey there is a splendid garden overlooking the Estuary.

It belongs to a hotel and seats and tables are sprinkled throughout for the consumption of Cream Teas.

Two staff are in attendance ... but there are no customers.

The reason is:

One scone, one pat of cream, one plastic container of Jam, one cup of tea = £5.95

Why not charge, say, £2.95, and fill the place?


I've stopped now.

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  • RMweb Premium

Just a general moan among this talk of model railways:

You mean it's a model railway website - I thought it was the bulletin board of Grumpy Old Men judging from some of the posts on here!


Jam - as to "sacking" your music teacher, why not just tell him the truth, that you've reached as far as you need to go with your music and that it will start to encroach onto your other studies and activites.


Robert this is also being discussed here http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php/topic/21353-d5900-baby-deltic-new-build/


DD I'm guessing that other than those minor complications, you had a good holiday? I have seen many establishments which are not able to balance price with bums on seats - it's very common in the leisure industry, and many hotels seem to keep their room rate even though they're at 30 - 40% occupancy - I have often tried to get a late room and asked if a dead room rate is available, and it's surprising how often it isn't - again accountant mentality seems to prevail - that's the price, and we're sticking to it.

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a) Twice drivers accelerated as I was overtaking. Pesky little cars that could only do about forty miles a fortnight


Par for the course unfortunately. Either that, or poxy little cars thrashed to within an inch of their lives on the motorway. Less of a problem in the UK, I admit.


B) Every lay-by seemed to have a dressing of rubbish bags. I even picked up one and attempted to drop it off in the next town but it was refused at the tip (now a recycling centre).

So, where do folks dispose of their general/holiday rubbish? In lay-bys I suppose.

Colonel Saunders kindly provided me with a convenient bin on this occasion.


Disgusting isn't it? Although I admit it is getting more and more difficult to dispose of things, that shouldn't be an excuse to litter the countryside.


At Fowey there is a splendid garden overlooking the Estuary.

It belongs to a hotel and seats and tables are sprinkled throughout for the consumption of Cream Teas.

Two staff are in attendance ... but there are no customers.

The reason is:

One scone, one pat of cream, one plastic container of Jam, one cup of tea = £5.95

Why not charge, say, £2.95, and fill the place?


Good heavens! That's a bit steep. No wonder the place was empty.


When you think about it, scones can be made for 40p or so, jam 10p, cream 20p, cup of tea 25p - that makes 95p


A pretty healthy profit if you charge £2.95 - no need for extortion!



Thanks Stewart - I hadn't seen that!

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  • RMweb Premium

Regarding motorists - I just came by a kindergarten where one mommy had parked her big Mercedes ML right on top on the hatching, and such that the next bus couldn't get through :rolleyes: . It was pleasing to see she actually flushed when she was honked at by the bus driver :D .

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